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synced 2025-03-09 23:44:55 +08:00
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from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import torch
import tqdm
from PIL import Image
import inspect
import k_diffusion.sampling
import ldm.models.diffusion.ddim
import ldm.models.diffusion.plms
from modules import prompt_parser, devices, processing
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.shared as shared
SamplerData = namedtuple('SamplerData', ['name', 'constructor', 'aliases', 'options'])
samplers_k_diffusion = [
('Euler a', 'sample_euler_ancestral', ['k_euler_a'], {}),
('Euler', 'sample_euler', ['k_euler'], {}),
('LMS', 'sample_lms', ['k_lms'], {}),
('Heun', 'sample_heun', ['k_heun'], {}),
('DPM2', 'sample_dpm_2', ['k_dpm_2'], {}),
('DPM2 a', 'sample_dpm_2_ancestral', ['k_dpm_2_a'], {}),
('DPM fast', 'sample_dpm_fast', ['k_dpm_fast'], {}),
('DPM adaptive', 'sample_dpm_adaptive', ['k_dpm_ad'], {}),
('LMS Karras', 'sample_lms', ['k_lms_ka'], {'scheduler': 'karras'}),
('DPM2 Karras', 'sample_dpm_2', ['k_dpm_2_ka'], {'scheduler': 'karras'}),
('DPM2 a Karras', 'sample_dpm_2_ancestral', ['k_dpm_2_a_ka'], {'scheduler': 'karras'}),
samplers_data_k_diffusion = [
SamplerData(label, lambda model, funcname=funcname: KDiffusionSampler(funcname, model), aliases, options)
for label, funcname, aliases, options in samplers_k_diffusion
if hasattr(k_diffusion.sampling, funcname)
all_samplers = [
SamplerData('DDIM', lambda model: VanillaStableDiffusionSampler(ldm.models.diffusion.ddim.DDIMSampler, model), [], {}),
SamplerData('PLMS', lambda model: VanillaStableDiffusionSampler(ldm.models.diffusion.plms.PLMSSampler, model), [], {}),
samplers = []
samplers_for_img2img = []
def create_sampler_with_index(list_of_configs, index, model):
config = list_of_configs[index]
sampler = config.constructor(model)
sampler.config = config
return sampler
def set_samplers():
global samplers, samplers_for_img2img
hidden = set(opts.hide_samplers)
hidden_img2img = set(opts.hide_samplers + ['PLMS'])
samplers = [x for x in all_samplers if x.name not in hidden]
samplers_for_img2img = [x for x in all_samplers if x.name not in hidden_img2img]
sampler_extra_params = {
'sample_euler': ['s_churn', 's_tmin', 's_tmax', 's_noise'],
'sample_heun': ['s_churn', 's_tmin', 's_tmax', 's_noise'],
'sample_dpm_2': ['s_churn', 's_tmin', 's_tmax', 's_noise'],
def setup_img2img_steps(p, steps=None):
if opts.img2img_fix_steps or steps is not None:
steps = int((steps or p.steps) / min(p.denoising_strength, 0.999)) if p.denoising_strength > 0 else 0
t_enc = p.steps - 1
steps = p.steps
t_enc = int(min(p.denoising_strength, 0.999) * steps)
return steps, t_enc
def sample_to_image(samples):
x_sample = processing.decode_first_stage(shared.sd_model, samples[0:1])[0]
x_sample = torch.clamp((x_sample + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
x_sample = 255. * np.moveaxis(x_sample.cpu().numpy(), 0, 2)
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
return Image.fromarray(x_sample)
def store_latent(decoded):
state.current_latent = decoded
if opts.show_progress_every_n_steps > 0 and shared.state.sampling_step % opts.show_progress_every_n_steps == 0:
if not shared.parallel_processing_allowed:
shared.state.current_image = sample_to_image(decoded)
class InterruptedException(BaseException):
class VanillaStableDiffusionSampler:
def __init__(self, constructor, sd_model):
self.sampler = constructor(sd_model)
self.orig_p_sample_ddim = self.sampler.p_sample_ddim if hasattr(self.sampler, 'p_sample_ddim') else self.sampler.p_sample_plms
self.mask = None
self.nmask = None
self.init_latent = None
self.sampler_noises = None
self.step = 0
self.stop_at = None
self.eta = None
self.default_eta = 0.0
self.config = None
self.last_latent = None
def number_of_needed_noises(self, p):
return 0
def launch_sampling(self, steps, func):
state.sampling_steps = steps
state.sampling_step = 0
return func()
except InterruptedException:
return self.last_latent
def p_sample_ddim_hook(self, x_dec, cond, ts, unconditional_conditioning, *args, **kwargs):
if state.interrupted or state.skipped:
raise InterruptedException
if self.stop_at is not None and self.step > self.stop_at:
raise InterruptedException
conds_list, tensor = prompt_parser.reconstruct_multicond_batch(cond, self.step)
unconditional_conditioning = prompt_parser.reconstruct_cond_batch(unconditional_conditioning, self.step)
assert all([len(conds) == 1 for conds in conds_list]), 'composition via AND is not supported for DDIM/PLMS samplers'
cond = tensor
# for DDIM, shapes must match, we can't just process cond and uncond independently;
# filling unconditional_conditioning with repeats of the last vector to match length is
# not 100% correct but should work well enough
if unconditional_conditioning.shape[1] < cond.shape[1]:
last_vector = unconditional_conditioning[:, -1:]
last_vector_repeated = last_vector.repeat([1, cond.shape[1] - unconditional_conditioning.shape[1], 1])
unconditional_conditioning = torch.hstack([unconditional_conditioning, last_vector_repeated])
elif unconditional_conditioning.shape[1] > cond.shape[1]:
unconditional_conditioning = unconditional_conditioning[:, :cond.shape[1]]
if self.mask is not None:
img_orig = self.sampler.model.q_sample(self.init_latent, ts)
x_dec = img_orig * self.mask + self.nmask * x_dec
res = self.orig_p_sample_ddim(x_dec, cond, ts, unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning, *args, **kwargs)
if self.mask is not None:
self.last_latent = self.init_latent * self.mask + self.nmask * res[1]
self.last_latent = res[1]
self.step += 1
state.sampling_step = self.step
return res
def initialize(self, p):
self.eta = p.eta if p.eta is not None else opts.eta_ddim
for fieldname in ['p_sample_ddim', 'p_sample_plms']:
if hasattr(self.sampler, fieldname):
setattr(self.sampler, fieldname, self.p_sample_ddim_hook)
self.mask = p.mask if hasattr(p, 'mask') else None
self.nmask = p.nmask if hasattr(p, 'nmask') else None
def sample_img2img(self, p, x, noise, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning, steps=None):
steps, t_enc = setup_img2img_steps(p, steps)
# existing code fails with certain step counts, like 9
self.sampler.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=steps, ddim_eta=self.eta, ddim_discretize=p.ddim_discretize, verbose=False)
except Exception:
self.sampler.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=steps+1, ddim_eta=self.eta, ddim_discretize=p.ddim_discretize, verbose=False)
x1 = self.sampler.stochastic_encode(x, torch.tensor([t_enc] * int(x.shape[0])).to(shared.device), noise=noise)
self.init_latent = x
self.step = 0
samples = self.launch_sampling(steps, lambda: self.sampler.decode(x1, conditioning, t_enc, unconditional_guidance_scale=p.cfg_scale, unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning))
return samples
def sample(self, p, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning, steps=None):
self.init_latent = None
self.step = 0
steps = steps or p.steps
# existing code fails with certain step counts, like 9
samples_ddim = self.launch_sampling(steps, lambda: self.sampler.sample(S=steps, conditioning=conditioning, batch_size=int(x.shape[0]), shape=x[0].shape, verbose=False, unconditional_guidance_scale=p.cfg_scale, unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning, x_T=x, eta=self.eta)[0])
except Exception:
samples_ddim = self.launch_sampling(steps, lambda: self.sampler.sample(S=steps+1, conditioning=conditioning, batch_size=int(x.shape[0]), shape=x[0].shape, verbose=False, unconditional_guidance_scale=p.cfg_scale, unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning, x_T=x, eta=self.eta)[0])
return samples_ddim
class CFGDenoiser(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
self.inner_model = model
self.mask = None
self.nmask = None
self.init_latent = None
self.step = 0
def forward(self, x, sigma, uncond, cond, cond_scale):
if state.interrupted or state.skipped:
raise InterruptedException
conds_list, tensor = prompt_parser.reconstruct_multicond_batch(cond, self.step)
uncond = prompt_parser.reconstruct_cond_batch(uncond, self.step)
batch_size = len(conds_list)
repeats = [len(conds_list[i]) for i in range(batch_size)]
x_in = torch.cat([torch.stack([x[i] for _ in range(n)]) for i, n in enumerate(repeats)] + [x])
sigma_in = torch.cat([torch.stack([sigma[i] for _ in range(n)]) for i, n in enumerate(repeats)] + [sigma])
if tensor.shape[1] == uncond.shape[1]:
cond_in = torch.cat([tensor, uncond])
if shared.batch_cond_uncond:
x_out = self.inner_model(x_in, sigma_in, cond=cond_in)
x_out = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
for batch_offset in range(0, x_out.shape[0], batch_size):
a = batch_offset
b = a + batch_size
x_out[a:b] = self.inner_model(x_in[a:b], sigma_in[a:b], cond=cond_in[a:b])
x_out = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
batch_size = batch_size*2 if shared.batch_cond_uncond else batch_size
for batch_offset in range(0, tensor.shape[0], batch_size):
a = batch_offset
b = min(a + batch_size, tensor.shape[0])
x_out[a:b] = self.inner_model(x_in[a:b], sigma_in[a:b], cond=tensor[a:b])
x_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] = self.inner_model(x_in[-uncond.shape[0]:], sigma_in[-uncond.shape[0]:], cond=uncond)
denoised_uncond = x_out[-uncond.shape[0]:]
denoised = torch.clone(denoised_uncond)
for i, conds in enumerate(conds_list):
for cond_index, weight in conds:
denoised[i] += (x_out[cond_index] - denoised_uncond[i]) * (weight * cond_scale)
if self.mask is not None:
denoised = self.init_latent * self.mask + self.nmask * denoised
self.step += 1
return denoised
class TorchHijack:
def __init__(self, kdiff_sampler):
self.kdiff_sampler = kdiff_sampler
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item == 'randn_like':
return self.kdiff_sampler.randn_like
if hasattr(torch, item):
return getattr(torch, item)
raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, item))
class KDiffusionSampler:
def __init__(self, funcname, sd_model):
self.model_wrap = k_diffusion.external.CompVisDenoiser(sd_model, quantize=shared.opts.enable_quantization)
self.funcname = funcname
self.func = getattr(k_diffusion.sampling, self.funcname)
self.extra_params = sampler_extra_params.get(funcname, [])
self.model_wrap_cfg = CFGDenoiser(self.model_wrap)
self.sampler_noises = None
self.sampler_noise_index = 0
self.stop_at = None
self.eta = None
self.default_eta = 1.0
self.config = None
self.last_latent = None
def callback_state(self, d):
step = d['i']
latent = d["denoised"]
self.last_latent = latent
if self.stop_at is not None and step > self.stop_at:
raise InterruptedException
state.sampling_step = step
def launch_sampling(self, steps, func):
state.sampling_steps = steps
state.sampling_step = 0
return func()
except InterruptedException:
return self.last_latent
def number_of_needed_noises(self, p):
return p.steps
def randn_like(self, x):
noise = self.sampler_noises[self.sampler_noise_index] if self.sampler_noises is not None and self.sampler_noise_index < len(self.sampler_noises) else None
if noise is not None and x.shape == noise.shape:
res = noise
res = torch.randn_like(x)
self.sampler_noise_index += 1
return res
def initialize(self, p):
self.model_wrap_cfg.mask = p.mask if hasattr(p, 'mask') else None
self.model_wrap_cfg.nmask = p.nmask if hasattr(p, 'nmask') else None
self.model_wrap.step = 0
self.sampler_noise_index = 0
self.eta = p.eta or opts.eta_ancestral
if self.sampler_noises is not None:
k_diffusion.sampling.torch = TorchHijack(self)
extra_params_kwargs = {}
for param_name in self.extra_params:
if hasattr(p, param_name) and param_name in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs[param_name] = getattr(p, param_name)
if 'eta' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['eta'] = self.eta
return extra_params_kwargs
def sample_img2img(self, p, x, noise, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning, steps=None):
steps, t_enc = setup_img2img_steps(p, steps)
if p.sampler_noise_scheduler_override:
sigmas = p.sampler_noise_scheduler_override(steps)
elif self.config is not None and self.config.options.get('scheduler', None) == 'karras':
sigmas = k_diffusion.sampling.get_sigmas_karras(n=steps, sigma_min=0.1, sigma_max=10, device=shared.device)
sigmas = self.model_wrap.get_sigmas(steps)
sigma_sched = sigmas[steps - t_enc - 1:]
xi = x + noise * sigma_sched[0]
extra_params_kwargs = self.initialize(p)
if 'sigma_min' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
## last sigma is zero which isn't allowed by DPM Fast & Adaptive so taking value before last
extra_params_kwargs['sigma_min'] = sigma_sched[-2]
if 'sigma_max' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['sigma_max'] = sigma_sched[0]
if 'n' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['n'] = len(sigma_sched) - 1
if 'sigma_sched' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['sigma_sched'] = sigma_sched
if 'sigmas' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['sigmas'] = sigma_sched
self.model_wrap_cfg.init_latent = x
samples = self.launch_sampling(steps, lambda: self.func(self.model_wrap_cfg, xi, extra_args={'cond': conditioning, 'uncond': unconditional_conditioning, 'cond_scale': p.cfg_scale}, disable=False, callback=self.callback_state, **extra_params_kwargs))
return samples
def sample(self, p, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning, steps=None):
steps = steps or p.steps
if p.sampler_noise_scheduler_override:
sigmas = p.sampler_noise_scheduler_override(steps)
elif self.config is not None and self.config.options.get('scheduler', None) == 'karras':
sigmas = k_diffusion.sampling.get_sigmas_karras(n=steps, sigma_min=0.1, sigma_max=10, device=shared.device)
sigmas = self.model_wrap.get_sigmas(steps)
x = x * sigmas[0]
extra_params_kwargs = self.initialize(p)
if 'sigma_min' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['sigma_min'] = self.model_wrap.sigmas[0].item()
extra_params_kwargs['sigma_max'] = self.model_wrap.sigmas[-1].item()
if 'n' in inspect.signature(self.func).parameters:
extra_params_kwargs['n'] = steps
extra_params_kwargs['sigmas'] = sigmas
samples = self.launch_sampling(steps, lambda: self.func(self.model_wrap_cfg, x, extra_args={'cond': conditioning, 'uncond': unconditional_conditioning, 'cond_scale': p.cfg_scale}, disable=False, callback=self.callback_state, **extra_params_kwargs))
return samples