2024-03-02 08:27:22 +03:00

194 lines
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import os
import tempfile
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import gradio.components
import gradio as gr
from PIL import PngImagePlugin
from modules import shared
Savedfile = namedtuple("Savedfile", ["name"])
def register_tmp_file(gradio, filename):
if hasattr(gradio, 'temp_file_sets'): # gradio 3.15
if hasattr(gr.utils, 'abspath'): # gradio 4.19
filename = gr.utils.abspath(filename)
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
gradio.temp_file_sets[0] = gradio.temp_file_sets[0] | {filename}
if hasattr(gradio, 'temp_dirs'): # gradio 3.9
gradio.temp_dirs = gradio.temp_dirs | {os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))}
def check_tmp_file(gradio, filename):
if hasattr(gradio, 'temp_file_sets'):
if hasattr(gr.utils, 'abspath'): # gradio 4.19
filename = gr.utils.abspath(filename)
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
return any(filename in fileset for fileset in gradio.temp_file_sets)
if hasattr(gradio, 'temp_dirs'):
return any(Path(temp_dir).resolve() in Path(filename).resolve().parents for temp_dir in gradio.temp_dirs)
return False
def save_pil_to_file(pil_image, cache_dir=None, format="png"):
already_saved_as = getattr(pil_image, 'already_saved_as', None)
if already_saved_as and os.path.isfile(already_saved_as):
register_tmp_file(shared.demo, already_saved_as)
filename_with_mtime = f'{already_saved_as}?{os.path.getmtime(already_saved_as)}'
register_tmp_file(shared.demo, filename_with_mtime)
return filename_with_mtime
if shared.opts.temp_dir:
dir = shared.opts.temp_dir
dir = cache_dir
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
use_metadata = False
metadata = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
for key, value in
if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str):
metadata.add_text(key, value)
use_metadata = True
file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png", dir=dir), pnginfo=(metadata if use_metadata else None))
def move_files_to_cache(data, block, postprocess=False, add_urls=False, check_in_upload_folder=False):
"""Move any files in `data` to cache and (optionally), adds URL prefixes (/file=...) needed to access the cached file.
Also handles the case where the file is on an external Gradio app (/proxy=...).
Runs after postprocess and before preprocess.
Copied from gradio's
data: The input or output data for a component. Can be a dictionary or a dataclass
block: The component whose data is being processed
postprocess: Whether its running from postprocessing
add_urls: Whether to add URLs to the payload
check_in_upload_folder: If True, instead of moving the file to cache, checks if the file is in already in cache (exception if not).
from gradio import FileData
from gradio.data_classes import GradioRootModel
from gradio.data_classes import GradioModel
from gradio_client import utils as client_utils
from gradio.utils import get_upload_folder, is_in_or_equal
def _move_to_cache(d: dict):
payload = FileData(**d)
payload.path = payload.path.rsplit('?', 1)[0]
# If the gradio app developer is returning a URL from
# postprocess, it means the component can display a URL
# without it being served from the gradio server
# This makes it so that the URL is not downloaded and speeds up event processing
if payload.url and postprocess:
payload.path = payload.url
elif not block.proxy_url:
# If the file is on a remote server, do not move it to cache.
if check_in_upload_folder and not client_utils.is_http_url_like(
path = os.path.abspath(payload.path)
if not is_in_or_equal(path, get_upload_folder()):
raise ValueError(
f"File {path} is not in the upload folder and cannot be accessed."
if check_tmp_file(shared.demo, payload.path):
temp_file_path = payload.path
temp_file_path = block.move_resource_to_block_cache(payload.path)
if temp_file_path is None:
raise ValueError("Did not determine a file path for the resource.")
payload.path = temp_file_path
if add_urls:
url_prefix = "/stream/" if payload.is_stream else "/file="
if block.proxy_url:
proxy_url = block.proxy_url.rstrip("/")
url = f"/proxy={proxy_url}{url_prefix}{payload.path}"
elif client_utils.is_http_url_like(payload.path) or payload.path.startswith(
url = payload.path
url = f"{url_prefix}{payload.path}"
payload.url = url
return payload.model_dump()
if isinstance(data, (GradioRootModel, GradioModel)):
data = data.model_dump()
return client_utils.traverse(data, _move_to_cache, client_utils.is_file_obj)
def install_ui_tempdir_override():
override save to file function so that it also writes PNG info.
override gradio4's move_files_to_cache function to prevent it from writing a copy into a temporary directory.
gradio.processing_utils.save_pil_to_cache = save_pil_to_file
gradio.processing_utils.move_files_to_cache = move_files_to_cache
def on_tmpdir_changed():
if shared.opts.temp_dir == "" or shared.demo is None:
os.makedirs(shared.opts.temp_dir, exist_ok=True)
register_tmp_file(shared.demo, os.path.join(shared.opts.temp_dir, "x"))
def cleanup_tmpdr():
temp_dir = shared.opts.temp_dir
if temp_dir == "" or not os.path.isdir(temp_dir):
for root, _, files in os.walk(temp_dir, topdown=False):
for name in files:
_, extension = os.path.splitext(name)
if extension != ".png":
filename = os.path.join(root, name)
def is_gradio_temp_path(path):
Check if the path is a temp dir used by gradio
path = Path(path)
if shared.opts.temp_dir and path.is_relative_to(shared.opts.temp_dir):
return True
if gradio_temp_dir := os.environ.get("GRADIO_TEMP_DIR"):
if path.is_relative_to(gradio_temp_dir):
return True
if path.is_relative_to(Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "gradio"):
return True
return False