277 lines
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277 lines
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package dao
import (
const (
_insertTopicVideo = "insert ignore into topic_video (`topic_id`,`svid`,`state`) values %s"
_updateScore = "update topic_video set score=? where svid=%d"
_updateState = "update topic_video set state=? where svid=%d"
_selectTopicVideo = "select svid from topic_video where topic_id=%d and state=0 %s order by score desc limit %d,%d"
_selectVideoTopic = "select topic_id, score, state from topic_video where svid=%d"
// InsertTopicVideo 插入topic video表
func (d *Dao) InsertTopicVideo(ctx context.Context, svid int64, topicIDs []int64) (rowsAffected int64, err error) {
var str string
for _, topicID := range topicIDs {
if len(str) != 0 {
str += ","
str += fmt.Sprintf("(%d,%d,%d)", topicID, svid, api.TopicVideoStateUnAvailable)
insertSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_insertTopicVideo, str)
res, err := d.db.Exec(ctx, insertSQL)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "insert topic_video fail", "svid", svid, "topic_ids", topicIDs)
rowsAffected, tmpErr := res.RowsAffected()
if tmpErr != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "get rows affected fail", "svid", svid, "topic_ids", topicIDs)
log.V(1).Infow(ctx, "log", "insert one video topics", "svid", svid, "topics", topicIDs)
// UpdateVideoScore 更新视频的score
// @param topicID: 携带的时候会修改指定的topicID的video的score,否则会全部修改
func (d *Dao) UpdateVideoScore(ctx context.Context, svid int64, score float64) (err error) {
updateSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_updateScore, svid)
_, err = d.db.Exec(ctx, updateSQL, score)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "update topic video score fail", "svid", svid, "score", score)
// UpdateVideoState 更新视频的state
func (d *Dao) UpdateVideoState(ctx context.Context, svid int64, state int32) (err error) {
updateSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_updateState, svid)
_, err = d.db.Exec(ctx, updateSQL, state)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "update topic video score fail", "svid", svid, "state", state)
// ListTopicVideos 获取话题下排序的视频列表
// 按道理来说,Dao层不应该有那么多的复杂逻辑的,但是redis、db等操作在业务本身就是耦合在一起的,因此移到dao层,简化逻辑操作
// TODO: 这里把置顶的数据放在了redis里,所以导致排序问题过于复杂,待修正
func (d *Dao) ListTopicVideos(ctx context.Context, topicID int64, cursorPrev, cursorNext string, size int) (res []*api.VideoItem, hasMore bool, err error) {
hasMore = true
// 0. check
if topicID == 0 {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "topic_id=0")
// 0.1 获取cursor和direction
cursor, directionNext, err := parseCursor(ctx, cursorPrev, cursorNext)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw(ctx, "log", "parse cursor fail", "prev", cursorPrev, "next", cursorNext)
// 1. 获取置顶视频
stickSvid, err := d.GetStickTopicVideo(ctx, topicID)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw(ctx, "log", "get stick topic video fail")
// 获取置顶视频失败后,属于可失败事件,继续往下走
stickMap := make(map[int64]bool)
additionalConditionSQL := ""
if len(stickSvid) > 0 {
additionalConditionSQL = fmt.Sprintf("and svid not in (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(stickSvid))
for _, svid := range stickSvid {
stickMap[svid] = true
// 2. 查询db
var svids []int64
dbOffset := cursor.Offset
limit := size
var rows *sql.Rows
// 有两种情况才需要请求db:1、directionNext;2、directionPrev && stickRank==0
if directionNext || cursor.StickRank == 0 {
if !directionNext {
dbOffset = cursor.Offset - 1 - size
if dbOffset < 0 {
dbOffset = 0
limit = cursor.Offset - 1
querySQL := fmt.Sprintf(_selectTopicVideo, topicID, additionalConditionSQL, dbOffset, limit)
log.V(1).Infow(ctx, "log", "select topic video", "sql", querySQL)
rows, err = d.db.Query(ctx, querySQL)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "get topic video error", "err", err, "sql", querySQL)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var svid int64
if err = rows.Scan(&svid); err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "get topic from mysql fail", "sql", querySQL)
svids = append(svids, svid)
log.V(1).Infow(ctx, "log", "get topic video", "svid", svids)
// 3. 组装回包
if directionNext {
if dbOffset == 0 {
index := 0
if cursor.StickRank != 0 {
index = cursor.StickRank
for ; index < len(stickSvid); index++ {
data, _ := json.Marshal(model.CursorValue{StickRank: index + 1})
res = append(res, &api.VideoItem{Svid: stickSvid[index], CursorValue: string(data)})
for index, svid := range svids {
data, _ := json.Marshal(model.CursorValue{Offset: dbOffset + 1 + index})
res = append(res, &api.VideoItem{Svid: svid, CursorValue: string(data)})
// TODO:为了避免db查询量过大,这里做限制
if len(svids) != limit || dbOffset > model.MaxTopicVideoOffset {
hasMore = false
} else {
for index := len(svids) - 1; index >= 0; index-- {
data, _ := json.Marshal(model.CursorValue{Offset: dbOffset + 1 + index})
res = append(res, &api.VideoItem{Svid: svids[index], CursorValue: string(data)})
// 如果dbOffset==0,我们会把stick的视频页附上
if dbOffset == 0 {
index := len(stickSvid) - 1
if cursor.StickRank != 0 {
index = cursor.StickRank - 2
for ; index >= 0; index-- {
data, _ := json.Marshal(model.CursorValue{StickRank: index + 1})
res = append(res, &api.VideoItem{Svid: stickSvid[index], CursorValue: string(data)})
hasMore = false
// 4. 添加hot_type结果
for _, videoItem := range res {
if _, exists := stickMap[videoItem.Svid]; exists {
videoItem.HotType = api.TopicHotTypeStick
// GetVideoTopic 获取视频的话题列表
func (d *Dao) GetVideoTopic(ctx context.Context, svid int64) (list []*api.TopicVideoItem, err error) {
querySQL := fmt.Sprintf(_selectVideoTopic, svid)
rows, err := d.db.Query(ctx, querySQL)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "get video topic_id fail", "svid", svid)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
item := new(api.TopicVideoItem)
item.Svid = svid
if err = rows.Scan(&item.TopicId, &item.Score, &item.State); err != nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "get topic video fail", "svid", svid)
list = append(list, item)
log.V(1).Infow(ctx, "log", "get video topic", "sql", querySQL)
// GetStickTopicVideo 获取置顶视频
func (d *Dao) GetStickTopicVideo(ctx context.Context, topicID int64) (list []int64, err error) {
return d.getRedisList(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(model.ReidsStickTopicVideoKey, topicID))
// SetStickTopicVideo 设置置顶视频
func (d *Dao) SetStickTopicVideo(ctx context.Context, topicID int64, list []int64) (err error) {
return d.setRedisList(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(model.ReidsStickTopicVideoKey, topicID), list)
// StickTopicVideo 操作置顶视频
func (d *Dao) StickTopicVideo(ctx context.Context, opTopicID, opSvid, op int64) (err error) {
// 0. check
topicVideoItems, err := d.GetVideoTopic(ctx, opSvid)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw(ctx, "log", "get svid topic topicVideoItems fail", "topic_id", opTopicID)
var topicVideoItem *api.TopicVideoItem
for _, item := range topicVideoItems {
if item.TopicId == opTopicID {
topicVideoItem = item
if topicVideoItem == nil {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "stick topic fail due to error topic_id", "topic_id", opTopicID)
err = ecode.TopicIDNotFound
if topicVideoItem.State != api.TopicVideoStateAvailable {
log.Errorw(ctx, "log", "topic video state unavailable to do sticking", "state", topicVideoItem.State, "topic_id", opTopicID)
err = ecode.TopicVideoStateErr
// 1. 获取stick topic video
stickList, err := d.GetStickTopicVideo(ctx, opTopicID)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw(ctx, "log", "get stick topic video fail")
// 2. 操作stick topic video
var newStickList []int64
if op != 0 {
newStickList = append(newStickList, opSvid)
for _, stickSvid := range stickList {
if stickSvid != opSvid {
newStickList = append(newStickList, stickSvid)
if len(newStickList) > model.MaxStickTopicVideoNum {
newStickList = newStickList[:model.MaxStickTopicVideoNum]
// 3. 更新stick topic video
err = d.SetStickTopicVideo(ctx, opTopicID, newStickList)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw(ctx, "update stick topic video fail")