
1404 lines
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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
// Copyright 2018 Twitch Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is
// located at
// or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on
// express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package main
import (
plugin ""
var legacyPathMapping = map[string]string{
"live.webucenter": "live.web-ucenter",
"live.webroom": "live.web-room",
"live.appucenter": "",
"live.appblink": "",
"live.approom": "",
"live.appinterface": "",
"live.liveadmin": "",
"live.resource": "live.resource",
"live.livedemo": "",
"live.lotteryinterface": "live.lottery-interface",
type bm struct {
filesHandled int
reg *typemap.Registry
// Map to record whether we've built each package
pkgs map[string]string
pkgNamesInUse map[string]bool
importPrefix string // String to prefix to imported package file names.
importMap map[string]string // Mapping from .proto file name to import path.
tpl bool // only generate service template file, no docs, no .bm.go, default false
// Package naming:
genPkgName string // Name of the package that we're generating
fileToGoPackageName map[*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto]string
// List of files that were inputs to the generator. We need to hold this in
// the struct so we can write a header for the file that lists its inputs.
genFiles []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto
// Output buffer that holds the bytes we want to write out for a single file.
// Gets reset after working on a file.
output *bytes.Buffer
deps map[string]string
// if current dir is a go-common project
// or is the internal directory of a go-common project
// this present a project info
type projectInfo struct {
absolutePath string
// relative to go-common
importPath string
name string
department string
// interface, service, admin ...
typ string
hasInternalPkg bool
// 从工作目录到project目录的相对路径 比如./ ../
pathRefToProj string
// projectInfo for current directory
var projInfo *projectInfo
func bmGenerator() *bm {
t := &bm{
pkgs: make(map[string]string),
pkgNamesInUse: make(map[string]bool),
importMap: make(map[string]string),
fileToGoPackageName: make(map[*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto]string),
output: bytes.NewBuffer(nil),
return t
func (t *bm) Generate(in *plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse {
params, err := parseCommandLineParams(in.GetParameter())
if err != nil {
gen.Fail("could not parse parameters passed to --bm_out", err.Error())
t.importPrefix = params.importPrefix
t.importMap = params.importMap
t.tpl = params.tpl
t.genFiles = gen.FilesToGenerate(in)
// Collect information on types.
t.reg = typemap.New(in.ProtoFile)
// Time to figure out package names of objects defined in protobuf. First,
// we'll figure out the name for the package we're generating.
genPkgName, err := deduceGenPkgName(t.genFiles)
if err != nil {
t.genPkgName = genPkgName
// Next, we need to pick names for all the files that are dependencies.
if len(in.ProtoFile) > 0 {
for _, f := range in.ProtoFile {
if fileDescSliceContains(t.genFiles, f) {
// This is a file we are generating. It gets the shared package name.
t.fileToGoPackageName[f] = t.genPkgName
} else {
// This is a dependency. Use its package name.
name := f.GetPackage()
if name == "" {
name = stringutils.BaseName(f.GetName())
name = stringutils.CleanIdentifier(name)
alias := t.registerPackageName(name)
t.fileToGoPackageName[f] = alias
// Showtime! Generate the response.
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse)
for _, f := range t.genFiles {
respFile := t.generate(f)
if respFile != nil {
resp.File = append(resp.File, respFile)
for _, s := range f.Service {
docResp := t.generateDoc(f, s)
if docResp != nil {
resp.File = append(resp.File, docResp)
if t.tpl {
if projInfo != nil {
for _, s := range f.Service {
serviceResp := t.generateServiceImpl(f, s)
if serviceResp != nil {
resp.File = append(resp.File, serviceResp)
return resp
// lookupProjPath get project path by proto absolute path
// assume that proto is in the project's model directory
func lookupProjPath(protoAbs string) (result string) {
lastIndex := len(protoAbs)
curPath := protoAbs
for lastIndex > 0 {
if ioutil2.FileExists(curPath+"/cmd") && ioutil2.FileExists(curPath+"/api") {
result = curPath
lastIndex = strings.LastIndex(curPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
curPath = protoAbs[:lastIndex]
result = ""
func (t *bm) initProjInfo(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
var err error
projInfo = &projectInfo{}
defer func() {
if err != nil {
projInfo = nil
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
panic("cannot get working directory")
protoAbs := wd + "/" + file.GetName()
appIndex := strings.Index(wd, "go-common/app/")
if appIndex == -1 {
err = errors.New("not in go-common/app/")
projPath := lookupProjPath(protoAbs)
if projPath == "" {
err = errors.New("not in project")
if strings.Contains(wd, projPath) {
rest := strings.Replace(wd, projPath, "", 1)
projInfo.pathRefToProj = "./"
if rest != "" {
split := strings.Split(rest, "/")
ref := ""
for i := 0; i < len(split)-1; i++ {
ref = ref + "../"
projInfo.pathRefToProj = ref
projInfo.absolutePath = projPath
if ioutil2.FileExists(projPath + "/internal") {
projInfo.hasInternalPkg = true
relativePath := projInfo.absolutePath[appIndex+len("go-common/app/"):]
projInfo.importPath = "go-common/app/" + relativePath
split := strings.Split(relativePath, "/")
projInfo.typ = split[0]
projInfo.department = split[1] = split[2]
// find tag between backtick, start & end is the position of backtick
func getLineTag(line string) (tag reflect.StructTag, start int, end int) {
start = strings.Index(line, "`")
end = strings.LastIndex(line, "`")
if end <= start {
tag = reflect.StructTag(line[start+1 : end])
func getCommentWithoutTag(comment string) []string {
var lines []string
if comment == "" {
return lines
split := strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(comment, "\n\r"), "\n")
for _, line := range split {
tag, _, _ := getLineTag(line)
if tag == "" {
lines = append(lines, line)
return lines
func getTagsInComment(comment string) []reflect.StructTag {
split := strings.Split(comment, "\n")
var tagsInComment []reflect.StructTag
for _, line := range split {
tag, _, _ := getLineTag(line)
if tag != "" {
tagsInComment = append(tagsInComment, tag)
return tagsInComment
func getTagValue(key string, tags []reflect.StructTag) string {
for _, t := range tags {
val := t.Get(key)
if val != "" {
return val
return ""
// Is this field repeated?
func isRepeated(field *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto) bool {
return field.Label != nil && *field.Label == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED
func (t *bm) isMap(field *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto) bool {
if field.GetType() != descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return false
md := t.reg.MessageDefinition(field.GetTypeName())
if md == nil || !md.Descriptor.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() {
return false
return true
func (t *bm) generateToc(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) {
for _, method := range service.Method {
comment, _ := t.reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
tags := getTagsInComment(comment.Leading)
_, path, newPath := t.getHttpInfo(file, service, method, tags)
cleanComments := getCommentWithoutTag(comment.Leading)
var title string
if len(cleanComments) > 0 {
title = cleanComments[0]
// 如果有老的路径,只显示老的路径文档
if path != "" {
anchor := strings.Replace(path, "/", "", -1)
t.P(fmt.Sprintf("- [%s](#%s) %s", path, anchor, title))
} else {
anchor := strings.Replace(newPath, "/", "", -1)
t.P(fmt.Sprintf("- [%s](#%s) %s", newPath, anchor, title))
func (t *bm) generateDoc(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File {
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File)
var name = goFileName(file, "."+lcFirst(service.GetName())+".md")
resp.Name = &name
t.P("<!-- package=" + file.GetPackage() + " -->")
t.generateToc(file, service)
for _, method := range service.Method {
comment, err := t.reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
tags := getTagsInComment(comment.Leading)
cleanComments := getCommentWithoutTag(comment.Leading)
midwaresStr := getTagValue("midware", tags)
needAuth := false
if midwaresStr != "" {
split := strings.Split(midwaresStr, ",")
for _, m := range split {
if m == "auth" {
needAuth = true
httpMethod, legacyPath, path := t.getHttpInfo(file, service, method, tags)
if legacyPath != "" {
path = legacyPath
t.P("## " + path)
if err == nil {
if len(cleanComments) == 0 {
t.P(`### 无标题`)
} else {
t.P(`###`, strings.Join(cleanComments, "\n"))
if needAuth {
t.P(`> `, "需要登录")
t.P("#### 方法:" + httpMethod)
t.genRequestParam(file, service, method)
t.P("#### 响应")
t.P(` "code": 0,`)
t.P(` "message": "ok",`)
t.P(t.getExampleJson(file, service, method))
resp.Content = proto.String(t.output.String())
return resp
func (t *bm) genRequestParam(
file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) {
md := t.reg.MessageDefinition(method.GetInputType())
t.P(`#### 请求参数`)
var outputs []string
for i, f := range md.Descriptor.Field {
if f.GetType() == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE {
// 如果有message 只能以json的方式显示参数了
var buf = &[]string{}
t.exampleJsonForMsg(md, file, buf, "", 0, "")
j := strings.Join(*buf, "\n")
if i == 0 {
outputs = append(outputs, `|参数名|必选|类型|描述|`)
outputs = append(outputs, `|:---|:---|:---|:---|`)
fComment, _ := t.reg.FieldComments(file, md, f)
var tags []reflect.StructTag
//get required info from gogoproto.moretags
moretags := getMoreTags(f)
if moretags != nil {
tags = []reflect.StructTag{reflect.StructTag(*moretags)}
if len(tags) == 0 {
tags = getTagsInComment(fComment.Leading)
validateTag := getTagValue("validate", tags)
var validateRules []string
if validateTag != "" {
validateRules = strings.Split(validateTag, ",")
required := false
for _, rule := range validateRules {
if rule == "required" {
required = true
requiredDesc := "是"
if !required {
requiredDesc = "否"
_, typeName := t.mockValueForField(f, tags)
split := strings.Split(fComment.Leading, "\n")
desc := ""
for _, line := range split {
if line != "" {
tag, _, _ := getLineTag(line)
if tag == "" {
desc += line
outputs = append(outputs, fmt.Sprintf(`|%s|%s|%s|%s|`, getJsonTag(f), requiredDesc, typeName, desc))
for _, s := range outputs {
func (t *bm) getExampleJson(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) string {
md := t.reg.MessageDefinition(method.GetOutputType())
var buf = &[]string{}
t.exampleJsonForMsg(md, file, buf, "data", 4, "")
return strings.Join(*buf, "\n")
func makeIndentStr(i int) string {
return strings.Repeat(" ", i)
func (t *bm) mockValueForField(field *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto,
tags []reflect.StructTag) (mockVal string, typeName string) {
tagMock := getTagValue("mock", tags)
mockVal = "\"unknown\""
typeName = "unknown"
switch field.GetType() {
case descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BOOL:
if tagMock == "true" || tagMock == "false" {
mockVal = tagMock
} else {
mockVal = "true"
typeName = "bool"
case descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE,
mockVal = "0.1"
if tagMock != "" {
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(tagMock, 64); err == nil {
mockVal = tagMock
typeName = "float"
mockVal = "0"
if tagMock != "" {
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(tagMock); err == nil {
mockVal = tagMock
typeName = "integer"
mockVal = `""`
if tagMock != "" {
mockVal = strconv.Quote(tagMock)
typeName = "string"
if isRepeated(field) {
typeName = "多个" + typeName
func (t *bm) exampleJsonForMsg(
msg *typemap.MessageDefinition,
file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
buf *[]string, fieldName string, indent int, outEndComma string) {
if fieldName == "" {
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent)+"{")
} else {
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent)+fmt.Sprintf(`"%s": {`, fieldName))
num := len(msg.Descriptor.Field)
for i, f := range msg.Descriptor.Field {
isScalar := isScalar(f)
fComment, _ := t.reg.FieldComments(file, msg, f)
cleanComment := getCommentWithoutTag(fComment.Leading)
for _, line := range cleanComment {
if strings.Trim(line, " \t\n\r") != "" {
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+"// "+line)
endComma := ""
if i < (num - 1) {
endComma = ","
repeated := isRepeated(f)
tags := getTagsInComment(fComment.Leading)
if isScalar {
mockVal, _ := t.mockValueForField(f, tags)
if repeated {
// "key" : [
// value
// ]
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`"`+getJsonTag(f)+`": [`)
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+8)+mockVal)
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`]`+endComma)
} else {
// "key" : value
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`"`+getJsonTag(f)+`": `+mockVal+endComma)
} else {
isMap := t.isMap(f)
if repeated {
if isMap {
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`"`+getJsonTag(f)+`": {`)
} else {
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`"`+getJsonTag(f)+`": [`)
subMsg := t.reg.MessageDefinition(f.GetTypeName())
if subMsg == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", f.TypeName, f.Type))
nextIndent := indent + 4
nextFname := getJsonTag(f)
if repeated {
nextIndent = indent + 8
nextFname = ""
if isMap {
mapKeyField := subMsg.Descriptor.Field[0]
mapValueField := subMsg.Descriptor.Field[1]
keyDesc := "mapKey"
if mapKeyField.GetType() != descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING {
keyDesc = "1"
if mapValueField.GetType() == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE {
// "mapKey" : {
// ...
// }
mapValueMsg := t.reg.MessageDefinition(mapValueField.GetTypeName())
t.exampleJsonForMsg(mapValueMsg, file, buf, keyDesc, nextIndent, "")
} else {
// "mapKey" : "map value"
val, _ := t.mockValueForField(mapValueField, tags)
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+8)+`"`+keyDesc+`": `+val)
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`}`+endComma)
} else {
if repeated {
t.exampleJsonForMsg(subMsg, file, buf, nextFname, nextIndent, "")
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent+4)+`]`+endComma)
} else {
t.exampleJsonForMsg(subMsg, file, buf, nextFname, nextIndent, endComma)
*buf = append(*buf, makeIndentStr(indent)+"}"+outEndComma)
// Is this field a scalar numeric type?
func isScalar(field *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto) bool {
if field.Type == nil {
return false
switch *field.Type {
case descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE,
return true
return false
func (t *bm) registerPackageName(name string) (alias string) {
alias = name
i := 1
for t.pkgNamesInUse[alias] {
alias = name + strconv.Itoa(i)
t.pkgNamesInUse[alias] = true
t.pkgs[name] = alias
return alias
type visitor struct {
funcMap map[string]bool
func (v visitor) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch d := n.(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
v.funcMap[d.Name.Name] = true
return v
// generateServiceImpl returns service implementation file service/{prefix}/service.go
// if file not exists
// else it returns nil
func (t *bm) generateServiceImpl(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File {
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File)
prefix := t.getVersionPrefix()
importPath := t.getPbImportPath(file.GetName())
var alias = t.getPkgAlias()
confPath := projInfo.importPath + "/conf"
if projInfo.hasInternalPkg {
confPath = projInfo.importPath + "/internal/conf"
name := "service/" + prefix + "/" + lcFirst(svc.GetName()) + ".go"
if projInfo.hasInternalPkg {
name = "internal/" + name
name = projInfo.pathRefToProj + name
resp.Name = &name
if _, err := os.Stat(name); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Insert methods if file already exists
fset := token.NewFileSet()
astTree, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, name, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
panic("parse file error: " + name + " err: " + err.Error())
v := visitor{funcMap: map[string]bool{}}
ast.Walk(v, astTree)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
panic("cannot read file:" + name)
t.generateBmImpl(file, svc, v.funcMap)
resp.Content = proto.String(t.formattedOutput())
return resp
tplPkg := "service"
if t.genPkgName[:1] == "v" {
tplPkg = t.genPkgName
t.P(`package `, tplPkg)
t.P(`import (`)
t.P(` `, alias, ` "`, importPath, `"`)
t.P(` "`, confPath, `"`)
t.P(` "context"`)
for pkg, importPath := range t.deps {
t.P(`import `, pkg, ` `, importPath)
svcStructName := serviceName(svc) + "Service"
t.P(`// `, svcStructName, ` struct`)
t.P(`type `, svcStructName, ` struct {`)
t.P(` conf *conf.Config`)
t.P(` // optionally add other properties here, such as dao`)
t.P(` // dao *dao.Dao`)
t.P(`//New`, svcStructName, ` init`)
t.P(`func New`, svcStructName, `(c *conf.Config) (s *`, svcStructName, `) {`)
t.P(` s = &`, svcStructName, `{`)
t.P(` conf: c,`)
t.P(` }`)
t.P(` return s`)
comments, err := t.reg.ServiceComments(file, svc)
if err == nil {
t.generateBmImpl(file, svc, map[string]bool{})
resp.Content = proto.String(t.formattedOutput())
return resp
func (t *bm) generate(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File {
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File)
if len(file.Service) == 0 {
return nil
t.generateFileHeader(file, t.genPkgName)
for i, service := range file.Service {
t.generateService(file, service, i)
t.generateSingleRoute(file, service, i)
resp.Name = proto.String(goFileName(file, ".bm.go"))
resp.Content = proto.String(t.formattedOutput())
return resp
func (t *bm) generateMiddlewareInfo(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
for _, service := range file.Service {
name := serviceName(service)
for _, method := range service.Method {
_, _, path := t.getHttpInfo(file, service, method, nil)
t.P(`var Path`, name, methodName(method), ` = "`, path, `"`)
func (t *bm) generateFileHeader(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, pkgName string) {
t.P("// Code generated by protoc-gen-bm ", gen.Version, ", DO NOT EDIT.")
t.P("// source: ", file.GetName())
if t.filesHandled == 0 {
t.P("Package ", t.genPkgName, " is a generated blademaster stub package.")
t.P("This code was generated with go-common/app/tool/bmgen/protoc-gen-bm ", gen.Version, ".")
comment, err := t.reg.FileComments(file)
if err == nil && comment.Leading != "" {
for _, line := range strings.Split(comment.Leading, "\n") {
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, " ")
// ensure we don't escape from the block comment
line = strings.Replace(line, "*/", "* /", -1)
t.P("It is generated from these files:")
for _, f := range t.genFiles {
t.P("\t", f.GetName())
t.P(`package `, pkgName)
func (t *bm) generateImports(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
if len(file.Service) == 0 {
t.P(`import (`)
//t.P(` `,t.pkgs["context"], ` "context"`)
t.P(` "context"`)
t.P(` bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"`)
t.P(` "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster/binding"`)
// It's legal to import a message and use it as an input or output for a
// method. Make sure to import the package of any such message. First, dedupe
// them.
deps := make(map[string]string) // Map of package name to quoted import path.
ourImportPath := path.Dir(goFileName(file, ""))
for _, s := range file.Service {
for _, m := range s.Method {
defs := []*typemap.MessageDefinition{
for _, def := range defs {
// By default, import path is the dirname of the Go filename.
importPath := path.Dir(goFileName(def.File, ""))
if importPath == ourImportPath {
if substitution, ok := t.importMap[def.File.GetName()]; ok {
importPath = substitution
importPath = t.importPrefix + importPath
pkg := t.goPackageName(def.File)
deps[pkg] = strconv.Quote(importPath)
t.deps = deps
for pkg, importPath := range deps {
t.P(`import `, pkg, ` `, importPath)
if len(deps) > 0 {
t.P(`// to suppressed 'imported but not used warning'`)
t.P(`var _ *bm.Context`)
t.P(`var _ context.Context`)
t.P(`var _ binding.StructValidator`)
// P forwards to g.gen.P, which prints output.
func (t *bm) P(args ...string) {
for _, v := range args {
// Big header comments to makes it easier to visually parse a generated file.
func (t *bm) sectionComment(sectionTitle string) {
t.P(`// `, strings.Repeat("=", len(sectionTitle)))
t.P(`// `, sectionTitle)
t.P(`// `, strings.Repeat("=", len(sectionTitle)))
func (t *bm) generateService(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto, index int) {
servName := serviceName(service)
t.sectionComment(servName + ` Interface`)
t.generateBMInterface(file, service)
// import project/api的路径
func (t *bm) getPbImportPath(filename string) (importPath string) {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
panic("cannot get working directory")
index := strings.Index(wd, "go-common")
if index == -1 {
gen.Fail("must use inside go-common")
dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
if dir != "." {
importPath = wd + "/" + dir
} else {
importPath = wd
importPath = importPath[index:]
// getProjPath return project path relative to GOPATH
func (t *bm) getProjPath() string {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
panic("cannot get working directory")
index := strings.Index(wd, "go-common")
if index == -1 {
gen.Fail("must use inside go-common")
projPkgPath := wd[index:]
return projPkgPath
func lcFirst(str string) string {
for i, v := range str {
return string(unicode.ToLower(v)) + str[i+1:]
return ""
// TODO rename
func (t *bm) getLegacyPathPrefix(
svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto, pathParts []string, isInternal bool) (uriPrefix string) {
var parts []string
parts = append(parts, pathParts[0])
if isInternal {
parts = append(parts, "internal")
parts = append(parts, pathParts[1:]...)
uriPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("/x%s/%s", strings.Join(parts, "/"), lcFirst(svc.GetName()))
func (t *bm) getHttpInfo(
file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto,
tags []reflect.StructTag,
) (httpMethod string, oldPath string, newPath string) {
googleOptionInfo, err := ParseBMMethod(method)
if err == nil {
httpMethod = strings.ToUpper(googleOptionInfo.Method)
p := googleOptionInfo.PathPattern
if p != "" {
oldPath = p
newPath = p
if httpMethod == "" {
// resolve http method
httpMethod = getTagValue("method", tags)
if httpMethod == "" {
httpMethod = "GET"
} else {
httpMethod = strings.ToUpper(httpMethod)
isLegacy, parts := t.convertLegacyPackage(file.GetPackage())
if isLegacy {
apiInternal := getTagValue("internal", tags) == "true"
pathPrefix := t.getLegacyPathPrefix(service, parts, apiInternal)
oldPath = pathPrefix + `/` + method.GetName()
newPath = "/" + file.GetPackage() + "." + service.GetName() + "/" + method.GetName()
// 返回空则不用考虑历史package
// 如果非空则表示按照返回的pathParts做url规则
func (t *bm) convertLegacyPackage(pkgName string) (isLegacy bool, pathParts []string) {
var splits = strings.Split(pkgName, ".")
var remain []string
if len(splits) >= 2 {
splits = splits[0:2]
remain = splits[2:]
var pkgPrefix = strings.Join(splits, ".")
legacyPkg, isLegacy := legacyPathMapping[pkgPrefix]
if isLegacy {
legacyPkg = strings.Replace(pkgName, pkgPrefix, legacyPkg, 1)
pathParts = append(pathParts, strings.Split(legacyPkg, ".")...)
pathParts = append(pathParts, remain...)
func (t *bm) generateSingleRoute(
file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
index int) {
// old mode is generate xx.route.go in the http pkg
// new mode is generate route code in the same .bm.go
// route rule /x{department}/{project-name}/{path_prefix}/method_name
// generate each route method
servName := serviceName(service)
versionPrefix := t.getVersionPrefix()
svcName := lcFirst(stringutils.CamelCase(versionPrefix)) + servName + "Svc"
t.P(`var `, svcName, ` `, servName, `BMServer`)
type methodInfo struct {
httpMethod string
midwares []string
routeFuncName string
path string
legacyPath string
methodName string
var methList []methodInfo
var allMidwareMap = make(map[string]bool)
var isLegacyPkg = false
for _, method := range service.Method {
var httpMethod string
var midwares []string
comments, _ := t.reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
tags := getTagsInComment(comments.Leading)
if getTagValue("dynamic", tags) == "true" {
httpMethod, legacyPath, path := t.getHttpInfo(file, service, method, tags)
if legacyPath != "" {
isLegacyPkg = true
midStr := getTagValue("midware", tags)
if midStr != "" {
midwares = strings.Split(midStr, ",")
for _, m := range midwares {
allMidwareMap[m] = true
methName := methodName(method)
inputType := t.goTypeName(method.GetInputType())
routeName := lcFirst(stringutils.CamelCase(servName) +
methList = append(methList, methodInfo{
httpMethod: httpMethod,
midwares: midwares,
routeFuncName: routeName,
path: path,
legacyPath: legacyPath,
methodName: method.GetName(),
t.P(fmt.Sprintf("func %s (c *bm.Context) {", routeName))
t.P(` p := new(`, inputType, `)`)
t.P(` if err := c.BindWith(p, binding.Default(c.Request.Method, c.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type"))); err != nil {`)
t.P(` return`)
t.P(` }`)
t.P(` resp, err := `, svcName, `.`, methName, `(c, p)`)
t.P(` c.JSON(resp, err)`)
// generate route group
var midList []string
for m := range allMidwareMap {
midList = append(midList, m+" bm.HandlerFunc")
// 注册老的路由的方法
if isLegacyPkg {
funcName := `Register` + stringutils.CamelCase(versionPrefix) + servName + `Service`
t.P(`// `, funcName, ` Register the blademaster route with middleware map`)
t.P(`// midMap is the middleware map, the key is defined in proto`)
t.P(`func `, funcName, `(e *bm.Engine, svc `, servName, "BMServer, midMap map[string]bm.HandlerFunc)", ` {`)
var keys []string
for m := range allMidwareMap {
keys = append(keys, m)
// to keep generated code consistent
for _, m := range keys {
t.P(m, ` := midMap["`, m, `"]`)
t.P(svcName, ` = svc`)
for _, methInfo := range methList {
var midArgStr string
if len(methInfo.midwares) == 0 {
midArgStr = ""
} else {
midArgStr = strings.Join(methInfo.midwares, ", ") + ", "
t.P(`e.`, methInfo.httpMethod, `("`, methInfo.legacyPath, `", `, midArgStr, methInfo.routeFuncName, `)`)
t.P(` }`)
// 新的注册路由的方法
var bmFuncName = fmt.Sprintf("Register%sBMServer", servName)
t.P(`// `, bmFuncName, ` Register the blademaster route`)
t.P(`func `, bmFuncName, `(e *bm.Engine, server `, servName, `BMServer) {`)
t.P(svcName, ` = server`)
for _, methInfo := range methList {
t.P(`e.`, methInfo.httpMethod, `("`, methInfo.path, `",`, methInfo.routeFuncName, ` )`)
t.P(` }`)
func (t *bm) generateBMInterface(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) {
servName := serviceName(service)
comments, err := t.reg.ServiceComments(file, service)
if err == nil {
t.P(`type `, servName, `BMServer interface {`)
for _, method := range service.Method {
t.generateSignature(file, service, method, comments)
// pb包的别名
// 用户生成service实现模板时对pb文件的引用
// 如果是v*的package 则为v*pb
// 其他为pb
func (t *bm) getPkgAlias() string {
if t.genPkgName == "" {
return "pb"
if t.genPkgName[:1] == "v" {
return t.genPkgName + "pb"
return "pb"
// 如果是v*开始的 返回v*
// 否则返回空
func (t *bm) getVersionPrefix() string {
if t.genPkgName == "" {
return ""
if t.genPkgName[:1] == "v" {
return t.genPkgName
return ""
func (t *bm) generateBmImpl(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
existMap map[string]bool) {
var pkgName = t.getPkgAlias()
svcName := serviceName(service) + "Service"
for _, method := range service.Method {
methName := methodName(method)
if existMap[methName] {
comments, err := t.reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
tags := getTagsInComment(comments.Leading)
respDynamic := getTagValue("dynamic_resp", tags) == "true"
genImp := func(dynamicRet bool) {
t.P(`// `, methName, " implementation")
if err == nil {
outputType := t.goTypeName(method.GetOutputType())
inputType := t.goTypeName(method.GetInputType())
var body string
var ownPkg = t.isOwnPackage(method.GetOutputType())
var respType string
if ownPkg {
respType = pkgName + "." + outputType
} else {
respType = outputType
if dynamicRet {
body = fmt.Sprintf(`func (s *%s) %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s.%s) (resp interface{}, err error) {`,
svcName, methName, pkgName, inputType)
} else {
body = fmt.Sprintf(`func (s *%s) %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s.%s) (resp *%s, err error) {`,
svcName, methName, pkgName, inputType, respType)
t.P(fmt.Sprintf("resp = &%s{}", respType))
t.P(` return`)
func (t *bm) generateSignature(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto,
comments typemap.DefinitionComments) {
comments, err := t.reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
methName := methodName(method)
outputType := t.goTypeName(method.GetOutputType())
inputType := t.goTypeName(method.GetInputType())
tags := getTagsInComment(comments.Leading)
if getTagValue("dynamic", tags) == "true" {
if err == nil {
respDynamic := getTagValue("dynamic_resp", tags) == "true"
if respDynamic {
t.P(fmt.Sprintf(` %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s) (resp interface{}, err error)`,
methName, inputType))
} else {
t.P(fmt.Sprintf(` %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s) (resp *%s, err error)`,
methName, inputType, outputType))
func (t *bm) generateFileDescriptor(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
// Copied straight of of protoc-gen-go, which trims out comments.
pb := proto.Clone(file).(*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto)
pb.SourceCodeInfo = nil
b, err := proto.Marshal(pb)
if err != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w, _ := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&buf, gzip.BestCompression)
func (t *bm) printComments(comments typemap.DefinitionComments) bool {
text := strings.TrimSuffix(comments.Leading, "\n")
if len(strings.TrimSpace(text)) == 0 {
return false
split := strings.Split(text, "\n")
for _, line := range split {
t.P("// ", strings.TrimPrefix(line, " "))
return len(split) > 0
// Given a protobuf name for a Message, return the Go name we will use for that
// type, including its package prefix.
func (t *bm) goTypeName(protoName string) string {
def := t.reg.MessageDefinition(protoName)
if def == nil {
gen.Fail("could not find message for", protoName)
var prefix string
if pkg := t.goPackageName(def.File); pkg != t.genPkgName {
prefix = pkg + "."
var name string
for _, parent := range def.Lineage() {
name += parent.Descriptor.GetName() + "_"
name += def.Descriptor.GetName()
return prefix + name
func (t *bm) isOwnPackage(protoName string) bool {
def := t.reg.MessageDefinition(protoName)
if def == nil {
gen.Fail("could not find message for", protoName)
pkg := t.goPackageName(def.File)
return pkg == t.genPkgName
func (t *bm) goPackageName(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) string {
return t.fileToGoPackageName[file]
func (t *bm) formattedOutput() string {
// Reformat generated code.
fset := token.NewFileSet()
raw := t.output.Bytes()
ast, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", raw, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
// Print out the bad code with line numbers.
// This should never happen in practice, but it can while changing generated code,
// so consider this a debugging aid.
var src bytes.Buffer
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(raw))
for line := 1; s.Scan(); line++ {
fmt.Fprintf(&src, "%5d\t%s\n", line, s.Bytes())
gen.Fail("bad Go source code was generated:", err.Error(), "\n"+src.String())
out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err = (&printer.Config{Mode: printer.TabIndent | printer.UseSpaces, Tabwidth: 8}).Fprint(out, fset, ast)
if err != nil {
gen.Fail("generated Go source code could not be reformatted:", err.Error())
return out.String()
func serviceName(service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) string {
return stringutils.CamelCase(service.GetName())
func methodName(method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) string {
return stringutils.CamelCase(method.GetName())
func fileDescSliceContains(slice []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, f *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) bool {
for _, sf := range slice {
if f == sf {
return true
return false
// deduceGenPkgName figures out the go package name to use for generated code.
// Will try to use the explicit go_package setting in a file (if set, must be
// consistent in all files). If no files have go_package set, then use the
// protobuf package name (must be consistent in all files)
func deduceGenPkgName(genFiles []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) (string, error) {
var genPkgName string
for _, f := range genFiles {
name, explicit := goPackageName(f)
if explicit {
name = stringutils.CleanIdentifier(name)
if genPkgName != "" && genPkgName != name {
// Make sure they're all set consistently.
return "", errors.Errorf("files have conflicting go_package settings, must be the same: %q and %q", genPkgName, name)
genPkgName = name
if genPkgName != "" {
return genPkgName, nil
// If there is no explicit setting, then check the implicit package name
// (derived from the protobuf package name) of the files and make sure it's
// consistent.
for _, f := range genFiles {
name, _ := goPackageName(f)
name = stringutils.CleanIdentifier(name)
if genPkgName != "" && genPkgName != name {
return "", errors.Errorf("files have conflicting package names, must be the same or overridden with go_package: %q and %q", genPkgName, name)
genPkgName = name
// All the files have the same name, so we're good.
return genPkgName, nil