799 lines
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799 lines
26 KiB
package parser
import (
tc "go/types"
// This clarifies when a pkg path has been canonicalized.
type importPathString string
// Builder lets you add all the go files in all the packages that you care
// about, then constructs the type source data.
type Builder struct {
context *build.Context
// Map of package names to more canonical information about the package.
// This might hold the same value for multiple names, e.g. if someone
// referenced ./pkg/name or in the case of vendoring, which canonicalizes
// differently that what humans would type.
buildPackages map[string]*build.Package
fset *token.FileSet
// map of package path to list of parsed files
parsed map[importPathString][]parsedFile
// map of package path to absolute path (to prevent overlap)
absPaths map[importPathString]string
// Set by typeCheckPackage(), used by importPackage() and friends.
typeCheckedPackages map[importPathString]*tc.Package
// Map of package path to whether the user requested it or it was from
// an import.
userRequested map[importPathString]bool
// All comments from everywhere in every parsed file.
endLineToCommentGroup map[fileLine]*ast.CommentGroup
// map of package to list of packages it imports.
importGraph map[importPathString]map[string]struct{}
// parsedFile is for tracking files with name
type parsedFile struct {
name string
file *ast.File
// key type for finding comments.
type fileLine struct {
file string
line int
// New constructs a new builder.
func New() *Builder {
c := build.Default
if c.GOROOT == "" {
if p, err := exec.Command("which", "go").CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
// The returned string will have some/path/bin/go, so remove the last two elements.
c.GOROOT = filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(strings.Trim(string(p), "\n")))
} else {
glog.Warningf("Warning: $GOROOT not set, and unable to run `which go` to find it: %v\n", err)
// Force this to off, since we don't properly parse CGo. All symbols must
// have non-CGo equivalents.
c.CgoEnabled = false
return &Builder{
context: &c,
buildPackages: map[string]*build.Package{},
typeCheckedPackages: map[importPathString]*tc.Package{},
fset: token.NewFileSet(),
parsed: map[importPathString][]parsedFile{},
absPaths: map[importPathString]string{},
userRequested: map[importPathString]bool{},
endLineToCommentGroup: map[fileLine]*ast.CommentGroup{},
importGraph: map[importPathString]map[string]struct{}{},
// AddBuildTags adds the specified build tags to the parse context.
func (b *Builder) AddBuildTags(tags ...string) {
b.context.BuildTags = append(b.context.BuildTags, tags...)
// Get package information from the go/build package. Automatically excludes
// e.g. test files and files for other platforms-- there is quite a bit of
// logic of that nature in the build package.
func (b *Builder) importBuildPackage(dir string) (*build.Package, error) {
if buildPkg, ok := b.buildPackages[dir]; ok {
return buildPkg, nil
// This validates the `package foo // github.com/bar/foo` comments.
buildPkg, err := b.importWithMode(dir, build.ImportComment)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to import %q: %v", dir, err)
if buildPkg == nil {
// Might be an empty directory. Try to just find the dir.
buildPkg, err = b.importWithMode(dir, build.FindOnly)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Remember it under the user-provided name.
glog.V(5).Infof("saving buildPackage %s", dir)
b.buildPackages[dir] = buildPkg
canonicalPackage := canonicalizeImportPath(buildPkg.ImportPath)
if dir != string(canonicalPackage) {
// Since `dir` is not the canonical name, see if we knew it under another name.
if buildPkg, ok := b.buildPackages[string(canonicalPackage)]; ok {
return buildPkg, nil
// Must be new, save it under the canonical name, too.
glog.V(5).Infof("saving buildPackage %s", canonicalPackage)
b.buildPackages[string(canonicalPackage)] = buildPkg
return buildPkg, nil
// AddFileForTest adds a file to the set, without verifying that the provided
// pkg actually exists on disk. The pkg must be of the form "canonical/pkg/path"
// and the path must be the absolute path to the file. Because this bypasses
// the normal recursive finding of package dependencies (on disk), test should
// sort their test files topologically first, so all deps are resolved by the
// time we need them.
func (b *Builder) AddFileForTest(pkg string, path string, src []byte) error {
if err := b.addFile(importPathString(pkg), path, src, true); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.typeCheckPackage(importPathString(pkg)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// addFile adds a file to the set. The pkgPath must be of the form
// "canonical/pkg/path" and the path must be the absolute path to the file. A
// flag indicates whether this file was user-requested or just from following
// the import graph.
func (b *Builder) addFile(pkgPath importPathString, path string, src []byte, userRequested bool) error {
for _, p := range b.parsed[pkgPath] {
if path == p.name {
glog.V(5).Infof("addFile %s %s already parsed, skipping", pkgPath, path)
return nil
glog.V(6).Infof("addFile %s %s", pkgPath, path)
p, err := parser.ParseFile(b.fset, path, src, parser.DeclarationErrors|parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return err
// This is redundant with addDir, but some tests call AddFileForTest, which
// call into here without calling addDir.
b.userRequested[pkgPath] = userRequested || b.userRequested[pkgPath]
b.parsed[pkgPath] = append(b.parsed[pkgPath], parsedFile{path, p})
for _, c := range p.Comments {
position := b.fset.Position(c.End())
b.endLineToCommentGroup[fileLine{position.Filename, position.Line}] = c
// We have to get the packages from this specific file, in case the
// user added individual files instead of entire directories.
if b.importGraph[pkgPath] == nil {
b.importGraph[pkgPath] = map[string]struct{}{}
for _, im := range p.Imports {
importedPath := strings.Trim(im.Path.Value, `"`)
b.importGraph[pkgPath][importedPath] = struct{}{}
return nil
// AddDir adds an entire directory, scanning it for go files. 'dir' should have
// a single go package in it. GOPATH, GOROOT, and the location of your go
// binary (`which go`) will all be searched if dir doesn't literally resolve.
func (b *Builder) AddDir(dir string) error {
_, err := b.importPackage(dir, true)
return err
// AddDirRecursive is just like AddDir, but it also recursively adds
// subdirectories; it returns an error only if the path couldn't be resolved;
// any directories recursed into without go source are ignored.
func (b *Builder) AddDirRecursive(dir string) error {
// Add the root.
if _, err := b.importPackage(dir, true); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Ignoring directory %v: %v", dir, err)
// filepath.Walk includes the root dir, but we already did that, so we'll
// remove that prefix and rebuild a package import path.
prefix := b.buildPackages[dir].Dir
fn := func(filePath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info != nil && info.IsDir() {
rel := filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, prefix))
if rel != "" {
// Make a pkg path.
pkg := path.Join(string(canonicalizeImportPath(b.buildPackages[dir].ImportPath)), rel)
// Add it.
if _, err := b.importPackage(pkg, true); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Ignoring child directory %v: %v", pkg, err)
return nil
if err := filepath.Walk(b.buildPackages[dir].Dir, fn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddDirTo adds an entire directory to a given Universe. Unlike AddDir, this
// processes the package immediately, which makes it safe to use from within a
// generator (rather than just at init time. 'dir' must be a single go package.
// GOPATH, GOROOT, and the location of your go binary (`which go`) will all be
// searched if dir doesn't literally resolve.
// Deprecated. Please use AddDirectoryTo.
func (b *Builder) AddDirTo(dir string, u *types.Universe) error {
// We want all types from this package, as if they were directly added
// by the user. They WERE added by the user, in effect.
if _, err := b.importPackage(dir, true); err != nil {
return err
return b.findTypesIn(canonicalizeImportPath(b.buildPackages[dir].ImportPath), u)
// AddDirectoryTo adds an entire directory to a given Universe. Unlike AddDir,
// this processes the package immediately, which makes it safe to use from
// within a generator (rather than just at init time. 'dir' must be a single go
// package. GOPATH, GOROOT, and the location of your go binary (`which go`)
// will all be searched if dir doesn't literally resolve.
func (b *Builder) AddDirectoryTo(dir string, u *types.Universe) (*types.Package, error) {
// We want all types from this package, as if they were directly added
// by the user. They WERE added by the user, in effect.
if _, err := b.importPackage(dir, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
path := canonicalizeImportPath(b.buildPackages[dir].ImportPath)
if err := b.findTypesIn(path, u); err != nil {
return nil, err
return u.Package(string(path)), nil
// The implementation of AddDir. A flag indicates whether this directory was
// user-requested or just from following the import graph.
func (b *Builder) addDir(dir string, userRequested bool) error {
glog.V(5).Infof("addDir %s", dir)
buildPkg, err := b.importBuildPackage(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
canonicalPackage := canonicalizeImportPath(buildPkg.ImportPath)
pkgPath := canonicalPackage
if dir != string(canonicalPackage) {
glog.V(5).Infof("addDir %s, canonical path is %s", dir, pkgPath)
// Sanity check the pkg dir has not changed.
if prev, found := b.absPaths[pkgPath]; found {
if buildPkg.Dir != prev {
return fmt.Errorf("package %q (%s) previously resolved to %s", pkgPath, buildPkg.Dir, prev)
} else {
b.absPaths[pkgPath] = buildPkg.Dir
for _, n := range buildPkg.GoFiles {
if !strings.HasSuffix(n, ".go") {
absPath := filepath.Join(buildPkg.Dir, n)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(absPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("while loading %q: %v", absPath, err)
err = b.addFile(pkgPath, absPath, data, userRequested)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("while parsing %q: %v", absPath, err)
return nil
// importPackage is a function that will be called by the type check package when it
// needs to import a go package. 'path' is the import path.
func (b *Builder) importPackage(dir string, userRequested bool) (*tc.Package, error) {
glog.V(5).Infof("importPackage %s", dir)
var pkgPath = importPathString(dir)
// Get the canonical path if we can.
if buildPkg := b.buildPackages[dir]; buildPkg != nil {
canonicalPackage := canonicalizeImportPath(buildPkg.ImportPath)
glog.V(5).Infof("importPackage %s, canonical path is %s", dir, canonicalPackage)
pkgPath = canonicalPackage
// If we have not seen this before, process it now.
ignoreError := false
if _, found := b.parsed[pkgPath]; !found {
// Ignore errors in paths that we're importing solely because
// they're referenced by other packages.
ignoreError = true
// Add it.
if err := b.addDir(dir, userRequested); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the canonical path now that it has been added.
if buildPkg := b.buildPackages[dir]; buildPkg != nil {
canonicalPackage := canonicalizeImportPath(buildPkg.ImportPath)
glog.V(5).Infof("importPackage %s, canonical path is %s", dir, canonicalPackage)
pkgPath = canonicalPackage
// If it was previously known, just check that the user-requestedness hasn't
// changed.
b.userRequested[pkgPath] = userRequested || b.userRequested[pkgPath]
// Run the type checker. We may end up doing this to pkgs that are already
// done, or are in the queue to be done later, but it will short-circuit,
// and we can't miss pkgs that are only depended on.
pkg, err := b.typeCheckPackage(pkgPath)
if err != nil {
switch {
case ignoreError && pkg != nil:
glog.V(2).Infof("type checking encountered some issues in %q, but ignoring.\n", pkgPath)
case !ignoreError && pkg != nil:
glog.V(2).Infof("type checking encountered some errors in %q\n", pkgPath)
return nil, err
return nil, err
return pkg, nil
type importAdapter struct {
b *Builder
func (a importAdapter) Import(path string) (*tc.Package, error) {
return a.b.importPackage(path, false)
// typeCheckPackage will attempt to return the package even if there are some
// errors, so you may check whether the package is nil or not even if you get
// an error.
func (b *Builder) typeCheckPackage(pkgPath importPathString) (*tc.Package, error) {
glog.V(5).Infof("typeCheckPackage %s", pkgPath)
if pkg, ok := b.typeCheckedPackages[pkgPath]; ok {
if pkg != nil {
glog.V(6).Infof("typeCheckPackage %s already done", pkgPath)
return pkg, nil
// We store a nil right before starting work on a package. So
// if we get here and it's present and nil, that means there's
// another invocation of this function on the call stack
// already processing this package.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("circular dependency for %q", pkgPath)
parsedFiles, ok := b.parsed[pkgPath]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No files for pkg %q: %#v", pkgPath, b.parsed)
files := make([]*ast.File, len(parsedFiles))
for i := range parsedFiles {
files[i] = parsedFiles[i].file
b.typeCheckedPackages[pkgPath] = nil
c := tc.Config{
IgnoreFuncBodies: true,
// Note that importAdapter can call b.importPackage which calls this
// method. So there can't be cycles in the import graph.
Importer: importAdapter{b},
Error: func(err error) {
glog.V(2).Infof("type checker: %v\n", err)
pkg, err := c.Check(string(pkgPath), b.fset, files, nil)
b.typeCheckedPackages[pkgPath] = pkg // record the result whether or not there was an error
return pkg, err
// FindPackages fetches a list of the user-imported packages.
// Note that you need to call b.FindTypes() first.
func (b *Builder) FindPackages() []string {
// Iterate packages in a predictable order.
pkgPaths := []string{}
for k := range b.typeCheckedPackages {
pkgPaths = append(pkgPaths, string(k))
result := []string{}
for _, pkgPath := range pkgPaths {
if b.userRequested[importPathString(pkgPath)] {
// Since walkType is recursive, all types that are in packages that
// were directly mentioned will be included. We don't need to
// include all types in all transitive packages, though.
result = append(result, pkgPath)
return result
// FindTypes finalizes the package imports, and searches through all the
// packages for types.
func (b *Builder) FindTypes() (types.Universe, error) {
// Take a snapshot of pkgs to iterate, since this will recursively mutate
// b.parsed. Iterate in a predictable order.
pkgPaths := []string{}
for pkgPath := range b.parsed {
pkgPaths = append(pkgPaths, string(pkgPath))
u := types.Universe{}
for _, pkgPath := range pkgPaths {
if err := b.findTypesIn(importPathString(pkgPath), &u); err != nil {
return nil, err
return u, nil
// findTypesIn finalizes the package import and searches through the package
// for types.
func (b *Builder) findTypesIn(pkgPath importPathString, u *types.Universe) error {
glog.V(5).Infof("findTypesIn %s", pkgPath)
pkg := b.typeCheckedPackages[pkgPath]
if pkg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("findTypesIn(%s): package is not known", pkgPath)
if !b.userRequested[pkgPath] {
// Since walkType is recursive, all types that the
// packages they asked for depend on will be included.
// But we don't need to include all types in all
// *packages* they depend on.
glog.V(5).Infof("findTypesIn %s: package is not user requested", pkgPath)
return nil
// We're keeping this package. This call will create the record.
u.Package(string(pkgPath)).Name = pkg.Name()
u.Package(string(pkgPath)).Path = pkg.Path()
u.Package(string(pkgPath)).SourcePath = b.absPaths[pkgPath]
for _, f := range b.parsed[pkgPath] {
if _, fileName := filepath.Split(f.name); fileName == "doc.go" {
tp := u.Package(string(pkgPath))
// findTypesIn might be called multiple times. Clean up tp.Comments
// to avoid repeatedly fill same comments to it.
tp.Comments = []string{}
for i := range f.file.Comments {
tp.Comments = append(tp.Comments, splitLines(f.file.Comments[i].Text())...)
if f.file.Doc != nil {
tp.DocComments = splitLines(f.file.Doc.Text())
s := pkg.Scope()
for _, n := range s.Names() {
obj := s.Lookup(n)
tn, ok := obj.(*tc.TypeName)
if ok {
t := b.walkType(*u, nil, tn.Type())
c1 := b.priorCommentLines(obj.Pos(), 1)
// c1.Text() is safe if c1 is nil
t.CommentLines = splitLines(c1.Text())
if c1 == nil {
t.SecondClosestCommentLines = splitLines(b.priorCommentLines(obj.Pos(), 2).Text())
} else {
t.SecondClosestCommentLines = splitLines(b.priorCommentLines(c1.List[0].Slash, 2).Text())
tf, ok := obj.(*tc.Func)
// We only care about functions, not concrete/abstract methods.
if ok && tf.Type() != nil && tf.Type().(*tc.Signature).Recv() == nil {
t := b.addFunction(*u, nil, tf)
c1 := b.priorCommentLines(obj.Pos(), 1)
// c1.Text() is safe if c1 is nil
t.CommentLines = splitLines(c1.Text())
if c1 == nil {
t.SecondClosestCommentLines = splitLines(b.priorCommentLines(obj.Pos(), 2).Text())
} else {
t.SecondClosestCommentLines = splitLines(b.priorCommentLines(c1.List[0].Slash, 2).Text())
tv, ok := obj.(*tc.Var)
if ok && !tv.IsField() {
b.addVariable(*u, nil, tv)
importedPkgs := []string{}
for k := range b.importGraph[pkgPath] {
importedPkgs = append(importedPkgs, string(k))
for _, p := range importedPkgs {
u.AddImports(string(pkgPath), p)
return nil
func (b *Builder) importWithMode(dir string, mode build.ImportMode) (*build.Package, error) {
// This is a bit of a hack. The srcDir argument to Import() should
// properly be the dir of the file which depends on the package to be
// imported, so that vendoring can work properly and local paths can
// resolve. We assume that there is only one level of vendoring, and that
// the CWD is inside the GOPATH, so this should be safe. Nobody should be
// using local (relative) paths except on the CLI, so CWD is also
// sufficient.
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get current directory: %v", err)
buildPkg, err := b.context.Import(dir, cwd, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buildPkg, nil
// if there's a comment on the line `lines` before pos, return its text, otherwise "".
func (b *Builder) priorCommentLines(pos token.Pos, lines int) *ast.CommentGroup {
position := b.fset.Position(pos)
key := fileLine{position.Filename, position.Line - lines}
return b.endLineToCommentGroup[key]
func splitLines(str string) []string {
return strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(str, "\n"), "\n")
func tcFuncNameToName(in string) types.Name {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(in, "func ")
nameParts := strings.Split(name, "(")
return tcNameToName(nameParts[0])
func tcVarNameToName(in string) types.Name {
nameParts := strings.Split(in, " ")
// nameParts[0] is "var".
// nameParts[2:] is the type of the variable, we ignore it for now.
return tcNameToName(nameParts[1])
func tcNameToName(in string) types.Name {
// Detect anonymous type names. (These may have '.' characters because
// embedded types may have packages, so we detect them specially.)
if strings.HasPrefix(in, "struct{") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "<-chan") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "chan<-") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "chan ") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "func(") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "*") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "map[") ||
strings.HasPrefix(in, "[") {
return types.Name{Name: in}
// Otherwise, if there are '.' characters present, the name has a
// package path in front.
nameParts := strings.Split(in, ".")
name := types.Name{Name: in}
if n := len(nameParts); n >= 2 {
// The final "." is the name of the type--previous ones must
// have been in the package path.
name.Package, name.Name = strings.Join(nameParts[:n-1], "."), nameParts[n-1]
return name
func (b *Builder) convertSignature(u types.Universe, t *tc.Signature) *types.Signature {
signature := &types.Signature{}
for i := 0; i < t.Params().Len(); i++ {
signature.Parameters = append(signature.Parameters, b.walkType(u, nil, t.Params().At(i).Type()))
for i := 0; i < t.Results().Len(); i++ {
signature.Results = append(signature.Results, b.walkType(u, nil, t.Results().At(i).Type()))
if r := t.Recv(); r != nil {
signature.Receiver = b.walkType(u, nil, r.Type())
signature.Variadic = t.Variadic()
return signature
// walkType adds the type, and any necessary child types.
func (b *Builder) walkType(u types.Universe, useName *types.Name, in tc.Type) *types.Type {
// Most of the cases are underlying types of the named type.
name := tcNameToName(in.String())
if useName != nil {
name = *useName
switch t := in.(type) {
case *tc.Struct:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Struct
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
m := types.Member{
Name: f.Name(),
Embedded: f.Anonymous(),
Tags: t.Tag(i),
Type: b.walkType(u, nil, f.Type()),
CommentLines: splitLines(b.priorCommentLines(f.Pos(), 1).Text()),
out.Members = append(out.Members, m)
return out
case *tc.Map:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Map
out.Elem = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Elem())
out.Key = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Key())
return out
case *tc.Pointer:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Pointer
out.Elem = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Elem())
return out
case *tc.Slice:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Slice
out.Elem = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Elem())
return out
case *tc.Array:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Array
out.Elem = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Elem())
// TODO: need to store array length, otherwise raw type name
// cannot be properly written.
return out
case *tc.Chan:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Chan
out.Elem = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Elem())
// TODO: need to store direction, otherwise raw type name
// cannot be properly written.
return out
case *tc.Basic:
out := u.Type(types.Name{
Package: "",
Name: t.Name(),
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Unsupported
return out
case *tc.Signature:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Func
out.Signature = b.convertSignature(u, t)
return out
case *tc.Interface:
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Interface
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethods(); i++ {
if out.Methods == nil {
out.Methods = map[string]*types.Type{}
out.Methods[t.Method(i).Name()] = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Method(i).Type())
return out
case *tc.Named:
var out *types.Type
switch t.Underlying().(type) {
case *tc.Named, *tc.Basic, *tc.Map, *tc.Slice:
name := tcNameToName(t.String())
out = u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Alias
out.Underlying = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Underlying())
// tc package makes everything "named" with an
// underlying anonymous type--we remove that annoying
// "feature" for users. This flattens those types
// together.
name := tcNameToName(t.String())
if out := u.Type(name); out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out // short circuit if we've already made this.
out = b.walkType(u, &name, t.Underlying())
// If the underlying type didn't already add methods, add them.
// (Interface types will have already added methods.)
if len(out.Methods) == 0 {
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethods(); i++ {
if out.Methods == nil {
out.Methods = map[string]*types.Type{}
out.Methods[t.Method(i).Name()] = b.walkType(u, nil, t.Method(i).Type())
return out
out := u.Type(name)
if out.Kind != types.Unknown {
return out
out.Kind = types.Unsupported
glog.Warningf("Making unsupported type entry %q for: %#v\n", out, t)
return out
func (b *Builder) addFunction(u types.Universe, useName *types.Name, in *tc.Func) *types.Type {
name := tcFuncNameToName(in.String())
if useName != nil {
name = *useName
out := u.Function(name)
out.Kind = types.DeclarationOf
out.Underlying = b.walkType(u, nil, in.Type())
return out
func (b *Builder) addVariable(u types.Universe, useName *types.Name, in *tc.Var) *types.Type {
name := tcVarNameToName(in.String())
if useName != nil {
name = *useName
out := u.Variable(name)
out.Kind = types.DeclarationOf
out.Underlying = b.walkType(u, nil, in.Type())
return out
// canonicalizeImportPath takes an import path and returns the actual package.
// It doesn't support nested vendoring.
func canonicalizeImportPath(importPath string) importPathString {
if !strings.Contains(importPath, "/vendor/") {
return importPathString(importPath)
return importPathString(importPath[strings.Index(importPath, "/vendor/")+len("/vendor/"):])