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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package service
import (
const (
_configFlag = "\r\n"
_sagaConfigFlag = "[[property.repos]]"
const (
_svenConfigAppName = "app_name"
_svenConfigEnv = "env"
_svenConfigZone = "zone"
_svenConfigTreeID = "tree_id"
_svenConfigToken = "token"
_svenConfigBuild = "build"
_svenConfigUser = "user"
_svenConfigData = "data"
_svenConfigNames = "names"
_svenConfigMark = "mark"
_svenConfigConfigIDs = "config_ids"
_svenConfigForce = "force"
_svenConfigIncrement = "increment"
const (
_formatStr = ` %s=%s`
_formatStrQuo = ` %s="%s"`
_formatValue = ` %s=%v`
_formatInt = ` %s=%d`
const (
_defaultBranch = "master"
_defaultLockTimeout = 600
const (
_repoURL = "URL"
_repoGroup = "Group"
_repoName = "Name"
_repoLanguage = "Language"
_repoLockTimeout = "LockTimeout"
_repoAuthBranches = "AuthBranches"
_repoTargetBranches = "TargetBranches"
var (
sagaConfigCnName = []string{
sagaConfigMark = []string{
"配置的分支可以触发saga行为如配置 targetBranches为master、release分支则MR的目标分支为master或release时都能触发saga行为。支持通配",
"配置后saga将会检查pipeline执行结果并会在最后merge前再次retry pipeline。不配置的话saga不会对pipeline执行结果进行判断。",
"此配置以 relatePipeline 为基础打开后saga在MR最终合并前将不再retry pipeline并且 +mr 时如果pipeline还在运行中待pipeline运行通过后MR将会自动合并。",
"如果有配置原来的鉴权文件CONTRIBUTORS.md将会失效需要合并的MR都必须通过super users的review。super users本身也拥有+mr直接合并的权利。",
// SagaUserList ...
func (s *Service) SagaUserList(c context.Context) (resp []string, err error) {
resp = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.UserList
// QueryAllConfigFile ...
func (s *Service) QueryAllConfigFile(c context.Context, sessionID string, isSaga bool) (resp *model.ConfigData, err error) {
var (
url = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.Configs + "?app_name=%s&tree_id=%s&env=%s&zone=%s&build_id=%s"
sagaConfig = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam
runnerConfig = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam
if isSaga {
url = fmt.Sprintf(url, sagaConfig.AppName, strconv.Itoa(sagaConfig.TreeID), sagaConfig.Env, sagaConfig.Zone, strconv.Itoa(sagaConfig.BuildId))
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf(url, runnerConfig.AppName, strconv.Itoa(runnerConfig.TreeID), runnerConfig.Env, runnerConfig.Zone, strconv.Itoa(runnerConfig.BuildId))
return s.dao.QueryAllConfigFile(c, sessionID, url)
// QueryConfigFileContent ...
func (s *Service) QueryConfigFileContent(c context.Context, sessionID string) (content string, err error) {
var (
url = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigValue
fileName = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.FileName
configs *model.ConfigData
if configs, err = s.QueryAllConfigFile(c, sessionID, true); err != nil {
for _, confValue := range configs.BuildFiles {
if confValue.Name == fileName {
log.Info("QueryConfigFileContent get config name: %s", fileName)
id := strconv.Itoa(confValue.ID)
url = fmt.Sprintf(url+"?config_id=%s", id)
if content, err = s.dao.QueryConfigFileContent(c, sessionID, url); err != nil {
// QueryProjectSagaConfig ...
func (s *Service) QueryProjectSagaConfig(c context.Context, sessionID string, projectID int) (sagaConfig *model.RepoConfig, err error) {
var (
projectInfo *model.ProjectInfo
content string
if content, err = s.QueryConfigFileContent(c, sessionID); err != nil {
index := strings.Index(content, _sagaConfigFlag)
if index < 0 {
content = content[index:]
log.Info("QueryProjectSagaConfig content: %s", content)
Conf := &model.Config{}
if _, err = toml.Decode(content, &Conf); err != nil {
log.Error("QueryProjectSagaConfig Decode err(%+v)", err)
if projectInfo, err = s.dao.ProjectInfoByID(projectID); err != nil {
log.Error("QueryProjectSagaConfig ProjectInfoByID err(%+v)", err)
projectUrl := strings.Replace(projectInfo.Repo, "git-test", "git", 1)
for _, r := range Conf.Property.Repos {
if r.URL == projectUrl {
sagaConfig = r
// UpdateConfig ...
func (s *Service) UpdateConfig(c context.Context, sessionID, user, configFileName, configContent, mark string, isSaga bool) (resp *model.CommonResp, err error) {
var (
reqUrl = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigUpdate
params = url.Values{}
if isSaga {
params.Set(_svenConfigAppName, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.AppName)
params.Set(_svenConfigEnv, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Env)
params.Set(_svenConfigZone, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Zone)
params.Set(_svenConfigTreeID, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.TreeID))
params.Set(_svenConfigToken, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Token)
} else {
params.Set(_svenConfigAppName, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.AppName)
params.Set(_svenConfigEnv, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Env)
params.Set(_svenConfigZone, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Zone)
params.Set(_svenConfigTreeID, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.TreeID))
params.Set(_svenConfigToken, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Token)
data := `[{"name":"%s","comment":"%s","mark":"%s"}]`
data = fmt.Sprintf(data, configFileName, configContent, mark)
params.Set(_svenConfigData, data)
params.Set(_svenConfigUser, user)
log.Info("UpdateConfig params:%v", params)
if resp, err = s.dao.RequestConfig(c, sessionID, reqUrl, params); err != nil {
if resp.Code == ecode.OK.Code() && resp.Message == "0" {
log.Info("RequestConfig success")
resp = nil
// PublicConfig ...
func (s *Service) PublicConfig(c context.Context, sessionID, user, configFileName, mark string, isSaga bool) (resp *model.CommonResp, err error) {
var (
reqUrl = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.TagUpdate
params = url.Values{}
if isSaga {
params.Set(_svenConfigAppName, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.AppName)
params.Set(_svenConfigEnv, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Env)
params.Set(_svenConfigZone, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Zone)
params.Set(_svenConfigTreeID, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.TreeID))
params.Set(_svenConfigToken, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Token)
params.Set(_svenConfigBuild, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Build)
} else {
params.Set(_svenConfigAppName, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.AppName)
params.Set(_svenConfigEnv, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Env)
params.Set(_svenConfigZone, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Zone)
params.Set(_svenConfigTreeID, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.TreeID))
params.Set(_svenConfigToken, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Token)
params.Set(_svenConfigBuild, conf.Conf.Property.Sven.ConfigsParam.Build)
params.Set(_svenConfigForce, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Force))
params.Set(_svenConfigIncrement, strconv.Itoa(conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.Increment))
params.Set(_svenConfigMark, mark)
params.Set(_svenConfigUser, user)
params.Set(_svenConfigNames, configFileName)
params.Set(_svenConfigConfigIDs, "")
if resp, err = s.dao.RequestConfig(c, sessionID, reqUrl, params); err != nil {
if resp.Code == ecode.OK.Code() && resp.Message == "0" {
log.Info("RequestConfig success")
resp = nil
// ParseRequestConfig ...
func (s *Service) ParseRequestConfig(projectInfo *model.ProjectInfo, configs []model.ConfigSagaItem) (requestConfig *model.RepoConfig, requestConfigStr string, err error) {
var (
configStr string
content []byte
configStr = doBasicDefault(projectInfo)
for _, config := range configs {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(config.Value)
if !rv.IsValid() {
configStr, _ = doDefault(config.Name, configStr)
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
log.Info("%s is slice", config.Name)
if rv.IsNil() {
configStr, _ = doDefault(config.Name, configStr)
if content, err = json.Marshal(config.Value); err != nil {
log.Error("ParseRequestConfig err(%+v)", err)
configTr := fmt.Sprintf(_formatStr, config.Name, string(content))
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
} else {
configTr := fmt.Sprintf(_formatValue, config.Name, config.Value)
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
log.Info("ParseRequestConfig: %s", configStr)
requestConfigStr = configStr
requestConfig = &model.RepoConfig{}
if _, err = toml.Decode(configStr, &requestConfig); err != nil {
log.Error("ParseRequestConfig toml decode err(%+v)", err)
// doBasicDefault ...
func doBasicDefault(projectInfo *model.ProjectInfo) (configStr string) {
var configTr string
configStr = _configFlag
configTr = fmt.Sprintf(_formatStrQuo, _repoURL, projectInfo.Repo)
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
configTr = fmt.Sprintf(_formatStrQuo, _repoGroup, projectInfo.SpaceName)
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
configTr = fmt.Sprintf(_formatStrQuo, _repoName, projectInfo.Name)
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
return configStr
// doDefault ...
func doDefault(name, config string) (configStr string, err error) {
var (
content []byte
defaultBr = []string{_defaultBranch}
configStr = config
if strings.ToLower(name) == strings.ToLower(_repoLockTimeout) {
configTr := fmt.Sprintf(_formatInt, name, _defaultLockTimeout)
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
if strings.ToLower(name) == strings.ToLower(_repoAuthBranches) || strings.ToLower(name) == strings.ToLower(_repoTargetBranches) {
if content, err = json.Marshal(defaultBr); err != nil {
log.Error("Marshal err(%+v)", err)
configTr := fmt.Sprintf(_formatStr, name, string(content))
configStr = configStr + configTr + _configFlag
// ParseSvenConfig ...
func (s *Service) ParseSvenConfig(c context.Context, sessionID, projectUrl string) (fileContent, svenConfig string, err error) {
var (
content string
projectConfigs []string
if fileContent, err = s.QueryConfigFileContent(c, sessionID); err != nil {
log.Info("ParseSvenConfig fileContent : %s", fileContent)
index := strings.Index(fileContent, _sagaConfigFlag)
if index < 0 {
log.Warn("ParseSvenConfig not found any config flag: %s", projectUrl)
content = fileContent[index:]
projectConfigs = strings.Split(content, _sagaConfigFlag)
for i := 0; i < len(projectConfigs); i++ {
if strings.Contains(projectConfigs[i], projectUrl) {
svenConfig = projectConfigs[i]
// ReplaceConfig ...
func (s *Service) ReplaceConfig(c context.Context, username, sessionID string, projectInfo *model.ProjectInfo, req *model.ConfigList) (newConfig string, err error) {
var (
requestConfig *model.RepoConfig
requestConfigStr string
fileContent string
svenConfig string
if requestConfig, requestConfigStr, err = s.ParseRequestConfig(projectInfo, req.Configs); err != nil {
if fileContent, svenConfig, err = s.ParseSvenConfig(c, sessionID, projectInfo.Repo); err != nil {
if len(svenConfig) <= 0 {
index := strings.Index(svenConfig, "#")
if index > 0 {
annotate := svenConfig[index:]
requestConfigStr = requestConfigStr + _configFlag + " " + annotate
log.Info("ReplaceConfig requestConfig: %v", requestConfig)
log.Info("ReplaceConfig requestConfigStr: %s", requestConfigStr)
log.Info("ReplaceConfig svenConfig: %s", svenConfig)
newConfig = strings.Replace(fileContent, svenConfig, requestConfigStr, 1)
log.Info("ReplaceConfig newConfig: %s", newConfig)
// ReleaseSagaConfig ...
func (s *Service) ReleaseSagaConfig(c context.Context, username, sessionID string, req *model.ConfigList) (resp *model.CommonResp, err error) {
var (
configFileName = conf.Conf.Property.Sven.SagaConfigsParam.FileName
sagaConfig *model.RepoConfig
projectInfo *model.ProjectInfo
projectID = req.ProjectID
newConfigContent string
if sagaConfig, err = s.QueryProjectSagaConfig(c, sessionID, req.ProjectID); err != nil || sagaConfig == nil {
log.Error("ReleaseSagaConfig err(%+v)", err)
if projectInfo, err = s.dao.ProjectInfoByID(projectID); err != nil {
log.Error("ProjectInfoByID err(%+v)", err)
projectInfo.Repo = strings.Replace(projectInfo.Repo, "git-test", "git", 1)
log.Info("ReleaseSagaConfig query project: %s, sagaConfig: %v", projectInfo.Name, sagaConfig)
if sagaConfig.Name == projectInfo.Name {
if newConfigContent, err = s.ReplaceConfig(c, username, sessionID, projectInfo, req); err != nil {
year, month, day := time.Now().Date()
monthInt := int(month)
hour := time.Now().Hour()
updateMark := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%d-%d-%d | from saga-admin", username, year, monthInt, day, hour)
newConfigContent = strconv.Quote(newConfigContent)[1 : len(strconv.Quote(newConfigContent))-1]
log.Info("ReleaseSagaConfig newConfig: %s", newConfigContent)
if _, err = s.UpdateConfig(c, sessionID, username, configFileName, newConfigContent, updateMark, true); err != nil {
log.Error("UpdateConfig err(%+v)", err)
if _, err = s.PublicConfig(c, sessionID, username, configFileName, updateMark, true); err != nil {
log.Error("PublicConfig err(%+v)", err)
// OptionSaga ...
func (s *Service) OptionSaga(c context.Context, projectID, sessionID string) (resp []*model.OptionSagaItem, err error) {
var sagaConfig *model.RepoConfig
projectIDInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(projectID)
if sagaConfig, err = s.QueryProjectSagaConfig(c, sessionID, projectIDInt); err != nil || sagaConfig == nil {
log.Error("QueryProjectSagaConfig err(%+v)", err)
t := reflect.TypeOf(sagaConfig)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
log.Info("OptionSaga the object is not a Ptr, but it is : %v", t.Kind())
t = reflect.TypeOf(sagaConfig).Elem()
if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
log.Info("OptionSaga the object is not a struct, but it is : %v", t.Kind())
v := reflect.ValueOf(sagaConfig).Elem()
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if f.Name == _repoURL || f.Name == _repoGroup || f.Name == _repoName || f.Name == _repoLanguage {
val := v.Field(i).Interface()
log.Info("OptionSaga === %s: %v = %v", f.Name, f.Type, val)
sagaItem := &model.OptionSagaItem{}
sagaItem.Name = f.Name
sagaItem.Value = val
sagaItem.CNName = sagaConfigCnName[i]
sagaItem.Remark = sagaConfigMark[i]
configTr := fmt.Sprintf(`%v`, f.Type)
sagaItem.Type = configTr
resp = append(resp, sagaItem)