2088 lines
58 KiB
2088 lines
58 KiB
package http
import (
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
func databusProjects(c *bm.Context) {
username := name(c)
projects, err := apmSvc.Projects(c, username, c.Request.Header.Get("Cookie"))
if err != nil {
log.Error("%v", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(projects, nil)
func databusClusters(c *bm.Context) {
var clusters []string
for k := range conf.Conf.Kafka {
clusters = append(clusters, k)
c.JSON(clusters, nil)
func databusApps(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20" validate:"min=1"`
Project string `form:"project"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
username := name(c)
projects, err := apmSvc.Projects(c, username, c.Request.Header.Get("Cookie"))
if err != nil {
log.Error("%v", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var (
apps []*databus.App
total int
if v.Project == "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Order("id").Offset((v.Pn-1)*v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Where("project in (?)", projects).Find(&apps).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Order("id").Offset((v.Pn-1)*v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Where("project in (?) AND project LIKE ?", projects, "%"+v.Project+"%").Find(&apps).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Apps error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.App{}).Where("project in (?)", projects).Count(&total).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Apps count error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: apps,
Total: total,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusAppAdd(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
m := &databus.App{
AppKey: genKey(v.Project),
AppSecret: genSecret(v.Project + strconv.FormatInt(rand.Int63(), 10)),
Project: v.Project,
Remark: v.Remark,
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.App{}).Create(m)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.appAdd error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 1, int64(m.ID), "apmSvc.appAdd", m)
data := map[string]int{
"id": db.Value.(*databus.App).ID,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusAppEdit(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
ID int64 `form:"id" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(app, v.ID).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.App{}).Where("id = ?", v.ID).Omit("id").UpdateColumns(v).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.serviceMod error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "id = ?",
"Value1": v.ID,
"Update": v,
"Old": app,
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, v.ID, "apmSvc.serviceMod", sqlLog)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusGroups(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Topic string `form:"topic"`
Group string `form:"group" default:""`
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20" validate:"min=1"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
username := name(c)
projects, err := apmSvc.Projects(c, username, c.Request.Header.Get("Cookie"))
if err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
var (
apps []*databus.App
topics []*databus.Topic
groups []*databus.Group
total int
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.App{}).Where("project in (?)", projects).Find(&apps).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
var appIDs []int
for _, val := range apps {
appIDs = append(appIDs, val.ID)
if v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.Topic).Find(&topics).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&topics).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.groups error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var topicIDS []int
for _, value := range topics {
topicIDS = append(topicIDS, value.ID)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Raw(`SELECT auth2.id,auth2.group,auth2.app_id,app2.app_key,app2.project,auth2.topic_id,auth2.operation,topic.cluster,topic.topic,auth2.remark,auth2.ctime,auth2.mtime,auth2.percentage,auth2.alarm, if(auth2.number=0,100,auth2.number) as number
FROM auth2 LEFT JOIN app2 ON app2.id=auth2.app_id LEFT JOIN topic ON topic.id=auth2.topic_id WHERE auth2.is_delete=0 AND auth2.topic_id in (?) and auth2.app_id in (?) and auth2.group LIKE '%`+v.Group+`%' ORDER BY auth2.id LIMIT ?,?`,
topicIDS, appIDs, (v.Pn-1)*v.Ps, v.Ps).Scan(&groups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.Groups error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Joins("LEFT JOIN app2 ON app2.id=auth2.app_id LEFT JOIN topic ON topic.id=auth2.topic_id").
Where("auth2.is_delete=0 AND auth2.topic_id in (?) AND auth2.app_id in (?) and auth2.group LIKE '%"+v.Group+"%'", topicIDS, appIDs).Count(&total).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.Groups count error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: groups,
Total: total,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusGroupProjects(c *bm.Context) {
var apps []*databus.App
var err error
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&apps).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.GroupProjects error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
allPs, err := apmSvc.Projects(c, username, c.Request.Header.Get("Cookie"))
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.Projects(%s) error(%v)", username, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
ps := make([]string, 0, len(apps))
for _, app := range apps {
for _, pj := range allPs {
if pj == app.Project {
ps = append(ps, app.Project)
c.JSON(ps, nil)
func databusGroupSubAdd(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Topic string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
// Operation int8 `form:"operation" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.Topic).First(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupSubAdd topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupSubAdd project error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
m := &databus.Group{
Group: genGroup(v.Topic, v.Project, 1),
TopicID: topic.ID,
AppID: app.ID,
Operation: 1, // NOTE: sub
Remark: v.Remark,
Number: 100,
Percentage: "80",
exist := 0
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Where("`group`=? AND topic_id=?", m.Group, m.TopicID).Count(&exist).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupSubAdd exist group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if exist > 0 {
m.Group = genGroup(v.Topic, v.Project, 11)
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Create(m)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupSubAdd error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 1, int64(m.ID), "apmSvc.databusGroupSubAdd", m)
data := map[string]int{
"id": db.Value.(*databus.Group).ID,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusGroupPubAdd(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Topic string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
// Operation int8 `form:"operation" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.Topic).First(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupPubAdd topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupPubAdd project error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
m := &databus.Group{
Group: genGroup(v.Topic, v.Project, 2),
TopicID: topic.ID,
AppID: app.ID,
Operation: 2, // NOTE: pub
Remark: v.Remark,
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Create(m)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupPubAdd error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 1, int64(m.ID), "apmSvc.databusGroupPubAdd", m)
data := map[string]int{
"id": db.Value.(*databus.Group).ID,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusTopics(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20" validate:"min=1"`
Cluster string `form:"cluster"`
Topic string `form:"topic"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
var (
tps []*databus.Topic
total int
if v.Cluster != "" && v.Topic == "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("cluster = ?", v.Cluster).Order("id").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&tps).Error
} else if v.Cluster == "" && v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic LIKE ?", "%"+v.Topic+"%").Order("id").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&tps).Error
} else if v.Cluster != "" && v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("cluster = ? AND topic LIKE ?", v.Cluster, "%"+v.Topic+"%").Order("id").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&tps).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Order("id").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&tps).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Topics error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if v.Cluster != "" && v.Topic == "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Topic{}).Where("cluster = ?", v.Cluster).Count(&total).Error
} else if v.Cluster == "" && v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Topic{}).Where("topic LIKE ?", "%"+v.Topic+"%").Count(&total).Error
} else if v.Cluster != "" && v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Topic{}).Where("cluster = ? AND topic LIKE ?", v.Cluster, "%"+v.Topic+"%").Count(&total).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Topic{}).Count(&total).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Topics cluster(%s) count error(%v)", v.Cluster, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: tps,
Total: total,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusTopicNames(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Cluster string `form:"cluster" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
var tps []*databus.Topic
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("cluster = ?", v.Cluster).Find(&tps).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Topics error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var ns []string
for _, t := range tps {
ns = append(ns, t.Topic)
c.JSON(ns, nil)
func databusTopicAdd(c *bm.Context) {
res := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
v := new(struct {
Topic string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
Cluster string `form:"cluster" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
f := strings.HasSuffix(v.Topic, "-T")
if !f {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
topic := &databus.Topic{
Topic: v.Topic,
Cluster: v.Cluster,
Remark: v.Remark,
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Create(topic)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusTopicAdd error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "DB创建topic失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 1, int64(topic.ID), "apmSvc.databusTopicAdd", topic)
if conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster] == nil || !(len(conf.Conf.Kafka[v.Cluster].Brokers) > 0) {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka cluster error(%v)", v.Cluster)
res["message"] = "kafka集群(" + v.Cluster + ")未配置,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if err = service.CreateTopic(conf.Conf.Kafka[v.Cluster].Brokers, v.Topic, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Partitions, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Factor); err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "kafka创建topic失败,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
data := map[string]int{
"id": db.Value.(*databus.Topic).ID,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusTopicEdit(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
ID int64 `form:"id" validate:"required"`
Cluster string `form:"cluster" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(topic, v.ID).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"cluster": v.Cluster,
"operator": username,
if v.Cluster != topic.Cluster {
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Topic{}).Where("`id` = ?", v.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusTopicEdit error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "id = ?",
"Value1": v.ID,
"Update": ups,
"Old": topic,
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, v.ID, "apmSvc.databusTopicEdit", sqlLog)
auth := &databus.OldAuth{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`topic` = ?", topic.Topic).First(auth).Error; err == nil {
app := &databus.OldApp{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`id` = ?", auth.AppID).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusTopicEdit first app id(%v) error(%v)", auth.AppID, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
update := map[string]interface{}{
"cluster": v.Cluster,
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.OldApp{}).Where("`id` = ?", auth.AppID).Updates(update).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusTopicEdit error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "id = ?",
"Value1": auth.AppID,
"Update": update,
"Old": app,
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, v.ID, "apmSvc.databusTopicEdit", sqlLog)
if conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster] == nil || !(len(conf.Conf.Kafka[v.Cluster].Brokers) > 0) {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka cluster error(%v)", v.Cluster)
res["message"] = "kafka集群(" + v.Cluster + ")未配置,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if err = service.CreateTopic(conf.Conf.Kafka[v.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Partitions, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Factor); err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "kafka创建topic失败,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func genKey(s string) string {
m := md5.New()
cipherByte := m.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(cipherByte[:8])
func genSecret(s string) string {
m := md5.New()
cipherByte := m.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(cipherByte)
func genGroup(t, p string, o int8) string {
group := ""
ts := []rune(t)
topic := string(ts[:len(ts)-2])
group += topic + "-"
p = strings.Replace(p, "-", ".", -1)
p = strings.Replace(p, "_", ".", -1)
ps := strings.Split(p, ".")
path := ""
for _, v := range ps {
path += strings.Title(v)
group += path
switch o {
case 1:
group += "-S"
case 2:
group += "-P"
case 3:
group += "-PS"
case 11:
group += "-2-S"
case 4:
group += "-N"
return group
func renameGroup(t, p, r string, o int8) (group string) {
group = ""
ts := []rune(t)
topic := string(ts[:len(ts)-2])
group += topic + "-"
p = strings.Replace(p, "-", ".", -1)
p = strings.Replace(p, "_", ".", -1)
ps := strings.Split(p, ".")
path := ""
for _, v := range ps {
path += strings.Title(v)
group += path
switch o {
case 1:
group += "-" + r + "-S"
case 2:
group += "-" + r + "-P"
case 3:
group += "-" + r + "-N"
case 4:
group += "-" + r + "-N"
func databusAlarm(c *bm.Context) {
var (
gps []*databus.Group
gpMaps []*databus.Alarm
if err := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Select("auth2.group, app2.project, auth2.alarm, auth2.percentage").Joins("left join app2 on auth2.app_id = app2.id").Where("auth2.is_delete = 0").Find(&gps).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusProject error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
for _, v := range gps {
a := &databus.Alarm{}
a.Group = v.Group
a.Project = v.Project
a.Alarm = v.Alarm
if len(v.Percentage) == 0 {
v.Percentage = "0"
a.Percentage = v.Percentage
gpMaps = append(gpMaps, a)
c.JSON(gpMaps, nil)
func databusAlarms(c *bm.Context) {
var (
gps []*databus.Group
gpMaps []*databus.Alarms
records []*databus.Record
count int
err error
v := new(struct {
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20"`
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Select("auth2.group, app2.project, auth2.alarm, auth2.percentage, topic.topic, topic.cluster").Joins("left join app2 on auth2.app_id = app2.id").Joins("left join topic on topic.id = auth2.topic_id").Where("auth2.is_delete = 0").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&gps).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusAlarms error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Select("auth2.group, app2.project, auth2.alarm, auth2.percentage, topic.topic, topic.cluster").Joins("left join app2 on auth2.app_id = app2.id").Joins("left join topic on topic.id = auth2.topic_id").Where("auth2.is_delete = 0").Model(&databus.Group{}).Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusAlarms count error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
for _, v := range gps {
a := &databus.Alarms{}
a.Group = v.Group
a.Project = v.Project
a.Alarm = v.Alarm
if len(v.Percentage) == 0 {
v.Percentage = "0"
a.Percentage = v.Percentage
a.Topic = v.Topic
a.Cluster = v.Cluster
records, err = service.Diff(v.Cluster, v.Topic, v.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusAlarms Diff error(%v)", err)
a.Diff = records
gpMaps = append(gpMaps, a)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: gpMaps,
Total: count,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusGroupDelete(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupDelete select error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if group.IsDelete == 1 {
username := name(c)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"is_delete": 1,
"operator": username,
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(group).Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupDelete delete error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 4, int64(group.ID), "apmSvc.databusGroupDelete", group)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusGroupRename(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
NewName string `form:"newname" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`.+?-.+?-2-.+?`)
match := reg.FindAllString(v.Group, -1)
if len(match) == 0 {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
newGroup := strings.Replace(v.Group, "-2-", "-"+v.NewName+"-", -1)
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupRename select error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
username := name(c)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"group": newGroup,
"operator": username,
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusGroupRename update error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "group = ?",
"Value1": v.Group,
"Update": ups,
"Old": group,
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, 0, "apmSvc.databusGroupRename", sqlLog)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusGroupOffset(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupOffset select group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", group.TopicID).Find(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupOffset select topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
client, err := service.NewClient(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, group.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
defer client.Close()
marked, err := client.OffsetMarked()
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.OffsetMarked() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
new, err := client.OffsetNew()
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.OffsetNew() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
type record struct {
Partition int32 `json:"partition"`
Diff int64 `json:"diff"`
New int64 `json:"new"`
records := make([]*record, len(new))
for partition, offset := range new {
r := &record{
Partition: partition,
New: offset,
if tmp, ok := marked[partition]; ok {
if tmp == -1 {
r.Diff = -1
} else {
r.Diff = offset - tmp
records[partition] = r
c.JSON(records, nil)
func databusGroupMarked(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupMarked select group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", group.TopicID).Find(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupMarked select topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
client, err := service.NewClient(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, group.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
defer client.Close()
err = client.SeekEnd()
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "kafka",
"Cluster": conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers,
"Topic": topic,
"Group": group,
"action": "SeekEnd",
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 6, 0, "apmSvc.databusGroupMarked", sqlLog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.SeekEnd() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusAlarmEdit(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
ID int64 `form:"id" validate:"required"`
Alarm int8 `form:"alarm" validate:"required"`
Percentage string `form:"percentage" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
Number int `form:"number"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(group, v.ID).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"alarm": v.Alarm,
"percentage": v.Percentage,
"remark": v.Remark,
if v.Number > 0 {
ups["number"] = v.Number
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Where("id = ?", v.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusAlarmEdit error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "id = ?",
"Value1": v.ID,
"Update": ups,
"Old": group,
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, v.ID, "apmSvc.databusAlarmEdit", sqlLog)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusGroupBegin(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupMarked select group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", group.TopicID).Find(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupMarked select topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
client, err := service.NewClient(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, group.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
defer client.Close()
err = client.SeekBegin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.SeekBegin() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusApplyPubAdd(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark" validate:"required"`
TopicName string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
TopicRemark string `form:"topic_remark"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
clstr := ""
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyPubAdd project error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "project不存在"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
f := strings.HasSuffix(v.TopicName, "-T")
if !f {
log.Error("databusApplyPubAdd topic_name not standard error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "topic名称不合法"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.TopicName).First(topic).Error; err == nil {
clstr = topic.Cluster
// log.Error("databusApplyPubAdd cluster error(%v)", err)
// res["message"] = "该topic不存在"
// c.JSONMap(res, err)
// return
username := name(c)
m := &databus.Apply{
Group: genGroup(v.TopicName, v.Project, 2),
Cluster: clstr,
TopicRemark: v.TopicRemark,
TopicName: v.TopicName,
AppID: app.ID,
Project: app.Project,
Operation: 2, // NOTE: pub
State: 1,
Operator: username,
Remark: v.Remark,
//db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Create(m)
tmp := &databus.Apply{}
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where(databus.Apply{Group: m.Group, State: 4}).Assign(m).FirstOrCreate(tmp)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyPubAdd create error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "创建失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusApplySubAdd(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark" validate:"required"`
TopicName string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
Rename string `form:"rename"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
clstr := ""
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplySubAdd project error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "project不存在"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
f := strings.HasSuffix(v.TopicName, "-T")
if !f {
log.Error("databusApplySubAdd topic_name not standard error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "topic不合法"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.TopicName).First(topic).Error; err == nil {
clstr = topic.Cluster
// log.Error("databusApplySubAdd topic error(%v)", err)
// res["message"] = "不存在此topic"
// c.JSONMap(res, err)
// return
var groupName string
var message string
groupName, message, err = GroupName(v.TopicName, v.Project, v.Rename, 1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplySubAdd groupname error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = message
c.JSONMap(res, err)
username := name(c)
m := &databus.Apply{
Group: groupName,
Cluster: clstr,
TopicName: v.TopicName,
AppID: app.ID,
Project: app.Project,
Operation: 1, // NOTE: sub
State: 1,
Operator: username,
Remark: v.Remark,
db := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Create(m)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplySubAdd create error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "创建失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusApplyEdit(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
ID int `form:"id" validate:"required"`
TopicName string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark" validate:"required"`
TopicRemark string `form:"topic_remark"`
Rename string `form:"rename"`
Cluster string `form:"cluster"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
apply := &databus.Apply{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", v.ID).First(apply).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyEdit id error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "id有误"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if !(apply.State == 1 || apply.State == 2) {
log.Error("databusApplyEdit apply state error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "只有申请中和打回才可修改"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
clstr := v.Cluster
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyEdit project error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "project不存在"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
f := strings.HasSuffix(v.TopicName, "-T")
if !f {
log.Error("databusApplyEdit topic_name not standard error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "topic不合法"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.TopicName).First(topic).Error; err == nil {
clstr = topic.Cluster
// log.Error("databusApplyEdit topic error(%v)", err)
// res["message"] = "不存在此topic"
// c.JSONMap(res, err)
// return
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"cluster": clstr,
"topic_name": v.TopicName,
"app_id": app.ID,
"project": v.Project,
"remark": v.Remark,
if apply.State == 2 {
ups["state"] = 1
if apply.Operation == 2 && apply.State != 3 {
ups["topic_remark"] = v.TopicRemark
var groupName string
var message string
if (v.TopicName != apply.TopicName) || (v.Project != apply.Project) || len(v.Rename) > 0 {
groupName, message, err = GroupName(v.TopicName, v.Project, v.Rename, apply.Operation)
if err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplySubAdd groupname error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = message
c.JSONMap(res, err)
ups["group"] = groupName
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(apply).Where("id = ?", apply.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyEdit update error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "修改失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusApplyList(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
TopicName string `form:"topic"`
Group string `form:"group"`
State int8 `form:"state"`
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
var (
cs []*databus.Apply
count int
lk = "%" + v.Group + "%"
in []int8
if v.State > 0 {
in = append(in, v.State)
} else {
in = []int8{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
if v.TopicName != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic_name = ? and `group` like ? and state in (?)", v.TopicName, lk, in).Order("mtime desc").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&cs).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Select("group_apply.*,notify.id as nid,notify.gid,notify.offset,notify.state as nstate,notify.filter,notify.concurrent,notify.callback,notify.zone").Joins(
"left join notify on notify.gid=group_apply.id ").Where("group_apply.group like ? and group_apply.state in (?)",
lk, in).Order("mtime desc").Offset((v.Pn - 1) * v.Ps).Limit(v.Ps).Find(&cs).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyList error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if v.TopicName != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic_name = ? and `group` like ? and state in (?)", v.TopicName, lk, in).Model(&databus.Apply{}).Count(&count).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Joins("left join notify on group_apply.id = notify.gid ").Where("group_apply.group like ? and group_apply.state in (?)", lk, in).Model(&databus.NotifyGroup{}).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyList count error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var ids []int64
for _, val := range cs {
ids = append(ids, val.Nid)
filter := []*databus.Filter{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("nid in (?)", ids).Find(&filter).Error; err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyList filter error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
type result struct {
var results []*result
for _, val := range cs {
rs := new(result)
rs.Apply = val
for _, vv := range filter {
if val.Nid == int64(vv.Nid) {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(vv.Filters), &rs.FilterList)
results = append(results, rs)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: results,
Total: count,
c.JSON(data, nil)
func databusApplyApprovalProcess(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
ID int `form:"id" validate:"required"`
State int8 `form:"state" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
apply := &databus.Apply{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", v.ID).First(apply).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess id error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "id有误"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if !(apply.State == 1 || apply.State == 2) {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess apply.state error(%v)", apply.State)
res["message"] = "只有申请中和打回才可审核"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
if !(v.State == 2 || v.State == 3 || v.State == 4) {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess v.state error(%v)", v.State)
res["message"] = "state值范围为2,3,4"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"state": v.State,
tx := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Begin()
if v.State == 3 && apply.State != 3 {
if apply.Cluster == "" {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess apply.cluster err")
res["message"] = "新申请的Topic需填写对应Cluster才可审核"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
app := &databus.App{}
if err = tx.Where("id = ?", apply.AppID).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess app first error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "申请数据状态有误"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = tx.Where("topic=? and cluster=?", apply.TopicName, apply.Cluster).First(topic).Error; err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
topic = &databus.Topic{
Topic: apply.TopicName,
Cluster: apply.Cluster,
Remark: apply.TopicRemark,
db := tx.Create(topic)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyApprovalProcess create topic error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "创建topic失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
username := name(c)
//create topic on kafka cluster
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 1, int64(topic.ID), "apmSvc.databusTopicAdd", topic)
if conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster] == nil || !(len(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers) > 0) {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka cluster error(%v)", topic.Cluster)
res["message"] = "kafka集群(" + topic.Cluster + ")未配置,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if err = service.CreateTopic(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Partitions, conf.Conf.DatabusConfig.Factor); err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.topicAdd CreateTopic kafka error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "kafka创建topic失败,请手动创建"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
number := 0
if apply.Operation == 1 {
number = 100
group := &databus.Group{
Group: apply.Group,
TopicID: topic.ID,
AppID: apply.AppID,
Operation: apply.Operation,
Remark: apply.Remark,
Number: number,
Percentage: "80",
db := tx.Create(group)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusApplyApprovalProcess create group error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "创建group失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
ups["group"] = group.Group
if strings.HasSuffix(group.Group, "-N") {
notify := &databus.Notify{}
nus := map[string]interface{}{
"gid": group.ID,
"state": 1,
if err = tx.Model(notify).Where("gid = ? ", apply.ID).Updates(nus).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess updates error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "修改状态失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
if err = tx.Model(apply).Where("id = ?", apply.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusApplyApprovalProcess updates error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "修改状态失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// GroupName get group name
func GroupName(TopicName, Project, Rename string, operation int8) (groupName, message string, err error) {
auth := &databus.Group{}
if len(Rename) != 0 {
groupName = renameGroup(TopicName, Project, Rename, operation)
} else {
groupName = genGroup(TopicName, Project, operation)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", groupName).First(auth).Error; err == nil {
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", groupName).First(auth).Error; err == nil {
log.Error("GroupName group2 error(%v)", err)
err = ecode.SvenRepeat
message = "该group(" + groupName + ")可能己存在,请重命名group或查看group列表"
apply := &databus.Apply{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", groupName).First(apply).Error; err == nil {
if apply.State == 4 {
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"state": 1,
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Apply{}).Where("id = ?", apply.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("GroupName update error(%v)", err)
message = "状态变更失败"
log.Error("GroupName group3 error(%v)", err)
err = ecode.SvenRepeat
message = "该group(" + groupName + ")己在申请中,请重命名group或查看group申请列表"
err = nil
func databusNotifyApplyAdd(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Remark string `form:"remark" validate:"required"`
TopicName string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
TopicRemark string `form:"topic_remark"`
Filter int8 `form:"filter"`
Concurrent int8 `form:"concurrent" validate:"required"`
Callback string `form:"callback" validate:"required"`
Filters string `form:"filters"`
Rename string `form:"rename"`
Zone string `form:"notify_zone"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
if len(v.Zone) == 0 {
v.Zone = "sh001"
topic := &databus.Topic{}
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyApplyAdd project error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "project不存在"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
f := strings.HasSuffix(v.TopicName, "-T")
if !f {
log.Error("databusNotifyApplyAdd topic_name not standard error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "topic不合法"
c.JSONMap(res, ecode.RequestErr)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.TopicName).First(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyApplyAdd topic error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "不存在此topic"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
var groupName string
var message string
groupName, message, err = GroupName(v.TopicName, v.Project, v.Rename, 4)
if err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyApplyAdd groupname error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = message
c.JSONMap(res, err)
username := name(c)
m := &databus.Apply{
Group: groupName,
Cluster: topic.Cluster,
TopicRemark: v.TopicRemark,
TopicName: v.TopicName,
AppID: app.ID,
Operation: 4, // NOTE: sub
State: 1,
Operator: username,
Remark: v.Remark,
Project: v.Project,
tx := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Begin()
db := tx.Create(m)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusNotifyApplyAdd create group error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "创建group申请表失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
n := &databus.Notify{
Gid: m.ID,
State: 0,
Filter: v.Filter,
Concurrent: v.Concurrent,
Callback: v.Callback,
Zone: v.Zone,
db = tx.Create(n)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusNotifyApplyAdd create notify error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "notify表创建失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
filter := &databus.Filter{
Nid: n.ID,
Filters: v.Filters,
db = tx.Create(filter)
if err = db.Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusNotifyApplyAdd create filter error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "filter表创建失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusNotifyEdit(c *bm.Context) {
res := map[string]interface{}{}
v := new(struct {
ID int `form:"id" validate:"required"`
NID int `form:"n_id" validate:"required"`
// Cluster string `form:"cluster" validate:"required"`
TopicName string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
Project string `form:"project" validate:"required"`
Rename string `form:"rename"`
Remark string `form:"remark"`
State int8 `form:"state"`
Filter int8 `form:"filter"`
Concurrent int8 `form:"concurrent"`
Callback string `form:"callback" validate:"required"`
Filters string `form:"filters"`
Status int8 `form:"status"` //1审核表,2auth2表
Zone string `form:"notify_zone" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("project = ? ", v.Project).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit project error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "project不存在"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"remark": v.Remark,
if len(v.Rename) != 0 {
var groupName, message string
groupName, message, err = GroupName(v.TopicName, v.Project, v.Rename, 4)
if err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit groupname error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = message
c.JSONMap(res, err)
ups["group"] = groupName
if v.Status == 1 {
ups["topic_name"] = v.TopicName
ups["app_id"] = app.ID
ups["project"] = v.Project
apply := &databus.Apply{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(apply).Where("id = ?", v.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit appply update error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "修改失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
} else {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(group).Where("id = ?", v.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit auth2 update error(%v)", err)
res["message"] = "修改失败"
c.JSONMap(res, err)
notify := &databus.Notify{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", v.NID).First(¬ify).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit notify first error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
nups := map[string]interface{}{
"filter": v.Filter,
"concurrent": v.Concurrent,
"callback": v.Callback,
"state": v.State,
"zone": v.Zone,
tx := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Begin()
if err = tx.Model(notify).Where("id = ?", v.NID).Updates(nups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusNotifyEdit updates error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
filter := &databus.Filter{}
fups := map[string]interface{}{
"filters": v.Filters,
if err = tx.Where("nid = ?", v.NID).First(&filter).Error; err != nil {
filter.Nid = v.NID
filter.Filters = v.Filters
} else {
if err = tx.Model(filter).Where("nid = ?", v.NID).Updates(fups).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusNotifyList(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Topic string `form:"topic"`
Group string `form:"group" default:""`
Pn int `form:"pn" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`
Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20" validate:"min=1"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
username := name(c)
projects, err := apmSvc.Projects(c, username, c.Request.Header.Get("Cookie"))
if err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
var (
apps []*databus.App
topics []*databus.Topic
groups []*databus.Group
total int
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.App{}).Where("project in (?)", projects).Find(&apps).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, err)
var appIDs []int
for _, val := range apps {
appIDs = append(appIDs, val.ID)
if v.Topic != "" {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("topic = ?", v.Topic).Find(&topics).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&topics).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.groups error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var topicIDS []int
for _, value := range topics {
topicIDS = append(topicIDS, value.ID)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Raw(`SELECT auth2.id,auth2.group,auth2.app_id,app2.app_key,app2.project,auth2.topic_id,topic.cluster,topic.topic,auth2.remark,auth2.ctime,
auth2.mtime,auth2.percentage,auth2.alarm, if(auth2.number=0,100,auth2.number) as number,
notify.id as nid, notify.gid,notify.callback,notify.concurrent,notify.filter,notify.state,filters.filters,notify.zone
FROM auth2 LEFT JOIN app2 ON app2.id=auth2.app_id LEFT JOIN topic ON topic.id=auth2.topic_id
INNER JOIN notify ON notify.gid=auth2.id
LEFT JOIN filters ON filters.nid = notify.id
WHERE auth2.is_delete=0 AND auth2.topic_id in (?) and auth2.app_id in (?) and auth2.group LIKE '%`+v.Group+`%' ORDER BY auth2.id LIMIT ?,?`,
topicIDS, appIDs, (v.Pn-1)*v.Ps, v.Ps).Scan(&groups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.Groups error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Joins(`LEFT JOIN app2 ON app2.id=auth2.app_id LEFT JOIN topic ON topic.id=auth2.topic_id
INNER JOIN notify ON notify.gid=auth2.id LEFT JOIN filters ON filters.nid = notify.id`).Where("auth2.is_delete=0 AND auth2.topic_id in (?) AND auth2.app_id in (?) and auth2.group LIKE '%"+v.Group+"%'", topicIDS, appIDs).Count(&total).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.Groups count error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
for _, g := range groups {
if g.Filters != "" {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(g.Filters), &g.FilterList)
data := &Paper{
Pn: v.Pn,
Ps: v.Ps,
Items: groups,
Total: total,
c.JSON(data, nil)
// func databusNotifyFilterAdd(c *bm.Context) {
// username, err := permit(c, user.DatabusNotifyEdit)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("permit(%v, %s)", username, user.DatabusNotifyEdit)
// c.JSON(nil, err)
// return
// }
// type filt struct {
// Field string `json:"field"`
// Condition int8 `json:"conidtion"`
// Value string `json:"value"`
// }
// v := new(struct {
// ID int `form:"n_id" validate:"required"` //notify id
// Filters string `form:"filters" validate:"required"`
// })
// if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
// c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
// res["message"] = "参数有误"
// return
// }
// filters := []filt{}
// if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.Filters), &filters); err != nil {
// c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
// res["message"] = "filters有误"
// return
// }
// notify := &databus.Notify{}
// if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", v.ID).First(notify).Error; err != nil {
// c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
// res["message"] = "未找到该notify"
// return
// }
// tx := apmSvc.DBDatabus.Begin()
// var db *gorm.DB
// var filter *databus.Filter
// for _, val := range filters {
// filter.Nid = v.ID
// filter.Field = val.Field
// filter.Value = val.Value
// filter.Condition = val.Condition
// db = tx.Create(filter)
// if err = db.Error; err != nil {
// tx.Rollback()
// log.Error("apmSvc.databusNotifyFilterAdd add filters error(%v)", err)
// c.JSON(nil, err)
// res["message"] = "filter表添加失败"
// return
// }
// }
// tx.Commit()
// }
// func databusNotifyFilterEdit(c *bm.Context) {
// username, err := permit(c, user.DatabusNotifyEdit)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("permit(%v, %s)", username, user.DatabusNotifyEdit)
// c.JSON(nil, err)
// return
// }
// v := new(struct {
// ID int `form:"f_id" validate:"required"`
// Field string `form:"field" validate:"required"`
// Condition int8 `form:"conidtion" validate:"required"`
// Value string `form:"value" validate:"required"`
// })
// if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
// c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
// res["message"] = "参数有误"
// return
// }
// filter := &databus.Filter{}
// if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", v.ID).First(&filter).Error; err != nil {
// log.Error("apmSvc.databusNotifyFilterEdit filter first error(%v)", err)
// c.JSON(nil, err)
// return
// }
// ups := map[string]interface{}{
// "field": v.Field,
// "conidtion": v.Condition,
// "value": v.Value,
// }
// if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(filter).Where("id = ?", v.ID).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
// log.Error("databusNotifyFilterEdit updates error(%v)", err)
// c.JSON(nil, err)
// }
// }
func databusTopicAll(c *bm.Context) {
var tps []*databus.Topic
var err error
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&tps).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvr.Topics error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
var ns []string
for _, t := range tps {
ns = append(ns, t.Topic)
c.JSON(ns, nil)
func databusGroupNewOffset(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
Partition int32 `form:"partition" validate:"required"`
Offset int64 `form:"offset" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupNewOffset select group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", group.TopicID).Find(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupNewOffset select topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
client, err := service.NewClient(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, group.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
defer client.Close()
err = client.NewOffset(v.Partition, v.Offset)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "kafka",
"Cluster": conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers,
"Topic": topic,
"Group": group,
"action": "NewOffset",
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 6, 0, "apmSvc.databusGroupNewOffset", sqlLog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.NewOffset() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusGroupTime(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
Time int64 `form:"time" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` = ?", v.Group).Find(group).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupTime select group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
topic := &databus.Topic{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("id = ?", group.TopicID).Find(topic).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusGroupTime select topic error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
client, err := service.NewClient(conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers, topic.Topic, group.Group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
defer client.Close()
err = client.NewTime(v.Time)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "kafka",
"Cluster": conf.Conf.Kafka[topic.Cluster].Brokers,
"Topic": topic,
"Group": group,
"action": "NewTime",
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 6, 0, "apmSvc.databusGroupTime", sqlLog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("client.NewTime() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusOpsmind(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
Percentage int64 `form:"percentage" default:"0"`
Owner string `form:"owner"`
ForTime int64 `form:"for_time" default:"300"`
Silence bool `form:"silence" default:"false"`
AdjustID string `form:"adjust_id"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := &databus.Group{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group`=?", v.Group).First(group).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
app := &databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`id`=?", group.AppID).First(app).Error; err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
res, err := apmSvc.Opsmind(c, app.Project, v.Group, "OpsMindAdjustCreate", v.Owner, v.Percentage, v.ForTime, v.Silence)
if res.RetCode == 290 {
res, err = apmSvc.OpsmindRemove(c, res.Data.AdjustID, "OpsMindPolicyAdjustRemove")
if err != nil || res.RetCode != 0 {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
res, err = apmSvc.Opsmind(c, app.Project, v.Group, "OpsMindAdjustCreate", v.Owner, v.Percentage, v.ForTime, v.Silence)
if res.RetCode != 0 {
err = ecode.RequestErr
c.JSON(nil, err)
if len(v.AdjustID) > 0 {
apmSvc.OpsmindRemove(c, v.AdjustID, "OpsMindPolicyAdjustRemove")
c.JSON(res, err)
func databusQuery(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
res, err := apmSvc.OpsmindQuery(c, v.Group, "OpsMindAdjustQuery")
if res.RetCode != 0 {
err = ecode.RequestErr
c.JSON(nil, err)
c.JSON(res, err)
func databusOpsmindRemove(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
AdjustID string `form:"adjust_id" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
res, err := apmSvc.OpsmindRemove(c, v.AdjustID, "OpsMindPolicyAdjustRemove")
if err != nil || res.RetCode != 0 {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusMsgFetch(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Cluster string `form:"cluster" validate:"required"`
Topic string `form:"topic" validate:"required"`
Key string `form:"key"`
Start int64 `form:"start"`
End int64 `form:"end"`
Limit int `form:"limit"`
if err := c.Bind(v); err != nil {
if v.Limit <= 0 {
v.Limit = 20
} else if v.Limit > 100 {
v.Limit = 100
// {Topic}APM-MainCommonArch-S
group := fmt.Sprintf("%sAPM-MainCommonArch-S", strings.Replace(v.Topic, "-T", "", -1))
if v.Start > 0 {
kc, ok := conf.Conf.Kafka[v.Cluster]
if !ok {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.NothingFound)
client, err := service.NewClient(kc.Brokers, v.Topic, group)
if err != nil {
log.Error("service.NewClient() error(%v)\n", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
if err = client.NewTime(v.Start); err != nil {
log.Error("client.NewTime(%d) error(%v)\n", v.Start, err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
res, err := service.FetchMessage(c, v.Cluster, v.Topic, group, v.Key, v.Start, v.End, v.Limit)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(nil, ecode.RequestErr)
c.JSON(res, err)
func databusAlarmInit(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Name string `form:"name"`
MS int `form:"ms"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
group := []*databus.Group{}
if len(v.Name) > 0 {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Where("`group` LIKE ?", v.Name+"%").Find(&group).Error
} else {
err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&group).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("databusAlarmInit group error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
app := []*databus.App{}
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Find(&app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("databusAlarmInit app error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
project := make(map[int]string)
for _, val := range app {
project[val.ID] = val.Project
data := make(map[string]int64)
go func() {
for _, val := range group {
res, _ := apmSvc.Opsmind(context.Background(), project[val.AppID], val.Group, "OpsMindAdjustCreate", "", 80, 300, false)
data[val.Group] = res.RetCode
if v.MS > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(v.MS))
log.Info("databusAlarmInit data info(%v)", data)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusAlarmAllEdit(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Alarm int8 `form:"alarm" validate:"required"`
Percentage string `form:"percentage" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
ups := map[string]interface{}{
"percentage": v.Percentage,
if err = apmSvc.DBDatabus.Model(&databus.Group{}).Where("alarm = ?", v.Alarm).Updates(ups).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("apmSvc.databusAlarmAllEdit error(%v)", err)
c.JSON(nil, err)
sqlLog := &map[string]interface{}{
"SQLType": "update",
"Where": "alarm = ?",
"Value1": v.Alarm,
"Update": ups,
username := name(c)
apmSvc.SendLog(*c, username, 0, 2, 0, "apmSvc.databusAlarmAllEdit", sqlLog)
c.JSON(nil, err)
func databusConsumerAddrs(c *bm.Context) {
v := new(struct {
Group string `form:"group" validate:"required"`
var err error
if err = c.Bind(v); err != nil {
c.JSON(apmSvc.DatabusConsumerAddrs(c, v.Group))