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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package dao
import (
const (
_userSharding = 100
_logSharding = 100
_reportSharding = 100
// dm report
_updateStatSQL = "UPDATE dm_report_%d SET state=? WHERE dmid IN (%s)"
_ignoreStatSQL = "UPDATE dm_report_%d SET state=?,count=0 WHERE dmid IN (%s)"
_selectRpt = "SELECT id,dmid,cid,uid,reason,count,up_op,state,score,rp_time,ctime,mtime FROM dm_report_%d WHERE dmid IN (%s)"
_selectUsers = "SELECT id,dmid,uid,reason,state,ctime,mtime FROM dm_report_user_%d WHERE dmid IN (%s) AND state=? ORDER BY id"
_updateUser = "UPDATE dm_report_user_%d SET state=? WHERE dmid IN (%s) AND state !=?"
_insertLog = "INSERT dm_report_admin_log_%d (dmid,adminid,reason,result,remark,elapsed) VALUES"
_selectLog = "SELECT id,dmid,adminid,reason,result,remark,elapsed,ctime,mtime FROM dm_report_admin_log_%d WHERE dmid=? ORDER BY mtime"
// RptTable return report table id by cid
func RptTable(cid int64) int64 {
return cid % _reportSharding
// UserTable return user table id by dmid
func UserTable(dmid int64) int64 {
return dmid % _userSharding
// LogTable return log table id by dmid
func LogTable(dmid int64) int64 {
return dmid % _logSharding
// ChangeReportStat change report state
func (d *Dao) ChangeReportStat(c context.Context, cid int64, dmids []int64, state int8) (err error) {
updateSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_updateStatSQL, RptTable(cid), xstr.JoinInts(dmids))
if _, err = d.biliDM.Exec(c, updateSQL, state); err != nil {
log.Error("d.biliDM.Exec(%d) error(%v)", state, err)
// IgnoreReport change report state to SecondIgnore or FirstIngnore
func (d *Dao) IgnoreReport(c context.Context, cid int64, dmids []int64, state int8) (err error) {
updateSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_ignoreStatSQL, RptTable(cid), xstr.JoinInts(dmids))
if _, err = d.biliDM.Exec(c, updateSQL, state); err != nil {
log.Error("d.biliDM.Exec(%d) error(%v)", state, err)
// Reports get multi dm report info.
func (d *Dao) Reports(c context.Context, cid int64, dmids []int64) (res []*model.Report, err error) {
res = []*model.Report{}
selectSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_selectRpt, RptTable(cid), xstr.JoinInts(dmids))
rows, err := d.biliDM.Query(c, selectSQL)
if err != nil {
log.Error("d.biliDM.Exec(cid:%d,dmids:%v) error(%v)", cid, dmids, err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := &model.Report{}
err = rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Did, &r.Cid, &r.UID, &r.RpType, &r.Count, &r.UpOP, &r.State, &r.Score, &r.RpTime, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
res = append(res, r)
// ReportUsers get user list.
func (d *Dao) ReportUsers(c context.Context, tableID int64, dmids []int64, state int8) (res map[int64][]*model.ReportUser, err error) {
res = make(map[int64][]*model.ReportUser, 100)
selectSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_selectUsers, tableID, xstr.JoinInts(dmids))
rows, err := d.biliDM.Query(c, selectSQL, state)
if err != nil {
log.Error("d.biliDM.Query(sql:%s) error(%v)", selectSQL, err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
u := &model.ReportUser{}
if err = rows.Scan(&u.ID, &u.Did, &u.UID, &u.Reason, &u.State, &u.Ctime, &u.Mtime); err != nil {
log.Error("rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
res[u.Did] = append(res[u.Did], u)
// UpReportUserState update report user state.
func (d *Dao) UpReportUserState(c context.Context, tableID int64, dmids []int64, state int8) (affect int64, err error) {
selectSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_updateUser, tableID, xstr.JoinInts(dmids))
res, err := d.biliDM.Exec(c, selectSQL, state, state)
if err != nil {
log.Error("d.updateUserStmt.Exec(dmid:%v) error(%v)", dmids, err)
return res.RowsAffected()
// AddReportLog add dm report admin log.
func (d *Dao) AddReportLog(c context.Context, tableID int64, lg []*model.ReportLog) (err error) {
var (
buffer bytes.Buffer
insertTp string
insertTp = "(%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d),"
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(_insertLog, tableID))
for _, v := range lg {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(insertTp, v.Did, v.AdminID, v.Reason, v.Result, v.Remark, v.Elapsed))
//truncate the last ','
buffer.Truncate(buffer.Len() - 1)
_, err = d.biliDM.Exec(c, buffer.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("d.insertLogStmt.Exec(%v) error(%v)", lg, err)
// ReportLog get dm report log.
func (d *Dao) ReportLog(c context.Context, dmid int64) (res []*model.ReportLog, err error) {
selectSQL := fmt.Sprintf(_selectLog, LogTable(dmid))
rows, err := d.biliDM.Query(c, selectSQL, dmid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("dmreport:d.biliDM.Query(sql:%s) error(%v)", selectSQL, err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := &model.ReportLog{}
if err = rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Did, &r.AdminID, &r.Reason, &r.Result, &r.Remark, &r.Elapsed, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
log.Error("rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
res = append(res, r)