457 lines
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457 lines
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package service
import (
accountApi "go-common/app/service/main/account/api"
account "go-common/app/service/main/account/model"
const (
_pageSize = 50
// dms get dm list from database.
func (s *Service) dms(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, dmids []int64) (dms []*model.DM, err error) {
if len(dmids) == 0 {
contentSpe := make(map[int64]*model.ContentSpecial)
idxMap, special, err := s.dao.IndexsByID(c, tp, oid, dmids)
if err != nil || len(idxMap) == 0 {
contents, err := s.dao.Contents(c, oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
if len(special) > 0 {
if contentSpe, err = s.dao.SpecialContents(c, special); err != nil {
for _, content := range contents {
if idx, ok := idxMap[content.ID]; ok {
idx.Content = content
if idx.Pool == model.PoolSpecial {
if _, ok = contentSpe[idx.ID]; ok {
idx.ContentSpe = contentSpe[idx.ID]
dms = append(dms, idx)
// DMSearch danmu list from search.
func (s *Service) DMSearch(c context.Context, p *model.SearchDMParams) (res *model.SearchDMResult, err error) {
var (
mids, dmids []int64
sorted []*model.DM
protectCnt int64
dmMap = make(map[int64]*model.DM)
uidMap = make(map[int64]bool)
res = &model.SearchDMResult{}
sub, err := s.dao.Subject(c, p.Type, p.Oid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.Subject(%d,%d) error(%v)", p.Type, p.Oid, err)
if sub == nil {
srchData, err := s.dao.SearchDM(c, p)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchDM(%v) error(%v)", p, err)
if srchData == nil {
for _, v := range srchData.Result {
dmids = append(dmids, v.ID)
dms, err := s.dms(c, p.Type, p.Oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dms(%d,%v) error(%v)", p.Oid, dmids, err)
for _, dm := range dms {
dmMap[dm.ID] = dm
if _, ok := uidMap[dm.Mid]; !ok && dm.Mid > 0 {
uidMap[dm.Mid] = true
mids = append(mids, dm.Mid)
for _, dmid := range dmids {
if dm, ok := dmMap[dmid]; ok {
sorted = append(sorted, dm)
total := len(mids)
pageNum := total / _pageSize
if total%_pageSize != 0 {
var (
g errgroup.Group
lk sync.Mutex
infoMap = make(map[int64]*account.Info, total)
for i := 0; i < pageNum; i++ {
start := i * _pageSize
end := (i + 1) * _pageSize
if end > total {
end = total
g.Go(func() (err error) {
var (
arg = &accountApi.MidsReq{Mids: mids[start:end]}
res *accountApi.InfosReply
if res, err = s.accountRPC.Infos3(c, arg); err != nil {
log.Error("s.accRPC.Infos3(%v) error(%v)", arg, err)
} else {
for mid, info := range res.GetInfos() {
infoMap[mid] = info
g.Go(func() (err error) {
if protectCnt, err = s.dao.SearchProtectCount(context.TODO(), p.Type, p.Oid); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchProtectCount(%d,%d) error(%v)", p.Type, p.Oid, err)
if err = g.Wait(); err != nil {
for _, dm := range sorted {
msg := dm.Content.Msg
if dm.Pool == model.PoolSpecial && dm.ContentSpe != nil {
msg = dm.ContentSpe.Msg
item := &model.DMItem{
IDStr: strconv.FormatInt(dm.ID, 10),
ID: dm.ID,
Type: dm.Type,
Oid: dm.Oid,
Mid: dm.Mid,
Pool: dm.Pool,
State: dm.State,
Attrs: dm.AttrNtoA(),
Msg: msg,
Ctime: dm.Ctime,
Mode: dm.Content.Mode,
IP: dm.Content.IP,
Color: fmt.Sprintf("#%06X", dm.Content.Color),
Progress: dm.Progress,
Fontsize: dm.Content.FontSize,
if info, ok := infoMap[dm.Mid]; ok {
item.Uname = info.Name
res.Result = append(res.Result, item)
res.MaxLimit = sub.Maxlimit
res.Total = sub.ACount
res.Page = srchData.Page.Num
res.Pagesize = srchData.Page.Size
res.Deleted = sub.ACount - sub.Count
res.Protected = protectCnt
res.Count = srchData.Page.Total
// XMLCacheFlush 刷新弹幕缓存
func (s *Service) XMLCacheFlush(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64) {
v := make(map[string]interface{})
v["type"] = tp
v["oid"] = oid
v["force"] = true
data, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal(%v) error(%v)", v, err)
action := &model.Action{Action: model.ActFlushDM, Data: data, Oid: oid}
// EditDMState multi edit dm state.
func (s *Service) EditDMState(c context.Context, tp, state int32, oid int64, reason int8, dmids []int64, moral float64, adminID int64, operator, remark string) (err error) {
if err = s.editDmState(c, tp, state, oid, reason, dmids, moral, adminID, operator, remark); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpSearchDMState(%d,%d,%v) err (%v)", tp, oid, dmids, err)
// update dm search index
if err = s.uptSearchDmState(c, tp, state, map[int64][]int64{oid: dmids}); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpSearchDMState(%d,%d,%v) err (%v)", tp, oid, dmids, err)
// editDmState multi edit dm state.
func (s *Service) editDmState(c context.Context, tp, state int32, oid int64, reason int8, dmids []int64, moral float64, adminID int64, operator, remark string) (err error) {
sub, err := s.dao.Subject(c, tp, oid)
if err != nil || sub == nil {
dms, err := s.dms(c, tp, oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
count := countDMNum(dms, state)
affect, err := s.dao.SetStateByIDs(c, tp, oid, dmids, state)
if err != nil || affect == 0 {
if sub.Count+count < 0 {
count = -sub.Count
// update dm_index count
if _, err = s.dao.IncrSubjectCount(c, tp, oid, count); err != nil {
// write dm admin log
if affect > 0 {
if remark == "" {
remark = model.AdminRptReason[reason]
s.OpLog(c, oid, adminID, tp, dmids, "status", "", fmt.Sprint(state), remark, oplog.SourceManager, oplog.OperatorAdmin)
// update dm monitor count
if sub.IsMonitoring() {
s.moniOidMap[sub.Oid] = struct{}{}
// flush xml cache
s.XMLCacheFlush(c, tp, oid)
// reduce moral
uidMap := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, dm := range dms {
if _, ok := uidMap[dm.Mid]; !ok {
uidMap[dm.Mid] = struct{}{}
if len(uidMap) > 0 && moral > 0 {
for uid := range uidMap {
s.reduceMoral(c, uid, int64(-moral), reason, operator, "弹幕管理")
// EditDMPool edit dm pool.
func (s *Service) EditDMPool(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, pool int32, dmids []int64, adminID int64) (err error) {
sub, err := s.dao.Subject(c, tp, oid)
if err != nil || sub == nil {
if sub.Childpool < pool {
if _, err = s.dao.UpSubjectPool(c, tp, oid, pool); err != nil {
affect, err := s.dao.SetPoolIDByIDs(c, tp, oid, pool, dmids)
if err != nil {
if affect > 0 {
if pool == model.PoolNormal {
s.dao.IncrSubMoveCount(c, tp, oid, -affect) // NOTE update move_count,ignore error
} else {
s.dao.IncrSubMoveCount(c, tp, oid, affect) // NOTE update move_count,ignore error
s.OpLog(c, oid, adminID, tp, dmids, "pool", "", fmt.Sprint(pool), "弹幕池变更", oplog.SourceManager, oplog.OperatorAdmin)
if err = s.uptSearchDMPool(c, tp, oid, pool, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpSearchDMPool(%d,%d,%v) err (%v)", tp, oid, dmids, err)
// EditDMAttr change dm attr
func (s *Service) EditDMAttr(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, dmids []int64, bit uint, value int32, adminID int64) (err error) {
var (
eg = errgroup.Group{}
attrMap = make(map[int32][]int64)
dms, err := s.dms(c, tp, oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dms(oid:%d ids:%v) error(%v)", oid, dmids, err)
for _, dm := range dms {
dm.AttrSet(value, bit)
attrMap[dm.Attr] = append(attrMap[dm.Attr], dm.ID)
for k, v := range attrMap {
attr := k
ids := v
eg.Go(func() (err error) {
affect, err := s.dao.SetAttrByIDs(c, tp, oid, ids, attr)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SetAttrByIDs(oid:%d ids:%v) error(%v)", oid, ids, err)
if affect > 0 {
s.OpLog(c, oid, adminID, tp, ids, "attribute", "", fmt.Sprint(attr), "弹幕保护状态变更", oplog.SourceManager, oplog.OperatorAdmin)
if err = s.uptSearchDMAttr(c, tp, oid, attr, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("dao.UpSearchDMAttr(oid:%d,attr:%d) error(%v)", oid, attr, err)
return eg.Wait()
// DMIndexInfo get dm index info
func (s *Service) DMIndexInfo(c context.Context, cid int64) (info *model.DMIndexInfo, err error) {
info = new(model.DMIndexInfo)
sub, err := s.dao.Subject(c, model.SubTypeVideo, cid)
if err != nil || sub == nil {
argAid2 := &archive.ArgAid2{Aid: sub.Pid}
arc, err := s.arcRPC.Archive3(c, argAid2)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.arcRPC.Archive3(%v) error(%v)", argAid2, err)
err = nil
} else {
info.Title = arc.Title
info.Cover = arc.Pic
argVideo := &archive.ArgVideo2{Aid: sub.Pid, Cid: cid}
video, err := s.arcRPC.Video3(c, argVideo)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.arcRPC.Video3(%v) error(%v)", argVideo, err)
err = nil
} else {
info.Duration = video.Duration
info.ETitle = video.Part
argMid := &accountApi.MidReq{Mid: sub.Mid}
uInfo, err := s.accountRPC.Info3(c, argMid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.accRPC.Info3(%v) error(%v)", argMid, err)
err = nil
} else {
info.UName = uInfo.GetInfo().GetName()
info.AID = sub.Pid
info.CID = sub.Oid
info.MID = sub.Mid
info.Limit = sub.Maxlimit
if sub.State == model.SubStateOpen {
info.Active = 1
} else {
info.Active = 0
info.CTime = int64(sub.Ctime)
info.MTime = int64(sub.Mtime)
// countDMNum count state changed dm count
func countDMNum(dms []*model.DM, state int32) (count int64) {
for _, dm := range dms {
if model.DMVisible(dm.State) && !model.DMVisible(state) {
} else if !model.DMVisible(dm.State) && model.DMVisible(state) {
return count
// FixDMCount fix dm acount,count of aid.
func (s *Service) FixDMCount(c context.Context, aid int64) (err error) {
var (
arg = archive.ArgAid2{Aid: aid}
oids []int64
states = []int64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13} // 弹幕所有状态
normalState = []int64{0, 2, 6} // 前台可能展示的弹幕状态
pages, err := s.arcRPC.Page3(c, &arg)
if err != nil {
log.Error("arcRPC.Page3(%v) error(%v)", arg, err)
if len(pages) == 0 {
log.Warn("aid:%d have no pages", aid)
for _, page := range pages {
oids = append(oids, page.Cid)
subs, err := s.dao.Subjects(c, model.SubTypeVideo, oids)
if err != nil {
for _, sub := range subs {
tp := sub.Type
oid := sub.Oid
s.cache.Do(c, func(ctx context.Context) {
acount, err := s.dao.DMCount(ctx, tp, oid, states)
if err != nil {
count, err := s.dao.DMCount(ctx, tp, oid, normalState)
if err != nil {
s.dao.UpSubjectCount(ctx, tp, oid, acount, count) // 更新新库dm_subject
log.Info("fix dm count,type:%d,oid:%d,acount:%d,count:%d", tp, oid, acount, count)
func (s *Service) uptSearchDmState(c context.Context, tp int32, state int32, dmidM map[int64][]int64) (err error) {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchDMState(c, tp, state, dmidM); err != nil {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchRecentDMState(c, tp, state, dmidM); err != nil {
func (s *Service) uptSearchDMPool(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, pool int32, dmids []int64) (err error) {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchDMPool(c, tp, oid, pool, dmids); err != nil {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchRecentDMPool(c, tp, oid, pool, dmids); err != nil {
func (s *Service) uptSearchDMAttr(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, attr int32, dmids []int64) (err error) {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchDMAttr(c, tp, oid, attr, dmids); err != nil {
if err = s.dao.UpSearchRecentDMAttr(c, tp, oid, attr, dmids); err != nil {