664 lines
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664 lines
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package service
import (
const (
_searchTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
// ChangeReportStat set dm report status by mult dmid.
func (s *Service) ChangeReportStat(c context.Context, cidDmids map[int64][]int64, state, reason, notice int8, adminID, block, blockReason, moral int64, remark, operator string) (affect int64, err error) {
var (
optDur int64
dmids []int64
dmidList = make([]int64, 0)
nowTime = time.Now()
dmLogMap = make(map[int64][]*model.ReportLog)
rptsMap = make(map[int64]*model.Report)
uptRpts = make([]*model.UptSearchReport, 0)
for _, dmids2 := range cidDmids {
dmids = append(dmids, dmids2...)
if state == model.StatFirstInit || state == model.StatSecondInit || state == model.StatJudgeInit {
if rptsMap, err = s.reports(c, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.reports(cidDmids:%v) error(%v)", cidDmids, err)
} else {
if rptsMap, err = s.reportsDetail(c, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.reportsDetail(cidDmids:%v) error(%v)", cidDmids, err)
for cid, dmids := range cidDmids {
if state == model.StatSecondIgnore || state == model.StatFirstIgnore {
if err = s.dao.IgnoreReport(c, cid, dmids, state); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.IgnoreReport(cid:%d, dmid:%v) error(%v)", cid, dmids, err)
return 0, err
} else {
if err = s.dao.ChangeReportStat(c, cid, dmids, state); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.ChangeReportStat(cid:%d, dmid:%v) error(%v)", cid, dmids, err)
return 0, err
var rpts []*model.Report
if rpts, err = s.dao.Reports(c, cid, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.Reports(cid:%d, dmids:%v) error(%v)", cid, dmids, err)
err = nil
} else {
for _, rpt := range rpts {
var ctime, mtime time.Time
ctime, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, rpt.Ctime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("strconv.RarseInt(%s) error(%v)", rpt.Ctime, err)
err = nil
mtime, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, rpt.Mtime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("strconv.RarseInt(%s) error(%v)", rpt.Mtime, err)
err = nil
uptRpt := &model.UptSearchReport{
DMid: rpt.Did,
Ctime: ctime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
Mtime: mtime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
State: state,
uptRpts = append(uptRpts, uptRpt)
for _, dmid := range dmids {
rpt, ok := rptsMap[dmid]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("get report detail empty,dmid:%d", dmid)
log.Error("s.ReportsDetail(cid:%d, dmid:%v) error(%v)", cid, dmid, err)
if isDeleteOperation(state) {
rpt.State = state
var mtime time.Time
if mtime, err = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", rpt.Mtime, time.Local); err == nil {
optDur = int64(time.Since(mtime).Seconds())
lg := &model.ReportLog{
Did: dmid,
AdminID: adminID,
Reason: reason,
Result: state,
Remark: remark,
Elapsed: optDur,
Ctime: nowTime,
Mtime: nowTime,
dmLogMap[dao.LogTable(rpt.Did)] = append(dmLogMap[dao.LogTable(rpt.Did)], lg)
dmidList = append(dmidList, rpt.Did)
// if moral > 0 {
// s.reduceMoral(c, rpt.UID, moral, reason, uname, fmt.Sprintf("%s, cid:%d, dmid:%d", model.CheckStateBelong(state), cid, dmid))
// }
if block != 0 {
s.blockUser(c, rpt, block, blockReason, moral, operator)
if notice == model.NoticeReporter || notice == model.NoticeAll { // 发送邮件给举报方
if len(rpt.RptUsers) > 0 {
s.sendMsgToReporter(c, rpt, block, blockReason, int64(reason))
if notice == model.NoticePoster || notice == model.NoticeAll {
if len(rpt.RptUsers) > 0 {
s.sendMsgToPoster(c, rpt, block, blockReason, int64(reason))
// if delete or recover this danmu
if isDeleteOperation(state) {
tmpRemark := model.AdminRptReason[reason] + "," + model.BlockReason[int8(blockReason)]
if len(remark) >= 0 {
tmpRemark = remark + "," + tmpRemark
// s.dao.SetStateByIDs(c, model.SubTypeVideo, cid, dmids, model.StateReportDelete)
// s.OpLog(c, cid, adminID, 1, dmids, "status", "", fmt.Sprint(model.StateReportDelete), tmpRemark, oplog.SourceManager, oplog.OperatorAdmin)
s.editDmState(c, model.SubTypeVideo, model.StateReportDelete, cid, reason, dmids, float64(moral), adminID, operator, tmpRemark)
if isDeleteOperation(state) {
// search update ignore error
s.uptSearchDmState(c, model.SubTypeVideo, model.StateReportDelete, cidDmids)
if !(state == model.StatSecondInit || state == model.StatFirstInit) {
if err = s.ChangeReportUserStat(c, dmidList); err != nil {
log.Error("s.ChangeReportUserStat(%v) error(%v)", dmidList, err)
if len(uptRpts) > 0 {
if err = s.dao.UptSearchReport(c, uptRpts); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpSearchReport(%v) error(%v)", uptRpts, err)
err = nil
for k, v := range dmLogMap {
if len(v) <= 0 {
if err = s.dao.AddReportLog(c, k, v); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AddReportLog(%v) error(%v)", v, err)
func isDeleteOperation(state int8) bool {
if state == model.StatSecondDelete || state == model.StatFirstDelete || state == model.StatSecondAutoDelete || state == model.StatJudgeDelete {
return true
return false
func (s *Service) dmState(c context.Context, cidDmids map[int64][]int64) (stateMap map[int64]int64, err error) {
var (
idxMap map[int64]*model.DM
tp = int32(1)
stateMap = make(map[int64]int64)
for oid, dmids := range cidDmids {
if idxMap, _, err = s.dao.IndexsByID(c, tp, oid, dmids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dmState(oid:%v,dmids:%v) err(%v)", oid, dmids, err)
for dmid, dm := range idxMap {
stateMap[dmid] = int64(dm.State)
// ReportList2 .
func (s *Service) ReportList2(c context.Context, params *model.ReportListParams) (rtList *model.ReportList, err error) {
var (
aidMap = make(map[int64]bool)
aids []int64
cidDmids = make(map[int64][]int64)
stateMap = make(map[int64]int64)
if params.Start == "" {
now := time.Now()
params.Start = time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()).Format(_searchTimeFormat)
if params.End == "" {
now := time.Now()
params.End = time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()).Format(_searchTimeFormat)
rptSearch, err := s.dao.SearchReport2(c, params)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchReport2(params:%+v) error(%v)", params, err)
for _, v := range rptSearch.Result {
aidMap[v.Aid] = true
cidDmids[v.Cid] = append(cidDmids[v.Cid], v.Did)
for aid := range aidMap {
aids = append(aids, aid)
archives, err := s.archiveInfos(c, aids)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archives(%v) error(%v)", aids, err)
if stateMap, err = s.dmState(c, cidDmids); err != nil {
for _, v := range rptSearch.Result {
v.DidStr = strconv.FormatInt(v.Did, 10)
if arc, ok := archives[v.Aid]; ok {
v.Title = arc.Title
if state, ok := stateMap[v.Did]; ok {
v.Deleted = state
rtList = &model.ReportList{
Code: rptSearch.Code,
Order: rptSearch.Order,
Page: rptSearch.Page.Num,
PageSize: rptSearch.Page.Size,
PageCount: (rptSearch.Page.Total-1)/rptSearch.Page.Size + 1,
Total: rptSearch.Page.Total,
Result: rptSearch.Result,
// ReportList get report list from search
func (s *Service) ReportList(c context.Context, page, size int64, start, end, order, sort, keyword string, tid, rpID, state, upOp []int64, rt *model.Report) (rtList *model.ReportList, err error) {
var (
aidMap = make(map[int64]bool)
aids []int64
cidDmids = make(map[int64][]int64)
stateMap = make(map[int64]int64)
rptSearch, err := s.dao.SearchReport(c, page, size, start, end, order, sort, keyword, tid, rpID, state, upOp, rt)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchReport() error(%v)", err)
for _, v := range rptSearch.Result {
aidMap[v.Aid] = true
cidDmids[v.Cid] = append(cidDmids[v.Cid], v.Did)
for aid := range aidMap {
aids = append(aids, aid)
archives, err := s.archiveInfos(c, aids)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archives(%v) error(%v)", aids, err)
if stateMap, err = s.dmState(c, cidDmids); err != nil {
for _, v := range rptSearch.Result {
v.DidStr = strconv.FormatInt(v.Did, 10)
if arc, ok := archives[v.Aid]; ok {
v.Title = arc.Title
if state, ok := stateMap[v.Did]; ok {
v.Deleted = state
rtList = &model.ReportList{
Code: rptSearch.Code,
Order: rptSearch.Order,
Page: rptSearch.Page.Num,
PageSize: rptSearch.Page.Size,
PageCount: (rptSearch.Page.Total-1)/rptSearch.Page.Size + 1,
Total: rptSearch.Page.Total,
Result: rptSearch.Result,
func (s *Service) archiveInfos(c context.Context, aids []int64) (archives map[int64]*api.Arc, err error) {
var (
g errgroup.Group
mu sync.Mutex
l = len(aids)
pagesize = 50
pagenum = int(math.Ceil(float64(l) / float64(pagesize)))
archives = make(map[int64]*api.Arc)
for i := 0; i < pagenum; i++ {
start := i * pagesize
end := (i + 1) * pagesize
if end > l {
end = l
g.Go(func() (err error) {
arg := &archive.ArgAids2{Aids: aids[start:end]}
res, err := s.arcRPC.Archives3(c, arg)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.arcRPC.Archives3(%v) error(%v)", arg, err)
for aid, info := range res {
archives[aid] = info
err = g.Wait()
// reportUsers get mult reports users
func (s *Service) reportUsers(c context.Context, dmids []int64) (rptUsers map[int64][]*model.ReportUser, err error) {
var (
g errgroup.Group
mu sync.Mutex
dmidsMap = map[int64][]int64{}
for _, dmid := range dmids {
dmidsMap[dao.UserTable(dmid)] = append(dmidsMap[dao.UserTable(dmid)], dmid)
rptUsers = make(map[int64][]*model.ReportUser)
for tableID, dmids := range dmidsMap {
key, value := tableID, dmids
g.Go(func() (err error) {
userTmp, err := s.dao.ReportUsers(c, key, value, model.NoticeUnsend)
if err != nil {
for dmid, users := range userTmp {
rptUsers[dmid] = users
err = g.Wait()
// reportsDetail get report list from search and get user list、archive list、dm list.
func (s *Service) reportsDetail(c context.Context, dmids []int64) (res map[int64]*model.Report, err error) {
var (
aidMap = make(map[int64]bool)
aids, dmids2 []int64
reports, err := s.reports(c, dmids)
if err != nil {
for dmid, rpt := range reports {
if _, ok := aidMap[rpt.Aid]; !ok {
aidMap[rpt.Aid] = true
aids = append(aids, rpt.Aid)
dmids2 = append(dmids2, dmid)
archives, err := s.archiveInfos(c, aids)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archives(%v) error(%v)", aids, err)
return nil, err
rptUsers, err := s.reportUsers(c, dmids2)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.rptUsers(%v) error(%v)", dmids2, err)
return nil, err
res = make(map[int64]*model.Report)
for dmid, rpt := range reports {
if arc, ok := archives[rpt.Aid]; ok {
rpt.Title = arc.Title
if users, ok := rptUsers[dmid]; ok {
rpt.RptUsers = users
} else {
rpt.RptUsers = make([]*model.ReportUser, 0)
res[dmid] = rpt
// reports get report list by cid and dmids from search.
func (s *Service) reports(c context.Context, dmids []int64) (res map[int64]*model.Report, err error) {
rptSearchList, err := s.dao.SearchReportByID(c, dmids)
if err != nil || len(rptSearchList.Result) <= 0 {
log.Error("dao.SearchReportByID(ids:%v) error(%v)", dmids, err)
res = make(map[int64]*model.Report)
for _, rpt := range rptSearchList.Result {
res[rpt.Did] = rpt
// ReportLog get report log by dmid.
func (s *Service) ReportLog(c context.Context, dmid int64) (res []*model.ReportLog, err error) {
if res, err = s.dao.ReportLog(c, dmid); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.ReportLog(dmid:%d) error(%v)", dmid, err)
// ChangeReportUserStat change report_user data
func (s *Service) ChangeReportUserStat(c context.Context, dmids []int64) (err error) {
var (
dmidMap = map[int64][]int64{}
for _, v := range dmids {
dmidMap[dao.UserTable(v)] = append(dmidMap[dao.UserTable(v)], v)
for k, v := range dmidMap {
if _, err = s.dao.UpReportUserState(c, k, v, model.NoticeSend); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpReportUserState(dmids:%v) error(%v)", v, err)
func (s *Service) sendMsgToReporter(c context.Context, rpt *model.Report, block, blockReason, rptReason int64) {
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
for _, user := range rpt.RptUsers {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d,", user.UID))
buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1)
m := &model.ReportMsg{
Aid: rpt.Aid,
Did: rpt.Did,
Title: rpt.Title,
Msg: rpt.Msg,
RptReason: int8(rptReason),
Uids: buf.String(),
State: rpt.State,
Block: block,
BlockReason: int8(blockReason),
select {
case s.msgReporterChan <- m:
log.Error("s.msgReporterChan err, channel full(msg:%v)", m)
func (s *Service) sendMsgToPoster(c context.Context, rpt *model.Report, block, blockReason, rptReason int64) {
m := &model.ReportMsg{
Aid: rpt.Aid,
Did: rpt.Did,
Title: rpt.Title,
Msg: rpt.Msg,
RptReason: int8(rptReason),
Uids: fmt.Sprint(rpt.UID),
Block: block,
BlockReason: int8(blockReason),
select {
case s.msgPosterChan <- m:
log.Error("s.msgPosterChan err, channel full(msg:%v)", m)
func (s *Service) reduceMoral(c context.Context, uid, moral int64, reason int8, operator, remark string) {
m := &model.ReduceMoral{
UID: uid,
Moral: moral,
Origin: 2,
Reason: reason,
ReasonType: 1,
Operator: operator,
IsNotify: 0,
Remark: remark,
select {
case s.reduceMoralChan <- m:
log.Error("s.reduceMoral err, channel full(msg:%v)", m)
func (s *Service) blockUser(c context.Context, rpt *model.Report, block, blockReason, moral int64, uname string) {
var (
blockEver int64
blockLength int64
if block == -1 {
blockEver = 1
} else {
blockLength = block
m := &model.BlockUser{
UID: rpt.UID,
BlockForever: blockEver,
BlockTimeLength: blockLength,
BlockRemark: fmt.Sprintf("%s, cid:%d, dmid:%d", model.CheckStateBelong(rpt.State), rpt.Cid, rpt.Did),
Operator: uname,
OriginType: 2,
Moral: moral,
ReasonType: blockReason,
OriginTitle: rpt.Title,
OriginContent: rpt.Msg,
OriginURL: fmt.Sprintf("http://www.bilibili.com/av%d", rpt.Aid),
IsNotify: 0,
select {
case s.blockUserChan <- m:
log.Error("s.blockUserChan err, channel full(msg:%v)", m)
// DMReportJudge send report judge
func (s *Service) DMReportJudge(c context.Context, cidDmids map[int64][]int64, uid int64, uname string) (err error) {
var (
aids []int64
dmids []int64
rptJudges []*model.ReportJudge
for _, dmids2 := range cidDmids {
dmids = append(dmids, dmids2...)
rpts, err := s.reportsDetail(c, dmids) // get report detail by multi dmids
if len(rpts) == 0 {
log.Error("dmjudge error! id:%v not exist in search", dmids)
for _, rpt := range rpts {
aids = append(aids, rpt.Aid)
arg := &archive.ArgAids2{Aids: aids}
archs, err := s.arcRPC.Archives3(c, arg) // get archive info
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.arcSvc.Archives3(aids:%v) err(%v)", aids, err)
if len(archs) == 0 {
log.Error("dmjudge error! id:%v not exist in archive rpc", aids)
err = ecode.ArchiveNotExist
for _, rpt := range rpts {
j := &model.ReportJudge{}
arc, ok := archs[rpt.Aid]
if !ok {
arg := &archive.ArgVideo2{
Aid: rpt.Aid,
Cid: rpt.Cid,
var vInfo *api.Page
if vInfo, err = s.arcRPC.Video3(c, arg); err != nil {
log.Error("s.arcSvc.Video3(arg:%v) err(%v)", arg, err)
j.Page = 1
} else {
j.Page = int64(vInfo.Page)
j.MID = rpt.UID
j.Operator = uname
j.OperID = uid
j.OContent = rpt.Msg
j.OTitle = arc.Title
j.OType = 2
j.OURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://www.bilibili.com/av%d", rpt.Aid)
j.ReasonType = int64(model.RpReasonToJudgeReason(int8(rpt.RpType)))
j.AID = rpt.Aid
j.OID = rpt.Cid
j.RPID = rpt.Did
sendTime, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", rpt.SendTime)
j.BTime = sendTime.Unix()
rptJudges = append(rptJudges, j)
if len(rptJudges) <= 0 {
if err = s.dao.SendJudgement(c, rptJudges); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SendJudgement(data:%v) err (%v)", rptJudges, err)
_, err = s.ChangeReportStat(c, cidDmids, model.StatJudgeInit, 0, 0, uid, 0, 0, 0, "转风纪委", uname)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.ChangeReportStat(id:%v) err(%v)", cidDmids, err)
// JudgeResult receive judge result
func (s *Service) JudgeResult(c context.Context, cid, dmid, result int64) (err error) {
var (
state int8
remark string
res, err := s.dao.Reports(c, cid, []int64{dmid})
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.Reports(cid:%d,dmid:%d) err(%v)", cid, dmid, err)
if len(res) <= 0 {
log.Error("dmJudge: cid:%d,dmid:%d not found", cid, dmid)
err = ecode.RequestErr
m := map[int64][]int64{
res[0].Cid: {res[0].Did},
if result == 0 {
state = model.StatJudgeIgnore
remark = "风纪委处理:忽略"
} else {
state = model.StatJudgeDelete
remark = "风纪委处理:删除"
_, err = s.ChangeReportStat(c, m, state, int8(res[0].RpType), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, remark, "")
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.ChangeReportStat(cid:%d,dmid:%d) err(%v)", cid, dmid, err)
func (s *Service) addRptDelAction(rpt *model.Report) (err error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(rpt)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal(%v) error(%v)", rpt, err)
action := &model.Action{
Oid: rpt.Cid,
Action: model.ActReportDel,
Data: data,