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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package dao
import (
func TestDaoInsertCreditRecord(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("InsertCreditRecord", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
cr = &model.CreditRecord{}
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
rows, err := d.InsertCreditRecord(c, cr)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoTxInsertCreditRecord(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("TxInsertCreditRecord", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
tx, _ = d.BeginTran(context.Background())
cr = &model.CreditRecord{}
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
defer tx.Commit()
rows, err := d.TxInsertCreditRecord(tx, cr)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoCreditRecords(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("CreditRecords", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
mid = int64(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
crs, err := d.CreditRecords(c, mid)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(crs, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoDeductedScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("DeductedScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
id = int64(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
deducted, err := d.DeductedScore(c, id)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.deducted should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(deducted, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoInsertCreditScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("InsertCreditScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
values = "(100)"
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
d.Exec(c, "DELETE FROM credit_score WHERE mid = 100")
rows, err := d.InsertCreditScore(c, values)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoUpdateCreditScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("UpdateCreditScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
mid = int64(0)
score = int(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
rows, err := d.UpdateCreditScore(c, mid, score)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoTxUpdateCreditScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("TxUpdateCreditScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
tx, _ = d.BeginTran(context.Background())
mid = int64(0)
score = int(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
defer tx.Commit()
rows, err := d.TxUpdateCreditScore(tx, mid, score)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoCreditScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("CreditScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
mid = int64(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
score, err := d.CreditScore(c, mid)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.score should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(score, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoCreditScores(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("CreditScores", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
c = context.Background()
mids = []int64{1}
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
scores, err := d.CreditScores(c, mids)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.scores should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(scores, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoTxRecoverCreditScore(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("TxRecoverCreditScore", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
var (
tx, _ = d.BeginTran(context.Background())
deducted = int(0)
mid = int64(0)
ctx.Convey("When everything goes positive", func(ctx convey.C) {
defer tx.Commit()
rows, err := d.TxRecoverCreditScore(tx, deducted, mid)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.rows should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(rows, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)