690 lines
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690 lines
26 KiB
package up
import (
xsql "go-common/library/database/sql"
const (
_inMCNRenewalSQL = `INSERT INTO mcn_sign(mcn_mid,company_name,company_license_id,company_license_link,
contract_link,contact_name,contact_title,contact_idcard,contact_phone,begin_date,end_date,state,permission) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,15,?)`
_inMCNPaySQL = "INSERT INTO mcn_sign_pay(mcn_mid,sign_id,due_date,pay_value) VALUES %s"
_inMCNUPsSQL = "INSERT INTO mcn_up(sign_id,mcn_mid,up_mid,begin_date,end_date,contract_link,up_auth_link,state,state_change_time,up_type,site_link,confirm_time,permission,publication_price) VALUES %s"
_upMCNStateSQL = "UPDATE mcn_sign SET state=? WHERE id=? AND mcn_mid=?"
_upMCNPaySQL = "UPDATE mcn_sign_pay SET due_date=?,pay_value=? WHERE id=? AND mcn_mid=? AND sign_id=?"
_upMCNPayStateSQL = "UPDATE mcn_sign_pay SET state=? WHERE id=? AND mcn_mid=? AND sign_id=?"
// _upMCNSignRenewaIDSQL = "UPDATE mcn_sign SET renewal_id=? WHERE id=?"
_upMCNUPStateSQL = "UPDATE mcn_up SET state=?,state_change_time=? WHERE id =? AND sign_id=? AND mcn_mid=? AND up_mid=?"
_upMCNImportUPSQL = "UPDATE mcn_data_import_up SET is_reward=1 WHERE sign_id=? AND up_mid=?"
_upMCNPermissionSQL = "UPDATE mcn_sign SET permission = ? WHERE id=?"
_selMCNListSQL = `SELECT s.id, s.mcn_mid,s.state,s.begin_date,s.end_date,s.permission,ifnull(ds.up_count,0),ifnull(ds.fans_count_accumulate,0),
FROM (SELECT * FROM mcn_data_summary WHERE generate_date=(SELECT MAX(generate_date) FROM mcn_data_summary a WHERE a.sign_id=mcn_data_summary.sign_id) AND active_tid=? AND data_type=1) AS ds
RIGHT JOIN mcn_sign s ON s.id=ds.sign_id WHERE `
_countMCNListSQL = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM mcn_data_summary WHERE generate_date=(SELECT MAX(generate_date) FROM mcn_data_summary a
WHERE a.sign_id=mcn_data_summary.sign_id) AND active_tid=? AND data_type=1) AS ds RIGHT JOIN mcn_sign s ON s.id=ds.sign_id WHERE %s`
_selMCNPayInfosByID = "SELECT id,mcn_mid,sign_id,due_date,pay_value,state FROM mcn_sign_pay WHERE id=?"
_selMCNPayInfosBySignIDsSQL = "SELECT id,mcn_mid,sign_id,due_date,pay_value,state FROM mcn_sign_pay WHERE sign_id in(%s) ORDER BY due_date ASC"
_selMCNRenewalUPsSQL = "SELECT sign_id,mcn_mid,up_mid,begin_date,end_date,contract_link,up_auth_link,reject_reason,reject_time,state,state_change_time,up_type,site_link,confirm_time,permission,publication_price FROM mcn_up WHERE sign_id=? AND mcn_mid=? AND state IN(10,11,15)"
_selMCNInfoSQL = `SELECT s.id,s.mcn_mid,s.company_name,s.company_license_id,s.company_license_link,s.contract_link,s.contact_name,s.contact_title,s.contact_idcard,s.contact_phone,
FROM mcn_sign s LEFT JOIN mcn_data_summary ds ON s.id=ds.sign_id AND ds.active_tid=? AND ds.data_type=1 WHERE s.id = ? ORDER BY ds.generate_date DESC LIMIT 1`
_selMCNUPListSQL = `SELECT u.id,u.sign_id,u.mcn_mid,u.up_mid,u.publication_price,u.permission,ifnull(du.active_tid,0),ifnull(du.fans_count,0),ifnull(du.fans_count_active,0),u.begin_date,u.end_date,u.state,
ifnull(du.fans_increase_accumulate,0),ifnull(du.archive_count,0),ifnull(du.play_count,0),u.contract_link,u.up_auth_link,u.up_type, ifnull(u.site_link, "")
FROM (SELECT * FROM mcn_data_up WHERE generate_date=(SELECT MAX(generate_date) FROM mcn_data_up a WHERE a.up_mid=mcn_data_up.up_mid)) du
RIGHT JOIN mcn_up u ON u.sign_id=du.sign_id AND u.up_mid=du.up_mid AND du.data_type=? WHERE u.state IN(10,11,12,14,15) AND `
_countMCNUPListSQL = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM mcn_data_up WHERE generate_date=(SELECT MAX(generate_date) FROM mcn_data_up a WHERE a.up_mid=mcn_data_up.up_mid)) du
RIGHT JOIN mcn_up u ON u.sign_id=du.sign_id AND u.up_mid=du.up_mid AND du.data_type=? WHERE u.state IN(10,11,12,14,15) AND %s`
_selMCNByMCNMIDSQL = `SELECT id,mcn_mid,company_name,company_license_id,company_license_link,contract_link,contact_name,
contact_title,contact_idcard,contact_phone,begin_date,end_date,reject_reason,reject_time,state,ctime,mtime FROM mcn_sign WHERE state IN(10,11,15) AND mcn_mid = ? ORDER BY begin_date DESC LIMIT 1`
_selMCNCheatListSQL = `SELECT fans_count_accumulate,fans_count_cheat_accumulate,mcn_mid,sign_id,up_mid,fans_count_cheat_increase_day,fans_count_cheat_cleaned_accumulate FROM mcn_data_up_cheat WHERE `
_countMCNCheatListSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mcn_data_up_cheat WHERE %s"
_selMCNCheatUPListSQL = `SELECT sign_id,generate_date,fans_count_accumulate,fans_count_cheat_accumulate,mcn_mid,fans_count_cheat_increase_day,fans_count_cheat_cleaned_accumulate FROM mcn_data_up_cheat WHERE up_mid=? ORDER BY generate_date DESC LIMIT ?,?`
_countMCNCheatUPListSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mcn_data_up_cheat WHERE up_mid=?"
_selMCNImportUPInfoSQL = "SELECT id,mcn_mid,sign_id,up_mid,standard_fans_date,standard_archive_count,standard_fans_count,is_reward FROM mcn_data_import_up WHERE sign_id=? AND up_mid=? AND standard_fans_type=1"
_selMCNDataSummaryListSQL = `SELECT id,sign_id,data_type,active_tid,generate_date,up_count,fans_count_online_accumulate,fans_count_real_accumulate,fans_count_cheat_accumulate,fans_count_increase_day,archive_count_accumulate,archive_count_day,
play_count_accumulate,play_count_increase_day,fans_count_accumulate FROM mcn_data_summary WHERE `
_countMCNDataSummaryListSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mcn_data_summary WHERE %s"
// TxAddMCNRenewal .
func (d *Dao) TxAddMCNRenewal(tx *xsql.Tx, arg *model.MCNSign) (lastID int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_inMCNRenewalSQL, arg.MCNMID, arg.CompanyName, arg.CompanyLicenseID, arg.CompanyLicenseLink, arg.ContractLink, arg.ContactName, arg.ContactTitle, arg.ContactIdcard, arg.ContactPhone, arg.BeginDate, arg.EndDate, arg.Permission); err != nil {
return lastID, err
if lastID, err = res.LastInsertId(); err != nil {
return lastID, errors.Errorf("TxAddMCNRenewal res.LastInsertId(%+v) error(%+v)", arg, err)
return lastID, nil
// TxAddMCNPays .
func (d *Dao) TxAddMCNPays(tx *xsql.Tx, lastID, mcnMID int64, arg []*model.SignPayReq) (err error) {
l := len(arg)
valueStrings := make([]string, 0, l)
valueArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, l*5)
for _, v := range arg {
valueStrings = append(valueStrings, "(?,?,?,?)")
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(mcnMID, 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(lastID, 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.DueDate)
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(v.PayValue, 10))
stmt := fmt.Sprintf(_inMCNPaySQL, strings.Join(valueStrings, ","))
_, err = tx.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...)
// TxAddMCNUPs .
func (d *Dao) TxAddMCNUPs(tx *xsql.Tx, signID, mcnMID int64, arg []*model.MCNUP) (err error) {
l := len(arg)
valueStrings := make([]string, 0, l)
valueArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, l*15)
for _, v := range arg {
valueStrings = append(valueStrings, "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(signID, 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(mcnMID, 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(v.UPMID, 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.BeginDate.Time().Format(model.TimeFormatDay))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.EndDate.Time().Format(model.TimeFormatDay))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.ContractLink)
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.UPAuthLink)
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.State), 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.StateChangeTime.Time().Format(model.TimeFormatSec))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.UpType), 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.SiteLink)
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, v.ConfirmTime.Time().Format(model.TimeFormatSec))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Permission), 10))
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.PublicationPrice), 10))
stmt := fmt.Sprintf(_inMCNUPsSQL, strings.Join(valueStrings, ","))
_, err = tx.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...)
// // TxUpMCNSignRenewaID .
// func (d *Dao) TxUpMCNSignRenewaID(tx *xsql.Tx, signID, renewalID int64) (rows int64, err error) {
// var res sql.Result
// if res, err = tx.Exec(_upMCNSignRenewaIDSQL, renewalID, signID); err != nil {
// return rows, err
// }
// return res.RowsAffected()
// }
// UpMCNState .
func (d *Dao) UpMCNState(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNStateEditReq) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNStateSQL, arg.State, arg.ID, arg.MCNMID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// UpMCNPay update mcn_sign_pay.
func (d *Dao) UpMCNPay(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNPayEditReq) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNPaySQL, arg.DueDate, arg.PayValue, arg.ID, arg.MCNMID, arg.SignID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// UpMCNPayState update mcn_sign_pay state.
func (d *Dao) UpMCNPayState(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNPayStateEditReq) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNPayStateSQL, arg.State, arg.ID, arg.MCNMID, arg.SignID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// UpMCNImportUPRewardSign .
func (d *Dao) UpMCNImportUPRewardSign(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNImportUPRewardSignReq) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNImportUPSQL, arg.SignID, arg.UPMID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// UpMCNPermission .
func (d *Dao) UpMCNPermission(c context.Context, signID int64, permission uint32) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNPermissionSQL, permission, signID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// MCNList .
func (d *Dao) MCNList(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNListReq) (res []*model.MCNListOne, ids, mids []int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNListSQL("list", arg)
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, sql, values...)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.MCNListOne{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.ID, &m.MCNMID, &m.State, &m.BeginDate, &m.EndDate, &m.Permission, &m.UPCount, &m.FansCountAccumulate, &m.FansCountOnlineAccumulate, &m.FansCountRealAccumulate, &m.FansCountCheatAccumulate, &m.GenerateDate)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, m)
ids = append(ids, m.ID)
mids = append(mids, m.MCNMID)
// buildMCNListSQL build a MCNList sql string.
func (d *Dao) buildMCNListSQL(SQLType string, arg *model.MCNListReq) (sql string, values []interface{}) {
values = make([]interface{}, 0, 11)
var (
cond []string
condStr string
curTime = time.Now()
date = time.Date(curTime.Year(), curTime.Month(), curTime.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
orderSign = false
// defualt where
cond = append(cond, "s.state IN(10,11,12,13,14,15)")
values = append(values, model.AllActiveTid)
if arg.ExpirePay {
cond = append(cond, "s.pay_expire_state = ?")
values = append(values, model.MCNStatePayed)
if arg.ExpireSign {
cond = append(cond, "s.end_date <= ? AND s.state = 10")
values = append(values, date.AddDate(0, 0, 30))
if arg.FansNumMin != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "ds.fans_count_accumulate >= ?")
values = append(values, arg.FansNumMin)
if arg.FansNumMax != 0 && arg.FansNumMax >= arg.FansNumMin {
cond = append(cond, "ds.fans_count_accumulate <= ?")
values = append(values, arg.FansNumMax)
if arg.MCNMID != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "s.mcn_mid=?")
values = append(values, arg.MCNMID)
if arg.State != -1 {
cond = append(cond, "s.state=?")
values = append(values, arg.State)
var permission = arg.GetAttrPermitVal()
if permission != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "((permission & ?) = ?)")
values = append(values, permission, permission)
if checkSort(arg.SortUP, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "ds.up_count"
arg.Sort = arg.SortUP
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortAllFans, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "ds.fans_count_accumulate"
arg.Sort = arg.SortAllFans
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortRiseFans, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "ds.fans_count_online_accumulate"
arg.Sort = arg.SortRiseFans
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortTrueRiseFans, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "ds.fans_count_real_accumulate"
arg.Sort = arg.SortTrueRiseFans
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortCheatFans, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "ds.fans_count_cheat_accumulate"
arg.Sort = arg.SortCheatFans
condStr = d.joinStringSQL(cond)
switch SQLType {
case "list":
if arg.Export == model.ResponeModelCSV {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNListSQL+_orderByConditionNotLimitSQL, condStr, arg.Order, arg.Sort)
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNListSQL+_orderByConditionSQL, condStr, arg.Order, arg.Sort)
limit, offset := arg.PageArg.CheckPageValidation()
values = append(values, offset, limit)
case "count":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_countMCNListSQL, condStr)
func checkSort(arg string, orderSign bool) bool {
return arg != "" && (arg == "asc" || arg == "desc") && !orderSign
// MCNListTotal .
func (d *Dao) MCNListTotal(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNListReq) (count int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNListSQL("count", arg)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, sql, values...)
if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
// MCNPayInfo .
func (d *Dao) MCNPayInfo(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNPayStateEditReq) (m *model.SignPayInfoReply, err error) {
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _selMCNPayInfosByID, arg.ID)
m = new(model.SignPayInfoReply)
// id,mcn_mid,sign_id,due_date,pay_value,state
if err = row.Scan(&m.SignPayID, &m.McnMid, &m.SignID, &m.DueDate, &m.PayValue, &m.State); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
m = nil
// MCNPayInfos .
func (d *Dao) MCNPayInfos(c context.Context, ids []int64) (res map[int64][]*model.SignPayInfoReply, err error) {
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNPayInfosBySignIDsSQL, xstr.JoinInts(ids)))
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
res = make(map[int64][]*model.SignPayInfoReply, len(ids))
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.SignPayInfoReply{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.SignPayID, &m.McnMid, &m.SignID, &m.DueDate, &m.PayValue, &m.State)
if err != nil {
res[m.SignID] = append(res[m.SignID], m)
// TxMCNRenewalUPs .
func (d *Dao) TxMCNRenewalUPs(tx *xsql.Tx, signID, mcnID int64) (ups []*model.MCNUP, err error) {
var rows *xsql.Rows
if rows, err = tx.Query(_selMCNRenewalUPsSQL, signID, mcnID); err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
up := new(model.MCNUP)
if err = rows.Scan(&up.SignID, &up.MCNMID, &up.UPMID, &up.BeginDate, &up.EndDate, &up.ContractLink,
&up.UPAuthLink, &up.RejectReason, &up.RejectTime, &up.State, &up.StateChangeTime, &up.UpType,
&up.SiteLink, &up.ConfirmTime, &up.Permission, &up.PublicationPrice); err != nil {
ups = append(ups, up)
err = rows.Err()
// MCNInfo .
func (d *Dao) MCNInfo(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNInfoReq) (m *model.MCNInfoReply, err error) {
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _selMCNInfoSQL, model.AllActiveTid, arg.ID)
m = new(model.MCNInfoReply)
if err = row.Scan(&m.ID, &m.MCNMID, &m.CompanyName, &m.CompanyLicenseID, &m.CompanyLicenseLink, &m.ContractLink, &m.ContactName,
&m.ContactTitle, &m.ContactIdcard, &m.ContactPhone, &m.BeginDate, &m.EndDate, &m.State, &m.UPCount, &m.FansCountAccumulate,
&m.ArchiveCountAccumulate, &m.PlayCountAccumulate, &m.FansCountOnline, &m.FansCountRealAccumulate, &m.FansCountOnlineAccumulate); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
m = nil
// MCNUPList .
func (d *Dao) MCNUPList(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNUPListReq) (res []*model.MCNUPInfoReply, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNUPListSQL("list", arg)
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, sql, values...)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.MCNUPInfoReply{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.SignUpID, &m.SignID, &m.McnMid, &m.UpMid, &m.PubPrice, &m.Permission, &m.ActiveTid, &m.FansCount, &m.FansCountActive,
&m.BeginDate, &m.EndDate, &m.State, &m.FansIncreaseAccumulate, &m.ArchiveCount, &m.PlayCount, &m.ContractLink, &m.UpAuthLink, &m.UPType, &m.SiteLink)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, m)
// MCNUPListTotal .
func (d *Dao) MCNUPListTotal(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNUPListReq) (count int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNUPListSQL("count", arg)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, sql, values...)
if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
// buildMCNUPListSQL build a MCNUPList sql string.
func (d *Dao) buildMCNUPListSQL(SQLType string, arg *model.MCNUPListReq) (sql string, values []interface{}) {
values = make([]interface{}, 0, 8)
var (
cond []string
condStr string
orderSign = false
values = append(values, arg.DataType)
cond = append(cond, "u.sign_id=?")
values = append(values, arg.SignID)
if arg.FansNumMin != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "du.fans_count>=?")
values = append(values, arg.FansNumMin)
if arg.FansNumMax != 0 && arg.FansNumMax >= arg.FansNumMin {
cond = append(cond, "du.fans_count<=?")
values = append(values, arg.FansNumMax)
if arg.ActiveTID != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "du.active_tid=?")
values = append(values, arg.ActiveTID)
if arg.State != -1 {
cond = append(cond, "u.state=?")
values = append(values, arg.State)
if arg.UPMID != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "u.up_mid=?")
values = append(values, arg.UPMID)
if arg.UpType != -1 {
cond = append(cond, "u.up_type=?")
values = append(values, arg.UpType)
var permission = arg.GetAttrPermitVal()
if permission != 0 {
cond = append(cond, "((permission & ?) = ?)")
values = append(values, permission, permission)
if checkSort(arg.SortFansCount, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "du.fans_count"
arg.Sort = arg.SortFansCount
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortFansCountActive, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "du.fans_count_active"
arg.Sort = arg.SortFansCountActive
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortFansIncreaseAccumulate, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "du.fans_increase_accumulate"
arg.Sort = arg.SortFansIncreaseAccumulate
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortArchiveCount, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "du.archive_count"
arg.Sort = arg.SortArchiveCount
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortPlayCount, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "du.play_count"
arg.Sort = arg.SortPlayCount
orderSign = true
if checkSort(arg.SortPubPrice, orderSign) {
arg.Order = "u.publication_price"
arg.Sort = arg.SortPubPrice
condStr = d.joinStringSQL(cond)
switch SQLType {
case "list":
if arg.Export == model.ResponeModelCSV {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNUPListSQL+_orderByConditionNotLimitSQL, condStr, arg.Order, arg.Sort)
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNUPListSQL+_orderByConditionSQL, condStr, arg.Order, arg.Sort)
limit, offset := arg.PageArg.CheckPageValidation()
values = append(values, offset, limit)
case "count":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_countMCNUPListSQL, condStr)
// UpMCNUPState .
func (d *Dao) UpMCNUPState(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNUPStateEditReq) (rows int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMCNUPStateSQL, arg.State, time.Now(), arg.ID, arg.SignID, arg.MCNMID, arg.UPMID); err != nil {
return rows, err
return res.RowsAffected()
// McnSignByMCNMID .
func (d *Dao) McnSignByMCNMID(c context.Context, MCNID int64) (m *model.MCNSignInfoReply, err error) {
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _selMCNByMCNMIDSQL, MCNID)
m = new(model.MCNSignInfoReply)
if err = row.Scan(&m.SignID, &m.McnMid, &m.CompanyName, &m.CompanyLicenseID, &m.CompanyLicenseLink, &m.ContractLink, &m.ContactName,
&m.ContactTitle, &m.ContactIdcard, &m.ContactPhone, &m.BeginDate, &m.EndDate, &m.RejectReason, &m.RejectTime, &m.State, &m.Ctime, &m.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
m = nil
// MCNCheatList .
func (d *Dao) MCNCheatList(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNCheatListReq) (res []*model.MCNCheatReply, mids []int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNCheatListSQL("list", arg)
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, sql, values...)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.MCNCheatReply{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.FansCountReal, &m.FansCountCheatAccumulate, &m.MCNMID, &m.SignID, &m.UpMID, &m.FansCountCheatIncreaseDay, &m.FansCountCheatCleanedAccumulate)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, m)
mids = append(mids, m.UpMID, m.MCNMID)
mids = SliceUnique(mids)
// MCNCheatListTotal .
func (d *Dao) MCNCheatListTotal(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNCheatListReq) (count int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNCheatListSQL("count", arg)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, sql, values...)
if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
//SliceUnique unique
func SliceUnique(s []int64) []int64 {
result := make([]int64, 0, len(s))
temp := map[int64]struct{}{}
for _, item := range s {
if _, ok := temp[item]; !ok {
temp[item] = struct{}{}
result = append(result, item)
return result
// buildMCNCheatListSQL build a MCNCheatList sql string.
func (d *Dao) buildMCNCheatListSQL(SQLType string, arg *model.MCNCheatListReq) (sql string, values []interface{}) {
values = make([]interface{}, 0, 3)
var (
cond []string
condStr string
cond = append(cond, "generate_date=(SELECT generate_date FROM mcn_data_up_cheat ORDER BY generate_date DESC LIMIT 1)")
if arg.MCNMID > 0 {
cond = append(cond, "mcn_mid=?")
values = append(values, arg.MCNMID)
if arg.UPMID > 0 {
cond = append(cond, "up_mid=?")
values = append(values, arg.UPMID)
condStr = d.joinStringSQL(cond)
switch SQLType {
case "list":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNCheatListSQL+_orderByConditionSQL, condStr, "generate_date DESC,fans_count_cheat_accumulate", "DESC")
limit, offset := arg.PageArg.CheckPageValidation()
values = append(values, offset, limit)
case "count":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_countMCNCheatListSQL, condStr)
// MCNCheatUPList .
func (d *Dao) MCNCheatUPList(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNCheatUPListReq) (res []*model.MCNCheatUPReply, err error) {
limit, offset := arg.PageArg.CheckPageValidation()
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, _selMCNCheatUPListSQL, arg.UPMID, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.MCNCheatUPReply{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.SignID, &m.GenerateDate, &m.FansCountReal, &m.FansCountCheatAccumulate, &m.MCNMID, &m.FansCountCheatIncreaseDay, &m.FansCountCheatCleanedAccumulate)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, m)
// MCNCheatUPListTotal .
func (d *Dao) MCNCheatUPListTotal(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNCheatUPListReq) (count int64, err error) {
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _countMCNCheatUPListSQL, arg.UPMID)
if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
// MCNImportUPInfo .
func (d *Dao) MCNImportUPInfo(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNImportUPInfoReq) (m *model.MCNImportUPInfoReply, err error) {
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _selMCNImportUPInfoSQL, arg.SignID, arg.UPMID)
m = new(model.MCNImportUPInfoReply)
if err = row.Scan(&m.ID, &m.MCNMID, &m.SignID, &m.UpMID, &m.StandardFansDate, &m.StandardArchiveCount, &m.StandardFansCount, &m.IsReward); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
// MCNIncreaseList .
func (d *Dao) MCNIncreaseList(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNIncreaseListReq) (res []*model.MCNIncreaseReply, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNIncreaseListSQL("list", arg)
rows, err := d.db.Query(c, sql, values...)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
m := &model.MCNIncreaseReply{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.ID, &m.SignID, &m.DataType, &m.ActiveTID, &m.GenerateDate, &m.UPCount, &m.FansCountOnlineAccumulate, &m.FansCountRealAccumulate, &m.FansCountCheatAccumulate, &m.FansCountIncreaseDay,
&m.ArchiveCountAccumulate, &m.ArchiveCountDay, &m.PlayCountAccumulate, &m.PlayCountIncreaseDay, &m.FansCountAccumulate)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, m)
// MCNIncreaseListTotal .
func (d *Dao) MCNIncreaseListTotal(c context.Context, arg *model.MCNIncreaseListReq) (count int64, err error) {
sql, values := d.buildMCNIncreaseListSQL("count", arg)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, sql, values...)
if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil {
if err == xsql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
// buildMCNIncreaseListSQL build a MCNIncreaseList sql string.
func (d *Dao) buildMCNIncreaseListSQL(SQLType string, arg *model.MCNIncreaseListReq) (sql string, values []interface{}) {
values = make([]interface{}, 0, 3)
var (
cond []string
condStr string
cond = append(cond, "sign_id=?")
values = append(values, arg.SignID)
if arg.DataType > 0 {
cond = append(cond, "data_type=?")
values = append(values, arg.DataType)
if arg.ActiveTID == 0 {
arg.ActiveTID = model.AllActiveTid
if arg.ActiveTID > 0 {
cond = append(cond, "active_tid=?")
values = append(values, arg.ActiveTID)
condStr = d.joinStringSQL(cond)
switch SQLType {
case "list":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_selMCNDataSummaryListSQL+_orderByConditionSQL, condStr, "generate_date", "DESC")
limit, offset := arg.PageArg.CheckPageValidation()
values = append(values, offset, limit)
case "count":
sql = fmt.Sprintf(_countMCNDataSummaryListSQL, condStr)