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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package service
import (
pushmdl "go-common/app/service/main/push/model"
const (
_countryForeign = 1
_countryChina = 2
_sexMale = 1
_sexFemale = 2
_platformAll = "4" // 全部平台,iOS、小米、华为...
_attentionTypeUnion = 1 // 多个自选关注条件用union查询 (另一种是join查询)
_timeLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
_retry = 3
// 检查数据平台当天的计算任务有没有成功
checkDpDataURL = ""
var (
areas = map[int]string{1: "海外", 2: "中国", 3: "青海", 4: "上海", 5: "安徽", 6: "广西", 7: "贵州", 8: "吉林", 9: "福建", 10: "黑龙江",
11: "江西", 12: "甘肃", 13: "云南", 14: "湖南", 15: "河北", 16: "山东", 17: "湖北", 18: "广东", 19: "宁夏", 20: "重庆",
21: "辽宁", 22: "内蒙古", 23: "山西", 24: "澳门", 25: "陕西", 26: "江苏", 27: "四川", 28: "浙江", 29: "海南", 30: "河南",
31: "北京", 32: "香港", 33: "台湾", 34: "天津", 35: "西藏", 36: "新疆", 37: "其他",
dpProjects = map[int]string{
355170: "mid维度数据",
357214: "buvid维度数据",
355628: "自选关注数据",
// DpTaskInfo .
func (s *Service) DpTaskInfo(ctx context.Context, id int64, job string) (res *model.DPTask, err error) {
var (
t *model.Task
cond *model.DPCondition
group = errgroup.Group{}
group.Go(func() error {
t, err = s.dao.TaskInfo(ctx, id)
return err
group.Go(func() error {
cond, err = s.dao.DPCondition(ctx, job)
return err
if err = group.Wait(); err != nil {
if t == nil {
res = new(model.DPTask)
res.Task = *t
p := new(model.DPParams)
if cond != nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(cond.Condition), &p); err != nil {
if len(p.VipExpires) == 0 {
p.VipExpires = make([]*model.VipExpire, 0)
if len(p.Attentions) == 0 {
p.Attentions = make([]*model.SelfAttention, 0)
if len(p.ActivePeriods) == 0 {
p.ActivePeriods = make([]*model.ActivePeriod, 0)
res.DPParams = *p
// AddDPTask add data platform task
func (s *Service) AddDPTask(ctx context.Context, task *model.DPTask) (err error) {
var (
tasks []model.DPTask
condTyp = task.Type
if len(task.DPParams.ActivePeriods) == 0 {
tasks = append(tasks, *task)
} else {
// 多个推送需要添加多条任务
for _, p := range task.DPParams.ActivePeriods {
var (
ptime time.Time
etime time.Time
t = *task
if ptime, err = time.ParseInLocation(_timeLayout, p.PushTime, time.Local); err != nil {
if etime, err = time.ParseInLocation(_timeLayout, p.ExpireTime, time.Local); err != nil {
t.Job = strconv.FormatInt(pushmdl.JobName(ptime.Unix(), t.Summary, t.LinkValue, t.Group), 10)
t.PushTime = ptime
t.ExpireTime = etime
t.ActivePeriod = p.Period
tasks = append(tasks, t)
for _, t := range tasks {
go func(t model.DPTask) {
var (
id int64
e error
for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ {
if id, e = s.dao.AddTask(context.Background(), &t.Task); err == nil {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if e != nil {
log.Error("s.AddDPTask(%+v) add task error(%v)", t.Task, e)
t.DPParams.LevelStr = pushmdl.JoinInts(t.DPParams.Level)
t.DPParams.AreaStr = pushmdl.JoinInts(t.DPParams.Area)
t.DPParams.PlatformStr = pushmdl.JoinInts(t.DPParams.Platforms)
t.DPParams.LikeStr = pushmdl.JoinInts(t.DPParams.Like)
t.DPParams.ChannelStr = strings.Join(t.DPParams.Channel, ",")
params, _ := json.Marshal(t.DPParams)
cond := &model.DPCondition{
Task: id,
Job: t.Job,
Type: condTyp,
Condition: string(params),
SQL: s.parseQuery(task.Type, &t.DPParams),
Status: pushmdl.DpCondStatusPending,
for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ {
if _, e = s.dao.AddDPCondition(context.Background(), cond); e == nil {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if e != nil {
log.Error("s.AddDPTask(%+v) add condition error(%v)", cond, e)
// 把查询结构体解析成sql
func (s *Service) parseQuery(typ int, p *model.DPParams) (sql string) {
log.Info("data platform parse query start(%+v)", p)
if typ != pushmdl.TaskTypeDataPlatformToken && typ != pushmdl.TaskTypeDataPlatformMid {
log.Error("data platform parse query task type(%d) error", typ)
logDate := time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour).Format("20060102")
switch typ {
case pushmdl.TaskTypeDataPlatformToken:
sql = fmt.Sprintf("select platform_id,device_token from basic.dws_push_buvid where log_date='%s' ", logDate)
if p.UserActiveDay > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and is_visit_%d=1 ", p.UserActiveDay)
if p.UserNewDay > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and is_new_%d=1 ", p.UserNewDay)
if p.UserSilentDay > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and is_visit_%d=0 ", p.UserSilentDay)
case pushmdl.TaskTypeDataPlatformMid:
if len(p.Attentions) > 0 {
sql = fmt.Sprintf("select t1.platform_id,t1.device_token from (select mid,platform_id,device_token from basic.dws_push_mid where log_date='%s' ", logDate)
} else {
sql = fmt.Sprintf("select platform_id,device_token from basic.dws_push_mid where log_date='%s' ", logDate)
if p.Sex == _sexMale || p.Sex == _sexFemale {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and final_sex=%d ", p.Sex)
// 年龄段。0:0-17, 1:18-24, 2:25-30, 3:31+, 9:全部
if p.Age >= 0 && p.Age <= 3 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and final_age_range=%d ", p.Age)
if len(p.Level) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and level in (%s) ", pushmdl.JoinInts(p.Level))
// up主 0: 不是 1:是 2:全部
if p.IsUp == 0 || p.IsUp == 1 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and is_up=%d ", p.IsUp)
// 正式会员 0:不是 1:是 2全部
if p.IsFormalMember == 0 || p.IsFormalMember == 1 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and is_formal_member=%d ", p.IsFormalMember)
if len(p.VipExpires) > 0 {
var vips []string
for _, v := range p.VipExpires {
if v.Begin == "" && v.End == "" {
if v.Begin == "" {
vips = append(vips, fmt.Sprintf(" vip_overdue_time <= '%s'", v.End))
if v.End == "" {
vips = append(vips, fmt.Sprintf(" vip_overdue_time >= '%s'", v.Begin))
vips = append(vips, fmt.Sprintf(" vip_overdue_time between '%s' and '%s' ", v.Begin, v.End))
if len(vips) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and (%s) ", strings.Join(vips, "or"))
if p.PlatformStr != "" && p.PlatformStr != _platformAll {
for _, v := range p.Platforms {
if v == pushmdl.PlatformAndroid {
for _, i := range pushmdl.Platforms {
if i == pushmdl.PlatformIPhone || i == pushmdl.PlatformIPad {
p.Platforms = append(p.Platforms, i)
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and platform_id in (%s) ", pushmdl.JoinInts(p.Platforms))
if len(p.Channel) > 0 {
var brands []string
for _, v := range p.Channel {
if v == "" {
brands = append(brands, "'"+v+"'")
if len(brands) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and device_brand in (%s) ", strings.Join(brands, ","))
if len(p.Area) > 0 {
var countries, provinces []string
for _, v := range p.Area {
if areas[v] == "" {
if v == _countryForeign || v == _countryChina {
countries = append(countries, "'"+areas[v]+"'")
} else {
provinces = append(provinces, "'"+areas[v]+"'")
if len(countries) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and country in(%s) ", strings.Join(countries, ","))
if len(provinces) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and province in(%s) ", strings.Join(provinces, ","))
if len(p.Like) > 0 {
var likes []string
for _, id := range p.Like {
if s.partitions[id] == "" {
likes = append(likes, "'"+s.partitions[id]+"'")
if len(likes) > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and like_tid in(%s) ", strings.Join(likes, ","))
if p.ActivePeriod > 0 {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and active_hour_period=%d ", p.ActivePeriod)
if typ == pushmdl.TaskTypeDataPlatformMid && len(p.Attentions) > 0 {
var attentions []string
if p.AttentionsType == _attentionTypeUnion {
// 并集
sql += ") t1 join ("
for _, v := range p.Attentions {
s := fmt.Sprintf("select mid from basic.dwd_oid_mid_info where log_date='%s' and follow_type=%d ", logDate, v.Type)
if v.Include != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" and name='%s' ", strings.Replace(v.Include, "'", "\\'", -1))
if v.Exclude != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf("and name!='%s'", strings.Replace(v.Exclude, "'", "\\'", -1))
attentions = append(attentions, s)
sql += strings.Join(attentions, " union ") + ") t2 on t1.mid=t2.mid"
} else {
// 交集
sql += ") t1 join "
for i, v := range p.Attentions {
s := fmt.Sprintf("(select mid from basic.dwd_oid_mid_info where log_date='%s' and follow_type=%d ", logDate, v.Type)
if v.Include != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" and name='%s' ", strings.Replace(v.Include, "'", "\\'", -1))
if v.Exclude != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf("and name!='%s'", strings.Replace(v.Exclude, "'", "\\'", -1))
s += fmt.Sprintf(") t%d on t1.mid=t%d.mid ", i+5, i+5)
attentions = append(attentions, s)
sql += strings.Join(attentions, " join ")
log.Info("data platform parse query end(%s)", sql)
// UpdateDpCondtionStatus .
func (s *Service) UpdateDpCondtionStatus(ctx context.Context, job string, status int) (err error) {
s.dao.UpdateDpCondtionStatus(ctx, job, status)
type checkDpDataRes struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
ProjectID int `json:"projectId"`
ProjectName string `json:"projectName"`
// CheckDpData check whether data platform data is ready
func (s *Service) CheckDpData(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
group := errgroup.Group{}
for id := range dpProjects {
id := id
now := time.Now()
bts := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local).Unix() * 1000 // 13位时间戳
ets := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Local).Unix() * 1000
params := dpparams(s.c.DPClient.Key)
params.Set("runStartTime", strconv.FormatInt(bts, 10))
params.Set("runEndTime", strconv.FormatInt(ets, 10))
group.Go(func() (err error) {
u := fmt.Sprintf(checkDpDataURL, id)
if enc := dpsign(s.c.DPClient.Secret, params); enc != "" {
u = u + "?" + enc
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, u, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("CheckDpData url(%s) error(%v)", u, err)
res := new(checkDpDataRes)
if err = s.dpClient.Do(ctx, req, res); err != nil {
log.Error("CheckDpData url(%s) error(%v)", u+"?"+params.Encode(), err)
if res.Code != http.StatusOK {
err = ecode.PushAdminDPNoDataErr
log.Info("check data platform url(%s) param(%s) res(%+v)", u, params.Encode(), res)
err = group.Wait()
// dpsign calc appkey and appsecret sign.
func dpsign(secret string, params url.Values) (query string) {
tmp := params.Encode()
signTmp := dpencode(params)
if strings.IndexByte(tmp, '+') > -1 {
tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "+", "%20", -1)
var b bytes.Buffer
mh := md5.Sum(b.Bytes())
var qb bytes.Buffer
query = qb.String()
func dpparams(appkey string) url.Values {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("appKey", appkey)
params.Set("timestamp", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
params.Set("version", "1.0")
params.Set("signMethod", "md5")
return params
var dpSignParams = []string{"appKey", "timestamp", "version"}
// encode data platform encodes the values into ``URL encoded'' form
// ("bar=baz&foo=quux") sorted by key.
func dpencode(v url.Values) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
found := false
for _, p := range dpSignParams {
if p == k {
found = true
if !found {
vs := v[k]
prefix := k
for _, v := range vs {
return buf.String()