
364 lines
9.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package model
import (
rl "go-common/app/service/main/relation/model"
xtime "go-common/library/time"
// State 评论状态
const (
StateNormal int32 = 0 // 正常
StateHidden int32 = 1 // up主隐藏
StateFiltered int32 = 2 // 敏感词过滤 @Deprecated to use attr 3
StateDelAdmin int32 = 3 // 管理员删除
StateDelUser int32 = 4 // 用户删除
StateMonitor int32 = 5 // 监控中
StateGarbage int32 = 6 // 大数据过虑 @Deprecated to use attr 2
StateTopAdmin int32 = 7 // 管理员置顶 @Deprecated to use attr 1
StateDelUpper int32 = 8 // up主删除
StateBlacklist int32 = 9 // 黑名单屏蔽
StateDelAssist int32 = 10 // 协管删除
StatePending int32 = 11 // 先审后发
StateFolded int32 = 12 // 被折叠
// Attr 评论属性
const (
AttrTopAdmin uint32 = 0 // 管理员置顶
AttrTopUpper uint32 = 1 // up主置顶
AttrGarbage uint32 = 2 // 大数据过滤
AttrFiltered uint32 = 3 // 敏感词过滤
// 有子评论被折叠
AttrFolded uint32 = 7
// SortBy 排序方式
const (
SortByFloor int32 = 0 // 按楼层排序
SortByCount int32 = 1 // 按评论数排序
SortByLike int32 = 2 // 按点赞数排序
// 折叠评论类型
const (
FolderKindSub = "s"
FolderKindRoot = "r"
// SearchParams reply params.
type SearchParams struct {
Type int32
Oid int64
TypeIds string
Keyword string
KeywordHigh string
UID int64
Uname string
AdminID int64
AdminName string
Begin time.Time
End time.Time
States string
IP int64
Attr string
Sort string
Order string
// ReplySearchResponse ReplySearchResponse
type ReplySearchResponse struct {
Pager Pager `json:"pager"`
// SearchResult search result.
type SearchResult struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"msg,omitempty"`
Order string `json:"order"`
Page int64 `json:"page"`
PageSize int64 `json:"pagesize"`
PageCount int64 `json:"pagecount"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
Result []*SearchReply `json:"result"`
// SearchReply search reply.
type SearchReply struct {
// 评论基础信息
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Type int8 `json:"type"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid"`
OidStr string `json:"oid_str"`
State int8 `json:"state"`
Floor int64 `json:"floor"`
Ctime string `json:"ctime"`
Mtime string `json:"mtime"`
Attr Attr `json:"attr"`
Title string `json:"title"`
// 评论人的相关信息
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
Stat *rl.Stat `json:"stat"`
Replier string `json:"replier"`
IP IP `json:"ip"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Typeid int `json:"typeid"`
Root int `json:"root"`
// 后台操作信息
AdminID int64 `json:"adminid"`
AdminName string `json:"admin_name"`
Opremark string `json:"opremark"`
Opresult string `json:"opresult"`
OpCtime string `json:"opctime"`
RedirectURL string `json:"redirect_url"`
// 搜索返回的额外数据
DocID string `json:"doc_id"`
type IP int64
func (ip *IP) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if string(b) == "" {
return nil
str := strings.Trim(string(b), `"`)
ipI := net.ParseIP(str).To4()
if ipI == nil {
return nil
*ip = IP(int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(ipI)))
return nil
type Attr []int32
func (a *Attr) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s []int32
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s)
if err != nil {
attr, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
var i int32 = 1
for attr != 0 && i < 64 {
if attr&1 == 1 {
*a = append(*a, i)
attr = attr >> 1
} else {
*a = s
return nil
// Reply info.b
type ReplyEx struct {
IsUp bool `json:"is_up"`
RootFloor int32 `json:"root_floor"`
// Reply info.
type Reply struct {
ID int64 `json:"rpid"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid"`
Type int32 `json:"type"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
Root int64 `json:"root"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Dialog int64 `json:"dialog"`
Count int32 `json:"count"`
MCount int32 `json:"mcount"`
RCount int32 `json:"rcount"`
Floor int32 `json:"floor"`
State int32 `json:"state"`
Attr uint32 `json:"attr"`
CTime xtime.Time `json:"ctime"`
MTime xtime.Time `json:"-"`
// action info
Like int32 `json:"like"`
Hate int32 `json:"hate"`
Action int32 `json:"action"`
Content *ReplyContent `json:"content"`
// HasFolded ...
func (r *Reply) HasFolded() bool {
return r.AttrVal(AttrFolded) == AttrYes
// MarkHasFolded ...
func (r *Reply) MarkHasFolded() {
r.AttrSet(AttrYes, AttrFolded)
// UnmarkHasFolded ...
func (r *Reply) UnmarkHasFolded() {
r.AttrSet(AttrNo, AttrFolded)
// DenyFolded ...
func (r *Reply) DenyFolded() bool {
return r.IsTop() || !r.AllowFoldState() || r.Type == SubTypeArticle
// AllowFoldState ...
func (r *Reply) AllowFoldState() bool {
return r.State == StateNormal || r.State == StateHidden || r.State == StateFiltered || r.State == StateGarbage
// IsFolded .
func (r *Reply) IsFolded() bool {
return r.State == StateFolded
// IsRoot root.
func (r *Reply) IsRoot() bool {
return r.Root == 0
// IsTop top.
func (r *Reply) IsTop() bool {
if r.Attr != 0 && (r.AttrVal(AttrTopAdmin) == 1 || r.AttrVal(AttrTopUpper) == 1) {
return true
return false
// IsDeleted deleted.
func (r *Reply) IsDeleted() bool {
return r.State == StateDelUser || r.State == StateDelUpper || r.State == StateDelAdmin
// AttrVal return val of reply'attr
func (r *Reply) AttrVal(bit uint32) uint32 {
if r.Attr == 0 {
return uint32(0)
return (r.Attr >> bit) & uint32(1)
// AttrSet set attr of reply'attr
func (r *Reply) AttrSet(v uint32, bit uint32) {
r.Attr = r.Attr&(^(1 << bit)) | (v << bit)
// IsNormal IsNormal
func (r *Reply) IsNormal() bool {
return r.State == StateNormal || r.State == StateHidden || r.State == StateFiltered || r.State == StateMonitor || r.State == StateGarbage || r.State == StateTopAdmin || r.State == StateFolded
func (r *Reply) IsPending() bool {
return r.State == StatePending
// LegalSubjectType LegalSubjectType
func LegalSubjectType(tp int32) bool {
return SubTypeArchive <= tp && tp <= SubTypeComicEpisode
// ReplyContent define reply content
type ReplyContent struct {
ID int64 `json:"-"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Ats Int64Bytes `json:"ats,omitempty"`
IP uint32 `json:"ipi,omitempty"`
Plat int8 `json:"plat"`
Device string `json:"device"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
CTime xtime.Time `json:"-"`
MTime xtime.Time `json:"-"`
// LogSearchParam LogSearchParam
type LogSearchParam struct {
Oid int64
Type int32
Mid int64
CtimeFrom string
CtimeTo string
Action string
Pn int64
Ps int64
Other int64
Sort string
Order string
Group string
Appid string
// ReplyTopLogResult ReplyTopLogResult
type ReplyTopLogResult struct {
Logs []*ReplyTopLog `json:"logs"`
Page Page `json:"page"`
Order string `json:"order"`
Sort string `json:"sort"`
// ReplyTopLog ReplyTopLog
type ReplyTopLog struct {
AdminID int64 `json:"adminid"`
AdminName string `json:"admin_name"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid"`
Type int32 `json:"type"`
Title string `json:"title"`
RedirectURL string `json:"redirect_url"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
UserName string `json:"username"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
CTime string `json:"ctime"`
RpID int64 `json:"rpid"`
Action int64 `json:"action"`
// ExportedReply exported reply struct
type ExportedReply struct {
ID int64 `json:"rpid"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid"`
Type int32 `json:"type"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
Root int64 `json:"root"`
Parent int64 `json:"parent"`
Count int32 `json:"count"`
RCount int32 `json:"rcount"`
Like int32 `json:"like"`
Hate int32 `json:"hate"`
Floor int32 `json:"floor"`
State int32 `json:"state"`
Attr int32 `json:"attr"`
CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// String convert ExportedReply to string
func (e *ExportedReply) String() (s []string) {
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(e.ID, 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(e.Oid, 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Type), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(e.Mid, 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(e.Root, 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(e.Parent, 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Count), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.RCount), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Like), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Hate), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Floor), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.State), 10))
s = append(s, strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Attr), 10))
s = append(s, e.CTime.String())
s = append(s, e.Message)