179 lines
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179 lines
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package model
const (
// TempTaskPrefix used to separate from the DB tasks.
TempTaskPrefix = "t"
// APPIDBBPhone 哔哩哔哩动画
APPIDBBPhone = 1
// HTTPCodeOk http response normally.
HTTPCodeOk = 0
// SwitchOff off.
SwitchOff = 0
// SwitchOn on.
SwitchOn = 1
// DelMiFeedback feedback 删除 (无效token删除方式)
DelMiFeedback = 1
// DelMiUninstalled 卸载
DelMiUninstalled = 2
// DefaultMessageTitle .
DefaultMessageTitle = "哔哩哔哩消息"
// UnknownBuild 未知build号
UnknownBuild = 0
const (
// MobiAndroid mobi_app android
MobiAndroid = 1
// MobiIPhone mobi_app iPhone
MobiIPhone = 2
// MobiIPad mobi_app iPad
MobiIPad = 3
// MobiAndroidComic
MobiAndroidComic = 4
// task status
const (
// TaskStatusPending 待审核
TaskStatusPending = int8(-5)
// TaskStatusStop 主动停止
TaskStatusStop = int8(-4)
// TaskStatusDelay 延期
TaskStatusDelay = int8(-3)
// TaskStatusExpired 过期
TaskStatusExpired = int8(-2)
// TaskStatusFailed 失败
TaskStatusFailed = int8(-1)
// TaskStatusPrepared 未开始
TaskStatusPrepared = int8(0)
// TaskStatusDoing 进行中
TaskStatusDoing = int8(1)
// TaskStatusDone 已完成
TaskStatusDone = int8(2)
// TaskStatusPretreatmentPrepared 等待预处理,处理完后是按平台拆成任务(token形式)
TaskStatusPretreatmentPrepared = int8(3)
// TaskStatusPretreatmentDoing 预处理中
TaskStatusPretreatmentDoing = int8(4)
// TaskStatusPretreatmentDone 预处理完成
TaskStatusPretreatmentDone = int8(5)
// TaskStatusPretreatmentFailed 预处理失败
TaskStatusPretreatmentFailed = int8(6)
// TaskStatusWaitDataPlatform 等待从数据平台获取数据
TaskStatusWaitDataPlatform = int8(7)
// data platform
const (
// DpCondStatusNoFile 没有查询到文件
DpCondStatusNoFile = -3
// DpCondStatusPending 待审核
DpCondStatusPending = -2
// DpCondStatusFailed 失败的查询
DpCondStatusFailed = -1
// DpCondStatusPrepared 准备提交到数据平台的查询
DpCondStatusPrepared = 0
// DpCondStatusSubmitting 提交中
DpCondStatusSubmitting = 1
// DpCondStatusSubmitted 已经提交的查询
DpCondStatusSubmitted = 2
// DpCondStatusPolling 轮询任务看有没有生成文件
DpCondStatusPolling = 3
// DpCondStatusDownloading 正在下载文件
DpCondStatusDownloading = 4
// DpCondStatusDone 已经完成的查询
DpCondStatusDone = 5
// DpTaskTypeMid mid维度查询
DpTaskTypeMid = 1
// DptaskTypeToken token维度查询
DpTaskTypeToken = 2
const (
// TaskTypeAll 后台全量
TaskTypeAll = 1
// TaskTypePart 后台批量
TaskTypePart = 2
// TaskTypeBusiness 业务推送
TaskTypeBusiness = 3
// TaskTypeTokens 批量token推送
TaskTypeTokens = 4
// TaskTypeMngMid 后台按mid推送
TaskTypeMngMid = 5
// TaskTypeMngToken 后台按token推送
TaskTypeMngToken = 6
// TaskTypeStrategyMid 策略层按mid推送
TaskTypeStrategyMid = 7
// TaskTypeDataPlatformMid 通过mid维度从数据平台获取token
TaskTypeDataPlatformMid = 8
// TaskTypeDataPlatformToken 通过token维度从数据平台获取token
TaskTypeDataPlatformToken = 9
const (
// LinkTypeBangumi bangumi 协议链接类型
LinkTypeBangumi = int8(1)
// LinkTypeVideo 视频
LinkTypeVideo = int8(2)
// LinkTypeLive 直播
LinkTypeLive = int8(3)
// LinkTypeSplist 专题页
LinkTypeSplist = int8(4)
// LinkTypeSearch 搜索
LinkTypeSearch = int8(5)
// LinkTypeAuthor 个人空间
LinkTypeAuthor = int8(6)
// LinkTypeBrowser 浏览器
LinkTypeBrowser = int8(7)
// LinkTypeVipBuy 大会员购买页
LinkTypeVipBuy = int8(10)
// LinkTypeCustom 自定义协议内容
LinkTypeCustom = int8(11)
const (
// 定义参考:http://syncsvn.bilibili.co/app/wiki/blob/master/Android-App-URI.md
// SchemeBangumiSeasonIOS 番剧详情 iPhone,iPadHD 支持番剧
SchemeBangumiSeasonIOS = "bilibili://bangumi/season/"
// SchemeBangumiSeasonAndroid .
SchemeBangumiSeasonAndroid = "bili:///?type=season&season_id="
// SchemeVideoIOS 视频详情页 iPhone,iPadHD 支持视频
SchemeVideoIOS = "bilibili://video/"
// SchemeVideoAndroid .
SchemeVideoAndroid = "bili:///?type=bilivideo&avid="
// SchemeLive 直播详情页, 支持 iOS 和 Android 新协议
SchemeLive = "bilibili://live/"
// SchemeLiveAndroid Android 老协议
SchemeLiveAndroid = "bili:///?type=bililive&roomid="
// SchemeSplist 专题页 iPhone, iPadHD, Android 支持专题
SchemeSplist = "bilibili://splist/"
// SchemeSearchIOS 搜索 iPhone,iPadHD 支持搜索
SchemeSearchIOS = "bilibili://search/?keyword="
// SchemeSearchAndroid .
SchemeSearchAndroid = "bilibili://search/"
// SchemeAuthorIOS 个人空间 iPhone,iPadHD 支持个人空间
SchemeAuthorIOS = "bilibili://user/"
// SchemeAuthorAndroid .
SchemeAuthorAndroid = "bilibili://author/"
// SchemeBrowserIOS 指定URL iPhone,iPadHD 支持H5
SchemeBrowserIOS = "bilibili://browser/?url="
// SchemeBrowserAndroid .
SchemeBrowserAndroid = "bili:///?type=weblink&url="
// SchemeVipBuy 大会员购买页
SchemeVipBuy = "bilibili://user_center/vip/buy/"