
255 lines
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2019-04-22 10:59:20 +08:00
package dao
import (
func TestDaoBusinesses(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
convey.Convey("Businesses", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.Businesses(c)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoLikeState(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
mid = int64(1)
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
messageID = int64(1)
convey.Convey("LikeState", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.LikeState(c, mid, businessID, originID, messageID)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoUserLikeCount(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
mid = int64(1)
typ = int8(1)
convey.Convey("UserLikeCount", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.UserLikeCount(c, businessID, mid, typ)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoRawItemLikeList(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
messageID = int64(1)
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
state = int8(1)
start = int(1)
end = int(1)
convey.Convey("RawItemLikeList", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
_, err := d.RawItemLikeList(c, messageID, businessID, originID, state, start, end)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res,all should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
func TestDaoRawUserLikeList(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
mid = int64(1)
businessID = int64(1)
state = int8(1)
start = int(1)
end = int(1)
convey.Convey("RawUserLikeList", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
_, err := d.RawUserLikeList(c, mid, businessID, state, start, end)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res,all should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
// ctx.So(all, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
// ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoMessageStats(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
ids = []int64{1}
convey.Convey("MessageStats", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.MessageStats(c, businessID, ids)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldBeEmpty)
func TestDaoOriginStats(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
convey.Convey("OriginStats", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.OriginStats(c, businessID, originID)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoStat(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
messageID = int64(1)
convey.Convey("Stat", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.Stat(c, businessID, originID, messageID)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaotidbRawStats(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
messageID = int64(1)
convey.Convey("RawStats", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.RawStats(c, businessID, originID, messageID)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.res should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestDaoUpdateCount(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
messageID = int64(1)
likeChange = int64(1)
dislikeChange = int64(1)
convey.Convey("UpdateCount", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
err := d.UpdateCount(c, businessID, originID, messageID, likeChange, dislikeChange)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
// INSERT INTO `bilibili_likes`.`counts`(`id`, `mtime`, `ctime`, `business_id`, `origin_id`, `message_id`, `likes_count`, `dislikes_count`, `likes_change`, `dislikes_change`, `up_mid`) VALUES (0, '2018-11-14 17:25:40', '2018-11-03 12:06:27', 3, 0, 10099865, 100, 0, 0, 0, 8167601);
func Test_updateCounts(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("get data", t, func() {
c := context.Background()
messageID := int64(10099865)
bid := int64(3)
oid := int64(0)
stat, err := d.Stat(c, bid, oid, messageID)
convey.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
args := [][2]int64{
{1, 1},
{-1000, -1000},
{1, 0},
{0, 1},
{-1, 0},
{-1, -1},
{0, -1},
{0, 0},
{100, -10000},
{100, 20},
{-10, 20},
var l, dd int64
for _, x := range args {
l = x[0]
dd = x[1]
convey.Convey(fmt.Sprintf("like %v dislike %v", l, dd), func() {
err := d.UpdateCounts(c, bid, oid, messageID, l, dd, 0)
convey.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
nstat, err := d.Stat(c, bid, oid, messageID)
convey.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
likes := stat.Likes + l
if likes < 0 {
likes = 0
dislikes := stat.Dislikes + dd
if dislikes < 0 {
dislikes = 0
convey.So(nstat.Likes, convey.ShouldEqual, likes)
convey.So(nstat.Dislikes, convey.ShouldEqual, dislikes)
func TestDaoUpdateUpMids(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(2)
data := []*model.UpMidsReq{
{MessageID: 100, UpMid: 100},
{MessageID: 200, UpMid: 200},
{MessageID: 300, UpMid: 300},
convey.Convey("UpdateUpMids", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
_, err := d.UpdateUpMids(c, businessID, data)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
func TestDaoItemHasLike(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
businessID = int64(1)
originID = int64(1)
messageID = int64(1)
mids = []int64{1, 2, 3}
convey.Convey("ItemHasLike", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
res, err := d.ItemHasLike(c, businessID, originID, messageID, mids, model.StateLike)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(res, convey.ShouldNotBeEmpty)