249 lines
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249 lines
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package dao
import (
xsql "database/sql"
const (
_selVipUserInfoByMid = "select id,mid,vip_type,vip_status,vip_start_time,vip_overdue_time,annual_vip_overdue_time,wander,access_status,ctime,mtime,vip_recent_time from vip_user_info where mid = ?"
_updateVipUserInfoByID = "update vip_user_info set vip_type=?,vip_status=?,vip_overdue_time=?,annual_vip_overdue_time=?,vip_recent_time=? where id=?"
_insertVipUserInfo = "INSERT INTO vip_user_info(mid,vip_type,vip_status,vip_start_time,vip_overdue_time,annual_vip_overdue_time,wander,access_status,vip_recent_time) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
_insertVipChangeHistory = "INSERT INTO vip_change_history(mid,change_type,change_time,days,month,operator_id,relation_id,batch_id,remark) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
_selVipChangeHistory = "select id,mid,change_type,change_time,days,month,operator_id,relation_id,batch_id,remark,ctime from vip_change_history where relation_id=? AND batch_id=?"
_selVipResourceBatchByID = "select id,pool_id,unit,count,ver,start_time,end_time,surplus_count,code_use_count,direct_use_count,ctime,mtime from vip_resource_batch where id=?"
_updateBatchCountByID = "update vip_resource_batch set ver=ver+1,surplus_count=surplus_count-1,direct_use_count=direct_use_count+1,code_use_count=? where id=? and surplus_count>0"
_selResourcePoolByID = "select id,pool_name,business_id,business_name,reason,code_expire_time,start_time,end_time,contacts,contacts_number,ctime,mtime from vip_resource_pool where id=?"
_selBusinessByID = "select id,business_name,business_type,status,app_key,secret,contacts,contacts_number,ctime,mtime from vip_business_info where id=?"
_selVipAppInfo = "select id,type,name,app_key,purge_url,ctime,mtime from vip_app_info where type=?"
_selLastBCoinByMid = "select id,mid,status,give_now_status,month,amount,memo,ctime,mtime from vip_bcoin_salary where mid = ? order by month desc"
_selAllConfig = "select id,config_key,content from vip_config"
_insertVipBcoinSalary = "INSERT INTO vip_bcoin_salary(mid,status,give_now_status,month,amount,memo) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"
//resouce sql
_selResourcePoolByIDSQL = "SELECT id,pool_name,business_id,reason,code_expire_time,start_time,end_time,contacts,contacts_number,ctime,mtime FROM vip_resource_pool WHERE id=?"
_selBusinessByIDSQL = "SELECT id,business_name,business_type,status,app_key,secret,contacts,contacts_number,ctime,mtime FROM vip_business_info WHERE id=?"
_selBusinessByAppkeySQL = "SELECT id,business_name,business_type,status,app_key,secret,contacts,contacts_number,ctime,mtime FROM vip_business_info WHERE app_key=?"
_selCodeSQL = "SELECT id,batch_code_id,status,code,mid,use_time,relation_id FROM vip_resource_code WHERE code = ?"
_selCodesSQL = "SELECT id,batch_code_id,status,code FROM vip_resource_code WHERE code IN ('%v')"
_selCodeOpenedSQL = "SELECT id,code,use_time FROM vip_resource_code WHERE status = 2 AND batch_code_id IN(%v) AND id>%d AND use_time>='%s' AND use_time<='%s' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT %d"
_selBatchCodeSQL = "SELECT id,business_id,pool_id,status,batch_name,reason,unit,count,surplus_count,price,start_time,end_time,type,limit_day,max_count FROM vip_resource_batch_code WHERE id = ?"
_selBatchCodeByBisSQL = "SELECT id,business_id,pool_id,status,batch_name,reason,unit,count,surplus_count,price,start_time,end_time,type,limit_day,max_count FROM vip_resource_batch_code WHERE business_id = ?"
_selBatchCodesSQL = "SELECT id,business_id,pool_id,status,batch_name,reason,unit,count,surplus_count,price,start_time,end_time,type,limit_day,max_count FROM vip_resource_batch_code WHERE id IN(%v)"
_updateCodeSQL = "UPDATE vip_resource_code SET mid=?,use_time=? WHERE id = ?"
_updateCodeStatusSQL = "UPDATE vip_resource_code SET status=? WHERE id = ?"
_updateBatchCodeSQL = "UPDATE vip_resource_batch_code SET surplus_count=? WHERE id = ?"
_selActiveSQL = "SELECT id,type,product_name,product_pic,relation_id,bus_id,product_detail,use_type FROM vip_active_show WHERE relation_id IN ('%v')"
_selCodesByBmidSQL = "SELECT code FROM vip_resource_code WHERE bmid =?"
_selBatchCountSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM vip_resource_code WHERE mid=? AND batch_code_id=?"
_updateOrderCancelSQL = "UPDATE vip_pay_order SET status = ? WHERE order_no = ? AND status = ?;"
//OldUpdateOrderCancel order update order cancel.
func (d *Dao) OldUpdateOrderCancel(c context.Context, r *model.VipPayOrderOld) (a int64, err error) {
var res xsql.Result
if res, err = d.olddb.Exec(c, _updateOrderCancelSQL, r.Status, r.OrderNo, model.PAYING); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldInsertVipBcoinSalary insert vip bcoin salary
func (d *Dao) OldInsertVipBcoinSalary(c context.Context, r *model.VipBcoinSalary) (err error) {
if _, err = d.olddb.Exec(c, _insertVipBcoinSalary, &r.Mid, &r.Status, &r.GiveNowStatus, &r.Month, &r.Amount, &r.Memo); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//SelAllConfig sel all config
func (d *Dao) SelAllConfig(c context.Context) (res []*model.VipConfig, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = d.olddb.Query(c, _selAllConfig); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := new(model.VipConfig)
if err = rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.ConfigKey, &r.Content); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
res = nil
res = append(res, r)
err = rows.Err()
//SelVipAppInfo selVipAppInfo
func (d *Dao) SelVipAppInfo(c context.Context, t int) (res []*model.VipAppInfo, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = d.olddb.Query(c, _selVipAppInfo, t); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := new(model.VipAppInfo)
if err = rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Type, &r.Name, &r.AppKey, &r.PurgeURL, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
res = nil
res = append(res, r)
err = rows.Err()
//OldSelLastBcoin sel last bcoin by mid
func (d *Dao) OldSelLastBcoin(c context.Context, mid int64) (r *model.VipBcoinSalary, err error) {
row := d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selLastBCoinByMid, mid)
r = new(model.VipBcoinSalary)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Mid, &r.Status, &r.GiveNowStatus, &r.Month, &r.Amount, &r.Memo, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
r = nil
} else {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//SelBusiness select businessInfo by id
func (d *Dao) SelBusiness(c context.Context, id int64) (r *model.VipBusinessInfo, err error) {
var row = d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selBusinessByID, id)
r = new(model.VipBusinessInfo)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.BusinessName, &r.BusinessType, &r.Status, &r.AppKey, &r.Secret, &r.Contacts, &r.ContactsNumber, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
r = nil
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//SelResourcePool select resource pool by id
func (d *Dao) SelResourcePool(c context.Context, id int64) (r *model.VipResourcePool, err error) {
var row = d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selResourcePoolByID, id)
r = new(model.VipResourcePool)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.PoolName, &r.BusinessID, &r.BusinessName, &r.Reason, &r.CodeExpireTime, &r.StartTime, &r.EndTime, &r.Contacts, &r.ContactsNumber, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
r = nil
err = nil
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldSelVipUserInfo select user info by mid
func (d *Dao) OldSelVipUserInfo(c context.Context, mid int64) (r *model.VipUserInfo, err error) {
var row = d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selVipUserInfoByMid, mid)
r = new(model.VipUserInfo)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Mid, &r.VipType, &r.VipStatus, &r.VipStartTime, &r.VipOverdueTime, &r.AnnualVipOverdueTime, &r.Wander, &r.AccessStatus, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime, &r.VipRecentTime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
r = nil
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//SelVipResourceBatch select vip resource Batch by id
func (d *Dao) SelVipResourceBatch(c context.Context, id int64) (r *model.VipResourceBatch, err error) {
var row = d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selVipResourceBatchByID, id)
r = new(model.VipResourceBatch)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.PoolID, &r.Unit, &r.Count, &r.Ver, &r.StartTime, &r.EndTime, &r.SurplusCount, &r.CodeUseCount, &r.DirectUseCount, &r.Ctime, &r.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
r = nil
err = nil
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldUpdateVipUserInfo update vip user info by id
func (d *Dao) OldUpdateVipUserInfo(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, r *model.VipUserInfo) (a int64, err error) {
var res xsql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_updateVipUserInfoByID, r.VipType, r.VipStatus, r.VipOverdueTime, r.AnnualVipOverdueTime, r.VipRecentTime, r.ID); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//UpdateBatchCount updateBatch by Id
func (d *Dao) UpdateBatchCount(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, r *model.VipResourceBatch, ver int64) (a int64, err error) {
var res xsql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_updateBatchCountByID, r.CodeUseCount, r.ID); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldInsertVipUserInfo insert vipUserInfo.
func (d *Dao) OldInsertVipUserInfo(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, r *model.VipUserInfo) (err error) {
if _, err = tx.Exec(_insertVipUserInfo, r.Mid, r.VipType, r.VipStatus, r.VipStartTime, r.VipOverdueTime, r.AnnualVipOverdueTime, r.Wander, r.AccessStatus, r.VipRecentTime); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldInsertVipChangeHistory insert vipChangeHistory
func (d *Dao) OldInsertVipChangeHistory(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, r *model.VipChangeHistory) (id int64, err error) {
var res xsql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_insertVipChangeHistory, r.Mid, r.ChangeType, r.ChangeTime, r.Days, r.Month, r.OperatorID, r.RelationID, r.BatchID, r.Remark); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
if id, err = res.LastInsertId(); err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
//OldVipchangeHistory old vip change history.
func (d *Dao) OldVipchangeHistory(c context.Context, relationID string, batchID int64) (r *model.VipChangeHistory, err error) {
var row = d.olddb.QueryRow(c, _selVipChangeHistory, relationID, batchID)
r = new(model.VipChangeHistory)
if err = row.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Mid, &r.ChangeType, &r.ChangeTime, &r.Days, &r.Month, &r.OperatorID, &r.RelationID, &r.BatchID, &r.Remark, &r.Ctime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
r = nil
err = nil
err = errors.WithStack(err)