217 lines
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217 lines
7.5 KiB
package model
import (
const (
// AuditRole 审核
AuditRole = int8(0)
// CustomerServiceRole 客服
CustomerServiceRole = int8(1)
// StateUntreated .
StateUntreated = int8(0)
// StatePassed .
StatePassed = int8(1)
// StateReject .
StateReject = int8(2)
// StateClose .
StateClose = int8(3)
// DispatchStateAuditMask 1111
DispatchStateAuditMask = int32(0xf)
// DispatchStateCustomerServiceMask 11110000
DispatchStateCustomerServiceMask = int32(0xf0)
// QueueState 队列中审核状态
QueueState = 15
// QueueBusinessState 队列中客服状态
QueueBusinessState = 15
// QueueStateBefore 默认审核状态
QueueStateBefore = 0
// QueueBusinessStateBefore 默认客服状态
QueueBusinessStateBefore = 1
// Challenge struct
type Challenge struct {
ID int32 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id"`
Tid int32 `gorm:"column:tid" json:"tid"`
Gid int32 `gorm:"column:gid" json:"gid"`
Oid int64 `gorm:"column:oid" json:"oid"`
Mid int64 `gorm:"column:mid" json:"mid"`
Eid int64 `gorm:"column:eid" json:"eid"`
State int8 `gorm:"-" json:"state"`
Business int8 `gorm:"column:business" json:"business"`
BusinessState int8 `gorm:"-" json:"business_state"`
Assignee int32 `gorm:"column:assignee_adminid" json:"assignee_adminid"`
Adminid int32 `gorm:"column:adminid" json:"adminid"`
MetaData string `gorm:"column:metadata" json:"metadata"`
Desc string `gorm:"column:description" json:"description"`
Attachments []*Attachment `gorm:"-" json:"attachments"`
Events []*Event `gorm:"-" json:"events"`
Ctime time.Time `gorm:"ctime" json:"ctime"`
Mtime time.Time `gorm:"mtime" json:"mtime"`
DispatchState uint32 `gorm:"dispatch_state"`
BusinessInfo Business `gorm:"-" json:"business_info"`
// ChallengeParam appeal param
type ChallengeParam struct {
ID int32 `form:"id"`
Tid int32 `form:"tid"`
Oid int64 `form:"oid"`
Mid int64 `form:"mid"`
Desc string `form:"description"`
AdminID int32 `form:"admin_id"`
AssigneeID int32 `form:"assignee_id"`
AttachmentsStr string `form:"attachments"`
Attachments []string `form:"attachments[]"`
Business int8 `form:"business"`
BusinessState int8 `form:"business_state"`
MetaData string `form:"metadata"`
BusinessTypeid int32 `form:"business_typeid"`
BusinessTitle string `form:"business_title"`
BusinessContent string `form:"business_content"`
BusinessMid int64 `form:"business_mid"`
BusinessExtra string `form:"business_extra"`
Role uint8 `form:"role"`
// TableName by Challenge
func (*Challenge) TableName() string {
return "workflow_chall"
// SetDispatchState set DispatchState
func SetDispatchState(dispatchState int32, role, state int8) (result int32, err error) {
switch role {
case AuditRole:
result = dispatchState&(^DispatchStateAuditMask) + int32(state)
case CustomerServiceRole:
result = dispatchState&(^DispatchStateCustomerServiceMask) + (int32(state) << 4)
err = errors.New("changeDispatchState Unknown Role")
return result, err
// DispatchState get DispatchState
func DispatchState(dispatchState int32, role int8) (result int32, err error) {
switch role {
case AuditRole:
result = dispatchState & DispatchStateAuditMask
case CustomerServiceRole:
result = (dispatchState & DispatchStateCustomerServiceMask) >> 4
err = errors.New("changeDispatchState Unknown Role")
return result, err
// SetState update state of a role
// ex. oldState=0x3a4b5c6d, state=15, role=1 then result is 0x3a4b5cfd
func (c *Challenge) SetState(state uint32, role uint8) {
oldState := c.DispatchState
mod := uint32(^(0xf << (4 * role)))
oldState = oldState & mod // all bit keep unchanged and bits you want update change to 0
c.DispatchState = oldState + state<<(4*role)
// GetState return state of a role from dispatchState field
// ex. dispatchState=0x3a4b5c6d, role=1 then result is 0x6
func (c *Challenge) GetState(role uint8) (result int8) {
dispatchState := c.DispatchState
mod := uint32(0xf << (4 * role))
dispatchState &= mod
result = int8(dispatchState >> (4 * role))
// FromState set State and BusinessState field from DispatchState field
func (c *Challenge) FromState() {
c.State = c.GetState(uint8(0))
if c.State == QueueState {
c.State = QueueStateBefore
c.BusinessState = c.GetState(uint8(1))
if c.BusinessState == QueueBusinessState {
c.BusinessState = QueueBusinessStateBefore
// CheckAdd check add challenge by params
func (ap *ChallengeParam) CheckAdd() bool {
return !(ap.Oid == 0 || ap.Mid == 0 || ap.Business == 0 || ap.Tid == 0 || ap.Desc == "")
// CheckList check get list challenge by params
func (ap *ChallengeParam) CheckList() bool {
return !(ap.Mid == 0 || ap.Business == 0)
// CheckInfo check get challenge info by params
func (ap *ChallengeParam) CheckInfo() bool {
return !(ap.ID == 0 || ap.Mid == 0 || ap.Business == 0)
// CheckBusiness check challenge business field by params
func (ap *ChallengeParam) CheckBusiness() bool {
return !(ap.BusinessTypeid == 0 && ap.BusinessMid == 0 && ap.BusinessTitle == "" && ap.BusinessContent == "" && ap.BusinessExtra == "")
// ChallengeParam3 .
type ChallengeParam3 struct {
Business int8 `form:"business" validate:"required"`
Fid int64 `form:"fid"`
Rid int64 `form:"rid"`
Eid int64 `form:"eid"`
Score int64 `form:"score"`
Tid int32 `form:"tid"`
Oid int64 `form:"oid" validate:"required"`
Aid int64 `form:"aid"`
Mid int64 `form:"mid"`
Desc string `form:"description"`
AdminID int32 `form:"admin_id"`
AssigneeID int32 `form:"assignee_id"`
Attachments []string `form:"attachments,split"`
BusinessState int8 `form:"business_state"`
MetaData string `form:"metadata"`
BusinessTypeid int16 `form:"business_typeid"`
BusinessTitle string `form:"business_title"`
BusinessContent string `form:"business_content"`
BusinessMid int64 `form:"business_mid"`
BusinessExtra string `form:"business_extra"`
Role uint8 `form:"role"`
// CheckBusiness .
func (cp3 *ChallengeParam3) CheckBusiness() bool {
return !(cp3.BusinessTypeid == 0 && cp3.BusinessMid == 0 && cp3.BusinessTitle == "" && cp3.BusinessContent == "" && cp3.BusinessExtra == "")
// Challenge3 .
type Challenge3 struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"column:id"`
Gid int64 `json:"gid" gorm:"column:gid"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid" gorm:"column:mid"`
Tid int64 `json:"tid" gorm:"column:tid"`
Eid int64 `json:"eid" gorm:"column:eid"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid" gorm:"column:oid"`
Business int64 `json:"business" gorm:"column:business"`
Desc string `json:"description" gorm:"column:description"`
MetaData string `json:"metadata" gorm:"column:metadata"`
DispatchState int64 `json:"dispatch_state" gorm:"column:dispatch_state"`
Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime" gorm:"column:ctime"`
Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime" gorm:"column:mtime"`
// TableName .
func (*Challenge3) TableName() string {
return "workflow_chall"