package lancergrpc import ( "context" "fmt" "bytes" "sync" "strconv" "time" "math" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/event" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/output" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/pkg/flowmonitor" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/pkg/common" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/output/cache/file" "go-common/library/log" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/pkg/lancermonitor" "" "" "go-common/app/service/ops/log-agent/output/lancergrpc/lancergateway" ) const ( _appIdKey = `"app_id":` _levelKey = `"level":` _logTime = `"time":` ) var ( logMagic = []byte{0xAC, 0xBE} logMagicBuf = []byte{0xAC, 0xBE} _logType = []byte{0, 1} _logLength = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0} local, _ = time.LoadLocation("Local") ) type logDoc struct { b []byte logId string } func init() { err := output.Register("lancergrpc", NewLancer) if err != nil { panic(err) } } type Lancer struct { c *Config next chan string i chan *event.ProcessorEvent cache *file.FileCache logAggrBuf map[string]*bytes.Buffer logAggrBufLock sync.Mutex sendChan chan *logDoc lancerClient lancergateway.Gateway2ServerClient ctx context.Context cancel context.CancelFunc } func NewLancer(ctx context.Context, config interface{}) (output.Output, error) { var err error lancer := new(Lancer) if c, ok := config.(*Config); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error config for Lancer output") } else { if err = c.ConfigValidate(); err != nil { return nil, err } lancer.c = c } if output.OutputRunning(lancer.c.Name) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Output %s already running", lancer.c.Name) } lancer.i = make(chan *event.ProcessorEvent) = make(chan string, 1) lancer.logAggrBuf = make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer) lancer.sendChan = make(chan *logDoc) cache, err := file.NewFileCache(lancer.c.CacheConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } lancer.cache = cache lancer.lancerClient, err = lancergateway.NewClient(lancer.c.LancerGateway) if err != nil { return nil, err } lancer.ctx, lancer.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx) return lancer, nil } func (l *Lancer) InputChan() (chan *event.ProcessorEvent) { return l.i } func (l *Lancer) Run() (err error) { go l.readFromProcessor() go l.consumeCache() go l.flushLogAggrPeriodically() for i := 0; i < l.c.SendConcurrency; i++ { go l.sendToLancer() } if l.c.Name != "" { output.RegisterOutput(l.c.Name, l) } return nil } func (l *Lancer) Stop() { l.cancel() } func (l *Lancer) readFromProcessor() { for e := range l.i { // only cache for sock input if e.Source == "sock" { l.cache.WriteToCache(e) continue } // without cache l.preWriteToLancer(e) } } func (l *Lancer) preWriteToLancer(e *event.ProcessorEvent) { flowmonitor.Fm.AddEvent(e, "log-agent.output.lancer", "OK", "write to lancer") lancermonitor.IncreaseLogCount("agent.send.success.count", e.LogId) if l.c.Name == "lancer-ops-log" { l.logAggr(e) } else { l.sendLogDirectToLancer(e) } } // consumeCache consume logs from cache func (l *Lancer) consumeCache() { for { e := l.cache.ReadFromCache() if e.Length < _logLancerHeaderLen { event.PutEvent(e) continue } // monitor should be called before event recycle l.parseOpslog(e) l.preWriteToLancer(e) } } func (l *Lancer) parseOpslog(e *event.ProcessorEvent) { if l.c.Name == "lancer-ops-log" { e.AppId, _ = common.SeekValue([]byte(_appIdKey), e.Bytes()) if timeValue, err := common.SeekValue([]byte(_logTime), e.Bytes()); err == nil { if len(timeValue) >= 19 { // parse time var t time.Time if t, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, string(timeValue)); err != nil { if t, err = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02T15:04:05", string(timeValue), local); err != nil { if t, err = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02T15:04:05", string(timeValue[0:19]), local); err != nil { } } } if !t.IsZero() { e.TimeRangeKey = strconv.FormatInt(t.Unix()/100*100, 10) } } } } } // sendLogDirectToLancer send log direct to lancer without aggr func (l *Lancer) sendLogDirectToLancer(e *event.ProcessorEvent) { logDoc := new(logDoc) logDoc.b = make([]byte, e.Length) copy(logDoc.b, e.Bytes()) logDoc.logId = e.LogId event.PutEvent(e) l.sendChan <- logDoc } func (l *Lancer) nextRetry(retry int) (time.Duration) { // avoid d too large if retry > 10 { return time.Duration(l.c.MaxRetryDuration) } d := time.Duration(math.Pow(2, float64(retry))) * time.Duration(l.c.InitialRetryDuration) if d > time.Duration(l.c.MaxRetryDuration) { return time.Duration(l.c.MaxRetryDuration) } return d } func (l *Lancer) bulkSendToLancerWithRetry(in *lancergateway.EventList) { retry := 0 for { ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(l.c.SendBatchTimeout)) t1 := time.Now() resp, err := l.lancerClient.SendList(ctx, in) if err == nil { if resp.Code == lancergateway.StatusCode_SUCCESS { log.Info("get 200 from lancer gateway: size %d, count %d, cost %s", in.Size(), len(in.Events), time.Since(t1).String()) return } flowmonitor.Fm.Add("log-agent", "log-agent.output.lancer", "", "ERROR", fmt.Sprintf("write to lancer None 200: %s", resp.Code)) log.Warn("get None 200 from lancer gateway, retry: %s", resp.Code) } if err != nil { switch grpc.Code(err) { case codes.Canceled, codes.DeadlineExceeded, codes.Unavailable, codes.ResourceExhausted: flowmonitor.Fm.Add("log-agent", "log-agent.output.lancer", "", "ERROR", fmt.Sprintf("write to lancer failed, retry: %s", err)) log.Warn("get error from lancer gateway, retry: %s", err) default: flowmonitor.Fm.Add("log-agent", "log-agent.output.lancer", "", "ERROR", fmt.Sprintf("write to lancer failed, no retry: %s", err)) log.Warn("get error from lancer gateway, no retry: %s", err) return } } time.Sleep(l.nextRetry(retry)) retry ++ } } // sendproc send the proc to lancer func (l *Lancer) sendToLancer() { eventList := new(lancergateway.EventList) eventListLock := sync.Mutex{} lastSend := time.Now() ticker := time.Tick(time.Second * 1) size := 0 for { select { case <-ticker: if lastSend.Add(time.Duration(l.c.SendFlushInterval)).Before(time.Now()) && len(eventList.Events) > 0 { eventListLock.Lock() l.bulkSendToLancerWithRetry(eventList) eventList.Reset() size = 0 eventListLock.Unlock() lastSend = time.Now() } case logDoc := <-l.sendChan: event := new(lancergateway.SimpleEvent) event.LogId = logDoc.logId event.Header = map[string]string{"timestamp": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix()/100*100, 10)} event.Data = logDoc.b size += len(event.Data) eventListLock.Lock() eventList.Events = append(eventList.Events, event) if size > l.c.SendBatchSize || len(eventList.Events) > l.c.SendBatchNum { l.bulkSendToLancerWithRetry(eventList) eventList.Reset() size = 0 lastSend = time.Now() } eventListLock.Unlock() } } }