package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) var tplFlag = false var grpcFlag = false // 使用app/tool/warden/ 生成grpc .pb.go var protocShRunned = false var syncLiveDoc = false func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "bmgen" app.Usage = "根据proto文件生成bm框架或者grpc代码: \n" + "用法1,在项目的任何一个位置运行bmgen,会自动找到proto文件\n" + "用法2,bmgen proto文件(文件必须在一个项目的api中(项目包含cmd和api目录))\n" app.Version = "1.0.0" app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "update", Usage: "更新工具本身", Action: actionUpdate, }, { Name: "clean-live-doc", Usage: "清除live-doc已经失效的分支的文档", Action: actionCleanLiveDoc, }, } app.Action = actionGenerate app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "interface, i", Value: "", Usage: "generate for the interface project `RELATIVE-PATH`, eg. live/live-demo", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "grpc, g", Destination: &grpcFlag, Usage: "废弃,会自动检测是否需要grpc", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tpl, t", Destination: &tplFlag, Usage: "是否生成service模板代码", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "live-doc, l", Destination: &syncLiveDoc, Usage: "同步该项目的文档到live-doc$branch/$package/$filename.$", }, } err := app.Run(os.Args) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func autoUpdate(ctx *cli.Context) (err error) { tfile, e := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/bmgentime") if e != nil { tfile = []byte{'0'} } ts, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(tfile), 0, 64) current := time.Now().Unix() if (current - int64(ts)) > 3600*12 { // 12 hours old ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/bmgentime", []byte(strconv.FormatInt(current, 10)), 0777) err = actionUpdate(ctx) if err != nil { return } } return } func actionCleanLiveDoc(ctx *cli.Context) (err error) { fmt.Println("暂未实现,敬请期待") return } func installDependencies() (err error) { // 检查protoc // e := runCmd("which protoc") if e != nil { var uname string uname, err = runCmdRet("uname") if err != nil { return } if uname == "Darwin" { err = runCmd("brew install protobuf") if err != nil { return } } else { fmt.Println("找不到protoc,请于 下载里面的protoc-$VERSION-$ 安装, 注意把文件拷贝到正确的未知") return errors.New("找不到protoc") } } err = runCmd("which protoc-gen-gogofast || go get") return } // actionGenerate invokes protoc to generate files func actionGenerate(ctx *cli.Context) (err error) { if err = autoUpdate(ctx); err != nil { return } err = installDependencies() if err != nil { return } f := ctx.Args().Get(0) goPath := initGopath() if !fileExist(goPath) { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH not exist: "+goPath), 1) } filesToGenerate := []string{f} iPath := ctx.String("i") if iPath != "" { iPath = goPath + "/src/go-common/app/interface/" + iPath if !fileExist(iPath) { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("interface project not found: "+iPath), 1) } pbs := filesWithSuffix(iPath+"/api", ".pb", ".proto") if len(pbs) == 0 { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("no pbs found in path: "+iPath+"/api"), 1) } filesToGenerate = pbs fmt.Printf(".pb files found %v\n", pbs) } else { if f == "" { // if is is empty, look up project that contains current dir abs, _ := filepath.Abs(".") proj := lookupProjPath(abs) if proj == "" { return cli.NewExitError("current dir is not in any project : "+abs, 1) } if proj != "" { pbs := filesWithSuffix(proj+"/api", ".pb", ".proto") if len(pbs) == 0 { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("no pbs found in path: "+proj+"/api"), 1) } filesToGenerate = pbs fmt.Printf(".pb files found %v\n", pbs) } } } for _, p := range filesToGenerate { if !fileExist(p) { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("file not exist: "+p), 1) } generateForFile(p, goPath) } if syncLiveDoc { err = actionSyncLiveDoc(ctx) } return } func generateForFile(f string, goPath string) { absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(f) base := filepath.Base(f) projPath := lookupProjPath(absPath) fileFolder := filepath.Dir(absPath) var relativePath string if projPath != "" { relativePath = absPath[len(projPath)+1:] } var cmd string if strings.Index(relativePath, "api/liverpc") == 0 { // need not generate for liverpc fmt.Printf("skip for liverpc \n") return } genTpl := 0 if tplFlag { genTpl = 1 } if !strings.Contains(relativePath, "api/http") { //非http 生成grpc和http的代码 isInsideGoCommon := strings.Contains(fileFolder, "go-common") if !protocShRunned && isInsideGoCommon { // 只能在大仓库中使用 protocShRunned = true cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cd "%s" && "%s/src/go-common/app/tool/warden/"`, fileFolder, goPath) runCmd(cmd) } genGrpcArg := "--gogofast_out=plugins=grpc:." if isInsideGoCommon { // go-common中已经用上述命令生成过了 genGrpcArg = "" } cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cd "%s" && protoc --bm_out=tpl=%d:. `+ `%s -I. -I%s/src -I"%s/src/go-common" -I"%s/src/go-common/vendor" "%s"`, fileFolder, genTpl, genGrpcArg, goPath, goPath, goPath, base) } else { // 只生成http的代码 var pbOutArg string if strings.LastIndex(f, ".pb") == len(f)-3 { // ends with .pb log.Printf("\n\033[0;33m======!!!!WARNING!!!!========\n" + ".pb文件生成代码的功能已经不再维护,请尽快迁移到.proto, 详情:\n文件格式-.pb迁移到.proto\n" + "======!!!!WARNING!!!!========\033[0m\n") pbOutArg = "--gogofasterg_out=json_emitdefault=1,suffix=.pbg.go:." } else { pbOutArg = "--gogofast_out=." } cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cd "%s" && protoc --bm_out=tpl=%d:. `+ pbOutArg+` -I. -I"%s/src" -I"%s/src/go-common" -I"%s/src/go-common/vendor" "%s"`, fileFolder, genTpl, goPath, goPath, goPath, base) } err := runCmd(cmd) if err == nil { fmt.Println("ok") } } // files all files with suffix func filesWithSuffix(dir string, suffixes ...string) (result []string) { filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !info.IsDir() { for _, suffix := range suffixes { if strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), suffix) { result = append(result, path) break } } } return nil }) return } // 扫描md文档并且同步到live-doc func actionSyncLiveDoc(ctx *cli.Context) (err error) { //mdFiles := filesWithSuffix( // if is is empty, look up project that contains current dir abs, _ := filepath.Abs(".") proj := lookupProjPath(abs) if proj == "" { err = cli.NewExitError("current dir is not in any project : "+abs, 1) return } var branch string branch, err = runCmdRet("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD") if err != nil { return } branch = url.QueryEscape(branch) err = runCmd("[ -d ~/.brpc ] || mkdir ~/.brpc") if err != nil { return } var liveDocUrl = "" err = runCmd("cd ~/.brpc && [ -d ~/.brpc/live-doc ] || git clone " + liveDocUrl) if err != nil { return } err = runCmd("cd ~/.brpc/live-doc && git checkout doc && git pull origin doc") if err != nil { return } mdFiles := filesWithSuffix(proj+"/api", ".md") var u *user.User u, err = user.Current() if err != nil { return err } var liveDocDir = u.HomeDir + "/.brpc/live-doc" for _, file := range mdFiles { fileHandle, _ := os.Open(file) fileScanner := bufio.NewScanner(fileHandle) for fileScanner.Scan() { var text = fileScanner.Text() var reg = regexp.MustCompile(`package=([\w\.]+)`) matches := reg.FindStringSubmatch(text) if len(matches) >= 2 { pkg := matches[1] relativeDir := strings.Replace(pkg, ".", "/", -1) var destDir = liveDocDir + "/protodoc/" + branch + "/" + relativeDir runCmd("mkdir -p " + destDir) err = runCmd(fmt.Sprintf("cp %s %s", file, destDir)) if err != nil { return } } else { fmt.Println("package not found", file) } break } fileHandle.Close() } err = runCmd(`cd "` + liveDocDir + `" && git add -A`) if err != nil { return } var gitStatus string gitStatus, _ = runCmdRet(`cd "` + liveDocDir + `" && git status --porcelain`) if gitStatus != "" { err = runCmd(`cd "` + liveDocDir + `" && git commit -m 'update doc from proto' && git push origin doc`) if err != nil { return } } fmt.Printf("文档已经生成至 %s%s\n", "", url.QueryEscape(branch)) return } // actionUpdate update the tools its self func actionUpdate(ctx *cli.Context) (err error) { log.Print("Updating bmgen.....") goPath := initGopath() goCommonPath := goPath + "/src/go-common" if !fileExist(goCommonPath) { return cli.NewExitError("go-common not exist : "+goCommonPath, 1) } cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`go install "go-common/app/tool/bmproto/..."`) if err = runCmd(cmd); err != nil { err = cli.NewExitError(err.Error(), 1) return } log.Print("Updated!") return } // runCmd runs the cmd & print output (both stdout & stderr) func runCmd(cmd string) (err error) { fmt.Printf("CMD: %s \n", cmd) out, err := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", cmd).CombinedOutput() fmt.Print(string(out)) return } func runCmdRet(cmd string) (out string, err error) { fmt.Printf("CMD: %s \n", cmd) outBytes, err := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", cmd).CombinedOutput() out = strings.Trim(string(outBytes), "\n\r\t ") return } // lookupProjPath get project path by proto absolute path // assume that proto is in the project's model directory func lookupProjPath(protoAbs string) (result string) { lastIndex := len(protoAbs) curPath := protoAbs for lastIndex > 0 { if fileExist(curPath+"/cmd") && fileExist(curPath+"/api") { result = curPath return } lastIndex = strings.LastIndex(curPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) curPath = protoAbs[:lastIndex] } result = "" return } func fileExist(file string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(file) return err == nil } func initGopath() string { root, err := goPath() if err != nil || root == "" { log.Printf("can not read GOPATH, use ~/go as default GOPATH") root = path.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "go") } return root } func goPath() (string, error) { gopaths := strings.Split(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), ":") if len(gopaths) == 1 { return gopaths[0], nil } for _, gp := range gopaths { absgp, err := filepath.Abs(gp) if err != nil { return "", err } if fileExist(absgp + "/src/go-common") { return absgp, nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("can't found current gopath") }