package service import ( "context" "encoding/json" "go-common/app/job/live/push-search/model" "go-common/library/log" "go-common/library/sync/errgroup" "strconv" ) const ( _retry = 3 ) func (s *Service) attentionNotifyConsumeProc() { defer s.waiter.Done() for { msg, ok := <-s.dao.AttentionDataBus.Messages() if !ok { log.Error("attentionNotifyConsumeProc closed") if err := s.dao.AttentionDataBus.Close(); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.AttentionDataBus.Close() error(%v)", err) } return } m := &message{data: msg} p := new(model.LiveDatabusAttention) if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Value, p); err != nil { msg.Commit() log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", string(msg.Value), err) continue } if p.MsgContent == nil { log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]attentionNotifyConsumeProc msg object msgContent is nil, msg:%+v", string(msg.Value)) return } m.object = p s.attentionMergeChan[p.MsgContent.UpUid%int64(s.c.Group.Attention.Num)] <- m } } func (s *Service) attentionNotifyHandleProc(c chan *message) { defer s.waiterChan.Done() for { msgData, ok := <-c if !ok { log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]attentionNotifyHandleProc closed") return } //先提交防止阻塞,关闭时等待任务执行完 p, assertOk := msgData.object.(*model.LiveDatabusAttention) if !assertOk { log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]attentionNotifyHandleProc msg object type conversion error, msg:%+v", msgData) return } uid := p.MsgContent.UpUid uName := "" newMap := &model.TableField{} wg := errgroup.Group{} wg.Go(func() (err error) { userInfo, err := s.getMultiUserInfo(uid) if err == nil && userInfo != nil && userInfo.Uname != "" { uName = userInfo.Uname } return }) wg.Go(func() (err error) { roomInfo, err := s.getBaseRoomInfo(uid) if err == nil && roomInfo != nil { newMap.RoomId = int(roomInfo.Roomid) newMap.ShortId = int(roomInfo.ShortId) newMap.Uid = roomInfo.Uid newMap.UName = roomInfo.Uname newMap.Area = int(roomInfo.Area) newMap.Title = roomInfo.Title newMap.Tag = roomInfo.Tags newMap.TryTime = roomInfo.TryTime newMap.Cover = roomInfo.Cover newMap.UserCover = roomInfo.UserCover newMap.LockStatus = roomInfo.LockStatus newMap.HiddenStatus = roomInfo.HiddenStatus newMap.Attentions = int(roomInfo.Attentions) newMap.Online = int(roomInfo.Online) newMap.LiveTime = roomInfo.LiveTime newMap.AreaV2Id = int(roomInfo.AreaV2Id) newMap.AreaV2ParentId = int(roomInfo.AreaV2ParentId) newMap.Virtual = int(roomInfo.Virtual) newMap.AreaV2Name = roomInfo.AreaV2Name newMap.CTime = roomInfo.Ctime newMap.MTime = roomInfo.Mtime newMap.RoundStatus = int(roomInfo.RoundStatus) newMap.OnFlag = int(roomInfo.OnFlag) } return }) err := wg.Wait() if err == nil && newMap.RoomId != 0 { ret, retByte := s.generateSearchInfo("update", _tableArchive, newMap, nil) if uName != "" { ret["new"].(map[string]interface{})["uname"] = uName retByte["uname"] = []byte(uName) } if p.MsgContent.ExtInfo != nil { ret["new"].(map[string]interface{})["attentions"] = p.MsgContent.ExtInfo.UpUidFans ret["new"].(map[string]interface{})["attention"] = p.MsgContent.ExtInfo.UpUidFans retByte["attentions"] = []byte(strconv.Itoa(p.MsgContent.ExtInfo.UpUidFans)) retByte["attention"] = []byte(strconv.Itoa(p.MsgContent.ExtInfo.UpUidFans)) } //构造假old ret["old"].(map[string]interface{})["attention"] = 0 ret["old"].(map[string]interface{})["attentions"] = 0 wg := errgroup.Group{} wg.Go(func() (err error) { for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ { hbaseErr := s.saveHBase(context.TODO(), s.rowKey(newMap.RoomId), retByte) err = hbaseErr if hbaseErr != nil { continue } break } if err != nil { log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]fail to write hbase, msg:(%v), err:(%v)", p, err) } return }) wg.Go(func() (err error) { err = s.dao.Pub(context.TODO(), int64(newMap.RoomId), ret) if err != nil { log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]fail to pub, msg:(%v), err:(%v)", p, err) } return }) wg.Wait() log.Info("[AttentionDataBus]success to handle, error(%v), msg:(%v)", err, ret) continue } log.Error("[AttentionDataBus]fail to getData, error(%v),msg:(%v)", err, p) } }