package dao import ( "context" xsql "database/sql" "go-common/app/service/main/point/model" "go-common/library/database/sql" xtime "go-common/library/time" "" ) const ( // point sql _pointInfoSQL = "SELECT mid,point_balance,ver FROM point_info WHERE mid=?" _pointHistorySQL = "SELECT id,mid,point,order_id,change_type,change_time,relation_id,point_balance,remark,operator FROM point_change_history WHERE mid = ? AND id < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?" _pointHistoryCountSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM point_change_history WHERE mid = ?" _updatePointSQL = "UPDATE point_info SET point_balance = ?,ver=? WHERE mid=? AND ver=?" _insertPointSQL = "INSERT INTO point_info(mid,point_balance,ver) VALUES(?,?,?)" _InsertPointHistorySQL = "INSERT INTO point_change_history(mid,point,order_id,change_type,change_time,relation_id,point_balance,remark,operator) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" _pointHistoryCheckSQL = "SELECT id FROM point_change_history WHERE order_id=?" _selPointHistorySQL = "SELECT id,mid,point,order_id,change_type,change_time,relation_id,point_balance,remark,operator FROM point_change_history WHERE mid = ? AND change_time>=? AND change_time <= ? " _allPointConfig = "SELECT `id`,`app_id`,`point`,`operator`,`ctime`,`mtime` FROM `point_conf`;" //TODO compatible vip point old gateway _oldPointHistorySQL = "SELECT id,mid,point,order_id,change_type,change_time,relation_id,point_balance,remark,operator FROM point_change_history WHERE mid = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?;" ) // BeginTran begin transaction. func (d *Dao) BeginTran(c context.Context) (*sql.Tx, error) { return d.db.Begin(c) } // PointInfo . func (d *Dao) PointInfo(c context.Context, mid int64) (pi *model.PointInfo, err error) { row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _pointInfoSQL, mid) pi = new(model.PointInfo) if err = row.Scan(&pi.Mid, &pi.PointBalance, &pi.Ver); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil pi = nil } else { err = errors.WithStack(err) } } return } //TxPointInfo . func (d *Dao) TxPointInfo(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, mid int64) (pi *model.PointInfo, err error) { row := tx.QueryRow(_pointInfoSQL, mid) pi = new(model.PointInfo) if err = row.Scan(&pi.Mid, &pi.PointBalance, &pi.Ver); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil pi = nil } else { err = errors.WithStack(err) } } return } //PointHistory point history func (d *Dao) PointHistory(c context.Context, mid int64, cursor int, ps int) (phs []*model.PointHistory, err error) { var rows *sql.Rows if rows, err = d.db.Query(c, _pointHistorySQL, mid, cursor, ps); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for rows.Next() { ph := new(model.PointHistory) if err = rows.Scan(&ph.ID, &ph.Mid, &ph.Point, &ph.OrderID, &ph.ChangeType, &ph.ChangeTime, &ph.RelationID, &ph.PointBalance, &ph.Remark, &ph.Operator); err != nil { phs = nil err = errors.WithStack(err) return } phs = append(phs, ph) } return } //PointHistoryCount point history func (d *Dao) PointHistoryCount(c context.Context, mid int64) (count int, err error) { row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _pointHistoryCountSQL, mid) if err = row.Scan(&count); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) } return } //UpdatePointInfo . func (d *Dao) UpdatePointInfo(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, pi *model.PointInfo, ver int64) (a int64, err error) { var res xsql.Result if res, err = tx.Exec(_updatePointSQL, pi.PointBalance, pi.Ver, pi.Mid, ver); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } return } //InsertPoint . func (d *Dao) InsertPoint(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, pi *model.PointInfo) (a int64, err error) { var res xsql.Result if res, err = tx.Exec(_insertPointSQL, pi.Mid, pi.PointBalance, pi.Ver); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } return } //InsertPointHistory . func (d *Dao) InsertPointHistory(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, ph *model.PointHistory) (a int64, err error) { var res xsql.Result if res, err = tx.Exec(_InsertPointHistorySQL, ph.Mid, ph.Point, ph.OrderID, ph.ChangeType, ph.ChangeTime, ph.RelationID, ph.PointBalance, ph.Remark, ph.Operator); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } if a, err = res.RowsAffected(); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) } return } //SelPointHistory . func (d *Dao) SelPointHistory(c context.Context, mid int64, startDate, endDate xtime.Time) (phs []*model.PointHistory, err error) { var rows *sql.Rows if rows, err = d.db.Query(c, _selPointHistorySQL, mid, startDate, endDate); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for rows.Next() { ph := new(model.PointHistory) if err = rows.Scan(&ph.ID, &ph.Mid, &ph.Point, &ph.OrderID, &ph.ChangeType, &ph.ChangeTime, &ph.RelationID, &ph.PointBalance, &ph.Remark, &ph.Operator); err != nil { phs = nil err = errors.WithStack(err) } phs = append(phs, ph) } return } // ExistPointOrder check orderID is uniq or not func (d *Dao) ExistPointOrder(c context.Context, orID string) (id int, err error) { row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _pointHistoryCheckSQL, orID) if err = row.Scan(&id); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil return } err = errors.WithStack(err) return } return } // AllPointConfig all point config. func (d *Dao) AllPointConfig(c context.Context) (res []*model.VipPointConf, err error) { var rows *sql.Rows if rows, err = d.db.Query(c, _allPointConfig); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for rows.Next() { vf := new(model.VipPointConf) if err = rows.Scan(&vf.ID, &vf.AppID, &vf.Point, &vf.Operator, &vf.Ctime, &vf.Mtime); err != nil { res = nil err = errors.WithStack(err) } res = append(res, vf) } return } //OldPointHistory point history. func (d *Dao) OldPointHistory(c context.Context, mid int64, start int, ps int) (phs []*model.OldPointHistory, err error) { var rows *sql.Rows if rows, err = d.db.Query(c, _oldPointHistorySQL, mid, start, ps); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for rows.Next() { ph := new(model.PointHistory) if err = rows.Scan(&ph.ID, &ph.Mid, &ph.Point, &ph.OrderID, &ph.ChangeType, &ph.ChangeTime, &ph.RelationID, &ph.PointBalance, &ph.Remark, &ph.Operator); err != nil { phs = nil err = errors.WithStack(err) return } oph := new(model.OldPointHistory) oph.ID = ph.ID oph.Mid = ph.Mid oph.Point = ph.Point oph.OrderID = ph.OrderID oph.ChangeType = ph.ChangeType oph.ChangeTime = ph.ChangeTime.Time().Unix() oph.RelationID = ph.RelationID oph.PointBalance = ph.PointBalance oph.Remark = ph.Remark oph.Operator = ph.Operator phs = append(phs, oph) } return }