package archive import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "time" "go-common/app/service/main/videoup/model/archive" "go-common/library/database/sql" "go-common/library/log" "go-common/library/xstr" farm "" ) const ( _inVideoCidSQL = `INSERT IGNORE INTO video (id,filename,src_type,resolutions,playurl,status,xcode_state,duration,filesize,attribute,failcode,hash64) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)` _inNewVideoSQL = `INSERT INTO video (filename,src_type,resolutions,playurl,status,xcode_state,duration,filesize,attribute,failcode,hash64) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)` _inVideoRelationSQL = "INSERT IGNORE INTO archive_video_relation (id,aid,cid,title,description,index_order,ctime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" _upVideoRelationSQL = "UPDATE archive_video_relation SET title=?,description=?,index_order=? ,state=? WHERE aid=? and cid=?" _upRelationStateSQL = "UPDATE archive_video_relation SET state=? WHERE aid=? AND cid=?" _upVideoStatusSQL = "UPDATE video SET status=? WHERE id=?" _upNewVideoSQL = "UPDATE video SET src_type=?,status=?,xcode_state=? WHERE id=?" _newVideoFnSQL = "SELECT id,filename,src_type,resolutions,playurl,status,xcode_state,duration,filesize,attribute,failcode,ctime,mtime,dimensions FROM video WHERE hash64=? AND filename=?" _newVideoByFnSQL = `SELECT,v.filename,avr.cid,avr.aid,avr.title,avr.description,v.src_type,v.duration,v.filesize,v.resolutions,v.playurl,v.failcode, avr.index_order,v.attribute,v.xcode_state,avr.state,avr.ctime,avr.mtime,v.dimensions FROM archive_video_relation avr JOIN video v on avr.cid = WHERE hash64=? AND filename=?` _newVideoDataCidsFnSQL = "SELECT id,filename FROM video WHERE hash64 in (%s) AND filename in (%s)" _newsimpleArcVideoSQL = `SELECT cid,title,index_order,state,mtime FROM archive_video_relation WHERE aid=?` _newVideosSQL = `SELECT,v.filename,avr.cid,avr.aid,avr.title,avr.description,v.src_type,v.duration,v.filesize,v.resolutions,v.playurl,v.failcode, avr.index_order,v.attribute,v.xcode_state,avr.state,v.status,avr.ctime,avr.mtime,v.dimensions FROM archive_video_relation avr JOIN video v on avr.cid = WHERE aid=? ORDER BY index_order` _newvideoCidSQL = `SELECT,v.filename,avr.cid,avr.aid,avr.title,avr.description,v.src_type,v.duration,v.filesize,v.resolutions,v.playurl,v.failcode, avr.index_order,v.attribute,v.xcode_state,avr.state,v.status,avr.ctime,avr.mtime,v.dimensions FROM archive_video_relation avr JOIN video v on avr.cid = WHERE cid=? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1` _newVideosCidSQL = `SELECT,v.filename,avr.cid,avr.aid,avr.title,avr.description,v.src_type,v.duration,v.filesize,v.resolutions,v.playurl,v.failcode, avr.index_order,v.attribute,v.xcode_state,avr.state,v.status,avr.ctime,avr.mtime,v.dimensions FROM archive_video_relation avr JOIN video v on avr.cid = WHERE cid IN (%s)` _newVideosFnSQL = `SELECT,v.filename,avr.cid,avr.aid,avr.title,avr.description,v.src_type,v.duration,v.filesize,v.resolutions,v.playurl,v.failcode, avr.index_order,v.attribute,v.xcode_state,avr.state,v.status,avr.ctime,avr.mtime,v.dimensions FROM archive_video_relation avr JOIN video v on avr.cid = WHERE hash64 in (%s) AND filename in (%s)` _newVidReasonSQL = `SELECT ava.vid,ava.reason FROM archive_video_audit ava LEFT JOIN archive_video_relation avr ON WHERE ava.aid=? AND avr.state!=-100` _newVideosTimeoutSQL = `SELECT id ,filename,ctime,mtime from video WHERE hash64 in (%s) AND filename in (%s)` ) // TxAddVideoCid insert video to get cid. func (d *Dao) TxAddVideoCid(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (cid int64, err error) { hash64 := int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(v.Filename))) res, err := tx.Exec(_inVideoCidSQL, v.Cid, v.Filename, v.SrcType, v.Resolutions, v.Playurl, v.Status, v.XcodeState, v.Duration, v.Filesize, v.Attribute, v.FailCode, hash64) if err != nil { log.Error("d.inVideoCid.Exec error(%v)", err) return } cid, err = res.LastInsertId() return } // AddNewVideo insert new video. func (d *Dao) AddNewVideo(c context.Context, v *archive.Video) (cid int64, err error) { hash64 := int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(v.Filename))) res, err := d.db.Exec(c, _inNewVideoSQL, v.Filename, v.SrcType, v.Resolutions, v.Playurl, v.Status, v.XcodeState, v.Duration, v.Filesize, v.Attribute, v.FailCode, hash64) if err != nil { log.Error("d.inNewVideo.Exec error(%v)", err) return } cid, err = res.LastInsertId() return } // TxAddNewVideo insert new video. func (d *Dao) TxAddNewVideo(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (cid int64, err error) { hash64 := int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(v.Filename))) res, err := tx.Exec(_inNewVideoSQL, v.Filename, v.SrcType, v.Resolutions, v.Playurl, v.Status, v.XcodeState, v.Duration, v.Filesize, v.Attribute, v.FailCode, hash64) if err != nil { log.Error("tx.inNewVideo.Exec error(%v)", err) return } cid, err = res.LastInsertId() return } // TxAddVideoRelation insert archive_video_relation to get vid. func (d *Dao) TxAddVideoRelation(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (vid int64, err error) { res, err := tx.Exec(_inVideoRelationSQL, v.ID, v.Aid, v.Cid, v.Title, v.Desc, v.Index, v.CTime) if err != nil { log.Error("d.inVideoRelation.Exec error(%v)", err) return } vid, err = res.LastInsertId() return } // TxUpVideoRelation update archive_video_relation info by aid and cid. func (d *Dao) TxUpVideoRelation(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (rows int64, err error) { res, err := tx.Exec(_upVideoRelationSQL, v.Title, v.Desc, v.Index, archive.VideoStatusOpen, v.Aid, v.Cid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.upVideoRelation.Exec(%v) error(%v)", v, err) return } rows, err = res.RowsAffected() return } // TxUpRelationState update archive_video_relation state by aid and cid. func (d *Dao) TxUpRelationState(tx *sql.Tx, aid, cid int64, state int16) (rows int64, err error) { res, err := tx.Exec(_upRelationStateSQL, state, aid, cid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.upRelationState.Exec(%d,%d,%d) error(%v)", aid, cid, state, err) return } rows, err = res.RowsAffected() return } // TxUpVdoStatus update video state by cid. func (d *Dao) TxUpVdoStatus(tx *sql.Tx, cid int64, status int16) (rows int64, err error) { res, err := tx.Exec(_upVideoStatusSQL, status, cid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.upVideoStatus.Exec(%d,%d) error(%v)", cid, status, err) return } rows, err = res.RowsAffected() return } // TxUpNewVideo update video SrcType\Status\XcodeState by cid. func (d *Dao) TxUpNewVideo(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (rows int64, err error) { res, err := tx.Exec(_upNewVideoSQL, v.SrcType, v.Status, v.XcodeState, v.Cid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.upSimNewVideo.Exec(%s,%d,%d,%d) error(%v)", v.SrcType, v.Status, v.XcodeState, v.Cid, err) return } rows, err = res.RowsAffected() return } // NewVideoFn get video by filename func (d *Dao) NewVideoFn(c context.Context, filename string) (v *archive.Video, err error) { hash64 := int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(filename))) row := d.rddb.QueryRow(c, _newVideoFnSQL, hash64, filename) v = &archive.Video{} var dimStr string if err = row.Scan(&v.Cid, &v.Filename, &v.SrcType, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.Status, &v.XcodeState, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Attribute, &v.FailCode, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil v = nil } else { log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err) } return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) return } // NewVideoByFn get video by filename func (d *Dao) NewVideoByFn(c context.Context, filename string) (v *archive.Video, err error) { hash64 := int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(filename))) row := d.rddb.QueryRow(c, _newVideoByFnSQL, hash64, filename) v = &archive.Video{} var dimStr string if err = row.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &v.Status, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { v = nil err = nil } else { log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err) } return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) return } // NewCidsByFns get cids map in batches by filenames and hash64s. func (d *Dao) NewCidsByFns(c context.Context, nvs []*archive.Video) (cids map[string]int64, err error) { var ( buf bytes.Buffer hash64s []int64 ) for _, v := range nvs { buf.WriteByte('\'') buf.WriteString(v.Filename) buf.WriteString("',") hash64s = append(hash64s, int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(v.Filename)))) } buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1) rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_newVideoDataCidsFnSQL, xstr.JoinInts(hash64s), buf.String())) if err != nil { log.Error("db.Query() error(%v)", err) return } defer rows.Close() cids = make(map[string]int64) for rows.Next() { var ( cid int64 filename string ) if err = rows.Scan(&cid, &filename); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } cids[filename] = cid } return } // SimpleArcVideos get simple videos from avr func (d *Dao) SimpleArcVideos(c context.Context, aid int64) (vs []*archive.SimpleVideo, err error) { rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, _newsimpleArcVideoSQL, aid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.videosStmt.Query(%d) error(%v)", aid, err) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { v := &archive.SimpleVideo{} if err = rows.Scan(&v.Cid, &v.Title, &v.Index, &v.Status, &v.MTime); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } vs = append(vs, v) } return } // NewVideos get videos info by aid. func (d *Dao) NewVideos(c context.Context, aid int64) (vs []*archive.Video, err error) { rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, _newVideosSQL, aid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.videosStmt.Query(%d) error(%v)", aid, err) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { v := &archive.Video{} var ( avrState, vState int16 dimStr string ) if err = rows.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &avrState, &vState, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) // 2 state map to 1 if avrState == archive.VideoStatusDelete { v.Status = archive.VideoStatusDelete } else { v.Status = vState } vs = append(vs, v) } return } // NewVideoMap get video map info by aid. func (d *Dao) NewVideoMap(c context.Context, aid int64) (vm map[string]*archive.Video, cvm map[int64]*archive.Video, err error) { rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, _newVideosSQL, aid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.videosStmt.Query(%d) error(%v)", aid, err) return } defer rows.Close() vm = make(map[string]*archive.Video) cvm = make(map[int64]*archive.Video) for rows.Next() { v := &archive.Video{} var ( avrState, vState int16 dimStr string ) if err = rows.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &avrState, &vState, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) // 2 state map to 1 if avrState == archive.VideoStatusDelete { v.Status = archive.VideoStatusDelete } else { v.Status = vState } cvm[v.Cid] = v vm[v.Filename] = v } return } // NewVideoByCID get video by cid. func (d *Dao) NewVideoByCID(c context.Context, cid int64) (v *archive.Video, err error) { row := d.rddb.QueryRow(c, _newvideoCidSQL, cid) v = &archive.Video{} var ( avrState, vState int16 dimStr string ) if err = row.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &avrState, &vState, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { v = nil err = nil } log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err) return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) // 2 state map to 1 if avrState == archive.VideoStatusDelete { v.Status = archive.VideoStatusDelete } else { v.Status = vState } return } // NewVideosByCID multi get video by cids. func (d *Dao) NewVideosByCID(c context.Context, cids []int64) (vm map[int64]map[int64]*archive.Video, err error) { rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_newVideosCidSQL, xstr.JoinInts(cids))) if err != nil { log.Error("db.Query() error(%v)", err) return } defer rows.Close() vm = make(map[int64]map[int64]*archive.Video) for rows.Next() { var ( avrState, vState int16 dimStr string ) v := &archive.Video{} if err = rows.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &avrState, &vState, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) // 2 state map to 1 if avrState == archive.VideoStatusDelete { v.Status = archive.VideoStatusDelete } else { v.Status = vState } if vv, ok := vm[v.Aid]; !ok { vm[v.Aid] = map[int64]*archive.Video{ v.Cid: v, } } else { vv[v.Cid] = v } } return } // NewVideosByFn multi get video by filenames. func (d *Dao) NewVideosByFn(c context.Context, fns []string) (vm map[int64]map[string]*archive.Video, err error) { var ( buf bytes.Buffer hash64s []int64 ) for _, fn := range fns { buf.WriteByte('\'') buf.WriteString(fn) buf.WriteString("',") hash64s = append(hash64s, int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(fn)))) } buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1) rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_newVideosFnSQL, xstr.JoinInts(hash64s), buf.String())) if err != nil { log.Error("db.Query() error(%v)", err) return } defer rows.Close() vm = make(map[int64]map[string]*archive.Video) for rows.Next() { var ( avrState, vState int16 dimStr string ) v := &archive.Video{} if err = rows.Scan(&v.ID, &v.Filename, &v.Cid, &v.Aid, &v.Title, &v.Desc, &v.SrcType, &v.Duration, &v.Filesize, &v.Resolutions, &v.Playurl, &v.FailCode, &v.Index, &v.Attribute, &v.XcodeState, &avrState, &vState, &v.CTime, &v.MTime, &dimStr); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } v.Dimension, _ = d.parseDimensions(dimStr) // 2 state map to 1 if avrState == archive.VideoStatusDelete { v.Status = archive.VideoStatusDelete } else { v.Status = vState } if vv, ok := vm[v.Aid]; !ok { vm[v.Aid] = map[string]*archive.Video{ v.Filename: v, } } else { vv[v.Filename] = v } } return } // CheckNewVideosTimeout check 48 timeout by add filenames. func (d *Dao) CheckNewVideosTimeout(c context.Context, fns []string) (has bool, filename string, err error) { var ( buf bytes.Buffer hash64s []int64 ) for _, fn := range fns { buf.WriteByte('\'') buf.WriteString(fn) buf.WriteString("',") hash64s = append(hash64s, int64(farm.Hash64([]byte(fn)))) } buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1) rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_newVideosTimeoutSQL, xstr.JoinInts(hash64s), buf.String())) if err != nil { log.Error("db.Query() error(%v)", err) return } defer rows.Close() now := time.Now().Unix() for rows.Next() { v := &archive.VideoFn{} if err = rows.Scan(&v.Cid, &v.Filename, &v.CTime, &v.MTime); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } if now-v.CTime.Time().Unix() > archive.VideoFilenameTimeout { log.Error("this video filename(%v) timeout (%+v)", v.Filename, v) has = true filename = v.Filename err = nil return } } return } // NewVideosReason get videos audit reason. func (d *Dao) NewVideosReason(c context.Context, aid int64) (res map[int64]string, err error) { rows, err := d.rddb.Query(c, _newVidReasonSQL, aid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.vdoRsnStmt.Query(%d)|error(%v)", aid, err) return } defer rows.Close() res = make(map[int64]string) for rows.Next() { var ( vid int64 reason string ) if err = rows.Scan(&vid, &reason); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } res[vid] = reason } return } // parseDimensions 解析分辨率 func (d *Dao) parseDimensions(dim string) (dimensions *archive.Dimension, err error) { dimensions = &archive.Dimension{} if dim == "" || dim == "0,0,0" { return } dims, err := xstr.SplitInts(dim) if err != nil { log.Error("d.parseDimensions() xstr.SplitInts(%s) error(%v)", dim, err) return } if len(dims) != 3 { return } dimensions = &archive.Dimension{ Width: dims[0], Height: dims[1], Rotate: dims[2], } return }