160 lines
4.2 KiB
160 lines
4.2 KiB
package geetest
import (
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
const (
_register = "http://api.geetest.com/register.php"
_validate = "http://api.geetest.com/validate.php"
// Dao is account dao.
type Dao struct {
c *conf.Config
// url
registerURI string
validateURI string
// http client
client *http.Client
clientx *bm.Client
// New new a dao.
func New(c *conf.Config) (d *Dao) {
d = &Dao{
c: c,
registerURI: _register,
validateURI: _validate,
// http client
client: NewClient(c.HTTPClient),
clientx: bm.NewClient(c.HTTPClient.Slow),
// PreProcess preprocessing the geetest and get to challenge
func (d *Dao) PreProcess(c context.Context, mid int64, geeType string, gc conf.GeetestConfig, newCaptcha int) (challenge string, err error) {
var (
req *http.Request
res *http.Response
bs []byte
params url.Values
params = url.Values{}
params.Set("user_id", strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10))
params.Set("new_captcha", strconv.Itoa(newCaptcha))
params.Set("ip_address", metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP))
params.Set("client_type", geeType)
params.Set("gt", gc.CaptchaID)
if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", d.registerURI+"?"+params.Encode(), nil); err != nil {
log.Error("d.preprocess uri(%s) params(%s) error(%v)", d.registerURI, params.Encode(), err)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if res, err = d.client.Do(req); err != nil {
log.Error("client.Do(%s) error(%v)", d.registerURI+"?"+params.Encode(), err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode >= http.StatusInternalServerError {
err = errors.New("http status code 5xx")
log.Error("gtServerErr uri(%s) error(%v)", d.validateURI+"?"+params.Encode(), err)
if bs, err = ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body); err != nil {
log.Error("ioutil.ReadAll(%s) uri(%s) error(%v)", bs, d.validateURI+"?"+params.Encode(), err)
if len(bs) != 32 {
log.Error("d.preprocess len(%s) the length not equate 32byte", string(bs))
challenge = string(bs)
// Validate recheck the challenge code and get to seccode
func (d *Dao) Validate(c context.Context, challenge, seccode, clientType, captchaID string, mid int64) (res *model.ValidateRes, err error) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("seccode", seccode)
params.Set("challenge", challenge)
params.Set("captchaid", captchaID)
params.Set("client_type", clientType)
params.Set("ip_address", metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP))
params.Set("json_format", "1")
params.Set("sdk", "golang_3.0.0")
params.Set("user_id", strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10))
params.Set("timestamp", strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", d.validateURI, strings.NewReader(params.Encode()))
if err != nil {
log.Error("http.NewRequest error(%v) | uri(%s) params(%s)", err, d.validateURI, params.Encode())
log.Info("Validate(%v) start", params)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
res = new(model.ValidateRes)
if err = d.clientx.Do(c, req, &res); err != nil {
log.Error("d.client.Do error(%v) | uri(%s) params(%s) res(%v)", err, d.validateURI, params.Encode(), res)
log.Info("Validate(%v) suc", res)
// NewClient new a http client.
func NewClient(c *conf.HTTPClient) (client *http.Client) {
var (
transport *http.Transport
dialer *net.Dialer
dialer = &net.Dialer{
Timeout: time.Duration(c.Slow.Dial),
KeepAlive: time.Duration(c.Slow.KeepAlive),
transport = &http.Transport{
DialContext: dialer.DialContext,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
client = &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
// GeeConfig get geetest config.
func (d *Dao) GeeConfig(ct string, c *conf.Geetest) (gc conf.GeetestConfig, clientType string) {
if ct == "" {
return c.PC, "web"
switch ct {
case "web":
gc = c.PC
clientType = "web"
case "h5":
gc = c.H5
clientType = "h5"
gc = c.PC
clientType = "web"