2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

820 lines
24 KiB

package service
import (
const (
_hashSalt = "bilirqeust"
// _ansURI = "/answer/img?qs_id=%v&ans1_hash=%s&ans2_hash=%s&ans3_hash=%s&ans4_hash=%s"
_baseTypeID = 36 // 官方基础题库
_rankBtn = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
_minType = 3
_maxType = 10
var (
_typeIdsMapping = map[int][]int{
100001: {15, 16, 17},
100002: {29, 30},
100003: {12, 13},
// 22: 21,
// 24: 23,
// 35: 31, 36: 31,
// 32: 30, 33: 30, 34: 30,
// 29: 28, 37: 28, 7: 28, 8: 28,
// 41: 5, 42: 5, 43: 5, 44: 5, 45: 5, 46: 5, 47: 5, 48: 5, 49: 5, 50: 5, 51: 5, 52: 5,
// 对外展示方式1
_typeMap1 = []*model.TypeInfo{
{Name: "游戏", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 8, Name: "动作射击"},
{ID: 9, Name: "冒险格斗"},
{ID: 100003, Name: "策略模拟"},
// {ID: 13, Name: "策略模拟"},
{ID: 14, Name: "音乐体育"},
{Name: "影视", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 15, Name: "纪录片"},
{ID: 16, Name: "电影"},
{ID: 17, Name: "电视剧"},
{Name: "科技", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 18, Name: "军事"},
{ID: 19, Name: "地理"},
{ID: 20, Name: "历史"},
{ID: 21, Name: "文学"},
{ID: 22, Name: "数学"},
{ID: 23, Name: "物理"},
{ID: 24, Name: "化学"},
{ID: 25, Name: "生物"},
{ID: 26, Name: "数码科技"},
{Name: "动画", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 27, Name: "国创"},
{ID: 28, Name: "番剧"},
{Name: "艺术", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 100002, Name: "音乐"},
// {ID: 30, Name: "音乐"},
{ID: 31, Name: "绘画"},
{Name: "流行前线", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 32, Name: "娱乐"},
{ID: 33, Name: "时尚"},
{ID: 34, Name: "运动"},
{Name: "鬼畜", Subs: []*model.SubType{
{ID: 35, Name: "鬼畜"},
// 推荐分区映射
_recTypeIDMap = map[int]map[string][]int{
124: {"main_tid": []int{1, 167}, "sub_tid": []int{3, 129}},
127: {"main_tid": []int{1, 167}, "sub_tid": []int{3, 4}},
126: {"main_tid": []int{3, 119}, "sub_tid": []int{1}},
123: {"main_tid": []int{3}, "sub_tid": []int{129, 119}},
121: {"main_tid": []int{36, 177}, "sub_tid": []int{160}},
125: {"main_tid": []int{4}, "sub_tid": []int{129}},
129: {"main_tid": []int{36, 177}, "sub_tid": []int{160}},
130: {"main_tid": []int{23, 11}, "sub_tid": []int{160}},
128: {"main_tid": []int{119}, "sub_tid": []int{160}},
// BaseQ base question.
func (s *Service) BaseQ(c context.Context, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (res *model.AnsQueDetailList, err error) {
var aqs *model.AnsQuesList
if aqs, err = s.BaseQs(c, mid, lang, mobile); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "s.ansRPC.BaseQs(%d,%t)", mid, mobile)
res = s.convertModel(aqs)
// BaseQs get base question
func (s *Service) BaseQs(c context.Context, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (rqs *model.AnsQuesList, err error) {
var (
ids []int64
now = time.Now()
if s.checkAnswerBlock(c, mid) {
err = ecode.AnswerBlock
h, err := s.history(c, mid)
if err == nil && h != nil {
if h.StartTime.Add(s.answerDuration()).After(now) && h.Score == 0 {
if h.StepExtraCompleteTime != 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerProNoPass // extra question pass
err = ecode.AnswerExtraNoPass
if h.Score > 0 && h.IsPassCaptcha == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerCaptchaNoPassed
ids, err = s.answerDao.IdsCache(c, mid, model.Q)
if err != nil || len(ids) != s.c.Answer.BaseNum {
ids, err = s.answerDao.QidByType(c, _baseTypeID, uint8(s.c.Answer.BaseNum))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.QidByType(%d,%d) error(%v)", _baseTypeID, s.c.Answer.BaseNum, err)
if len(ids) == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerQsNumErr
log.Error("qidByType ids len(%d) is 0", len(ids))
rqs, err = s.concatData(c, mid, ids, lang, mobile, s.c.Answer.BaseNum)
if err != nil {
log.Error("BaseQs s.concatData(%d, %d, %d) error(%v)", c, mid, ids, err)
at := &model.AnswerTime{
Stime: now,
Etimes: 0,
err = s.answerDao.SetExpireCache(c, mid, at)
rqs.CurrentTime = at.Stime
rqs.EndTime = at.Stime.Add(s.answerDuration())
s.answerDao.DelIdsCache(c, mid, model.BaseExtraPassQ)
s.answerDao.DelIdsCache(c, mid, model.BaseExtraNoPassQ)
// ConvertExtraQs extra question.
func (s *Service) ConvertExtraQs(c context.Context, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (res *model.AnsQueDetailList, err error) {
var ans *model.AnsQuesList
if ans, err = s.ExtraQs(c, mid, lang, mobile); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "s.ansRPC.ExtraQues(%d,%t)", mid, mobile)
res = s.convertExtraModel(ans)
// ExtraQs extra question.
func (s *Service) ExtraQs(c context.Context, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (rqs *model.AnsQuesList, err error) {
var (
ids []int64
passids []int64
npassids []int64
now = time.Now()
if s.checkAnswerBlock(c, mid) {
err = ecode.AnswerBlock
h, err := s.checkExtraState(c, mid, now)
if err != nil {
// keep on answer
passids, _ = s.answerDao.IdsCache(c, mid, model.BaseExtraPassQ)
npassids, err = s.answerDao.IdsCache(c, mid, model.BaseExtraNoPassQ)
if err != nil || len(passids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum || len(npassids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum {
var (
ok bool
ok, passids, npassids = s.extraQueByBigData(c, mid, "")
if !ok {
// if bigdata get extra mid faild
passids, err = s.answerDao.ExtraQidByType(c, model.BaseExtraPassQ, uint8(s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.ExtraQidByType(%d, %d, %d) error(%v)", model.BaseExtraPassQ, s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum, len(passids), err)
if len(passids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum {
err = ecode.AnswerQsNumErr
log.Warn("passids lenth(%d) neq BaseExtraPassNum(%d)", len(passids), s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum)
npassids, err = s.answerDao.ExtraQidByType(c, model.BaseExtraNoPassQ, uint8(s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.ExtraQidByType(%d, %d, %d) error(%v)", model.BaseExtraNoPassQ, s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum, len(npassids), err)
if len(npassids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum {
err = ecode.AnswerQsNumErr
log.Warn("npassids lenth(%d) neq BaseExtraNoPassNum(%d)", len(npassids), s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum)
ids = append(passids, npassids...)
rqs, err = s.concatExtraData(c, mid, ids, passids, npassids, lang, mobile, s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum+s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum)
if err != nil {
log.Error("BaseExtraQs s.concatExtraData(%d, %d, %d) error(%v)", c, mid, ids, err)
rqs.CurrentTime = now
rqs.EndTime = h.StartTime.Add(s.answerDuration())
if _, err = s.answerDao.UpdateExtraStartTime(c, h.ID, mid, now); err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.UpdateExtraStartTime( %d, %d) error(%v)", h.ID, mid, err)
h.StepExtraStartTime = now
h.Mtime = now
s.userActionLog(mid, model.ExtraStartTime, h)
s.answerDao.DelHistoryCache(c, mid)
func (s *Service) checkExtraState(c context.Context, mid int64, now time.Time) (h *model.AnswerHistory, err error) {
h, err = s.history(c, mid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.history(%v) is nil error(%v)", h, err)
err = ecode.AnswerBaseNotPassed
if h != nil {
if h.Score > 0 && h.IsPassCaptcha == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerCaptchaNoPassed
// if base pass
if h.StartTime.Add(s.answerDuration()).After(now) && h.Score == 0 {
if h.StepExtraCompleteTime != 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerProNoPass
err = ecode.AnswerBaseNotPassed
err = ecode.AnswerBaseNotPassed
// ProTypes get promotion types.
func (s *Service) proTypes(c context.Context, mid int64) (res *model.ProTypes, err error) {
var (
repro bool
ah *model.AnswerHistory
now = time.Now()
if s.checkAnswerBlock(c, mid) {
err = ecode.AnswerBlock
if ah, err = s.checkBase(c, mid, now); err != nil {
qsidsMc, err := s.answerDao.IdsCache(c, mid, model.Q)
if err == nil && len(qsidsMc) == s.c.Answer.ProNum {
repro = true
res = &model.ProTypes{List: _typeMap1, EndTime: ah.StartTime.Add(s.answerDuration()), CurrentTime: now, Repro: repro}
// ProType type.
func (s *Service) ProType(c context.Context, mid int64, lang string) (res *model.AnsProType, err error) {
var (
repro string
list = []*model.AnsTypeList{}
rpcRes, err := s.proTypes(c, mid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.proTypes(%+d) error (%v)", mid, err)
for _, vt := range rpcRes.List {
var sub = []*model.AnsType{}
for _, vst := range vt.Subs {
ansType := &model.AnsType{ID: vst.ID, Name: vst.Name}
if lang == model.LangZhTW {
ansType.Name = chinese.Convert(c, ansType.Name)
sub = append(sub, ansType)
ansTypeList := &model.AnsTypeList{Name: vt.Name, Fields: sub}
if lang == model.LangZhTW {
ansTypeList.Name = chinese.Convert(c, ansTypeList.Name)
list = append(list, ansTypeList)
if rpcRes.Repro {
repro = "yes"
} else {
repro = "no"
res = &model.AnsProType{List: list, CurrentTime: rpcRes.CurrentTime.Unix(), EndTime: rpcRes.EndTime.Unix(), Repro: repro}
// ConvertProQues pro question.
func (s *Service) ConvertProQues(c context.Context, mid int64, tIds string, lang string, mobile bool) (res []*model.AnsQueDetail, err error) {
var (
ans *model.AnsQuesList
ansdl *model.AnsQueDetailList
if ans, err = s.ProQues(c, mid, tIds, lang, mobile); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "s.ProQues(%d,%v,%t)", mid, tIds, mobile)
ansdl = s.convertModel(ans)
res = ansdl.QuesList
// ProQues question info.
func (s *Service) ProQues(c context.Context, mid int64, qtsStr string, lang string, mobile bool) (rqs *model.AnsQuesList, err error) {
var (
ah *model.AnswerHistory
now = time.Now()
allQids []int64
tIds, realTIDs []int
if s.checkAnswerBlock(c, mid) {
err = ecode.AnswerBlock
if ah, err = s.checkBase(c, mid, now); err != nil {
allQids, err = s.answerDao.IdsCache(c, mid, model.Q)
if err != nil || len(allQids) != s.c.Answer.ProNum {
tIDStrArr := strings.Split(qtsStr, ",")
if len(tIDStrArr) < _minType || len(tIDStrArr) > _maxType {
err = ecode.AnswerTypeIDsErr
if tIds, err = sliceAtoi(tIDStrArr); err != nil {
err = ecode.AnswerTypeIDsErr
for _, qt := range tIds {
if qt <= 0 {
err = ecode.RequestErr
if mapIDS, ok := _typeIdsMapping[qt]; ok {
realTIDs = append(realTIDs, mapIDS...)
realTIDs = append(realTIDs, qt)
num := math.Ceil(float64(s.c.Answer.ProNum) / float64(len(realTIDs)))
log.Warn("realTIDs:%v", realTIDs)
for _, qt := range realTIDs {
var t []int64
t, err = s.answerDao.QidByType(c, qt, uint8(num))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.QidByType(%d, %f, %d) error(%+v)", qt, num, len(t), err)
if len(t) == 0 {
log.Error("mid:%d the QidByType(%d, %f, %d) of len is 0", mid, qt, num, len(t))
err = ecode.AnswerMidDBQueErr
allQids = append(allQids, t...)
if len(allQids) == 0 || len(allQids) < s.c.Answer.ProNum {
log.Error("ProQues allQids len is 0 or allQids len less(%d, %d, %f, %v, %d)", len(allQids), s.c.Answer.ProNum, num, realTIDs, mid)
err = ecode.NothingFound
if rqs, err = s.concatData(c, mid, allQids, lang, mobile, s.c.Answer.ProNum); err != nil {
log.Error("ProQues s.concatData(%d, %d, %d) error(%v)", c, mid, allQids, err)
if _, err = s.answerDao.UpdateStepTwoTime(c, ah.ID, mid, now); err != nil {
ah.StepTwoStartTime = now
ah.Mtime = now
s.userActionLog(mid, model.ProQues, ah)
s.answerDao.DelHistoryCache(c, mid)
func (s *Service) checkBase(c context.Context, mid int64, now time.Time) (ah *model.AnswerHistory, err error) {
ah, err = s.history(c, mid)
if err != nil || ah == nil || ah.StartTime.Add(s.answerDuration()).Before(now) || ah.Score != 0 || ah.StepOneCompleteTime == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerBaseNotPassed
log.Error("checkBase(%d, %v) AnswerExpire error(%v)", mid, now, err)
if ah.StepExtraCompleteTime == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerExtraNoPass
if ah.Score > 0 && ah.IsPassCaptcha == 0 {
err = ecode.AnswerCaptchaNoPassed
func (s *Service) checkTime(c context.Context, mid int64, now time.Time) (at *model.AnswerTime, rs bool) {
var err error
if at, err = s.answerDao.ExpireCache(c, mid); err != nil {
if at == nil || at.Stime.Add(s.answerDuration()).Before(now) {
rs = true
func (s *Service) concatData(c context.Context, mid int64, ids []int64, lang string, mobile bool, qs int) (rqs *model.AnsQuesList, err error) {
var (
list []*model.AnsQue
qm map[int64]*model.Question
if qm, err = s.answerDao.ByIds(c, ids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.ByIds(%v) error(%v)", ids, err)
err = ecode.NothingFound
for _, d := range ids {
i := qm[d]
rq := s.imgPosition(c, i, mid, lang, mobile)
list = append(list, rq)
if len(list) > qs {
list = list[:qs]
rqs = &model.AnsQuesList{QuesList: list}
if err := s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(c, mid, ids, model.Q); err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(%d, %d) error(%v)", mid, ids, err)
log.Info("s.concatData load que success(%d, %v, %v, %d)", mid, ids, mobile, qs)
func (s *Service) concatExtraData(c context.Context, mid int64, ids []int64, passids []int64, nopassids []int64, lang string, mobile bool, qs int) (rqs *model.AnsQuesList, err error) {
var (
list []*model.AnsQue
qm map[int64]*model.ExtraQst
if qm, err = s.answerDao.ExtraByIds(c, ids); err != nil || len(qm) < qs {
log.Error("s.answerDao.ExtraByIds(%v) error(%+v)", ids, err)
for _, d := range ids {
i := qm[d]
rq := s.imgExtraPosition(c, i, mid, lang, mobile)
list = append(list, rq)
if len(list) > qs {
list = list[:qs]
rqs = &model.AnsQuesList{QuesList: list}
if err = s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(c, mid, passids, model.BaseExtraPassQ); err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(%d, %d) error(%v)", mid, passids, err)
if err = s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(c, mid, nopassids, model.BaseExtraNoPassQ); err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.SetIdsCache(%d, %d) error(%v)", mid, nopassids, err)
log.Info("s.concatData extra load que success(%d, %v, %v, %d)", mid, ids, mobile, qs)
// ansHash get answer hash.
func (s *Service) ansHash(mid int64, ans string) (ansHash string) {
h := md5.New()
h.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d%s", ans, mid, _hashSalt)))
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
func (s *Service) imgPosition(c context.Context, qs *model.Question, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (rq *model.AnsQue) {
var (
y float64
qsLineLength float64 = 36
questionFontSize float64 = 10
questionTitleSize float64 = 12
ans = make([]*model.AnsPosition, 4)
imgStr = "v3_%s_A-%s_B-%s_C-%s_D-%s_%s"
p = map[bool]string{true: "H5", false: "PC"}
bfsHost = ""
as [4]string
rq = &model.AnsQue{ID: qs.ID}
if mobile {
qsLineLength = 11
questionFontSize = 12
questionTitleSize = 16
qsLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(qs.Question)
if float64(qsLength) > qsLineLength {
line := math.Ceil(float64(qsLength) / qsLineLength)
rq.Height = 2 * line * questionTitleSize
rq.PositionY = y
} else {
rq.Height = 2 * questionTitleSize
y = rq.Height
if lang == model.LangZhTW {
qs.Question = chinese.Convert(c, qs.Question)
qs.Ans[0] = chinese.Convert(c, qs.Ans[0])
qs.Ans[1] = chinese.Convert(c, qs.Ans[1])
qs.Ans[2] = chinese.Convert(c, qs.Ans[2])
qs.Ans[3] = chinese.Convert(c, qs.Ans[3])
idx := rand.Perm(4)
for i := range qs.Ans {
ans[i] = &model.AnsPosition{
AnsHash: s.ansHash(mid, qs.Ans[idx[i]]),
Height: 2 * questionFontSize,
PositionY: y,
y += 2 * questionFontSize
as[i] = qs.Ans[idx[i]]
m := md5.New()
m.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(imgStr, strconv.FormatInt(qs.ID, 10), as[0], as[1], as[2], as[3], p[mobile])))
fname := hex.EncodeToString(m.Sum(nil)) + ".jpg"
if s.c.Answer.Debug {
fname = fmt.Sprintf("debug_%s", fname)
rq.Img = bfsHost + fname
rq.Ans = ans
func (s *Service) imgExtraPosition(c context.Context, qs *model.ExtraQst, mid int64, lang string, mobile bool) (rq *model.AnsQue) {
var (
y float64
qsLineLength float64 = 36
questionFontSize float64 = 10
questionTitleSize float64 = 12
ans = make([]*model.AnsPosition, 2)
imgStr = "%s_A-%s_B-%s_%s"
p = map[bool]string{true: "H5", false: "PC"}
bfsHost = ""
as [2]string
rq = &model.AnsQue{ID: qs.ID}
if mobile {
qsLineLength = 11
questionFontSize = 12
questionTitleSize = 16
qsLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(qs.Question)
if float64(qsLength) > qsLineLength {
line := math.Ceil(float64(qsLength) / qsLineLength)
rq.Height = 2 * line * questionTitleSize
rq.PositionY = y
} else {
rq.Height = 2 * questionTitleSize
y = rq.Height
if lang == model.LangZhTW {
as = [2]string{chinese.Convert(c, model.ExtraAnsA), chinese.Convert(c, model.ExtraAnsB)}
} else {
as = [2]string{model.ExtraAnsA, model.ExtraAnsB}
for k, v := range as {
ans[k] = &model.AnsPosition{
AnsHash: s.ansHash(mid, v),
Height: 2 * questionFontSize,
PositionY: y,
y += 2 * questionFontSize
m := md5.New()
m.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(imgStr, strconv.FormatInt(qs.OriginID, 10), as[0], as[1], p[mobile])))
fname := hex.EncodeToString(m.Sum(nil)) + ".jpg"
if s.c.Answer.Debug {
fname = fmt.Sprintf("debug_%s", fname)
rq.Img = bfsHost + fname
rq.Ans = ans
func (s *Service) loadQidsCache() {
qs, err := s.answerDao.QidsByState(context.Background(), model.PassCheck)
if len(qs) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.loadQidsCache(%d) size is zero error(%v)", model.PassCheck, err)
qmap := map[int8][]int64{}
for _, q := range qs {
qmap[q.TypeID] = append(qmap[q.TypeID], q.ID)
for k, v := range qmap {
s.answerDao.DelQidsCache(context.Background(), int(k))
s.answerDao.SetQids(context.Background(), v, int(k))
log.Info("s.answerDao.loadQidsCache suc(%v)", qmap)
func (s *Service) loadExtraQidsCache() {
qs, err := s.answerDao.QidsExtraByState(context.Background(), model.MaxLoadQueSize)
if len(qs) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Error("s.answerDao.QidsExtraByState(%d) size is zero error(%v)", model.MaxLoadQueSize, err)
qmap := map[int8][]int64{}
for _, q := range qs {
qmap[q.Ans] = append(qmap[q.Ans], q.ID)
for k, v := range qmap {
s.answerDao.DelExtraQidsCache(context.Background(), k)
s.answerDao.SetExtraQids(context.Background(), v, k)
log.Info("s.answerDao.loadExtraQidsCache suc(%v)", qmap)
// Cool .
func (s *Service) Cool(c context.Context, hid, mid int64) (cool *model.AnsCool, err error) {
var (
his *model.AnswerHistory
types []*model.TypeInfo
li = []*model.CoolPower{
{Name: "动画", Num: 0},
{Name: "艺术", Num: 0},
{Name: "游戏", Num: 0},
{Name: "科技", Num: 0},
{Name: "影视", Num: 0},
{Name: "鬼畜", Num: 0},
completeResult = make(map[int8]int64)
his, err = s.historyByHid(c, hid)
if err != nil {
cool = &model.AnsCool{
Score: his.Score,
IsSameUser: his.Mid == mid,
IsFirstPass: his.IsFirstPass,
Level: his.PassedLevel,
Share: &model.CoolShare{},
VideoInfo: &model.CoolVideo{},
Rank: &model.CoolRank{},
cool.CanShowRankBtn = his.Score >= 85 && his.Mtime.Before(time.Now().Add(_rankBtn))
r := _pendantIDNameMap[int(his.RankID)]
if r != "" {
if rid, ok := _oldPIDToNewMap[his.RankID]; ok {
his.RankID = rid
rs := _rankShire[his.RankID]
idx := rand.Perm(len(rs.VideoArr))
cool.ViewMore = rs.ViewMore
cool.Share = rs.Share
cool.VideoInfo = rs.VideoArr[idx[0]]
cool.Rank = &model.CoolRank{
ID: int(his.RankID),
Name: r,
Img: "" + _pendantIDImgMap[his.RankID],
us, err := s.accInfo(c, his.Mid)
if err != nil || us == nil {
log.Error("CheckQueCaptcha accInfo(%d) info is null error(%v)", mid, err)
cool.Name = us.Name
cool.Face = us.Face
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(his.CompleteResult), &completeResult); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", his.CompleteResult, err)
err = nil
log.Info("hid(%d), completeResult: %v+", hid, completeResult)
for k := range completeResult {
for _, t := range s.questionTypeCache {
if len(t.Subs) != 0 {
for _, s := range t.Subs {
if int64(k) == s.ID {
types = append(types, &model.TypeInfo{ID: s.ID, Name: s.Name, LabelName: s.LabelName})
if int64(k) == t.ID {
types = append(types, t)
log.Info("hid(%d), cool types: %v+", hid, types)
for _, t := range types {
for _, p := range li {
if p.Name == t.LabelName {
p.Num += completeResult[int8(t.ID)]
log.Info("hid(%d), power types: %v+", hid, li)
cool.Powers = append(cool.Powers, li...)
if _, ok := _recTypeIDMap[int(his.RankID)]; ok {
cool.MainTids = _recTypeIDMap[int(his.RankID)]["main_tid"]
cool.SubTids = _recTypeIDMap[int(his.RankID)]["sub_tid"]
// ExtraScore .
func (s *Service) ExtraScore(c context.Context, mid int64) (res *model.ExtraScoreReply, err error) {
res = &model.ExtraScoreReply{}
h, err := s.history(c, mid)
if err != nil {
res.Score = h.StepExtraScore + int64(s.c.Answer.BaseNum)
func (s *Service) history(c context.Context, mid int64) (ah *model.AnswerHistory, err error) {
cok := true
if ah, err = s.answerDao.HistoryCache(c, mid); err != nil {
cok = false
if ah != nil {
ah, err = s.answerDao.History(c, mid)
if err != nil {
if ah != nil && cok {
s.answerDao.SetHistoryCache(c, mid, ah)
func (s *Service) answerDuration() (d time.Duration) {
return time.Duration(s.c.Answer.Duration) * time.Minute
func sliceAtoi(sa []string) ([]int, error) {
si := make([]int, 0, len(sa))
for _, a := range sa {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
if err != nil {
return si, err
si = append(si, i)
return si, nil
func (s *Service) extraQueByBigData(c context.Context, mid int64, ip string) (ok bool, passids []int64, npassids []int64) {
passids, npassids, err := s.accountDao.ExtraIds(c, mid, ip)
if err != nil || len(passids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum || len(npassids) != s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum {
ids := append(passids, npassids...)
if qm, err := s.answerDao.ExtraByIds(c, ids); err != nil || len(qm) != (s.c.Answer.BaseExtraPassNum+s.c.Answer.BaseExtraNoPassNum) {
log.Error("s.answerDao.ExtraByIds(%v) error(%v)", ids, err)
ok = true
func (s *Service) loadtypes() (t map[int64]*model.TypeInfo) {
tys, err := s.answerDao.Types(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.questionDao.Types error(%v)", err)
tmp := map[int64]*model.TypeInfo{}
for _, v := range tys {
if v.Parentid == 0 && tmp[v.ID] == nil {
tmp[v.ID] = &model.TypeInfo{ID: v.ID, Name: v.Name, Subs: []*model.SubType{}}
} else if tmp[v.Parentid] != nil {
tmp[v.Parentid].Subs = append(tmp[v.Parentid].Subs, &model.SubType{ID: v.ID, Name: v.Name, LabelName: v.LabelName})
s.questionTypeCache = tmp
t = tmp
log.Info("load question type cacheproc success,%v", t)