2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

272 lines
7.3 KiB

package http
import (
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
const (
_platWeb = "0"
_platH5 = "1"
_platOuter = "2"
_platIos = "3"
_platAndroid = "4"
_platAndroidTV = "5"
var _expireCookie = time.Date(2022, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
// webClick write the archive data.
func webClick(c *bm.Context) {
err := flashPlay(c, _platWeb, conf.Conf.Click.WebSecret)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// outerClick write the archive data.
func outerClick(c *bm.Context) {
err := flashPlay(c, _platOuter, conf.Conf.Click.OutSecret)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// iosClick write the archive data.
func iosClick(c *bm.Context) {
err := mobilePlay(c, conf.Conf.Click.AesKey, conf.Conf.Click.AesIv, conf.Conf.Click.AesSalt, _platIos)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// androidClick write the archive data.
func androidClick(c *bm.Context) {
err := mobilePlay(c, conf.Conf.Click.AesKey, conf.Conf.Click.AesIv, conf.Conf.Click.AesSalt, _platAndroid)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// android2Click write the archive data.
func android2Click(c *bm.Context) {
err := mobilePlay(c, conf.Conf.Click.AesKey2, conf.Conf.Click.AesIv2, conf.Conf.Click.AesSalt2, _platAndroid)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// androidTV == android2Click write the archive data.
func androidTV(c *bm.Context) {
err := mobilePlay(c, conf.Conf.Click.AesKey2, conf.Conf.Click.AesIv2, conf.Conf.Click.AesSalt2, _platAndroidTV)
c.JSON(nil, err)
// outerClickH5 h5 outer click same to flash plat .
func outerClickH5(c *bm.Context) {
c.JSON(nil, h5Play(c, _platOuter))
// h5Click write the archive data.
func h5Click(c *bm.Context) {
c.JSON(nil, h5Play(c, _platH5))
// webH5Click write the archive data.
func webH5Click(c *bm.Context) {
c.JSON(nil, h5Play(c, _platWeb))
// flashPlay.
func flashPlay(c *bm.Context, plat, secret string) (err error) {
var (
buvid string
mid int64
ck *http.Cookie
params = c.Request.Form
unix = time.Now()
if midInter, ok := c.Get("mid"); ok {
mid = midInter.(int64)
if ck, err = c.Request.Cookie("buvid3"); err == nil {
buvid = ck.Value
userAgent := c.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
refer := c.Request.Header.Get("Referer")
sign := params.Get("sign")
if err = clickSvr.FlashSigned(params, secret, unix); err != nil {
log.Error("clickSvr.FlashSigned() error(%v)", err)
if err == ecode.ClickQuerySignErr {
log.Warn("click sign error(%s,%s,%s,%s)", sign, refer, userAgent, c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
midStr := params.Get("mid")
if mid != 0 && midStr != strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10) {
log.Warn("flashPlay stat mid(%d) not equal stat mid(%s)", mid, midStr)
midStr = strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10)
aid := params.Get("aid")
var cookieSid string
if ck, err := c.Request.Cookie("sid"); err == nil {
cookieSid = ck.Value
typeID := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
sid := params.Get("sid")
epid := params.Get("epid")
// service.
ip := metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP)
clickSvr.Play(c, plat, aid, params.Get("cid"), params.Get("part"),
midStr, params.Get("lv"), params.Get("ftime"), params.Get("stime"),
params.Get("did"), ip, userAgent, buvid, cookieSid, refer, typeID, subType, sid, epid, "", "", "", "", "", "")
// mobilePlay.
func mobilePlay(c *bm.Context, aesKey, aesIv, aesSalt, plat string) (err error) {
// check params.
req := c.Request
unix := time.Now()
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Error("ioutil.ReadAll error(%v)", err)
err = ecode.ServerErr
bs, err = clickSvr.Decrypt(bs, aesKey, aesIv)
if err != nil {
log.Error("clickSvr.Decrypt(%s) error(%d)", bs, err)
p, err := clickSvr.Verify(bs, aesSalt, unix)
if err != nil {
log.Error("clickSvr.Verify(%s) error(%d)", bs, err)
req.Form = p // for log
typeID := p.Get("type")
subType := p.Get("sub_type")
sid := p.Get("sid")
epid := p.Get("epid")
playMode := p.Get("play_mode")
platform := p.Get("platform")
device := p.Get("device")
mobiAapp := p.Get("mobi_app")
autoPlay := p.Get("auto_play")
ap, _ := strconv.ParseInt(autoPlay, 10, 64)
// service.
aidStr := p.Get("aid")
var (
accessKey string
midStr = p.Get("mid")
noAccess bool
paasMid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(midStr, 10, 64)
accessKey = p.Get("access_key")
if paasMid > 0 && accessKey == "" {
noAccess = true
if accessKey != "" {
c.Request.Form.Set("access_key", accessKey)
mid, ok := c.Get("mid")
if !ok {
log.Warn("idfSvc.Access() access_key", accessKey)
if paasMid > 0 {
noAccess = true
if mid != nil {
midStr = strconv.FormatInt(mid.(int64), 10)
refer := c.Request.Header.Get("Referer")
userAgent := c.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
if noAccess {
userAgent = userAgent + " (no_accesskey)"
if ap == 1 || ap == 2 { // abandon the logic that transforms the plat to 6/7/8/9, keep the plat and modify the UA
userAgent += " (inline_play_begin)"
buvid := req.Header.Get("buvid")
var cookieSid string
if ck, err := c.Request.Cookie("sid"); err == nil {
cookieSid = ck.Value
ip := metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP)
clickSvr.Play(c, plat, aidStr, p.Get("cid"), p.Get("part"), midStr, p.Get("lv"),
p.Get("ftime"), p.Get("stime"), p.Get("did"), ip, userAgent, buvid,
cookieSid, refer, typeID, subType, sid, epid, playMode, platform, device, mobiAapp, autoPlay, "")
func h5Play(c *bm.Context, plat string) (err error) {
var (
buvid string
mid int64
ck *http.Cookie
params = c.Request.Form
unix = time.Now()
if midInter, ok := c.Get("mid"); ok {
mid = midInter.(int64)
if ck, err = c.Request.Cookie("buvid3"); err == nil {
buvid = ck.Value
// check params.
st := params.Get("stime")
stime, err := strconv.ParseInt(st, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
err = ecode.ClickQueryFormatErr
if unix.Unix()-stime > 60 {
err = ecode.ClickServerTimeout
typeID := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
sid := params.Get("sid")
epid := params.Get("epid")
var ft string
// check cookie did
var (
did string
ip = metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP)
cookie, err := c.Request.Cookie("rpdid")
if err != nil || cookie.Value == "" {
did = clickSvr.GenDid(ip, unix)
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "rpdid", Value: did, Path: "/", Domain: "", Expires: _expireCookie})
err = nil
} else {
did = cookie.Value
_, ft = clickSvr.CheckDid(did)
if ft == "" {
log.Error("ft null ft:%s,did:%s", ft, did)
midStr := params.Get("mid")
if mid != 0 && midStr != strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10) {
log.Warn("h5 stat mid(%d) not equal stat mid(%s)", mid, midStr)
midStr = strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10)
aid := params.Get("aid")
userAgent := c.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
var cookieSid string
if ck, err := c.Request.Cookie("sid"); err == nil {
cookieSid = ck.Value
refer := c.Request.Header.Get("Referer")
// service.
clickSvr.Play(c, plat, aid, params.Get("cid"), params.Get("part"),
midStr, params.Get("lv"), ft, params.Get("stime"), did,
ip, userAgent, buvid, cookieSid, refer, typeID, subType, sid, epid, "", "", "", "", "", "")