2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

153 lines
3.4 KiB

package service
import (
const (
// cache retry count and duration
_accountCacheRetryCount = 3
_accountCacheRetryDuration = time.Second
// table and duration
_asoAccountTable = "aso_account"
_memberTablePrefix = "dede_member"
_changePwd = "changePwd"
_updateUserInfo = "updateUserInfo"
_gameAppID = int32(876)
// Service service.
type Service struct {
c *conf.Config
d *dao.Dao
missch chan func()
// prom
tokenInterval *Interval
memberInterval *Interval
asoAccountInterval *Interval
transInterval *Interval
gameAppIDs []int32
// bin log proc
binLogDataBus *databus.Databus
binLogMergeChans []chan *message
binLogDoneChan chan []*message
head, last *message
mu sync.Mutex
// aso acc proc
encryptTransDataBus *databus.Databus
encryptTransMergeChans []chan *message
encryptTransDoneChan chan []*message
asoHead, asoLast *message
asoMu sync.Mutex
type message struct {
next *message
data *databus.Message
object interface{}
done bool
// New new a service instance.
func New(c *conf.Config) (s *Service) {
gameAppIDs := make([]int32, 0)
gameAppIDs = append(gameAppIDs, _gameAppID)
for _, id := range c.Game.AppIDs {
if id == _gameAppID {
gameAppIDs = append(gameAppIDs, id)
s = &Service{
c: c,
d: dao.New(c),
missch: make(chan func(), 10240),
// prom
tokenInterval: NewInterval(&IntervalConfig{
Name: "interval_token",
Rate: 1000,
memberInterval: NewInterval(&IntervalConfig{
Name: "interval_member",
Rate: 1000,
asoAccountInterval: NewInterval(&IntervalConfig{
Name: "interval_aso_account",
Rate: 1000,
transInterval: NewInterval(&IntervalConfig{
Name: "interval_trans",
Rate: 1000,
gameAppIDs: gameAppIDs,
binLogDataBus: databus.New(c.DataBus.BinLogSub),
binLogMergeChans: make([]chan *message, c.Group.BinLog.Num),
binLogDoneChan: make(chan []*message, c.Group.BinLog.Chan),
// aso acc proc
encryptTransDataBus: databus.New(c.DataBus.EncryptTransSub),
encryptTransMergeChans: make([]chan *message, c.Group.EncryptTrans.Num),
encryptTransDoneChan: make(chan []*message, c.Group.EncryptTrans.Chan),
// start bin log proc
go s.binlogcommitproc()
for i := 0; i < c.Group.BinLog.Num; i++ {
ch := make(chan *message, c.Group.BinLog.Chan)
s.binLogMergeChans[i] = ch
go s.binlogmergeproc(ch)
go s.binlogconsumeproc()
// start encrypt trans proc
go s.encrypttranscommitproc()
for i := 0; i < c.Group.EncryptTrans.Num; i++ {
ch := make(chan *message, c.Group.EncryptTrans.Chan)
s.encryptTransMergeChans[i] = ch
go s.encrypttransmergeproc(ch)
go s.encrypttransconsumeproc()
// go s.cacheproc()
//func (s *Service) addCache(f func()) {
// select {
// case s.missch <- f:
// default:
// log.Warn("cache chan full")
// }
// cacheproc is a routine for executing closure.
//func (s *Service) cacheproc() {
// for {
// f := <-s.missch
// f()
// }
// Ping check server ok.
func (s *Service) Ping(c context.Context) (err error) {
err = s.d.Ping(c)
// Close close service, including closing dao.
func (s *Service) Close() (err error) {