2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

452 lines
14 KiB

package dao
import (
xsql "go-common/library/database/sql"
// AppMultipleDatabus .
type AppMultipleDatabus struct {
d *Dao
appid string
attrs *model.Attrs
db *xsql.DB
dtb *databus.Databus
offsets model.LoopOffsets
mapData []model.MapData
tableName []string
indexNameSuffix []string
commits map[int32]*databus.Message
// IndexNameSuffix .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) IndexNameSuffix(format string, startDate string) (res []string, err error) {
var (
sTime time.Time
eTime = time.Now()
sTime, err = time.Parse(format, startDate)
if err != nil {
log.Error("d.LogAuditIndexName(%v)", startDate)
resDict := map[string]bool{}
if strings.Contains(format, "02") {
for {
resDict[amd.getIndexName(format, eTime)] = true
eTime = eTime.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
if sTime.After(eTime) {
} else if strings.Contains(format, "week") {
for {
resDict[amd.getIndexName(format, eTime)] = true
eTime = eTime.AddDate(0, 0, -7)
if sTime.After(eTime) {
} else if strings.Contains(format, "01") {
// 1月31日时AddDate(0, -1, 0)会出现错误
year, month, _ := eTime.Date()
hour, min, sec := eTime.Clock()
eTime = time.Date(year, month, 1, hour, min, sec, 0, eTime.Location())
for {
resDict[amd.getIndexName(format, eTime)] = true
eTime = eTime.AddDate(0, -1, 0)
if sTime.After(eTime) {
} else if strings.Contains(format, "2006") {
// 2月29日时AddDate(-1, 0, 0)会出现错误
year, _, _ := eTime.Date()
hour, min, sec := eTime.Clock()
eTime = time.Date(year, 1, 1, hour, min, sec, 0, eTime.Location())
for {
resDict[amd.getIndexName(format, eTime)] = true
eTime = eTime.AddDate(-1, 0, 0)
if sTime.After(eTime) {
for k := range resDict {
res = append(res, k)
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) getIndexName(format string, time time.Time) (index string) {
var (
week = map[int]string{
0: "0108",
1: "0916",
2: "1724",
3: "2531",
return strings.Replace(time.Format(format), "week", week[time.Day()/9], -1)
// NewAppMultipleDatabus .
func NewAppMultipleDatabus(d *Dao, appid string) (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) {
var err error
amd = &AppMultipleDatabus{
d: d,
appid: appid,
attrs: d.AttrPool[appid],
offsets: make(map[int]*model.LoopOffset),
tableName: []string{},
indexNameSuffix: []string{},
commits: make(map[int32]*databus.Message),
amd.db = d.DBPool[amd.attrs.DBName]
amd.dtb = d.DatabusPool[amd.attrs.Databus.Databus]
if amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit == "int" || amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit == "single" {
for i := amd.attrs.Table.TableFrom; i <= amd.attrs.Table.TableTo; i++ {
tableName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%0"+amd.attrs.Table.TableZero+"d", amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix, i)
amd.tableName = append(amd.tableName, tableName)
amd.offsets[i] = &model.LoopOffset{}
} else {
var tableNameSuffix []string
tableFormat := strings.Split(amd.attrs.Table.TableFormat, ",")
if tableNameSuffix, err = amd.IndexNameSuffix(tableFormat[0], tableFormat[1]); err != nil {
log.Error("amd.IndexNameSuffix(%v)", err)
for _, v := range tableNameSuffix {
amd.tableName = append(amd.tableName, amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix+v)
for i := range amd.tableName {
amd.offsets[i] = &model.LoopOffset{}
// Business return business.
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) Business() string {
return amd.attrs.Business
// InitIndex .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) InitIndex(c context.Context) {
var (
err error
indexAliasName string
indexEntityName string
indexFormat := strings.Split(amd.attrs.Index.IndexFormat, ",")
aliases, aliasErr := amd.d.GetAliases(amd.attrs.ESName, amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix)
if indexFormat[0] == "int" || indexFormat[0] == "single" {
for i := amd.attrs.Index.IndexFrom; i <= amd.attrs.Index.IndexTo; i++ {
// == "0" 有问题,不通用
if amd.attrs.Index.IndexZero == "0" {
indexAliasName = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix
indexEntityName = amd.attrs.Index.IndexEntityPrefix
} else {
indexAliasName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%0"+amd.attrs.Index.IndexZero+"d", amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix, i)
indexEntityName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%0"+amd.attrs.Index.IndexZero+"d", amd.attrs.Index.IndexEntityPrefix, i)
if aliasErr != nil {
amd.d.InitIndex(c, nil, amd.attrs.ESName, indexAliasName, indexEntityName, amd.attrs.Index.IndexMapping)
} else {
amd.d.InitIndex(c, aliases, amd.attrs.ESName, indexAliasName, indexEntityName, amd.attrs.Index.IndexMapping)
} else {
if amd.indexNameSuffix, err = amd.IndexNameSuffix(indexFormat[0], indexFormat[1]); err != nil {
log.Error("amd.IndexNameSuffix(%v)", err)
for _, v := range amd.indexNameSuffix {
if aliasErr != nil {
amd.d.InitIndex(c, nil, amd.attrs.ESName, amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix+v, amd.attrs.Index.IndexEntityPrefix+v, amd.attrs.Index.IndexMapping)
} else {
amd.d.InitIndex(c, aliases, amd.attrs.ESName, amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix+v, amd.attrs.Index.IndexEntityPrefix+v, amd.attrs.Index.IndexMapping)
// InitOffset insert init value to offset.
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) InitOffset(c context.Context) {
amd.d.InitOffset(c, amd.offsets[0], amd.attrs, amd.tableName)
// Offset .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) Offset(c context.Context) {
for i, v := range amd.tableName {
offset, err := amd.d.Offset(c, amd.attrs.AppID, v)
if err != nil {
log.Error("amd.d.offset error(%v)", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
amd.offsets[i].SetReview(offset.ReviewID, offset.ReviewTime)
amd.offsets[i].SetOffset(offset.OffsetID(), offset.OffsetTime())
// SetRecover set recover
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) SetRecover(c context.Context, recoverID int64, recoverTime string, i int) {
amd.offsets.SetRecoverOffsets(i, recoverID, recoverTime)
// IncrMessages .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) IncrMessages(c context.Context) (length int, err error) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(amd.attrs.Databus.Ticker)))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case msg, ok := <-amd.dtb.Messages():
if !ok {
log.Error("databus: %s binlog consumer exit!!!", amd.attrs.Databus)
m := &model.Message{}
amd.commits[msg.Partition] = msg
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg.Value, m); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", msg.Value, err)
if amd.attrs.Business == "creative_reply" {
r, _ := regexp.Compile("reply_\\d+")
if !r.MatchString(m.Table) {
if (amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit == "string" && m.Table == amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix) ||
(amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit != "string" && strings.HasPrefix(m.Table, amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix)) {
if m.Action == "insert" || m.Action == "update" {
var parseMap map[string]interface{}
parseMap, err = amd.d.JSON2map(m.New)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", msg.Value, err)
// esports fav type filter
if amd.attrs.AppID == "esports_fav" {
if t, ok := parseMap["type"]; ok && t.(int64) != 10 {
// playlist fav type and attr filter
if amd.attrs.AppID == "fav_playlist" {
if t, ok := parseMap["type"]; ok && t.(int64) != 2 {
if t, ok := parseMap["attr"]; ok {
if t.(int64)>>0&1 == 0 || (m.Action == "insert" && t.(int64)>>1&1 == 1) {
var newParseMap map[string]interface{}
newParseMap, err = amd.newParseMap(c, m.Table, parseMap)
if err != nil {
if amd.attrs.AppID == "creative_reply" {
log.Error("amd.newParseMap error(%v)", err)
amd.mapData = append(amd.mapData, newParseMap)
if len(amd.mapData) < amd.attrs.Databus.AggCount {
case <-ticker.C:
if len(amd.mapData) > 0 {
amd.mapData, err = amd.d.ExtraData(c, amd.mapData, amd.attrs, "dtb", []string{})
length = len(amd.mapData)
//amd.d.extraData(c, amd, "dtb")
// AllMessages .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) AllMessages(c context.Context) (length int, err error) {
amd.mapData = []model.MapData{}
for i, v := range amd.tableName {
var (
rows *xsql.Rows
sql string
tableFormat := strings.Split(amd.attrs.Table.TableFormat, ",")
if amd.attrs.AppID == "dm_search" || amd.attrs.AppID == "dm" {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLByID, amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLFields, i, i)
} else if tableFormat[0] == "int" || tableFormat[0] == "single" { // 兼容只传后缀,不传表名
sql = fmt.Sprintf(amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLByID, amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLFields, i)
log.Info(sql, amd.offsets[i].OffsetID, amd.attrs.Other.Size)
} else {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLByID, amd.attrs.DataSQL.SQLFields, v)
if rows, err = amd.db.Query(c, sql, amd.offsets[i].OffsetID, amd.attrs.Other.Size); err != nil {
log.Error("AllMessages db.Query error(%v)", err)
tempList := []model.MapData{}
for rows.Next() {
item, row := InitMapData(amd.attrs.DataSQL.DataIndexFields)
if err = rows.Scan(row...); err != nil {
log.Error("AppMultipleDatabus.AllMessages rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
var newParseMap map[string]interface{}
newParseMap, err = amd.newParseMap(c, v, item)
if err != nil {
log.Error("amd.newParseMap error(%v)", err)
tempList = append(tempList, newParseMap)
amd.mapData = append(amd.mapData, newParseMap)
tmpLength := len(tempList)
if tmpLength > 0 {
amd.offsets[i].SetTempOffset(tempList[tmpLength-1].PrimaryID(), tempList[tmpLength-1].StrMTime())
if len(amd.mapData) > 0 {
amd.mapData, err = amd.d.ExtraData(c, amd.mapData, amd.attrs, "db", []string{})
length = len(amd.mapData)
//amd.d.extraData(c, amd, "db")
// BulkIndex .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) BulkIndex(c context.Context, start int, end int, writeEntityIndex bool) (err error) {
partData := amd.mapData[start:end]
if amd.d.c.Business.Index {
err = amd.d.BulkDBData(c, amd.attrs, writeEntityIndex, partData...)
} else {
err = amd.d.BulkDatabusData(c, amd.attrs, writeEntityIndex, partData...)
// Commit .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) Commit(c context.Context) (err error) {
if amd.d.c.Business.Index {
if amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit == "int" || amd.attrs.Table.TableSplit == "single" { // 兼容只传后缀,不传表名
for i := amd.attrs.Table.TableFrom; i <= amd.attrs.Table.TableTo; i++ {
tableName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%0"+amd.attrs.Table.TableZero+"d", amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix, i)
if err = amd.d.CommitOffset(c, amd.offsets[i], amd.attrs.AppID, tableName); err != nil {
log.Error("AppMultipleDatabus.Commit error(%v)", err)
} else {
for i, v := range amd.indexNameSuffix {
if err = amd.d.CommitOffset(c, amd.offsets[i], amd.attrs.AppID, v); err != nil {
log.Error("Commit error(%v)", err)
} else {
for k, c := range amd.commits {
if err = c.Commit(); err != nil {
log.Error("AppMultipleDatabus.Commit error(%v)", err)
delete(amd.commits, k)
amd.mapData = []model.MapData{}
// Sleep .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) Sleep(c context.Context) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(amd.attrs.Other.Sleep))
// Size .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) Size(c context.Context) (size int) {
return amd.attrs.Other.Size
// indexField .
// func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) indexField(c context.Context, tableName string) (fieldName string, fieldValue int) {
// suffix, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(tableName, "_")[2])
// s := strings.Split(amd.attrs.DataSQL.DataIndexSuffix, ";")
// v := strings.Split(s[1], ":")
// fieldName = v[0]
// indexNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(v[2])
// fieldValue = suffix + indexNum
// return
// }
// newParseMap .
func (amd *AppMultipleDatabus) newParseMap(c context.Context, table string, parseMap map[string]interface{}) (res map[string]interface{}, err error) {
res = parseMap
//TODO 实体索引写不进去
if (amd.attrs.AppID == "dm_search" || amd.attrs.AppID == "dm") && !amd.d.c.Business.Index {
indexSuffix := strings.Split(table, "_")[2]
res["index_name"] = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix + indexSuffix
if _, ok := res["msg"]; ok {
// dm_content_
res["index_field"] = true // 删除ctime
res["index_id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", res["dmid"])
} else {
// dm_index_
res["index_id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", res["id"])
} else if amd.attrs.AppID == "dmreport" {
if ztime, ok := res["ctime"].(*interface{}); ok { // 数据库
if ctime, cok := (*ztime).(time.Time); cok {
res["index_name"] = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix + ctime.Format("2006")
} else if ztime, ok := res["ctime"].(string); ok { // databus
var ctime time.Time
if ctime, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", ztime); err == nil {
res["index_name"] = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix + ctime.Format("2006")
} else if amd.attrs.AppID == "creative_reply" && !amd.d.c.Business.Index {
if replyType, ok := res["type"].(int64); ok {
if replyType == 1 || replyType == 12 || replyType == 14 {
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("多余数据")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("错误数据")
} else if amd.attrs.Index.IndexSplit == "single" {
res["index_name"] = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix
} else {
indexSuffix := string([]rune(table)[strings.Count(amd.attrs.Table.TablePrefix, "")-1:])
res["index_name"] = amd.attrs.Index.IndexAliasPrefix + indexSuffix
//dtb index_id
if amd.attrs.AppID == "favorite" && !amd.d.c.Business.Index {
if fid, ok := res["fid"].(int64); ok {
if oid, ok := res["oid"].(int64); ok {
res["index_id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", fid, oid)
res["index_id"] = "err"
res["indexName"] = ""