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package dao
import (
// "go-common/database/hbase"
xsql "go-common/library/database/sql"
var errorsCount = prom.BusinessErrCount
const (
// business
// search db name. for table attr,offset,manager.
_searchDB = "search"
// App .
type App interface {
Business() string
InitIndex(c context.Context)
InitOffset(c context.Context)
Offset(c context.Context)
SetRecover(c context.Context, recoverID int64, recoverTime string, i int)
IncrMessages(c context.Context) (length int, err error)
AllMessages(c context.Context) (length int, err error)
BulkIndex(c context.Context, start, end int, writeEntityIndex bool) (err error)
Commit(c context.Context) (err error)
Sleep(c context.Context)
Size(c context.Context) (size int)
// Dao .
type Dao struct {
c *conf.Config
// smsClient
sms *sms
// search db
SearchDB *xsql.DB
// hbase *hbase.Client
BusinessPool map[string]model.BsnAppInfo
AttrPool map[string]*model.Attrs
AppPool map[string]App
DBPool map[string]*xsql.DB
ESPool map[string]*elastic.Client
DatabusPool map[string]*databus.Databus
InfoCPool map[string]*infoc.Infoc
// New .
func New(c *conf.Config) (d *Dao) {
d = &Dao{
c: c,
DBPool: newDbPool(c),
// check search db
if d.SearchDB = d.DBPool[_searchDB]; d.SearchDB == nil {
panic("SearchDB must config")
d.sms = newSMS(d)
d.BusinessPool = newBusinessPool(d)
d.AttrPool = newAttrPool(d)
d.ESPool = newEsPool(c, d)
// consumer
d.DatabusPool = newDatabusPool(c, d)
d.InfoCPool = newInfoCPool(c, d)
// newDatabusPool .
func newDatabusPool(c *conf.Config, d *Dao) (pool map[string]*databus.Databus) {
pool = make(map[string]*databus.Databus)
if c.Business.Index {
for name := range d.BusinessPool {
if config, ok := c.Databus[name]; ok {
pool[name] = databus.New(config)
// newInfoCPool .
func newInfoCPool(c *conf.Config, d *Dao) (pool map[string]*infoc.Infoc) {
pool = map[string]*infoc.Infoc{}
if c.Business.Index {
for k := range d.BusinessPool {
if n, ok := c.InfoC[k]; ok {
pool[k] = infoc.New(n)
// newBusinessPool all appid info from one business
func newBusinessPool(d *Dao) (pool map[string]model.BsnAppInfo) {
pool = map[string]model.BsnAppInfo{}
if bns, err := newBusiness(d, d.c.Business.Env); err == nil {
for _, v := range bns.bInfo.AppInfo {
if v.AppID != "" {
pool[v.AppID] = v
// newAttrPool .
func newAttrPool(d *Dao) (pool map[string]*model.Attrs) {
pool = make(map[string]*model.Attrs)
for k := range d.BusinessPool {
ar := newAttr(d, k)
pool[k] = ar.attrs
//fmt.Println("strace:attr-pool>", pool)
// SetRecover set recover.
func (d *Dao) SetRecover(c context.Context, appid string, recoverID int64, recoverTime string, i int) {
d.AppPool[appid].SetRecover(c, recoverID, recoverTime, i)
// newDbPool db combo
func newDbPool(c *conf.Config) (pool map[string]*xsql.DB) {
pool = make(map[string]*xsql.DB)
for dbName, config := range c.DB {
pool[dbName] = xsql.NewMySQL(config)
// newEsCluster cluster action
func newEsPool(c *conf.Config, d *Dao) (esCluster map[string]*elastic.Client) {
esCluster = make(map[string]*elastic.Client)
for esName, e := range c.Es {
if client, err := elastic.NewClient(elastic.SetURL(e.Addr...)); err == nil {
esCluster[esName] = client
} else {
d.PromError("es:集群连接失败", "cluster: %s, %v", esName, err)
if err := d.SendSMS(fmt.Sprintf("[search-job]%s集群连接失败", esName)); err != nil {
d.PromError("es:集群连接短信失败", "cluster: %s, %v", esName, err)
// PromError .
func (d *Dao) PromError(name string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Error(format, args)
// Close close dao
func (d *Dao) Close() {
for _, db := range d.DBPool {
// Ping health of db.
func (d *Dao) Ping(c context.Context) (err error) {
// TODO 循环ping
if err = d.SearchDB.Ping(c); err != nil {
d.PromError("db:ping", "")
if err = d.pingESCluster(c); err != nil {
d.PromError("es:ping", "d.pingESCluster error(%v)", err)
// GetAliases get all aliases by indexAliasPrefix
func (d *Dao) GetAliases(esName, indexAliasPrefix string) (aliases map[string]bool, err error) {
aliases = map[string]bool{}
if _, ok := d.ESPool[esName]; !ok {
log.Error("GetAliases 集群不存在 (%s)", esName)
if aliasesRes, err := d.ESPool[esName].Aliases().Index(indexAliasPrefix + "*").Do(context.TODO()); err != nil {
log.Error("GetAliases(%s*) failed", indexAliasPrefix)
} else {
for _, indexDetails := range aliasesRes.Indices {
for _, v := range indexDetails.Aliases {
if v.AliasName != "" {
aliases[v.AliasName] = true
// InitIndex create entity indecies & aliases if necessary
func (d *Dao) InitIndex(c context.Context, aliases map[string]bool, esName, indexAliasName, indexEntityName, indexMapping string) {
if indexMapping == "" {
log.Error("indexEntityName(%s) mapping is epmty", indexEntityName)
for {
exists, err := d.ESPool[esName].IndexExists(indexEntityName).Do(c)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
if !exists {
if _, err := d.ESPool[esName].CreateIndex(indexEntityName).Body(indexMapping).Do(c); err != nil {
log.Error("indexEntityName(%s) create err(%v)", indexEntityName, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
// add aliases if necessary
if aliases != nil && indexAliasName != indexEntityName {
if _, ok := aliases[indexAliasName]; !ok {
if _, err := d.ESPool[esName].Alias().Add(indexEntityName, indexAliasName).Do(context.TODO()); err != nil {
log.Error("indexEntityName(%s) failed to add alias indexAliasName(%s) err(%v)", indexEntityName, indexAliasName, err)
// InitOffset init offset to offset table .
func (d *Dao) InitOffset(c context.Context, offset *model.LoopOffset, attrs *model.Attrs, arr []string) {
for {
if err := d.bulkInitOffset(c, offset, attrs, arr); err != nil {
log.Error("project(%s) initOffset(%v)", attrs.AppID, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
// InitMapData init each field struct
func InitMapData(fields []string) (item model.MapData, row []interface{}) {
item = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, v := range fields {
item[v] = new(interface{})
for _, v := range fields {
row = append(row, item[v])
// UpdateOffsetByMap .
func UpdateOffsetByMap(offsets *model.LoopOffset, mapData ...model.MapData) {
var (
id int64
mtime string
length := len(mapData)
if length == 0 {
offsetTime := offsets.OffsetTime
lastRes := mapData[length-1]
id = lastRes.PrimaryID()
lastMtime := lastRes.StrMTime()
//fmt.Println("real", lastMtime, id, offsets.OffsetID)
if (id != offsets.OffsetID) && (offsetTime == lastMtime) {
offsets.IsLoop = true
} else {
if offsets.IsLoop {
for _, p := range mapData {
tempMtime := p.StrMTime()
if tempMtime == offsetTime {
id = p.PrimaryID()
mtime = tempMtime
} else {
mtime = lastMtime
offsets.IsLoop = false
offsets.SetTempOffset(id, mtime)
// CommitOffset .
func (d *Dao) CommitOffset(c context.Context, offset *model.LoopOffset, appid, tableName string) (err error) {
if offset.TempOffsetID != 0 {
offset.SetOffset(offset.TempOffsetID, "")
if offset.TempOffsetTime != "" {
offset.SetOffset(0, offset.TempOffsetTime)
if offset.TempRecoverID >= 0 {
offset.SetRecoverOffset(offset.TempRecoverID, "")
if offset.TempRecoverTime != "" {
offset.SetRecoverOffset(-1, offset.TempRecoverTime)
err = d.updateOffset(c, offset, appid, tableName)
// JSON2map json to map.
func (d *Dao) JSON2map(rowJSON json.RawMessage) (result map[string]interface{}, err error) {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(rowJSON))
if err = decoder.Decode(&result); err != nil {
log.Error("JSON2map.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", rowJSON, err)
return nil, err
// json.Number转int64
for k, v := range result {
switch t := v.(type) {
case json.Number:
if result[k], err = t.Int64(); err != nil {
log.Error("JSON2map.json.Number(%v)(%v)", t, err)
return nil, err
// ExtraData .
func (d *Dao) ExtraData(c context.Context, mapData []model.MapData, attrs *model.Attrs, way string, tags []string) (md []model.MapData, err error) {
md = mapData
switch way {
case "db":
for i, item := range mapData {
for k, v := range item {
md[i][k] = v
case "dtb":
for i, item := range mapData {
for k, v := range item {
md[i][k] = v
for _, ex := range attrs.DataExtras {
// db exists or not
if _, ok := d.DBPool[ex.DBName]; !ok {
log.Error("ExtraData d.DBPool excludes:%s", ex.DBName)
if len(tags) != 0 {
for _, v := range tags {
if v != ex.Tag {
switch ex.Type {
case "slice":
md, err = d.extraDataSlice(c, md, attrs, ex)
md, err = d.extraDataDefault(c, md, attrs, ex)
} else {
switch ex.Type {
case "slice":
md, err = d.extraDataSlice(c, md, attrs, ex)
md, err = d.extraDataDefault(c, md, attrs, ex)
// extraData-default
func (d *Dao) extraDataDefault(c context.Context, mapData []model.MapData, attrs *model.Attrs, ex model.AttrDataExtra) (md []model.MapData, err error) {
md = mapData
// filter ids from in_fields
var (
ids []int64
items map[int64]model.MapData
include []string
cdtInField := ex.Condition["in_field"]
items = make(map[int64]model.MapData)
if cld, ok := ex.Condition["include"]; ok {
include = strings.Split(cld, "=")
var rows *xsql.Rows
if cdtInFields := strings.Split(cdtInField, ","); len(cdtInFields) == 1 { //FIXME 支持主键多个条件定位一条数据
for _, m := range mapData {
if v, ok := m[cdtInField]; ok {
if len(include) >= 2 { //TODO 支持多种
if cldVal, ok := m[include[0]]; ok && strconv.FormatInt(cldVal.(int64), 10) == include[1] {
ids = append(ids, v.(int64))
} else {
ids = append(ids, v.(int64)) //TODO 加去重
// query extra data
//TODO 如果分表太多的业务单次循环size设置过大一下子来50万的数据where in一个表会拒绝请求或超时
if len(ids) > 0 {
if tableFormat := strings.Split(ex.TableFormat, ","); ex.TableFormat == "" || tableFormat[0] == "single" {
i := 0
flag := false
//TODO 缺点:耗内存
for {
var id []int64
if (i+1)*200 < len(ids) {
id = ids[i*200 : (i+1)*200]
} else {
id = ids[i*200:]
flag = true
rows, err = d.DBPool[ex.DBName].Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(ex.SQL, xstr.JoinInts(id))+" and 1 = ? ", 1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefault db.Query error(%v)", err)
for rows.Next() {
item, row := InitMapData(ex.Fields)
if err = rows.Scan(row...); err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefault rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
if v, ok := item[ex.InField]; ok {
if v2, ok := v.(*interface{}); ok {
items[(*v2).(int64)] = item
// fmt.Println(item)
if flag {
} else if tableFormat[0] == "int" {
formatData := make(map[int64][]int64)
var dbid = []int64{}
if len(tableFormat) >= 6 { // 弹幕举报根据文章id来分表 dmid进行匹配
for _, m := range mapData {
if v, ok := m[tableFormat[5]]; ok {
dbid = append(dbid, v.(int64)) // 加去重
} else {
dbid = ids
if len(dbid) != len(ids) {
log.Error("tableFormat[5] len error(%v)(%v)", len(dbid), len(ids))
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
d, e := strconv.ParseInt(tableFormat[2], 10, 64)
if e != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefault strconv.Atoi() error(%v)", e)
d = dbid[i] % (d + 1)
if d < 0 { //可能有脏数据
formatData[d] = append(formatData[d], ids[i])
for v, k := range formatData {
rows, err = d.DBPool[ex.DBName].Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(ex.SQL, v, xstr.JoinInts(k))+" and 1 = ? ", 1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefaultTableFormat db.Query error(%v)", err)
for rows.Next() {
item, row := InitMapData(ex.Fields)
if err = rows.Scan(row...); err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefaultTableFormat rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
if v, ok := item[ex.InField]; ok {
if v2, ok := v.(*interface{}); ok {
items[(*v2).(int64)] = item
// fmt.Println("ids:", ids, "items:", items)
// merge data
for i, m := range mapData {
if len(include) >= 2 { //TODO 支持多种
if cldVal, ok := m[include[0]]; !ok || strconv.FormatInt(cldVal.(int64), 10) != include[1] {
if k, ok := m[cdtInField]; ok {
if item, ok := items[k.(int64)]; ok {
for _, v := range ex.RemoveFields {
delete(item, v)
for k, v := range item {
md[i][k] = v
} else {
for i, m := range mapData {
var value []interface{}
for _, v := range cdtInFields {
value = append(value, m[v])
rows, err = d.DBPool[ex.DBName].Query(c, ex.SQL, value...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefault db.Query error(%v)", err)
for rows.Next() {
item, row := InitMapData(ex.Fields)
if err = rows.Scan(row...); err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataDefault rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
for _, v := range ex.RemoveFields {
delete(item, v)
for k, v := range item {
md[i][k] = v
// extraData-slice
func (d *Dao) extraDataSlice(c context.Context, mapData []model.MapData, attrs *model.Attrs, ex model.AttrDataExtra) (md []model.MapData, err error) {
md = mapData
// filter ids from in_fields
var (
ids []int64
items map[string]map[string][]interface{}
include []string
cdtInField := ex.Condition["in_field"]
items = make(map[string]map[string][]interface{})
sliceFields := strings.Split(ex.SliceField, ",")
if cld, ok := ex.Condition["include"]; ok {
include = strings.Split(cld, "=")
for _, m := range mapData {
if v, ok := m[cdtInField]; ok {
if len(include) >= 2 { //TODO 支持多种
if cldVal, ok := m[include[0]]; ok && strconv.FormatInt(cldVal.(int64), 10) == include[1] {
ids = append(ids, v.(int64))
} else {
ids = append(ids, v.(int64)) //TODO 加去重
// query extra data
if len(ids) > 0 {
var rows *xsql.Rows
rows, err = d.DBPool[ex.DBName].Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(ex.SQL, xstr.JoinInts(ids))+" and 1 = ? ", 1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataSlice db.Query error(%v)", err)
for rows.Next() {
item, row := InitMapData(ex.Fields)
if err = rows.Scan(row...); err != nil {
log.Error("extraDataSlice rows.Scan() error(%v)", err)
if v, ok := item[ex.InField]; ok {
if v2, ok := v.(*interface{}); ok {
var key string
switch (*v2).(type) {
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64:
key = strconv.FormatInt((*v2).(int64), 10)
case []uint, []uint8, []uint16, []uint32, []uint64:
key = string((*v2).([]byte))
for _, sf := range sliceFields {
if _, ok := items[key]; !ok {
items[key] = make(map[string][]interface{})
var res interface{}
if v3, ok := item[sf].(*interface{}); ok {
switch (*v3).(type) {
case []uint, []uint8, []uint16, []uint32, []uint64:
res = string((*v3).([]byte))
res = v3
items[key][sf] = append(items[key][sf], res)
//log.Info("items:%v", items)
// merge data
for i, m := range mapData {
if len(include) >= 2 { //TODO 支持多种
if cldVal, ok := m[include[0]]; !ok || strconv.FormatInt(cldVal.(int64), 10) != include[1] {
if v, ok := m[cdtInField]; ok {
if item, ok := items[strconv.FormatInt(v.(int64), 10)]; ok {
for _, sf := range sliceFields {
if list, ok := item[sf]; ok {
md[i][sf] = list
} else {
for _, sf := range sliceFields {
md[i][sf] = []int64{}
// for _, v := range md {
// log.Info("md:%v", v)
// }
// GetConfig .
func (d *Dao) GetConfig(c context.Context) *conf.Config {
return d.c