2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

97 lines
3.0 KiB

package service
import (
// aiReq is a producer send file data to eroticism inspect serve
func (j *Job) aiReq(ctx context.Context, meta *Meta) {
url := fmt.Sprintf(_downloadFmt, j.downloadHost, meta.Bucket, meta.Filename)
msg := &AIReqMessage{URL: url, FileName: meta.Filename, Bucket: meta.Bucket}
if err := j.AIYellowingProducer.Send(ctx, meta.Filename, msg); err != nil {
log.Error("d.databus.Send(%s,%v) error(%v)", meta.Bucket, *msg, err)
log.Info("send msg to ai success: key:(%s),value:(%+v)", meta.Filename, msg)
// aiResp is a consumer receive message from eroticism inspect serve
func (j *Job) aiResp(ctx context.Context) {
var (
msgs <-chan *databus.Message
ok bool
msg *databus.Message
aiMsg *AIRespMessage
err error
msgs = j.AIYellowingConsumer.Messages() //ai response message
for {
if msg, ok = <-msgs; !ok {
log.Info("databus Consumer exit")
if err = msg.Commit(); err != nil {
log.Error("msg.Commit() error(%v)", err)
aiMsg = new(AIRespMessage)
// todo: parse kafka message from ai and judge if add to db
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg.Value, aiMsg); err != nil {
log.Error(", value:%s),err(%v)", msg.Key, string(msg.Value), err)
log.Info("consume msg from ai success: key:(%s),value:(%+v)", msg.Key, aiMsg)
if aiMsg.ErrorCode != 0 {
log.Error("ai audit failed code: %d, message: %s", aiMsg.ErrorCode, aiMsg.ErrorMsg)
// deal ai result
// sex > threshold will save in db
sex := int(math.Round(aiMsg.Sex * 10000))
politics := int(math.Round(aiMsg.Politics * 10000))
blood := int(math.Round(aiMsg.Blood * 10000))
violent := int(math.Round(aiMsg.Violent * 10000))
if sex > j.Threshold.Sex || politics > j.Threshold.Politics || blood > j.Threshold.Blood || violent > j.Threshold.Violent {
log.Warn("url:%s need save db points(sex:%d,politics:%d,blood:%d,violent:%d)", aiMsg.URL, sex, politics, blood, violent)
if err = j.RetryAddRecord(aiMsg); err != nil {
log.Error("j.RetryAddRecord(%+v) failed(%v)", aiMsg, err)
} else {
log.Info("call upload-admin success: %+v", aiMsg)
//todo: send to audit log platform
m := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: "ai",
UID: 0,
Business: 161, //bfs 上传审核
Type: 1, //ai审核
Action: "ai",
Index: []interface{}{aiMsg.URL, aiMsg.Bucket, aiMsg.FileName, int(math.Round(aiMsg.Sex * 10000)), int(math.Round(aiMsg.Politics * 10000))},
Ctime: time.Now(),
Content: map[string]interface{}{ //分数
"sex": aiMsg.Sex,
"violent": aiMsg.Violent,
"politics": aiMsg.Politics,
"blood": aiMsg.Blood,
"is_yellow": aiMsg.IsYellow,
if err = report.Manager(m); err != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager() m(%+v) error:%v", m, err)
log.Info("send log report success: (%+v) \n", m)