149 lines
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149 lines
5.1 KiB
package dao
import (
xsql "go-common/library/database/sql"
xtime "time"
const (
_getGroupByID = "select promo_id,group_id,uid,order_count,status,expire_at,ctime,mtime from promotion_group where group_id = ?"
_getUserNotExpiredGroup = "select promo_id,group_id,uid,order_count,status,expire_at,ctime,mtime from promotion_group where promo_id = ? and uid = ? and expire_at >= ? and status = ?"
_updateGroupOrderCount = "update promotion_group set order_count = order_count + ? where group_id = ? and status = ? and order_count < ? and expire_at > ?"
_updateGroupStatus = "update promotion_group set status = ? where group_id = ? and status = ?"
_updateGroupStatusAndOrderCount = "update promotion_group set status = ?,order_count = order_count + ? where group_id = ? and status = ?"
_insertGroupOrder = "insert into promotion_group (promo_id,group_id,uid,order_count,status,expire_at) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
//keyPromoGroup 获取拼团缓存key
func keyPromoGroup(groupID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(model.CacheKeyPromoGroup, groupID)
//RawPromoGroup 根据id获取拼团信息
func (d *Dao) RawPromoGroup(c context.Context, groupID int64) (res *model.PromotionGroup, err error) {
res = new(model.PromotionGroup)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _getGroupByID, groupID)
if err = row.Scan(&res.PromoID, &res.GroupID, &res.UID, &res.OrderCount, &res.Status, &res.ExpireAt, &res.Ctime, &res.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
res = nil
//AddPromoGroup add promo group into db
func (d *Dao) AddPromoGroup(c context.Context, promoID int64, groupID int64, uid int64, orderCount int64, status int16, expireAt int64) (id int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _insertGroupOrder, promoID, groupID, uid, orderCount, status, expireAt); err != nil {
return res.LastInsertId()
//TxAddPromoGroup add promo group into db
func (d *Dao) TxAddPromoGroup(c context.Context, tx *xsql.Tx, promoID int64, groupID int64, uid int64, orderCount int64, status int16, expireAt int64) (id int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_insertGroupOrder, promoID, groupID, uid, orderCount, status, expireAt); err != nil {
return res.LastInsertId()
//CachePromoGroup get promo group info from cache
func (d *Dao) CachePromoGroup(c context.Context, groupID int64) (res *model.PromotionGroup, err error) {
var (
data []byte
key = keyPromoGroup(groupID)
conn := d.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if data, err = redis.Bytes(conn.Do("GET", key)); err != nil {
if err == redis.ErrNil {
err = nil
json.Unmarshal(data, &res)
//AddCachePromoGroup add promo group info into cache
func (d *Dao) AddCachePromoGroup(c context.Context, groupID int64, group *model.PromotionGroup) (err error) {
var (
data []byte
key = keyPromoGroup(groupID)
conn := d.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if data, err = json.Marshal(group); err != nil {
conn.Do("SET", key, data, "EX", model.RedisExpirePromoGroup)
//DelCachePromoGroup delete promo group cache
func (d *Dao) DelCachePromoGroup(c context.Context, groupID int64) {
var key = keyPromo(groupID)
conn := d.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
conn.Do("DEL", key)
//GetUserGroupDoing 获取用户正在进行中的拼团信息
func (d *Dao) GetUserGroupDoing(c context.Context, promoID int64, uid int64, status int16) (res *model.PromotionGroup, err error) {
var (
currentTime = xtime.Now().Unix()
res = new(model.PromotionGroup)
row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _getUserNotExpiredGroup, promoID, uid, currentTime, status)
if err = row.Scan(&res.PromoID, &res.GroupID, &res.UID, &res.OrderCount, &res.Status, &res.ExpireAt, &res.Ctime, &res.Mtime); err != nil {
//TxUpdateGroupOrderCount 更新拼团的人数
func (d *Dao) TxUpdateGroupOrderCount(c context.Context, tx *xsql.Tx, step int64, groupID int64, skuCount int64) (number int64, err error) {
var (
currentTime = xtime.Now().Unix()
res sql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_updateGroupOrderCount, step, groupID, consts.GroupDoing, skuCount, currentTime); err != nil {
return res.RowsAffected()
//TxUpdateGroupStatus 更新拼团状态
func (d *Dao) TxUpdateGroupStatus(c context.Context, tx *xsql.Tx, groupID int64, oldStatus int16, newStatus int16) (number int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = tx.Exec(_updateGroupStatus, newStatus, groupID, oldStatus); err != nil {
return res.RowsAffected()
//UpdateGroupStatusAndOrderCount 更新拼团状态和人数
func (d *Dao) UpdateGroupStatusAndOrderCount(c context.Context, groupID int64, step int64, oldStatus int16, newStatus int16) (number int64, err error) {
var res sql.Result
if res, err = d.db.Exec(c, _updateGroupStatusAndOrderCount, newStatus, step, groupID, oldStatus); err != nil {
return res.RowsAffected()