668 lines
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// Package server generate by warden_gen
package grpc
import (
nmd "go-common/library/net/metadata"
// New Stream warden rpc server
func New(c *warden.ServerConfig, svr *service.Service) *warden.Server {
//ws := warden.NewServer(c, grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(32*1024*1024), grpc.MaxSendMsgSize(32*1024*1024)) 这里需要考虑配置问题
ws := warden.NewServer(c)
v1.RegisterStreamServer(ws.Server(), &server{svr})
ws, err := ws.Start()
if err != nil {
return ws
type server struct {
svr *service.Service
var _ v1.StreamServer = &server{}
// GetSingleScreeShotByRoomID
func (s *server) GetSingleScreeShot(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetSingleScreeShotReq) (*v1.GetSingleScreeShotReply, error) {
roomID := req.RoomId
start := req.StartTime
end := req.EndTime
channel := req.Channel
resp := &v1.GetSingleScreeShotReply{}
if roomID <= 0 || start == "" || end == "" {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", start, time.Local)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "Start time format is incorrect").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", end, time.Local)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "End time format is incorrect").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
info, err := s.svr.GetSingleScreeShot(ctx, roomID, startTime.Unix(), endTime.Unix(), channel)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return &v1.GetSingleScreeShotReply{
List: info,
}, nil
// GetMultiScreenShotByRommID
func (s *server) GetMultiScreenShot(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetMultiScreenShotReq) (*v1.GetMultiScreenShotReply, error) {
rooms := req.RoomIds
ts := req.Ts
channel := req.Channel
resp := &v1.GetMultiScreenShotReply{}
if rooms == "" || ts == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
// 切割room_id
roomIDs := strings.Split(rooms, ",")
if len(roomIDs) <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_ids is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res := v1.GetMultiScreenShotReply{
List: map[int64]string{},
rids := []int64{}
for _, v := range roomIDs {
roomID, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
rids = append(rids, roomID)
urls, err := s.svr.GetMultiScreenShot(ctx, rids, ts, channel)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res.List = urls
return &res, nil
// GetOriginScreenShotPic
func (s *server) GetOriginScreenShotPic(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetOriginScreenShotPicReq) (*v1.GetOriginScreenShotPicReply, error) {
rooms := req.RoomIds
ts := req.Ts
resp := &v1.GetOriginScreenShotPicReply{}
if rooms == "" || ts == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
// 切割room_id
roomIDs := strings.Split(rooms, ",")
if len(roomIDs) <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_ids is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res := v1.GetOriginScreenShotPicReply{
List: map[int64]string{},
rids := []int64{}
for _, v := range roomIDs {
roomID, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
rids = append(rids, roomID)
urls, err := s.svr.GetOriginScreenShotPic(ctx, rids, ts)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res.List = urls
return &res, nil
// CreateOfficeStream 创建正式流
func (s *server) CreateOfficalStream(ctx context.Context, req *v1.CreateOfficalStreamReq) (*v1.CreateOfficalStreamReply, error) {
key := req.Key
streamName := req.StreamName
if req.Uid != 0 {
key = mockStreamKey(fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.Uid))
streamName = mockStreamName(fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.Uid))
resp := &v1.CreateOfficalStreamReply{}
// 检查参数
if streamName == "" || key == "" || req.RoomId <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
flag := s.svr.CreateOfficalStream(ctx, streamName, key, req.RoomId)
return &v1.CreateOfficalStreamReply{
Success: flag,
}, nil
// GetStreamInfo 获取单个流信息
func (s *server) GetStreamInfo(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetStreamInfoReq) (*v1.GetStreamInfoReply, error) {
rid := req.RoomId
sname := req.StreamName
resp := &v1.GetStreamInfoReply{}
if rid == 0 && sname == "" {
resp.Code = -400
resp.Message = "some fields are empty"
return resp, nil
info, err := s.svr.GetStreamInfo(ctx, int64(rid), sname)
if err != nil {
resp.Code = -400
resp.Message = err.Error()
return resp, nil
baseList := []*v1.StreamBase{}
for _, v := range info.List {
forward := []uint32{}
for _, f := range v.Forward {
forward = append(forward, uint32(f))
baseList = append(baseList, &v1.StreamBase{
StreamName: v.StreamName,
DefaultUpstream: uint32(v.DefaultUpStream),
Origin: uint32(v.Origin),
Forward: forward,
Type: uint32(v.Type),
Options: uint32(v.Options),
//Key: v.Key,
resp.Code = 0
resp.Data = &v1.StreamFullInfo{
RoomId: uint32(info.RoomID),
Hot: uint32(info.Hot),
List: baseList,
return resp, nil
// GetMultiStreamInfo 批量获取流信息
func (s *server) GetMultiStreamInfo(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetMultiStreamInfoReq) (*v1.GetMultiStreamInfoReply, error) {
rids := req.RoomIds
resp := &v1.GetMultiStreamInfoReply{}
// 切割room_id
if len(rids) <= 0 {
resp.Code = 0
resp.Message = "success"
return resp, nil
if len(rids) > 30 {
resp.Code = -400
resp.Message = "The number of rooms must be less than 30"
return resp, nil
roomIDs := []int64{}
for _, v := range rids {
roomID := int64(v)
if roomID <= 0 {
roomIDs = append(roomIDs, roomID)
info, err := s.svr.GetMultiStreamInfo(ctx, roomIDs)
if err != nil {
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("log", err.Error()))
resp.Code = 0
resp.Message = "success"
return resp, nil
if info == nil || len(info) == 0 {
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("log", "can find any things"))
resp.Code = 0
resp.Message = "success"
return resp, nil
res := map[uint32]*v1.StreamFullInfo{}
for id, v := range info {
item := &v1.StreamFullInfo{}
item.Hot = uint32(v.Hot)
item.RoomId = uint32(v.RoomID)
baseList := []*v1.StreamBase{}
for _, i := range v.List {
forward := []uint32{}
for _, f := range i.Forward {
forward = append(forward, uint32(f))
baseList = append(baseList, &v1.StreamBase{
StreamName: i.StreamName,
DefaultUpstream: uint32(i.DefaultUpStream),
Origin: uint32(i.Origin),
Forward: forward,
Type: uint32(i.Type),
Options: uint32(i.Options),
//Key: i.Key,
item.List = baseList
res[uint32(id)] = item
resp.Code = 0
resp.Data = res
return resp, nil
// ChangeSrc 切换cdn
func (s *server) ChangeSrc(ctx context.Context, req *v1.ChangeSrcReq) (*v1.EmptyStruct, error) {
resp := &v1.EmptyStruct{}
if req.RoomId <= 0 || req.Src == 0 || req.Source == "" || req.OperateName == "" {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
// todo 后续改为新的src
src := int8(req.Src)
if _, ok := common.SrcMapBitwise[src]; !ok {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "src is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
err := s.svr.ChangeSrc(ctx, req.RoomId, common.SrcMapBitwise[src], req.Source, req.OperateName, req.Reason)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return resp, nil
// GetStreamLastTime 得到流到最后推流时间;主流的推流时间up_rank = 1
func (s *server) GetStreamLastTime(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetStreamLastTimeReq) (*v1.GetStreamLastTimeReply, error) {
rid := req.RoomId
resp := &v1.GetStreamLastTimeReply{}
if rid <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_id is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
t, err := s.svr.GetStreamLastTime(ctx, rid)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return &v1.GetStreamLastTimeReply{
LastTime: t,
}, nil
// GetStreamNameByRoomID 需要考虑备用流 + 考虑短号
func (s *server) GetStreamNameByRoomID(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetStreamNameByRoomIDReq) (*v1.GetStreamNameByRoomIDReply, error) {
rid := req.RoomId
resp := &v1.GetStreamNameByRoomIDReply{}
if rid <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_id is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res, err := s.svr.GetStreamNameByRoomID(ctx, rid, false)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if len(res) == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, fmt.Sprintf("can not find info by room_id=%d", rid)).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return &v1.GetStreamNameByRoomIDReply{
StreamName: res[0],
}, nil
// GetRoomIDByStreamName 查询房间号
func (s *server) GetRoomIDByStreamName(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetRoomIDByStreamNameReq) (*v1.GetRoomIDByStreamNameReply, error) {
resp := &v1.GetRoomIDByStreamNameReply{}
if req.StreamName == "" {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "stream name is empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res, err := s.svr.GetRoomIDByStreamName(ctx, req.StreamName)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if res <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, fmt.Sprintf("can not find any info by name = %s", req.StreamName)).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return &v1.GetRoomIDByStreamNameReply{
RoomId: res,
}, nil
// GetAdapterStreamByStreamName 适配结果输出, 此处也可以输入备用流, 该结果只输出直推上行
func (s *server) GetAdapterStreamByStreamName(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetAdapterStreamByStreamNameReq) (*v1.GetAdapterStreamByStreamNameReply, error) {
res := v1.GetAdapterStreamByStreamNameReply{
List: map[string]*v1.AdapterStream{},
snames := req.StreamNames
if snames == "" {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "stream_names is empty").WithDetails(&res)
return nil, st
nameSlice := strings.Split(snames, ",")
if len(nameSlice) == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "stream_names is empty").WithDetails(&res)
return nil, st
if len(nameSlice) > 500 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "too many names").WithDetails(&res)
return nil, st
info := s.svr.GetAdapterStreamByStreamName(ctx, nameSlice)
if info != nil {
for name, v := range info {
res.List[name] = &v1.AdapterStream{
Src: v.Src,
RoomId: v.RoomID,
UpRank: v.UpRank,
SrcName: v.SrcName,
return &res, nil
// GetSrcByRoomID
func (s *server) GetSrcByRoomID(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetSrcByRoomIDReq) (*v1.GetSrcByRoomIDReply, error) {
rid := req.RoomId
resp := &v1.GetSrcByRoomIDReply{}
if rid <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_id is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
info, err := s.svr.GetSrcByRoomID(ctx, rid)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if info == nil || len(info) == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "获取线路失败").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res := &v1.GetSrcByRoomIDReply{
List: []*v1.RoomSrcCheck{},
for _, v := range info {
res.List = append(res.List, &v1.RoomSrcCheck{
Src: v.Src,
Checked: int32(v.Checked),
Desc: v.Desc,
return res, nil
// GetLineListByRoomID
func (s *server) GetLineListByRoomID(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetLineListByRoomIDReq) (*v1.GetLineListByRoomIDReply, error) {
resp := &v1.GetLineListByRoomIDReply{}
if req.RoomId <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_id is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
info, err := s.svr.GetLineListByRoomID(ctx, req.RoomId)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if info == nil || len(info) == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "获取线路失败").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res := &v1.GetLineListByRoomIDReply{
List: []*v1.LineList{},
for _, v := range info {
res.List = append(res.List, &v1.LineList{
Src: v.Src,
Use: v.Use,
Desc: v.Desc,
return res, nil
// GetUpStreamRtmp UpStream
func (s *server) GetUpStreamRtmp(ctx context.Context, req *v1.GetUpStreamRtmpReq) (*v1.GetUpStreamRtmpReply, error) {
resp := &v1.GetUpStreamRtmpReply{}
if req.RoomId == 0 || req.Platform == "" {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "some fields are empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if req.Ip == "" {
if cmd, ok := nmd.FromContext(ctx); ok {
if ip, ok := cmd[nmd.RemoteIP].(string); ok {
req.Ip = ip
info, err := s.svr.GetUpStreamRtmp(ctx, req.RoomId, req.FreeFlow, req.Ip, req.AreaId, int(req.Attentions), 0, req.Platform)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if info != nil {
resp.Up = &v1.UpStreamRtmp{
Addr: info.Addr,
Code: info.Code,
NewLink: info.NewLink,
return resp, nil
// StreamCut 切流的房间和时间, 内部调用
func (s *server) StreamCut(ctx context.Context, req *v1.StreamCutReq) (*v1.EmptyStruct, error) {
roomID := req.RoomId
cutTime := req.CutTime
resp := &v1.EmptyStruct{}
if roomID <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_ids is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
if cutTime == 0 {
cutTime = 1
s.svr.StreamCut(ctx, roomID, cutTime, 0)
return &v1.EmptyStruct{}, nil
// Ping Service
func (s *server) Ping(ctx context.Context, req *v1.PingReq) (*v1.PingReply, error) {
return &v1.PingReply{}, nil
// Close Service
func (s *server) Close(ctx context.Context, req *v1.CloseReq) (*v1.CloseReply, error) {
return &v1.CloseReply{}, nil
// ClearStreamStatus
func (s *server) ClearStreamStatus(ctx context.Context, req *v1.ClearStreamStatusReq) (*v1.EmptyStruct, error) {
rid := req.RoomId
resp := &v1.EmptyStruct{}
if rid <= 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_ids is not right").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
err := s.svr.ClearStreamStatus(ctx, rid)
if err != nil {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, err.Error()).WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
return &v1.EmptyStruct{}, nil
// CheckLiveStreamList
func (s *server) CheckLiveStreamList(ctx context.Context, req *v1.CheckLiveStreamReq) (*v1.CheckLiveStreamReply, error) {
resp := &v1.CheckLiveStreamReply{}
rids := req.RoomId
if len(rids) == 0 {
st, _ := ecode.Error(ecode.RequestErr, "room_ids is empty").WithDetails(resp)
return nil, st
res := s.svr.CheckLiveStreamList(ctx, rids)
resp.List = res
return resp, nil
// mockStream 模拟生成的流名
func mockStreamName(uid string) string {
num := rand.Int63n(88888888)
return fmt.Sprintf("live_%s_%d", uid, num+1111111)
// mockStreamKey 模拟生成的key
func mockStreamKey(uid string) string {
str := fmt.Sprintf("nvijqwopW1%s%d", uid, time.Now().Unix())
h := md5.New()
cipherStr := h.Sum(nil)
md5Str := hex.EncodeToString(cipherStr)
return md5Str
func middleware() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (resp interface{}, err error) {
resp, err = handler(ctx, req)
out := ""
if err != nil {
out = err.Error()
} else {
jo, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
out = string(jo)
// 记录调用方法
log.KV("path", info.FullMethod),
log.KV("caller", nmd.String(ctx, nmd.Caller)),
log.KV("input_params", fmt.Sprintf("%s", req)),
log.KV("output_data", out),