2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

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package service
import (
// StreamingNotify 开关播回调
func (s *Service) StreamingNotify(ctx context.Context, p *model.StreamingNotifyParam, open bool) error {
// 流鉴权
if open {
val := &ValidateParams{
StreamName: p.StreamName,
Type: p.Type,
Src: p.SRC,
_, err := s.CheckStreamValidate(ctx, val, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// 校验
rid, src, bs, streamInfo, err := s.checkNotifyParams(ctx, p, open)
if err != nil {
return err
if bs == nil { // 如果不是备用流
// 写库
if p.Type.String() == "1" {
if open {
err = s.dao.SetOriginStreamingStatus(ctx, rid, src, _originUpRankNothing, _originUpRankForwardStreaming)
} else {
err = s.dao.SetOriginStreamingStatus(ctx, rid, src, _originUpRankForwardStreaming, _originUpRankNothing)
if err != nil {
return err
// 更新redis
var forwardVendor int64
var sname string
var origin int64
var postInfo *model.StreamFullInfo
var options int64
var newoptions int64
infoLen := len(streamInfo.List)
if infoLen > 1 {
postInfo = streamInfo
if streamInfo != nil && infoLen > 0 {
for _, v := range streamInfo.List {
if v.Type == 1 {
origin = v.Origin
sname = v.StreamName
options = v.Options
for _, k := range v.Forward {
forwardVendor += k
// 获取数据失败或者其他情况,直接删除缓存
if sname == "" {
s.dao.DeleteStreamByRIDFromCache(ctx, rid)
} else {
// 过渡接口 后续和main-stream保存一致
vendor := common.SrcMapBitwise[int8(src)]
if open {
newoptions = options
if 2&options == 2 {
// 主推
if p.Type.String() == "0" {
s.dao.UpdateStreamStatusCache(ctx, &model.StreamStatus{
RoomID: rid,
StreamName: sname,
OriginChange: true,
Origin: vendor,
// 解决并发问题
go func(ctx context.Context, rid int64) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
s.dao.DeleteStreamByRIDFromCache(ctx, rid)
}(metadata.WithContext(ctx), rid)
if postInfo != nil {
for _, v := range postInfo.List {
if v.StreamName == sname {
v.Origin = vendor
} else {
s.dao.UpdateStreamStatusCache(ctx, &model.StreamStatus{
RoomID: rid,
StreamName: sname,
Forward: (forwardVendor | vendor),
ForwardChange: true,
if postInfo != nil {
for _, v := range postInfo.List {
if v.StreamName == sname {
v.Forward = append(v.Forward, vendor)
} else {
//关播回调 wmask mmask 第三位第四位都要清零 12 = 00001100
newoptions = options &^ 4
newoptions = newoptions &^ 8
if p.Type.String() == "0" {
// 关播需要判断是否为当前的流才可以更新
if origin == common.SrcMapBitwise[int8(src)] {
s.dao.UpdateStreamStatusCache(ctx, &model.StreamStatus{
RoomID: rid,
StreamName: sname,
Origin: 0,
OriginChange: true,
Forward: 0,
ForwardChange: true,
Options: newoptions,
OptionsChange: true,
if postInfo != nil {
for _, v := range postInfo.List {
if v.StreamName == sname {
v.Origin = 0
v.Forward = []int64{}
} else {
s.dao.UpdateStreamStatusCache(ctx, &model.StreamStatus{
RoomID: rid,
StreamName: sname,
Forward: (forwardVendor &^ vendor),
ForwardChange: true,
if postInfo != nil {
for _, v := range postInfo.List {
if v.StreamName == sname {
// 去除
forwards := []int64{}
for _, f := range v.Forward {
if f != vendor {
forwards = append(forwards, f)
v.Forward = forwards
//log.Warn("%v", postInfo)
// 同步数据
go func(ctx context.Context, roomID int64, legacySrc int8, isOpen bool, isOrigin bool, postInfo *model.StreamFullInfo, options int64, newoptions int64) {
if postInfo != nil {
s.updateLiveUpStream(ctx, postInfo)
s.syncMainStream(ctx, roomID, "")
if vendor, ok := common.SrcMapBitwise[legacySrc]; ok {
s.dao.MainStreamNotify(ctx, roomID, vendor, isOpen, isOrigin, options, newoptions)
}(metadata.WithContext(ctx), rid, int8(src), open, p.Type.String() == "0", postInfo, options, newoptions)
} else { // 如果是备用流
bs, err = s.dao.SetBackupStreamStreamingStatus(ctx, p, bs, open)
if err != nil {
return err
// 开播&主推
if open && p.Type.String() == "0" {
// 解决并发问题
go func(ctx context.Context, rid int64) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
s.dao.DeleteStreamByRIDFromCache(ctx, rid)
}(metadata.WithContext(ctx), rid)
// 已经封装好的bs
s.dao.UpdateStreamStatusCache(ctx, &model.StreamStatus{
RoomID: bs.RoomID,
StreamName: bs.StreamName,
ForwardChange: true,
Forward: bs.Streaming &^ bs.OriginUpstream,
OriginChange: true,
Origin: bs.OriginUpstream,
m, err := s.GetStreamInfoByRIDMapSrcFromDB(ctx, bs.RoomID)
if err == nil {
go s.updateLiveUpStream(metadata.WithContext(ctx), m)
// 广播(如果有), 无论主流还是备用流均发广播
if open && p.Type.String() == "0" {
body := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"cmd":"LIVE", "roomid":"%d"}`, rid))
log.Info("%+v", string(body))
q := make(url.Values)
q.Set("ensure", "0")
q.Set("cid", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rid))
err := s.dao.NewRequst(ctx, http.MethodPost, "", q, body, nil, nil)
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("body", string(body)), log.KV("type", "notify DM"))
if err != nil {
log.Errorv(ctx, log.KV("err", err), log.KV("type", "notify DM"))
return nil
func (s *Service) checkNotifyParams(ctx context.Context, p *model.StreamingNotifyParam, open bool) (int64, int, *model.BackupStream, *model.StreamFullInfo, error) {
ts, _ := p.TS.Int64()
if p == nil || p.StreamName == "" || p.SRC == "" || ts == 0 {
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid params")
t, err := p.Type.Int64()
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid typeof type ")
if time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(ts, 0)) > time.Minute*30 {
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("ts expired")
// sign
if salt, ok := CDNSalt[p.SRC]; ok {
uri := "/live_stream/v1/StreamThird/close_notify"
if open {
uri = "/live_stream/v1/StreamThird/open_notify"
h := md5.New()
h.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", salt, uri, p.TS.String())))
log.Warn("sign = %v", hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))
if p.Sign != hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) {
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid sign")
} else {
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid src")
if bitwise, ok := common.CdnBitwiseMap[p.SRC]; ok {
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("bitwise", bitwise), log.KV("t", t))
info, _ := s.dao.StreamFullInfo(ctx, 0, p.StreamName)
if info != nil && info.List != nil {
for _, row := range info.List {
if row.StreamName != p.StreamName {
// 只有主流需要校验推流逻辑,
if row.Type == 1 && ((t == 0 && row.DefaultUpStream == bitwise) || (t == 1 && row.DefaultUpStream != bitwise)) {
return info.RoomID, int(common.BitwiseMapSrc[bitwise]), nil, info, nil
if row.Type == 2 {
bs, err := s.dao.GetBackupStreamByStreamName(ctx, p.StreamName)
if err != nil {
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("query_backup_stream_with_err", err))
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid stream name")
if bs != nil && bs.RoomID != 0 {
return bs.RoomID, 0, bs, nil, nil
return 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("invalid type")
// updateLiveUpStream 更新playurl缓存
func (s *Service) updateLiveUpStream(ctx context.Context, m *model.StreamFullInfo) {
b, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err == nil {
h := map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/json"}
log.Infov(ctx, log.KV("body", string(b)), log.KV("type", "notify playurl"))
err := s.dao.NewRequst(ctx, http.MethodPost, "", nil, b, h, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Errorv(ctx, log.KV("err", err), log.KV("type", "notify playurl"))