2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

518 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
var (
encode = flag.String("encode", "", "encode type: json/pb/raw/gob/gzip")
mcType = flag.String("type", "", "type: get/set/del/replace/only_add")
key = flag.String("key", "", "key name method")
expire = flag.String("expire", "", "expire time code")
batchSize = flag.Int("batch", 0, "batch size")
batchErr = flag.String("batch_err", "break", "batch err to contine or break")
maxGroup = flag.Int("max_group", 0, "max group size")
mcValidTypes = []string{"set", "replace", "del", "get", "only_add"}
mcValidPrefix = []string{"set", "replace", "del", "get", "cache", "add"}
optionNamesMap = map[string]bool{"batch": true, "max_group": true, "encode": true, "type": true, "key": true, "expire": true, "batch_err": true}
simpleTypes = []string{"int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float32", "float64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "bool", "string", "[]byte"}
lenTypes = []string{"[]", "map"}
const (
_interfaceName = "_mc"
_multiTpl = 1
_singleTpl = 2
_noneTpl = 3
_typeGet = "get"
_typeSet = "set"
_typeDel = "del"
_typeReplace = "replace"
_typeAdd = "only_add"
func resetFlag() {
*encode = ""
*mcType = ""
*batchSize = 0
*maxGroup = 0
*batchErr = "break"
// options options
type options struct {
name string
keyType string
ValueType string
template int
SimpleValue bool
// int float 类型
GetSimpleValue bool
// string, []byte类型
GetDirectValue bool
ConvertValue2Bytes string
ConvertBytes2Value string
GoValue bool
ImportPackage string
importPackages []string
Args string
PkgName string
ExtraArgsType string
ExtraArgs string
MCType string
KeyMethod string
ExpireCode string
Encode string
UseMemcached bool
InitValue bool
OriginValueType string
UseStrConv bool
Comment string
GroupSize int
MaxGroup int
EnableBatch bool
BatchErrBreak bool
LenType bool
PointType bool
func parse(s *common.Source) (opts []*options) {
f := s.F
fset := s.Fset
src := s.Src
c := f.Scope.Lookup(_interfaceName)
if (c == nil) || (c.Kind != ast.Typ) {
lines := strings.Split(src, "\n")
lists := c.Decl.(*ast.TypeSpec).Type.(*ast.InterfaceType).Methods.List
for _, list := range lists {
opt := options{Args: s.GetDef(_interfaceName), UseMemcached: true, importPackages: s.Packages(list)} = list.Names[0].Name
opt.KeyMethod = "key" +
opt.ExpireCode = "" + + "Expire"
// get comment
line := fset.Position(list.Pos()).Line - 3
if len(lines)-1 >= line {
comment := lines[line]
opt.Comment = common.RegexpReplace(`\s+//(?P<name>.+)`, comment, "$name")
opt.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(opt.Comment)
// get options
line = fset.Position(list.Pos()).Line - 2
comment := lines[line]
os.Args = []string{os.Args[0]}
if regexp.MustCompile(`\s+//\s*mc:.+`).Match([]byte(comment)) {
args := strings.Split(common.RegexpReplace(`//\s*mc:(?P<arg>.+)`, comment, "$arg"), " ")
for _, arg := range args {
arg = strings.TrimSpace(arg)
if arg != "" {
// validate option name
argName := common.RegexpReplace(`-(?P<name>[\w_-]+)=.+`, arg, "$name")
if !optionNamesMap[argName] {
log.Fatalf("选项:%s 不存在 请检查拼写\n", argName)
os.Args = append(os.Args, arg)
if *mcType != "" {
opt.MCType = *mcType
if *key != "" {
opt.KeyMethod = *key
if *expire != "" {
opt.ExpireCode = *expire
opt.EnableBatch = (*batchSize != 0) && (*maxGroup != 0)
opt.BatchErrBreak = *batchErr == "break"
opt.GroupSize = *batchSize
opt.MaxGroup = *maxGroup
// get type from prefix
if opt.MCType == "" {
for _, t := range mcValidPrefix {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(, t) {
if t == "add" {
t = _typeSet
opt.MCType = t
if opt.MCType == "" {
log.Fatalln( + "请指定方法类型(type=get/set/del...)")
if opt.MCType == "cache" {
opt.MCType = _typeGet
params := list.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Params.List
if len(params) == 0 {
log.Fatalln( + "参数不足")
if s.ExprString(params[0].Type) != "context.Context" {
log.Fatalln( + "第一个参数必须为context")
for _, param := range params {
if len(param.Names) > 1 {
log.Fatalln( + "不支持省略类型")
// get template
if len(params) == 1 {
opt.template = _noneTpl
} else if (len(params) == 2) && (opt.MCType == _typeSet || opt.MCType == _typeAdd || opt.MCType == _typeReplace) {
if _, ok := params[1].Type.(*ast.MapType); ok {
opt.template = _multiTpl
} else {
opt.template = _noneTpl
} else {
if _, ok := params[1].Type.(*ast.ArrayType); ok {
opt.template = _multiTpl
} else {
opt.template = _singleTpl
// extra args
if len(params) > 2 {
args := []string{""}
allArgs := []string{""}
var pos = 2
if (opt.MCType == _typeAdd) || (opt.MCType == _typeSet) || (opt.MCType == _typeReplace) {
pos = 3
for _, pa := range params[pos:] {
paType := s.ExprString(pa.Type)
if len(pa.Names) == 0 {
args = append(args, paType)
allArgs = append(allArgs, paType)
var names []string
for _, name := range pa.Names {
names = append(names, name.Name)
allArgs = append(allArgs, strings.Join(names, ",")+" "+paType)
args = append(args, strings.Join(names, ","))
if len(args) > 1 {
opt.ExtraArgs = strings.Join(args, ",")
opt.ExtraArgsType = strings.Join(allArgs, ",")
// get k v from results
results := list.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Results.List
if s.ExprString(results[len(results)-1].Type) != "error" {
for _, res := range results {
if len(res.Names) > 1 {
log.Fatalln( + "返回值不支持省略类型")
if opt.MCType == _typeGet {
if len(results) != 2 {
// get key type and value type
if (opt.MCType == _typeAdd) || (opt.MCType == _typeSet) || (opt.MCType == _typeReplace) {
if opt.template == _multiTpl {
p, ok := params[1].Type.(*ast.MapType)
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("%s: 参数类型错误 批量设置数据时类型需为map类型\n",
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(p.Key)
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(p.Value)
} else if opt.template == _singleTpl {
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(params[1].Type)
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(params[2].Type)
} else {
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(params[1].Type)
if opt.MCType == _typeGet {
if opt.template == _multiTpl {
if p, ok := results[0].Type.(*ast.MapType); ok {
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(p.Key)
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(p.Value)
} else {
log.Fatalf("%s: 返回值类型错误 批量获取数据时返回值需为map类型\n",
} else if opt.template == _singleTpl {
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(params[1].Type)
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(results[0].Type)
} else {
opt.ValueType = s.ExprString(results[0].Type)
if opt.MCType == _typeDel {
if opt.template == _multiTpl {
p, ok := params[1].Type.(*ast.ArrayType)
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("%s: 类型错误 参数需为[]类型\n",
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(p.Elt)
} else if opt.template == _singleTpl {
opt.keyType = s.ExprString(params[1].Type)
for _, t := range simpleTypes {
if t == opt.ValueType {
opt.SimpleValue = true
opt.GetSimpleValue = true
opt.ConvertValue2Bytes = convertValue2Bytes(t)
opt.ConvertBytes2Value = convertBytes2Value(t)
if opt.ValueType == "string" {
opt.LenType = true
} else {
for _, t := range lenTypes {
if strings.HasPrefix(opt.ValueType, t) {
opt.LenType = true
if opt.SimpleValue && (opt.ValueType == "[]byte" || opt.ValueType == "string") {
opt.GetSimpleValue = false
opt.GetDirectValue = true
if opt.MCType == _typeGet && opt.template == _multiTpl {
opt.UseMemcached = false
if strings.HasPrefix(opt.ValueType, "*") {
opt.InitValue = true
opt.PointType = true
opt.OriginValueType = strings.Replace(opt.ValueType, "*", "", 1)
} else {
opt.OriginValueType = opt.ValueType
if *encode != "" {
var flags []string
for _, f := range strings.Split(*encode, "|") {
switch f {
case "gob":
flags = append(flags, "memcache.FlagGOB")
case "json":
flags = append(flags, "memcache.FlagJSON")
case "raw":
flags = append(flags, "memcache.FlagRAW")
case "pb":
flags = append(flags, "memcache.FlagProtobuf")
case "gzip":
flags = append(flags, "memcache.FlagGzip")
log.Fatalf("%s: encode类型无效\n",
opt.Encode = strings.Join(flags, " | ")
} else {
if opt.SimpleValue {
opt.Encode = "memcache.FlagRAW"
} else {
opt.Encode = "memcache.FlagJSON"
opts = append(opts, &opt)
func (option *options) Check() {
var valid bool
for _, x := range mcValidTypes {
if x == option.MCType {
valid = true
if !valid {
log.Fatalf("%s: 类型错误 不支持%s类型\n",, option.MCType)
if (option.MCType != _typeDel) && !option.SimpleValue && !strings.Contains(option.ValueType, "*") && !strings.Contains(option.ValueType, "[]") && !strings.Contains(option.ValueType, "map") {
log.Fatalf("%s: 值类型只能为基本类型/slice/map/指针类型\n",
func genHeader(opts []*options) (src string) {
option := options{PkgName: os.Getenv("GOPACKAGE"), UseMemcached: false}
var packages []string
packagesMap := map[string]bool{`"context"`: true}
for _, opt := range opts {
if len(opt.importPackages) > 0 {
for _, pkg := range opt.importPackages {
if !packagesMap[pkg] {
packages = append(packages, pkg)
packagesMap[pkg] = true
if opt.Args != "" {
option.Args = opt.Args
if opt.UseMemcached {
option.UseMemcached = true
if opt.SimpleValue && !opt.GetDirectValue {
option.UseStrConv = true
if opt.EnableBatch {
option.EnableBatch = true
option.ImportPackage = strings.Join(packages, "\n")
src = _headerTemplate
t := template.Must(template.New("header").Parse(src))
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := t.Execute(&buffer, option)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("execute template: %s", err)
// Format the output.
src = strings.Replace(buffer.String(), "\t", "", -1)
src = regexp.MustCompile("\n+").ReplaceAllString(src, "\n")
src = strings.Replace(src, "NEWLINE", "", -1)
src = strings.Replace(src, "ARGS", option.Args, -1)
func genBody(opts []*options) (res string) {
for _, option := range opts {
var src string
if option.template == _multiTpl {
switch option.MCType {
case _typeGet:
src = _multiGetTemplate
case _typeSet:
src = _multiSetTemplate
case _typeReplace:
src = _multiReplaceTemplate
case _typeDel:
src = _multiDelTemplate
case _typeAdd:
src = _multiAddTemplate
} else if option.template == _singleTpl {
switch option.MCType {
case _typeGet:
src = _singleGetTemplate
case _typeSet:
src = _singleSetTemplate
case _typeReplace:
src = _singleReplaceTemplate
case _typeDel:
src = _singleDelTemplate
case _typeAdd:
src = _singleAddTemplate
} else {
switch option.MCType {
case _typeGet:
src = _noneGetTemplate
case _typeSet:
src = _noneSetTemplate
case _typeReplace:
src = _noneReplaceTemplate
case _typeDel:
src = _noneDelTemplate
case _typeAdd:
src = _noneAddTemplate
src = strings.Replace(src, "KEY", option.keyType, -1)
src = strings.Replace(src, "NAME",, -1)
src = strings.Replace(src, "VALUE", option.ValueType, -1)
src = strings.Replace(src, "GROUPSIZE", strconv.Itoa(option.GroupSize), -1)
src = strings.Replace(src, "MAXGROUP", strconv.Itoa(option.MaxGroup), -1)
t := template.Must(template.New("cache").Parse(src))
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := t.Execute(&buffer, option)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("execute template: %s", err)
// Format the output.
src = strings.Replace(buffer.String(), "\t", "", -1)
src = regexp.MustCompile("\n+").ReplaceAllString(src, "\n")
res = res + "\n" + src
func main() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("程序解析失败, err: %+v 请企业微信联系 @wangxu01", err)
options := parse(common.NewSource(common.SourceText()))
header := genHeader(options)
body := genBody(options)
code := common.FormatCode(header + "\n" + body)
// Write to file.
dir := filepath.Dir(".")
outputName := filepath.Join(dir, "mc.cache.go")
err := ioutil.WriteFile(outputName, []byte(code), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("写入文件失败: %s", err)
log.Println("mc.cache.go: 生成成功")
func convertValue2Bytes(t string) string {
switch t {
case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
return "[]byte(strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))"
case "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64":
return "[]byte(strconv.FormatUInt(val, 10))"
case "bool":
return "[]byte(strconv.FormatBool(val))"
case "float32":
return "[]byte(strconv.FormatFloat(val, 'E', -1, 32))"
case "float64":
return "[]byte(strconv.FormatFloat(val, 'E', -1, 64))"
case "string":
return "[]byte(val)"
case "[]byte":
return "val"
return ""
func convertBytes2Value(t string) string {
switch t {
case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
return "strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)"
case "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64":
return "strconv.ParseUInt(v, 10, 64)"
case "bool":
return "strconv.ParseBool(v)"
case "float32":
return "float32(strconv.ParseFloat(v, 32))"
case "float64":
return "strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)"
return ""