2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

444 lines
12 KiB

package parser_test
import (
func TestRecursive(t *testing.T) {
d := args.Default()
d.InputDirs = []string{"go-common/app/tool/gengo/testdata/a/..."}
b, err := d.NewBuilder()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail making builder: %v", err)
_, err = b.FindTypes()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail finding types: %v", err)
foundB := false
for _, p := range b.FindPackages() {
t.Logf("Package: %v", p)
if p == "go-common/app/tool/gengo/testdata/a/b" {
foundB = true
if !foundB {
t.Errorf("Expected to find packages a and b")
type file struct {
path string
contents string
// Pass files in topological order - deps first!
func construct(t *testing.T, files []file, testNamer namer.Namer) (*parser.Builder, types.Universe, []*types.Type) {
b := parser.New()
for _, f := range files {
if err := b.AddFileForTest(path.Dir(f.path), filepath.FromSlash(f.path), []byte(f.contents)); err != nil {
u, err := b.FindTypes()
if err != nil {
orderer := namer.Orderer{Namer: testNamer}
o := orderer.OrderUniverse(u)
return b, u, o
func TestBuilder(t *testing.T) {
var testFiles = []file{
path: "base/common/proto/common.go", contents: `
package common
type Object struct {
ID int64
}, {
path: "base/foo/proto/foo.go", contents: `
package foo
import (
type Blah struct {
Count int64
Frobbers map[string]*Frobber
Baz []Object
Nickname *string
NumberIsAFavorite map[int]bool
type Frobber struct {
Name string
Amount int64
type Object struct {
func AFunc(obj1 common.Object, obj2 Object) Frobber {
var AVar Frobber
var (
AnotherVar = Frobber{}
var tmplText = `
package o
{{define "Struct"}}type {{Name .}} interface { {{range $m := .Members}}{{$n := Name $m.Type}}
{{if $m.Embedded}}{{$n}}{{else}}{{$m.Name}}() {{$n}}{{if $m.Type.Elem}}{{else}}
{{define "Func"}}{{$s := .Underlying.Signature}}var {{Name .}} func({{range $index,$elem := $s.Parameters}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{Raw $elem}}{{end}}) {{if $s.Results|len |gt 1}}({{end}}{{range $index,$elem := $s.Results}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{Raw .}}{{end}}{{if $s.Results|len |gt 1}}){{end}} = {{Raw .}}
{{define "Var"}}{{$t := .Underlying}}var {{Name .}} {{Raw $t}} = {{Raw .}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "Struct"}}{{template "Struct" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "DeclarationOf"}}{{if eq $t.Underlying.Kind "Func"}}{{template "Func" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "DeclarationOf"}}{{if ne $t.Underlying.Kind "Func"}}{{template "Var" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}`
var expect = `
package o
type CommonObject interface {
ID() Int64
type FooBlah interface {
Count() Int64
Frobbers() MapStringToPointerFooFrobber
Baz() SliceFooObject
Nickname() PointerString
NumberIsAFavorite() MapIntToBool
type FooFrobber interface {
Name() String
Amount() Int64
type FooObject interface {
var FooAFunc func(proto.Object, proto.Object) proto.Frobber = proto.AFunc
var FooAVar proto.Frobber = proto.AVar
var FooAnotherVar proto.Frobber = proto.AnotherVar
testNamer := namer.NewPublicNamer(1, "proto")
rawNamer := namer.NewRawNamer("o", nil)
_, u, o := construct(t, testFiles, testNamer)
t.Logf("\n%v\n\n", o)
args := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": testNamer.Name,
"Raw": rawNamer.Name,
tmpl := template.Must(
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
tmpl.Execute(buf, o)
if e, a := expect, buf.String(); e != a {
t.Errorf("Wanted, got:\n%v\n-----\n%v\n", e, a)
if p := u.Package("base/foo/proto"); !p.HasImport("base/common/proto") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected lack of import line: %s", p.Imports)
func TestStructParse(t *testing.T) {
var structTest = file{
path: "base/foo/proto/foo.go",
contents: `
package foo
// Blah is a test.
// A test, I tell you.
type Blah struct {
// A is the first field.
A int64 ` + "`" + `json:"a"` + "`" + `
// B is the second field.
// Multiline comments work.
B string ` + "`" + `json:"b"` + "`" + `
_, u, o := construct(t, []file{structTest}, namer.NewPublicNamer(0))
t.Logf("%#v", o)
blahT := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "base/foo/proto", Name: "Blah"})
if blahT == nil {
t.Fatal("type not found")
if e, a := types.Struct, blahT.Kind; e != a {
t.Errorf("struct kind wrong, wanted %v, got %v", e, a)
if e, a := []string{"Blah is a test.", "A test, I tell you."}, blahT.CommentLines; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("struct comment wrong, wanted %q, got %q", e, a)
m := types.Member{
Name: "B",
Embedded: false,
CommentLines: []string{"B is the second field.", "Multiline comments work."},
Tags: `json:"b"`,
Type: types.String,
if e, a := m, blahT.Members[1]; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("wanted, got:\n%#v\n%#v", e, a)
func TestParseSecondClosestCommentLines(t *testing.T) {
const fileName = "base/foo/proto/foo.go"
testCases := []struct {
testFile file
expected []string
testFile: file{
path: fileName, contents: `
package foo
// Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.
// Another line.
// Blah is a test.
// A test, I tell you.
type Blah struct {
a int
expected: []string{"Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.", "Another line."},
testFile: file{
path: fileName, contents: `
package foo
// Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.
// Another line.
type Blah struct {
a int
expected: []string{"Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.", "Another line."},
for _, test := range testCases {
_, u, o := construct(t, []file{test.testFile}, namer.NewPublicNamer(0))
t.Logf("%#v", o)
blahT := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "base/foo/proto", Name: "Blah"})
if e, a := test.expected, blahT.SecondClosestCommentLines; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("struct second closest comment wrong, wanted %q, got %q", e, a)
func TestTypeKindParse(t *testing.T) {
var testFiles = []file{
{path: "a/foo.go", contents: "package a\ntype Test string\n"},
{path: "b/foo.go", contents: "package b\ntype Test map[int]string\n"},
{path: "c/foo.go", contents: "package c\ntype Test []string\n"},
{path: "d/foo.go", contents: "package d\ntype Test struct{a int; b struct{a int}; c map[int]string; d *string}\n"},
{path: "e/foo.go", contents: "package e\ntype Test *string\n"},
{path: "f/foo.go", contents: `
package f
import (
type Test []a.Test
type Test2 *a.Test
type Test3 map[a.Test]b.Test
type Test4 struct {
a struct {a a.Test; b b.Test}
b map[a.Test]b.Test
c *a.Test
d []a.Test
e []string
{path: "g/foo.go", contents: `
package g
type Test func(a, b string) (c, d string)
func (t Test) Method(a, b string) (c, d string) { return t(a, b) }
type Interface interface{Method(a, b string) (c, d string)}
// Check that the right types are found, and the namers give the expected names.
assertions := []struct {
Package, Name string
k types.Kind
names []string
Package: "a", Name: "Test", k: types.Alias,
names: []string{"Test", "ATest", "test", "aTest", "a.Test"},
Package: "b", Name: "Test", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"Test", "BTest", "test", "bTest", "b.Test"},
Package: "c", Name: "Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"Test", "CTest", "test", "cTest", "c.Test"},
Package: "d", Name: "Test", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"Test", "DTest", "test", "dTest", "d.Test"},
Package: "e", Name: "Test", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"Test", "ETest", "test", "eTest", "e.Test"},
Package: "f", Name: "Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"Test", "FTest", "test", "fTest", "f.Test"},
Package: "g", Name: "Test", k: types.Func,
names: []string{"Test", "GTest", "test", "gTest", "g.Test"},
Package: "g", Name: "Interface", k: types.Interface,
names: []string{"Interface", "GInterface", "interface", "gInterface", "g.Interface"},
Package: "", Name: "string", k: types.Builtin,
names: []string{"String", "String", "string", "string", "string"},
Package: "", Name: "int", k: types.Builtin,
names: []string{"Int", "Int", "int", "int", "int"},
Package: "", Name: "struct{a int}", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"StructInt", "StructInt", "structInt", "structInt", "struct{a int}"},
Package: "", Name: "struct{a a.Test; b b.Test}", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"StructTestTest", "StructATestBTest", "structTestTest", "structATestBTest", "struct{a a.Test; b b.Test}"},
Package: "", Name: "map[int]string", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"MapIntToString", "MapIntToString", "mapIntToString", "mapIntToString", "map[int]string"},
Package: "", Name: "map[a.Test]b.Test", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"MapTestToTest", "MapATestToBTest", "mapTestToTest", "mapATestToBTest", "map[a.Test]b.Test"},
Package: "", Name: "[]string", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"SliceString", "SliceString", "sliceString", "sliceString", "[]string"},
Package: "", Name: "[]a.Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"SliceTest", "SliceATest", "sliceTest", "sliceATest", "[]a.Test"},
Package: "", Name: "*string", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"PointerString", "PointerString", "pointerString", "pointerString", "*string"},
Package: "", Name: "*a.Test", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"PointerTest", "PointerATest", "pointerTest", "pointerATest", "*a.Test"},
namers := []namer.Namer{
namer.NewRawNamer("", nil),
for nameIndex, namer := range namers {
_, u, _ := construct(t, testFiles, namer)
t.Logf("Found types:\n")
for pkgName, pkg := range u {
for typeName, cur := range pkg.Types {
t.Logf("%q-%q: %s %s", pkgName, typeName, cur.Name, cur.Kind)
for _, item := range assertions {
n := types.Name{Package: item.Package, Name: item.Name}
thisType := u.Type(n)
if thisType == nil {
t.Errorf("type %s not found", n)
underlyingType := thisType
if item.k != types.Alias && thisType.Kind == types.Alias {
underlyingType = thisType.Underlying
if underlyingType == nil {
t.Errorf("underlying type %s not found", n)
if e, a := item.k, underlyingType.Kind; e != a {
t.Errorf("%v-%s: type kind wrong, wanted %v, got %v (%#v)", nameIndex, n, e, a, underlyingType)
if e, a := item.names[nameIndex], namer.Name(thisType); e != a {
t.Errorf("%v-%s: Expected %q, got %q", nameIndex, n, e, a)
// Also do some one-off checks
gtest := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "g", Name: "Test"})
if e, a := 1, len(gtest.Methods); e != a {
t.Errorf("expected %v but found %v methods: %#v", e, a, gtest)
iface := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "g", Name: "Interface"})
if e, a := 1, len(iface.Methods); e != a {
t.Errorf("expected %v but found %v methods: %#v", e, a, iface)