2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

76 lines
2.2 KiB

package http
import (
func TestHttpGetRole(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
bid = int64(0)
uid = int64(0)
convey.Convey("GetRole", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
httpMock("GET", d.c.Host.Manager+_getRole).Reply(200).JSON(`{"code":0,"data":[{"id":0}]}`)
roles, err := d.GetRole(c, bid, uid)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.roles should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(roles, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestHttpGetUserRoles(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
convey.Convey("GetUserRoles", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
httpMock("GET", d.c.Host.Manager+_getRoles).Reply(200).JSON(`{"code":0,"data":[{"id":0}]}`)
roles, err := d.GetUserRoles(c, 421)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.roles should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(roles, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestHttpGetUnames(t *testing.T) {
var (
c = context.TODO()
uids = []int64{421}
convey.Convey("GetUnames", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
httpMock("GET", d.c.Host.Manager+_getUname).Reply(200).JSON(`{"code":0,"data":{"421":"丝瓜"}}`)
unames, err := d.GetUnames(c, uids)
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.unames should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(unames, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestHttpGetUIDs(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("GetUIDs", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
httpMock("GET", d.c.Host.Manager+_getUIDs).Reply(200).JSON(`{"code":0,"data":{"cxf":481}}`)
uids, err := d.GetUIDs(cntx, "cxf")
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.unames should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(uids, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestHttpGetUdepartment(t *testing.T) {
convey.Convey("GetUdepartment", t, func(ctx convey.C) {
httpMock("GET", d.c.Host.Manager+_getUdepartment).Reply(200).JSON(`{"code":0,"data":{"481":"CTO"}}`)
depart, err := d.GetUdepartment(cntx, []int64{481})
ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.unames should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) {
ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil)
ctx.So(depart, convey.ShouldNotBeNil)