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package model
import (
// const const var
const (
// up主操作
StatUpperInit = int8(0) // up主未处理
StatUpperIgnore = int8(1) // up主已忽略
StatUpperDelete = int8(2) // up主已删除
// 管理员操作
StatFirstInit = int8(0) // 待一审
StatFirstDelete = int8(1) // 一审删除
StatSecondInit = int8(2) // 待二审
StatSecondDelete = int8(3) // 二审删除
StatSecondIgnore = int8(4) // 二审忽略
StatFirstIgnore = int8(5) // 一审忽略
StatSecondAutoDelete = int8(6) // 二审脚本删除
StatJudgeInit = int8(7) // 风纪委待审(二审)
StatJudgeDelete = int8(8) // 风纪委删除(二审)
StatJudgeIgnore = int8(9) // 风纪委忽略(二审)
// 处理结果通知
NoticeUnsend = int8(0) // 未通知用户
NoticeSend = int8(1) // 已通知用户
// 举报通知状态
NoticeReporter = int8(1)
NoticePoster = int8(2)
NoticeAll = int8(3)
// 举报原因
ReportReasonProhibited = int8(1) // 违禁
ReportReasonPorn = int8(2) // 色情
RptReasonFraud = int8(3) // 赌博诈骗
ReportReasonAttack = int8(4) // 人身攻击
ReportReasonPrivate = int8(5) // 隐私
ReportReasonAd = int8(6) // 广告
ReportReasonWar = int8(7) // 引战
ReportReasonSpoiler = int8(8) // 剧透
ReportReasonMeaningless = int8(9) // 刷屏
ReportReasonUnrelated = int8(10) // 视频不相关
ReportReasonOther = int8(11) // 其他
ReportReasonTeenagers = int8(12) // 青少年不良信息
// var const map
var (
RptTemplate = map[string]string{
"del": `您好,您在视频#{%s}{""}中举报的弹幕『%s』已被删除%s原因是『%s』感谢您对bilibili社区秩序的维护哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~`,
"ignore": `您好,非常感谢您的举报,您在视频#{%s}{""}中举报的弹幕『%s』暂未认定为违规内容具体弹幕规范烦请参阅 #{《弹幕礼仪》}{""},哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~`,
PostTemplate = map[int8]string{
1: `您好,根据用户举报,您在视频#{%s}{""}中的弹幕『%s』已被删除%s原因是『%s』请自觉遵守国家相关法律法规具体弹幕规范烦请参阅#{《弹幕礼仪》}{""}bilibili良好的社区氛围需要大家一起维护`,
2: `您好,根据用户举报,您在视频#{%s}{""}中的弹幕『%s』已被删除%s原因是『%s』bilibili倡导平等友善的交流具体弹幕规范烦请参阅#{《弹幕礼仪》}{""},良好的社区氛围需要大家一起维护!`,
3: `您好,根据用户举报,您在视频#{%s}{""}中的弹幕『%s』已被删除%s原因是『%s』弹幕是公众场所而非私人场所具体弹幕规范烦请参阅#{《弹幕礼仪》}{""},良好的社区氛围需要大家一起维护!`,
4: `您好,根据用户举报,您在视频#{%s}{""}中的弹幕『%s』已被删除%s原因是『%s』bilibili倡导发送与视频相关、有用的弹幕具体弹幕规范烦请参阅#{《弹幕礼仪》}{""},良好的社区氛围需要大家一起维护!`,
AdminRptReason = map[int8]string{
1: "内容涉及传播不实信息",
2: "内容涉及非法网站信息",
3: "内容涉及怂恿教唆信息",
4: "内容涉及低俗信息",
5: "内容涉及色情",
6: "内容涉及赌博诈骗信息",
7: "内容涉及人身攻击",
8: "内容涉及侵犯他人隐私",
9: "内容涉及垃圾广告",
10: "内容涉及引战",
11: "内容涉及视频剧透",
12: "恶意刷屏",
13: "视频不相关",
14: "其他",
15: "内容涉及违禁相关",
16: "内容不适宜",
17: "内容涉及青少年不良信息",
BlockReason = map[int8]string{
4: "发布赌博诈骗信息",
5: "发布违禁相关信息",
6: "发布垃圾广告信息",
7: "发布人身攻击言论",
8: "发布侵犯他人隐私信息",
9: "发布引战言论",
10: "发布剧透信息",
13: "发布色情信息",
14: "发布低俗信息",
17: "发布非法网站信息",
18: "发布传播不实信息",
19: "发布怂恿教唆信息",
20: "恶意刷屏",
24: "发布青少年不良内容",
// ReportListParams .
type ReportListParams struct {
States []int64 `form:"state,split"`
UpOps []int64 `form:"upop,split"`
Tids []int64 `form:"tid,split"`
Aid int64 `form:"aid"`
Cid int64 `form:"cid"`
UID int64 `form:"uid"`
RpUID int64 `form:"rp_user"`
RpTypes []int64 `form:"rp_type,split"`
Start string `form:"start"`
End string `form:"end"`
Sort string `form:"sort"`
Order string `form:"order"`
Keyword string `form:"keyword"`
Page int32 `form:"page" default:"1"`
PageSize int32 `form:"page_size" default:"100" validate:"max=1000"`
// Report dm report struct.
type Report struct {
DidStr string `json:"dmid_str"` // str id
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Did int64 `json:"dmid"` // 弹幕id
Cid int64 `json:"cid"` // 视频的id
Aid int64 `json:"arc_aid"` // 稿件的id
Tid int64 `json:"arc_typeid"` // 稿件的分区id
UID int64 `json:"dm_owner_uid"` // 弹幕发送者的uid
Msg string `json:"dm_msg"` // 弹幕内容
Count int64 `json:"count"` // 被举报次数
Content string `json:"content"` // 举报内容:只有类别其他才有值
UpOP int8 `json:"up_op"` // up主操作状态
State int8 `json:"state"` // 举报状态
RpUID int64 `json:"uid"` // 最后一个举报用户id
RpTime string `json:"rp_time"` // 举报时间
RpType int64 `json:"reason"` // 举报类型
Title string `json:"arc_title"` // 稿件标题
Deleted int64 `json:"dm_deleted"` // 弹幕状态
UPUid int64 `json:"arc_mid"` // up主id
PoolID int64 `json:"pool_id"` // 弹幕池
Model int64 `json:"model"` // 弹幕model
Score int32 `json:"score"` // 举报分
SendTime string `json:"dm_ctime"` // 弹幕发送时间
Ctime string `json:"ctime"` // 插入时间
Mtime string `json:"mtime"` // 更新时间
RptUsers []*ReportUser `json:"user"` // 举报用户列表
// ReportMsg report message
type ReportMsg struct {
Aid int64
Uids string
Did int64
Title string
Msg string
State int8
RptReason int8
BlockReason int8
Block int64
// ReportJudge report judge
type ReportJudge struct {
AID int64 `json:"aid"`
MID int64 `json:"mid"`
Operator string `json:"operator"`
OperID int64 `json:"oper_id"`
OContent string `json:"origin_content"`
OTitle string `json:"origin_title"`
OType int64 `json:"origin_type"`
OURL string `json:"origin_url"`
ReasonType int64 `json:"reason_type"`
OID int64 `json:"oid"`
RPID int64 `json:"rp_id"`
TagID int64 `json:"tag_id"`
Type int64 `json:"type"`
Page int64 `json:"page"`
BTime int64 `json:"business_time"`
// SearchReportResult dm repost list from search
type SearchReportResult struct {
Code int64 `json:"code"`
Order string `json:"order"`
Sort string `json:"sort"`
Page *struct {
Num int64 `json:"num"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
} `json:"page"`
Result []*Report `json:"result"`
// UptSearchReport update search report
type UptSearchReport struct {
DMid int64 `json:"dmid"`
State int8 `json:"state"`
Ctime string `json:"ctime"`
Mtime string `json:"mtime"`
// ReportList dm report list
type ReportList struct {
Code int64 `json:"code"`
Order string `json:"order"`
Page int64 `json:"page"`
PageSize int64 `json:"pagesize"`
PageCount int64 `json:"pagecount"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
Result []*Report `json:"result"`
// ReduceMoral reduce moral
type ReduceMoral struct {
UID int64
Moral int64
Origin int8
Reason int8
ReasonType int8
Operator string
IsNotify int8
Remark string
// BlockUser block user
type BlockUser struct {
UID int64
BlockForever int64
BlockTimeLength int64
BlockRemark string
Operator string
OriginType int64
Moral int64
ReasonType int64
OriginTitle string
OriginContent string
OriginURL string
IsNotify int64
// ReportUser report user
type ReportUser struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Did int64 `json:"dmid"`
UID int64 `json:"uid"`
Reason int64 `json:"reason"`
State int8 `json:"state"`
Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"`
Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
// ReportLog dm admin log
type ReportLog struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Did int64 `json:"dmid"`
AdminID int64 `json:"admin_id"`
Reason int8 `json:"reason"`
Result int8 `json:"result"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
Elapsed int64 `json:"elapsed"`
Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"`
Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
// PosterBlockMsg return report msg template by blockReason
func PosterBlockMsg(reason int8) (str string, err error) {
var (
tmplKey int8
switch reason {
case 4, 5, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24:
tmplKey = 1
case 6, 9:
tmplKey = 2
case 7, 8, 10, 12:
tmplKey = 3
err = fmt.Errorf("BlockReason %d not exist", reason)
str = PostTemplate[tmplKey]
// PosterAdminRptMsg return report msg template by adminRptReason
func PosterAdminRptMsg(reason int8) (str string, err error) {
var (
tmplKey int8
switch reason {
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 17:
tmplKey = 1
case 7, 10:
tmplKey = 2
case 8, 9, 11, 12:
tmplKey = 3
case 13, 14, 16:
tmplKey = 4
err = fmt.Errorf("adminRptReason %d not exist", reason)
str = PostTemplate[tmplKey]
// RpReasonToJudgeReason 修改弹幕风纪委的理由
func RpReasonToJudgeReason(r int8) (j int8) {
switch r {
case ReportReasonProhibited:
j = 5
case ReportReasonPorn:
j = 13
case RptReasonFraud:
j = 4
case ReportReasonAttack:
j = 7
case ReportReasonPrivate:
j = 8
case ReportReasonAd:
j = 6
case ReportReasonWar:
j = 9
case ReportReasonSpoiler:
j = 10
case ReportReasonMeaningless:
j = 20
// CheckStateBelong check state first or second check
func CheckStateBelong(state int8) string {
if state == StatFirstInit || state == StatFirstDelete || state == StatFirstIgnore {
return "弹幕举报一审"
return "弹幕举报二审"