2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

381 lines
11 KiB

package income
import (
model "go-common/app/admin/main/growup/model/income"
// ArchiveStatis archive income statis
func (s *Service) ArchiveStatis(c context.Context, categoryID []int64, typ, groupType int, fromTime, toTime int64) (data interface{}, err error) {
table := setArchiveTableByGroup(typ, groupType)
from := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(fromTime, 0))
to := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(toTime, 0))
query := formatArchiveQuery(categoryID, from, to)
if typ == _lottery {
data, err = s.lotteryStatis(c, categoryID, from, addDayByGroup(groupType, to).AddDate(0, 0, -1), groupType)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lotteryStatis error(%v)", err)
avs, err := s.GetArchiveStatis(c, table, query)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetArchiveStatis error(%v)", err)
data = archiveStatis(avs, from, to, groupType)
func archiveStatis(avs []*model.ArchiveStatis, from, to time.Time, groupType int) interface{} {
avsMap := make(map[string]*model.ArchiveStatis)
ctgyMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, av := range avs {
date := formatDateByGroup(av.CDate.Time(), groupType)
ctgykey := date + strconv.FormatInt(av.CategroyID, 10)
if val, ok := avsMap[date]; ok {
val.Avs += av.Avs
if !ctgyMap[ctgykey] {
val.Income += av.Income
ctgyMap[ctgykey] = true
} else {
avsMap[date] = &model.ArchiveStatis{
Avs: av.Avs,
Income: av.Income,
ctgyMap[ctgykey] = true
return parseArchiveStatis(avsMap, from, to, groupType)
func parseArchiveStatis(avsMap map[string]*model.ArchiveStatis, from, to time.Time, groupType int) interface{} {
income, counts, xAxis := []string{}, []int64{}, []string{}
// get result by date
to = to.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
for from.Before(to) {
dateStr := formatDateByGroup(from, groupType)
xAxis = append(xAxis, dateStr)
if val, ok := avsMap[dateStr]; ok {
income = append(income, fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", float64(val.Income)/float64(100)))
counts = append(counts, val.Avs)
} else {
income = append(income, "0")
counts = append(counts, int64(0))
from = addDayByGroup(groupType, from)
return map[string]interface{}{
"counts": counts,
"incomes": income,
"xaxis": xAxis,
// ArchiveSection get av/column income section
func (s *Service) ArchiveSection(c context.Context, categoryID []int64, typ, groupType int, fromTime, toTime int64) (data interface{}, err error) {
table := setArchiveTableByGroup(typ, groupType)
from := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(fromTime, 0))
to := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(toTime, 0))
query := formatArchiveQuery(categoryID, from, to)
avs, err := s.GetArchiveStatis(c, table, query)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetArchiveStatis error(%v)", err)
data = archiveSection(avs, from, to, groupType)
func archiveSection(avs []*model.ArchiveStatis, from, to time.Time, groupType int) interface{} {
ret := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
avsMap := make(map[string][]int64)
for _, av := range avs {
date := formatDateByGroup(av.CDate.Time(), groupType)
if val, ok := avsMap[date]; ok {
val[av.MoneySection] += av.Avs
} else {
avsMap[date] = make([]int64, 12)
avsMap[date][av.MoneySection] = av.Avs
ret = append(ret, map[string]interface{}{
"date_format": date,
"sections": avsMap[date],
return ret
// ArchiveDetail archive detail (av column)
func (s *Service) ArchiveDetail(c context.Context, mid int64, typ, groupType int, fromTime, toTime int64) (archives []*model.ArchiveIncome, err error) {
archives = make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0)
from := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(fromTime, 0))
to := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(toTime, 0))
to = addDayByGroup(groupType, to).AddDate(0, 0, -1)
if typ == _video || typ == _up {
var avs []*model.ArchiveIncome
avs, err = s.archiveDetail(c, _video, groupType, mid, from, to)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archiveDetail error(%v)", err)
archives = append(archives, avs...)
if typ == _column || typ == _up {
var columns []*model.ArchiveIncome
columns, err = s.archiveDetail(c, _column, groupType, mid, from, to)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archiveDetail error(%v)", err)
archives = append(archives, columns...)
if typ == _bgm || typ == _up {
var bgms []*model.ArchiveIncome
bgms, err = s.archiveDetail(c, _bgm, groupType, mid, from, to)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.archiveDetail error(%v)", err)
archives = append(archives, bgms...)
func (s *Service) archiveDetail(c context.Context, typ, groupType int, mid int64, from, to time.Time) (archives []*model.ArchiveIncome, err error) {
archives = make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0)
query := fmt.Sprintf("mid = %d", mid)
origins, err := s.GetArchiveIncome(c, typ, query, from.Format(_layout), to.Format(_layout))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetArchiveIncome error(%v)", err)
var black map[int64]struct{}
black, err = s.dao.GetAvBlackListByMID(c, mid, typ)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.GetAvBlackListByMID error(%v)", err)
archives = calArchiveDetail(origins, black, groupType)
func calArchiveDetail(archives []*model.ArchiveIncome, blackMap map[int64]struct{}, groupType int) []*model.ArchiveIncome {
avsMap := make(map[string]*model.ArchiveIncome)
for _, av := range archives {
if _, ok := blackMap[av.AvID]; ok {
date := formatDateByGroup(av.Date.Time(), groupType)
key := date + strconv.FormatInt(av.AvID, 10)
if val, ok := avsMap[key]; ok {
val.Income += av.Income
} else {
av.DateFormat = date
avsMap[key] = av
list := make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0)
for _, av := range avsMap {
list = append(list, av)
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
if list[i].DateFormat == list[j].DateFormat {
return list[i].Income > list[j].Income
return list[i].DateFormat > list[j].DateFormat
return list
// ArchiveTop archive_income top
func (s *Service) ArchiveTop(c context.Context, aIDs []int64, typ int, groupType int, fromTime, toTime int64, from, limit int) (data []*model.ArchiveIncome, total int, err error) {
query := ""
if len(aIDs) != 0 {
switch typ {
case _video, _lottery:
query = fmt.Sprintf("av_id IN (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aIDs))
case _column:
query = fmt.Sprintf("aid IN (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aIDs))
case _bgm:
query = fmt.Sprintf("sid IN (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aIDs))
if query == "" && typ != _lottery {
query = fmt.Sprintf("income >= %d", _leastAvIncome)
avs, err := s.GetArchiveIncome(c, typ, query, time.Unix(fromTime, 0).Format(_layout), time.Unix(toTime, 0).Format(_layout))
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetArchiveIncome error(%v)", err)
if typ == _lottery {
typ = _video
avBMap, err := s.GetAvBlackListByAvIds(c, avs, typ)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetAvBlackListByAvIds error(%v)", err)
data, total = archiveTop(avs, avBMap, from, limit)
upInfo, err := s.GetUpInfoByAIDs(c, data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetUpInfoByAIDs error(%v)", err)
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
data[i].Nickname = upInfo[data[i].MID]
func archiveTop(avs []*model.ArchiveIncome, avBlack map[int64]struct{}, from, limit int) ([]*model.ArchiveIncome, int) {
nAvs := make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0)
for _, av := range avs {
if _, ok := avBlack[av.AvID]; ok {
av.DateFormat = av.Date.Time().Format(_layout)
nAvs = append(nAvs, av)
sort.Slice(nAvs, func(i, j int) bool {
if nAvs[i].Date == nAvs[j].Date {
return nAvs[i].Income > nAvs[j].Income
return nAvs[i].Date > nAvs[j].Date
if limit+from > len(nAvs) {
limit = len(nAvs)
total := len(nAvs)
return nAvs[from:limit], total
// BgmDetail bgm detail
func (s *Service) BgmDetail(c context.Context, sid int64, fromTime, toTime int64, from, limit int) (avs []*model.ArchiveIncome, total int, err error) {
avs = make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0)
fromDate := time.Unix(fromTime, 0).Format(_layout)
toDate := time.Unix(toTime, 0).Format(_layout)
avMap, err := s.dao.GetAvByBgm(c, sid, fromDate, toDate)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.GetAvByBgm error(%v)", err)
if len(avMap) == 0 {
avIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(avMap))
for avID := range avMap {
avIDs = append(avIDs, avID)
avs, err = s.GetArchiveIncome(c, _video, fmt.Sprintf("av_id in (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(avIDs)), fromDate, toDate)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.GetArchiveIncome error(%v)", err)
if limit > len(avs) {
limit = len(avs)
total = len(avs)
avs = avs[from:limit]
// GetArchiveStatis get up income
func (s *Service) GetArchiveStatis(c context.Context, table, query string) (avs []*model.ArchiveStatis, err error) {
offset, size := 0, 2000
for {
av, err := s.dao.GetArchiveStatis(c, table, query, offset, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
avs = append(avs, av...)
if len(av) < size {
offset += len(av)
// GetArchiveIncome get archive income
func (s *Service) GetArchiveIncome(c context.Context, typ int, query string, from, to string) (archs []*model.ArchiveIncome, err error) {
var id int64
limit := 2000
for {
var arch []*model.ArchiveIncome
arch, err = s.dao.GetArchiveIncome(c, id, query, from, to, limit, typ)
if err != nil {
archs = append(archs, arch...)
if len(arch) < limit {
id = arch[len(arch)-1].ID
if typ == _bgm {
bgms := make(map[string]*model.ArchiveIncome)
for _, bgm := range archs {
key := bgm.Date.Time().Format(_layout) + strconv.FormatInt(bgm.AvID, 10)
if b, ok := bgms[key]; !ok {
bgms[key] = bgm
} else {
b.Income += bgm.Income
b.TotalIncome += bgm.TotalIncome
b.TaxMoney += bgm.TaxMoney
archs = make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0, len(bgms))
for _, b := range bgms {
archs = append(archs, b)
func formatDateByGroup(date time.Time, groupType int) string {
str := ""
if groupType == _groupWeek {
date = getStartWeekDate(date)
str = date.Format(_layout) + "~" + date.AddDate(0, 0, 6).Format(_layout)
} else if groupType == _groupMonth {
date = getStartMonthDate(date)
str = date.Format(_layoutMonth)
} else {
str = date.Format(_layout)
return str
func formatArchiveQuery(categoryID []int64, from, to time.Time) string {
query := "cdate >= '" + from.Format(_layout) + "'"
query += " AND "
query += "cdate <= '" + to.Format(_layout) + "'"
if len(categoryID) != 0 {
query += " AND "
query += "category_id in (" + xstr.JoinInts(categoryID) + ")"
return query