2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

228 lines
5.7 KiB

package model
import (
// Tv_rank table related const params
const (
_RankCategory = 5 // _RankCategory 模块干预
RankIdxBase = 5 // index page intervention base, pgc=5+1, ugc=5+2
// SimpleRank represents the table TV_RANK, but with only necessary fields for the front-end
type SimpleRank struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Source int `json:"source"`
SourceName string `json:"source_name"`
Mtime string `json:"mtime"`
Pubdate string `json:"pubdate"`
// RankCore def
type RankCore struct {
Rank int64 `json:"rank"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
ContID int64 `json:"cid" gorm:"column:cont_id"`
ContType int `json:"cont_type"`
Position int `json:"position"`
// RankError represents the invalid season info
type RankError struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
SeasonID int `json:"season_id"`
// RankList is the output format for intervention list
type RankList struct {
List []*SimpleRank `json:"list"`
// Rank represents the table TV_RANK
type Rank struct {
Title string
ModuleID int64 `gorm:"column:module_id"`
Category int8
IsDeleted int8
Mtime time.Time
// TableName tv_rank
func (c SimpleRank) TableName() string {
return "tv_rank"
// TableName tv_rank
func (v Rank) TableName() string {
return "tv_rank"
// BeComplete transforms a simpleRank to Complete rank in order to create it in DB
func (c SimpleRank) BeComplete(req *IntervPubReq, title string, position int) (res *Rank) {
res = &Rank{
Title: title,
RankCore: c.RankCore,
res.Position = position
if req.ModuleID > 0 {
res.Category = _RankCategory
res.ModuleID = req.ModuleID
if req.Rank > 0 {
res.Rank = req.Rank
if req.Category > 0 {
res.Category = int8(req.Category)
type catName func(int) string // translate pgc category to CN name
type tpParName func(int32) (string, int32, error) // translate ugc type to its parent tid and parent's name
// BeSimpleSn def.
func (v *Rank) BeSimpleSn(sn *TVEpSeason, translate catName) *SimpleRank {
return &SimpleRank{
RankCore: v.RankCore,
Title: sn.Title,
Source: sn.Category,
SourceName: translate(sn.Category),
Pubdate: sn.PlayTime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat),
Mtime: v.Mtime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat),
// BeSimpleArc def.
func (v *Rank) BeSimpleArc(arc *SimpleArc, translate tpParName) (res *SimpleRank) {
res = &SimpleRank{
RankCore: v.RankCore,
Title: arc.Title,
Mtime: v.Mtime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat),
Pubdate: arc.Pubtime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat),
if pname, pid, err := translate(arc.TypeID); err == nil {
res.Source = int(pid)
res.SourceName = pname
//BeError transforms a rank to rankError
func (v Rank) BeError() *RankError {
return &RankError{
ID: int(v.ID),
SeasonID: int(v.ContID),
// RankListReq is rank list request
type RankListReq struct {
Rank int64 `form:"rank" validate:"min=0"`
Category int64 `form:"category" validate:"required,min=1"`
// RankPubReq is rank publish request
type RankPubReq struct {
Intervs string `form:"intervs" validate:"required"`
// ModListReq is mod list request
type ModListReq struct {
ModuleID int64 `form:"module_id" validate:"required,min=1"`
// ModPubReq is mod publish request
type ModPubReq struct {
Intervs string `form:"intervs" validate:"required"`
// IdxListReq is index list request
type IdxListReq struct {
TypeID int64 `form:"type_id" validate:"required,min=1"`
RankType int64 `form:"rank_type" validate:"required,min=1,max=2"` // 1=pgc, 2=ugc
// IdxPubReq is index publish request.
type IdxPubReq struct {
Intervs string `form:"intervs" validate:"required"`
// IntervListReq is common request for interv list.
type IntervListReq struct {
Rank int64
Category int64
ModuleID int64
// IntervPubReq is common request for interv publish.
type IntervPubReq struct {
Items []*SimpleRank
// FromRank builds the request with rank & category params
func (v *IntervListReq) FromRank(rank *RankListReq) {
v.Rank = rank.Rank
v.Category = rank.Category
v.ModuleID = 0
// FromRank def.
func (v *IntervPubReq) FromRank(rank *RankPubReq) (err error) {
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(rank.Intervs), &v.Items)
// FromMod builds the request with module params
func (v *IntervListReq) FromMod(mod *ModListReq) {
v.Rank = 0
v.Category = _RankCategory
v.ModuleID = mod.ModuleID
// FromMod builds the request with module params
func (v *IntervPubReq) FromMod(mod *ModPubReq) (err error) {
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(mod.Intervs), &v.Items)
// FromIndex builds the request with index params
func (v *IntervListReq) FromIndex(idx *IdxListReq) {
v.Rank = idx.TypeID // category id, pgc or ugc type id
v.Category = idx.RankType + RankIdxBase // 6 or 7
v.ModuleID = 0
// IsIdx tells whether this request is from index
func (v *IntervListReq) IsIdx() bool {
return v.Category > RankIdxBase
// FromIndex def.
func (v *IntervPubReq) FromIndex(idx *IdxPubReq) (err error) {
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(idx.Intervs), &v.Items)
// BuildDB builds the db from the intervention request
func (v *IntervListReq) BuildDB(db *gorm.DB) (newDB *gorm.DB) {
newDB = db.Model(Rank{}).Where("is_deleted = 0")
if v.ModuleID == 0 { // index or rank
newDB = newDB.Where("rank = ?", v.Rank).Where("category = ?", v.Category)
} else {
newDB = newDB.Where("module_id = ?", v.ModuleID)