2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

413 lines
11 KiB

package service
import (
const (
_configTableName = "tv_price_config"
_valid = 0
_invalid = 1
_noPid = 0
_orderField = "ctime"
_vip = 10
_online = 0
_delete = 2
// PanelInfo select panel info by id
func (s *Service) PanelInfo(id int64) (panelInfo *model.TvPriceConfigResp, err error) {
if panelInfo, err = s.dao.GetById(id); err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
log.Error("PanelInfo (%v) error(%v)", panelInfo, err)
if panelInfo != nil {
panelInfo.OriginPrice = panelInfo.Price
hasDiscount, price, discountInfos := s.hasDiscount(nil, panelInfo.ID)
if hasDiscount {
panelInfo.Price = price
panelInfo.Items = discountInfos
// PanelStatus change panel status by id
func (s *Service) PanelStatus(id, status int64) (err error) {
var (
flag bool
panelInfo *model.TvPriceConfigResp
if panelInfo, err = s.dao.GetById(id); err != nil {
log.Error("PanelInfo (%v) error(%v)", panelInfo, err)
if status == _online && panelInfo.SuitType == _vip {
if flag, err = s.hasOnlineUpgradeVipProduct(); err != nil {
log.Error("GetValidUpgradeVipProduct Err %v", err)
if flag {
err = ecode.TVVipSuitTypeConflict
return err
if panelInfo.PID == 0 && status == _delete {
if err = s.dao.DB.Table(_configTableName).Where("pid = ?", id).Update("status", _delete).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("PanelStatus discount (%v) error(%v)", id, err)
if err = s.dao.PanelStatus(id, status); err != nil {
log.Error("PanelStatus (%v) error(%v)", id, err)
// SavePanel add or update panel info
func (s *Service) SavePanel(c context.Context, panel *model.TvPriceConfig) (err error) {
opType := s.c.YSTParam.Update
//start tx
tx := s.DB.Begin()
if panel.PID != 0 {
_, _, discounts := s.hasDiscount(nil, panel.PID)
if flag := checkDisCountTime(discounts, panel); !flag {
err = ecode.TvPriceTimeConflict
return err
if panel.ID != 0 && panel.PID == 0 {
if err = tx.Table(_configTableName).Where("pid = ?", panel.ID).
"suit_type": panel.SuitType,
"sub_type": panel.SubType,
"selected": panel.Selected,
"superscript": panel.Superscript,
"month": panel.Month,
}).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("Update discount failed while update panel, Err %v", err)
_, _, discounts := s.hasDiscount(tx, panel.ID)
for _, discount := range discounts {
if err = s.syncPanels(c, opType, &discount); err != nil {
err = ecode.TvVipProdSyncErr
return err
if panel.ID == 0 {
opType = s.c.YSTParam.Insert
if panel.PID == 0 {
panel.Status = _invalid
} else {
if flag := s.dao.ExistProduct(panel.ProductID); flag {
err = ecode.TvVipProductExit
return err
if err = tx.Save(panel).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("SavePanel %s, Err %v", panel, err)
return err
if err = s.syncPanels(c, opType, panel); err != nil {
err = ecode.TvVipProdSyncErr
return err
// PanelList get panle list
func (s *Service) PanelList(platform, month, subType, suitType int64) (panels []*model.TvPriceConfigListResp, err error) {
var (
db = s.dao.DB.Model(&model.TvPriceConfigListResp{}).Where("pid = ? and status in (?, ?)", _noPid, _valid, _invalid)
if platform != 0 {
db = db.Where("platform = ?", platform)
if month != 0 {
db = db.Where("month = ?", month)
if subType != -1 {
db = db.Where("sub_type = ?", subType)
if suitType != -1 {
db = db.Where("suit_type = ?", suitType)
if err = db.Order("suit_type, sub_type desc, month desc").Find(&panels).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("OrderList %v, Err %v", panels, err)
return panels, err
for _, panel := range panels {
hasDiscount, price, _ := s.hasDiscount(nil, panel.ID)
panel.OriginPrice = panel.Price
if hasDiscount {
panel.Price = price
// HasDiscount Judge whether there is a discount
func (s *Service) hasDiscount(tx *gorm.DB, id int64) (hasDiscount bool, price int64, panels []model.TvPriceConfig) {
if tx == nil {
tx = s.dao.DB
if err := tx.Table(_configTableName).Where("pid = ? and status = ?", id, _valid).Find(&panels).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("HasDiscount %v, Err %v", id, err)
nowTime := time.Now().Unix()
for _, panel := range panels {
if int64(panel.Stime) < nowTime && nowTime < int64(panel.Etime) {
hasDiscount = true
price = panel.Price
// checkDisCountTime check discount time conflict
func checkDisCountTime(discounts []model.TvPriceConfig, panel *model.TvPriceConfig) (flag bool) {
var (
startTime = panel.Stime
endTime = panel.Etime
for _, discount := range discounts {
// do not compare with self
if panel.ID != discount.ID {
if discount.Stime < startTime && startTime < discount.Etime {
return false
if discount.Stime < endTime && endTime < discount.Etime {
return false
if discount.Stime > startTime && endTime > discount.Etime {
return false
return true
// checkRemotePanel check YST panel
func (s *Service) checkRemotePanel(c context.Context) {
var (
panels []*model.TvPriceConfigListResp
if err := s.dao.DB.Table(_configTableName).Order(_orderField).Find(&panels).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CheckRemotePanel Err %v", err)
res, _ := s.getRemotePanels(c)
remotePanels := res.Product
panelMap := make(map[string]*model.TvPriceConfigListResp, len(panels))
remotePaneMap := make(map[string]model.Product, len(remotePanels))
for i := 0; i < len(panels); i++ {
panelMap[panels[i].ProductID] = panels[i]
for i := 0; i < len(remotePanels); i++ {
remotePaneMap[remotePanels[i].ID] = remotePanels[i]
for i := 0; i < len(panels); i++ {
rp, exists := remotePaneMap[panels[i].ProductID]
if exists {
s.compareFiled(rp, panels[i])
} else {
log.Error("Our panel not exists in YST, panel id is (%v)", panels[i].ProductID)
for i := 0; i < len(remotePanels); i++ {
p, exists := panelMap[remotePanels[i].ID]
if exists {
s.compareFiled(remotePanels[i], p)
} else {
log.Error("YST panel not exists in our db, panel id is (%v)", remotePanels[i].ID)
// getRemotePanels get YST panel
func (s *Service) getRemotePanels(c context.Context) (res *model.RemotePanel, err error) {
var (
req *http.Request
res = &model.RemotePanel{}
params := map[string]string{
"vod_type": s.c.YSTParam.QueryPanelType,
"source": s.c.YSTParam.Source,
reqBody, _ := json.Marshal(params)
getRemotePanelUrl := s.c.URLConf.GetRemotePanelUrl
if req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, getRemotePanelUrl, bytes.NewReader(reqBody)); err != nil {
log.Error("MerakNotify NewRequest Err %v, Url %v", err, getRemotePanelUrl)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if err = s.client.Do(c, req, &res); err != nil {
log.Error("MergeUpInfo http req failed ,err:%v", err)
// compareFiled compare our panel field with YST
func (s *Service) compareFiled(remotePanel model.Product, panel *model.TvPriceConfigListResp) {
rpid := remotePanel.ID
prodiuctId := panel.ProductID
if rpid != prodiuctId {
log.Error("PanelInfo id different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel prodiuctId is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if remotePanel.Price != panel.Price {
log.Error("PanelInfo price different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel prodiuctId is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if remotePanel.Contract != strconv.Itoa(int(panel.SubType)) {
log.Error("PanelInfo subType different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel prodiuctId is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if remotePanel.SuitType != panel.SuitType {
log.Error("PanelInfo suitType different, Remote panel id is (%v), Our panel id is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if remotePanel.ProductDuration != strconv.FormatInt(panel.Month*31, 10) {
log.Error("PanelInfo months different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel prodiuctId is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if remotePanel.Title != panel.ProductName {
log.Error("PanelInfo productName different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel id prodiuctId (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
if panel.PID != 0 {
parentPanel, err := s.dao.GetById(panel.PID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PanelInfo (%v) error(%v)", parentPanel, err)
if remotePanel.ComboPkgID != parentPanel.ProductID {
log.Error("PanelInfo pid different, Remote panel prodiuctId is (%v), Our panel prodiuctId is (%v)", rpid, prodiuctId)
// syncPanels send our panel to YST
func (s *Service) syncPanels(c context.Context, opType string, panel *model.TvPriceConfig) (err error) {
var (
req *http.Request
res struct {
Result string `json:"result"`
Message string `json:"message"`
params struct {
OpType string `json:"optype"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Product model.Product `json:"product"`
params.OpType = opType
params.Source = s.c.YSTParam.Source
params.Product.ID = panel.ProductID
params.Product.VodType = s.c.YSTParam.InsertPanelType
params.Product.Title = panel.ProductName
params.Product.ProductDuration = strconv.FormatInt(31*panel.Month, 10)
params.Product.Description = panel.Remark
params.Product.Contract = strconv.Itoa(int(panel.SubType))
if panel.PID != 0 {
parentPanel, _ := s.dao.GetById(panel.PID)
if parentPanel != nil {
params.Product.ComboPkgID = parentPanel.ProductID
params.Product.ComboDes = parentPanel.Remark
} else {
log.Error("Prarent PanelInfo not found, pid =(%v)", panel.PID)
err = ecode.NothingFound
return err
params.Product.Price = panel.Price
params.Product.SuitType = panel.SuitType
reqBody, _ := json.Marshal(params)
SyncPanelUrl := s.c.URLConf.SyncPanelUrl
if req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, SyncPanelUrl, bytes.NewReader(reqBody)); err != nil {
log.Error("MerakNotify NewRequest Err %v, Url %v", err, SyncPanelUrl)
return err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if err = s.client.Do(c, req, &res); err != nil {
log.Error("MergeUpInfo http req failed ,err:%v", err)
return err
if res.Result != "SUCCESS" {
err = ecode.TvVipProdSyncErr
log.Info("Sync panel To YST Fail,err:%v", res.Message)
return err
func (s *Service) hasOnlineUpgradeVipProduct() (flag bool, err error) {
var (
panels []*model.TvPriceConfig
if err = s.dao.DB.Table(_configTableName).Where("suit_type = ? and status = ? and pid = ?", _vip, _valid, _noPid).Find(&panels).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("GetValidUpgradeVipProduct Err %v", err)
flag = !(len(panels) == 0)
func (s *Service) copyParentExtraField(panel *model.TvPriceConfig) {
parentPanel, _ := s.dao.GetById(panel.PID)
if parentPanel != nil {
panel.SuitType = parentPanel.SuitType
panel.SubType = parentPanel.SubType
panel.Selected = parentPanel.Selected
panel.Superscript = parentPanel.Superscript
panel.Month = parentPanel.Month