2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

986 lines
26 KiB

package like
import (
xtime "go-common/library/time"
const (
_selLikeSQL = "SELECT id,wid FROM likes where state = 1 AND sid = ? ORDER BY type"
_likeSQL = "SELECT id,sid,type,mid,wid,state,stick_top,ctime,mtime FROM likes WHERE id = ? and state = 1"
_likeMoreLidSQL = "SELECT id,sid,type,mid,wid,state,stick_top,ctime,mtime FROM likes WHERE id > ? order by id asc limit 1000"
_likesBySidSQL = "SELECT id,sid,type,mid,wid,state,stick_top,ctime,mtime FROM likes WHERE id > ? and sid = ? and state = 1 order by id asc limit 1000"
_likesSQL = "SELECT id,sid,type,mid,wid,state,stick_top,ctime,mtime FROM likes WHERE id IN (%s) and state = 1"
_likeListSQL = "SELECT id,wid,ctime FROM likes WHERE state = 1 AND sid = ? ORDER BY id DESC"
_likeMaxIDSQL = "SELECT id FROM likes ORDER BY id DESC limit 1"
_keyLikeTagFmt = "l_t_%d_%d"
_keyLikeTagCntsFmt = "l_t_cs_%d"
_keyLikeRegionFmt = "l_r_%d_%d"
// likeAPI ip frequence key the old is ddos:like:ip:%s
_keyIPRequestFmt = "go:ddos:l:ip:%s"
// the cache set of like order by ctime the old is bilibili-activity:ctime:%d
_keyLikeListCtimeFmt = "go:bl-a:ctime:%d"
_keyLikeListRandomFmt = "go:bl-a:random:%d"
// the cache set of like type order by ctime
_keyLikeListTypeCtimeFmt = "go:b:a:t:%d:%d"
// storyKing LikeAct cache
_keyStoryDilyLikeFmt = "go:s:d:m:%s:%d:%d"
// storyKing each likeAct cahce
_keyStoryEachLikeFmt = "go:s:ea:m:%s:%d:%d:%d"
// es index
_activity = "activity"
// EsOrderLikes archive center likes.
EsOrderLikes = "likes"
// EsOrderCoin archive center coin .
EsOrderCoin = "coin"
// EsOrderReply archive center reply.
EsOrderReply = "reply"
// EsOrderShare archive center share.
EsOrderShare = "share"
// EsOrderClick archive center click
EsOrderClick = "click"
// EsOrderDm archive center dm
EsOrderDm = "dm"
// EsOrderFav archive center fav
EsOrderFav = "fav"
// ActOrderLike activity list like order.
ActOrderLike = "like"
// ActOrderCtime activity list ctime order.
ActOrderCtime = "ctime"
// ActOrderRandom order random .
ActOrderRandom = "random"
// ipRequestKey .
func ipRequestKey(ip string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyIPRequestFmt, ip)
func likeListCtimeKey(sid int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeListCtimeFmt, sid)
func likeListRandomKey(sid int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeListRandomFmt, sid)
func likeListTypeCtimeKey(types int, sid int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeListTypeCtimeFmt, types, sid)
func keyLikeTag(sid, tagID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeTagFmt, sid, tagID)
func keyLikeTagCounts(sid int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeTagCntsFmt, sid)
func keyLikeRegion(sid int64, regionID int16) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyLikeRegionFmt, sid, regionID)
func keyStoryLikeKey(sid, mid int64, daily string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyStoryDilyLikeFmt, daily, sid, mid)
func keyStoryEachLike(sid, mid, lid int64, daily string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(_keyStoryEachLikeFmt, daily, sid, mid, lid)
// LikeTypeList dao sql.
func (dao *Dao) LikeTypeList(c context.Context, sid int64) (ns []*like.Like, err error) {
rows, err := dao.db.Query(c, _selLikeSQL, sid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("LikeTypeList dao.db.Query error(%v)", err)
ns = make([]*like.Like, 0)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
n := &like.Like{}
if err = rows.Scan(&n.ID, &n.Wid); err != nil {
log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err)
ns = append(ns, n)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
log.Error("row.Scan row error(%v)", err)
// LikeList dao sql
func (dao *Dao) LikeList(c context.Context, sid int64) (ns []*like.Item, err error) {
rows, err := dao.db.Query(c, _likeListSQL, sid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("LikeList dao.db.Query error(%v)", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
n := new(like.Item)
if err = rows.Scan(&n.ID, &n.Wid, &n.Ctime); err != nil {
log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err)
ns = append(ns, n)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
log.Error("row.Scan row error(%v)", err)
// RawLikes get likes by wid.
func (dao *Dao) RawLikes(c context.Context, ids []int64) (data map[int64]*like.Item, err error) {
rows, err := dao.db.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_likesSQL, xstr.JoinInts(ids)))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Likes dao.db.Query error(%v)", err)
defer rows.Close()
data = make(map[int64]*like.Item)
for rows.Next() {
res := &like.Item{}
if err = rows.Scan(&res.ID, &res.Sid, &res.Type, &res.Mid, &res.Wid, &res.State, &res.StickTop, &res.Ctime, &res.Mtime); err != nil {
log.Error("Likes row.Scan error(%v)", err)
data[res.ID] = res
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
log.Error("Likes row.Scan row error(%v)", err)
// LikeTagCache get like tag cache.
func (dao *Dao) LikeTagCache(c context.Context, sid, tagID int64, start, end int) (likes []*like.Item, err error) {
var values []interface{}
key := keyLikeTag(sid, tagID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if values, err = redis.Values(conn.Do("ZREVRANGE", key, start, end)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeTagCache conn.Do(ZREVRANGE, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
} else if len(values) == 0 {
for len(values) > 0 {
var bs []byte
if values, err = redis.Scan(values, &bs); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCache redis.Scan(%v) error(%v)", values, err)
like := new(like.Item)
if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &like); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCache conn.Do(ZRANGE, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
if like.ID > 0 {
likes = append(likes, like)
// LikeTagCnt get like tag cnt.
func (dao *Dao) LikeTagCnt(c context.Context, sid, tagID int64) (count int, err error) {
key := keyLikeTag(sid, tagID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if count, err = redis.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", key)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCnt conn.Do(ZCARD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
// SetLikeTagCache set like tag cache no expire.
func (dao *Dao) SetLikeTagCache(c context.Context, sid, tagID int64, likes []*like.Item) (err error) {
var bs []byte
key := keyLikeTag(sid, tagID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if err = conn.Send("DEL", key); err != nil {
log.Error("SetLikeTagCache conn.Send(DEL, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for _, v := range likes {
if bs, err = json.Marshal(v); err != nil {
log.Error("SetLikeTagCache json.Marshal() error(%v)", err)
args = args.Add(v.Ctime).Add(bs)
if err = conn.Send("ZADD", args...); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Send(ZADD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Flush error(%v)", err)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Receive() error(%v)", err)
// LikeRegionCache get like region cache.
func (dao *Dao) LikeRegionCache(c context.Context, sid int64, regionID int16, start, end int) (likes []*like.Item, err error) {
var values []interface{}
key := keyLikeRegion(sid, regionID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if values, err = redis.Values(conn.Do("ZREVRANGE", key, start, end)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCache conn.Do(ZREVRANGE, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
} else if len(values) == 0 {
for len(values) > 0 {
var bs []byte
if values, err = redis.Scan(values, &bs); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCache redis.Scan(%v) error(%v)", values, err)
like := new(like.Item)
if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &like); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCache conn.Do(ZREVRANGE, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
if like.ID > 0 {
likes = append(likes, like)
// LikeRegionCnt get like region cnt.
func (dao *Dao) LikeRegionCnt(c context.Context, sid int64, regionID int16) (count int, err error) {
key := keyLikeRegion(sid, regionID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if count, err = redis.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", key)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRegionCnt conn.Do(ZCARD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
// SetLikeRegionCache set like region cache.
func (dao *Dao) SetLikeRegionCache(c context.Context, sid int64, regionID int16, likes []*like.Item) (err error) {
var bs []byte
key := keyLikeRegion(sid, regionID)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
if err = conn.Send("DEL", key); err != nil {
log.Error("SetLikeTagCache conn.Send(DEL, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for _, v := range likes {
if bs, err = json.Marshal(v); err != nil {
log.Error("SetLikeRegionCache json.Marshal() error(%v)", err)
args = args.Add(v.Ctime).Add(bs)
if err = conn.Send("ZADD", args...); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Send(ZADD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Flush error(%v)", err)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil {
log.Error("conn.Receive() error(%v)", err)
// SetTagLikeCountsCache .
func (dao *Dao) SetTagLikeCountsCache(c context.Context, sid int64, counts map[int64]int32) (err error) {
key := keyLikeTagCounts(sid)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for tagID, count := range counts {
args = args.Add(tagID).Add(count)
if _, err = conn.Do("HMSET", args...); err != nil {
log.Error("SetLikeCountsCache conn.Do(HMSET) key(%s) error(%v)", key, err)
// TagLikeCountsCache get tag like counts cache.
func (dao *Dao) TagLikeCountsCache(c context.Context, sid int64, tagIDs []int64) (counts map[int64]int32, err error) {
if len(tagIDs) == 0 {
key := keyLikeTagCounts(sid)
conn := dao.redis.Get(c)
defer conn.Close()
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key).AddFlat(tagIDs)
var tmpCounts []int
if tmpCounts, err = redis.Ints(conn.Do("HMGET", args...)); err != nil {
log.Error("redis.Ints(HMGET) key(%s) args(%v) error(%v)", key, args, err)
if len(tmpCounts) != len(tagIDs) {
counts = make(map[int64]int32, len(tagIDs))
for i, tagID := range tagIDs {
counts[tagID] = int32(tmpCounts[i])
// RawLike get like by id .
func (dao *Dao) RawLike(c context.Context, id int64) (res *like.Item, err error) {
res = new(like.Item)
row := dao.db.QueryRow(c, _likeSQL, id)
if err = row.Scan(&res.ID, &res.Sid, &res.Type, &res.Mid, &res.Wid, &res.State, &res.StickTop, &res.Ctime, &res.Mtime); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikeByID:QueryRow")
// LikeListMoreLid get likes data with greater than lid
func (dao *Dao) LikeListMoreLid(c context.Context, lid int64) (res []*like.Item, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = dao.db.Query(c, _likeMoreLidSQL, lid); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikeListMoreLid:dao.db.Query()")
defer rows.Close()
res = make([]*like.Item, 0, 1000)
for rows.Next() {
a := &like.Item{}
if err = rows.Scan(&a.ID, &a.Sid, &a.Type, &a.Mid, &a.Wid, &a.State, &a.StickTop, &a.Ctime, &a.Mtime); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikeListMoreLid:rows.Scan()")
res = append(res, a)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikeListMoreLid: rows.Err()")
// LikesBySid get sid all likes .
func (dao *Dao) LikesBySid(c context.Context, lid, sid int64) (res []*like.Item, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = dao.db.Query(c, _likesBySidSQL, lid, sid); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikesBySid:dao.db.Query()")
defer rows.Close()
res = make([]*like.Item, 0, 1000)
for rows.Next() {
a := &like.Item{}
if err = rows.Scan(&a.ID, &a.Sid, &a.Type, &a.Mid, &a.Wid, &a.State, &a.StickTop, &a.Ctime, &a.Mtime); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikesBySid:rows.Scan()")
res = append(res, a)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikesBySid:rows.Err()")
// IPReqquestCheck check ip has ben used or not .
func (dao *Dao) IPReqquestCheck(c context.Context, ip string) (val int, err error) {
var (
mcKey = ipRequestKey(ip)
conn =
item *memcache.Item
defer conn.Close()
if item, err = conn.Get(mcKey); err != nil {
if err == memcache.ErrNotFound {
err = nil
val = 0
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "IPReqquestCheck:conn.Get() error")
if err = conn.Scan(item, &val); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "IPReqquestCheck:conn.Scan() ")
// SetIPRequest set ip has been used
func (dao *Dao) SetIPRequest(c context.Context, ip string) (err error) {
var (
conn =
item = &memcache.Item{
Key: ipRequestKey(ip),
Expiration: dao.mcLikeIPExpire,
Flags: memcache.FlagRAW,
Value: []byte("1"),
defer conn.Close()
if err = conn.Set(item); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "SetIPRequest:conn.Set()")
// LikeCtime .
func (dao *Dao) LikeCtime(c context.Context, sid int64, start, end int) (res []int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListCtimeKey(sid)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64s(conn.Do("ZREVRANGE", key, start, end)); err != nil {
if err == redis.ErrNil {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Do(ZREVRANGE)")
// LikeRandom .
func (dao *Dao) LikeRandom(c context.Context, sid int64, start, end int) (res []int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListRandomKey(sid)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64s(conn.Do("ZREVRANGE", key, start, end)); err != nil {
if err == redis.ErrNil {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Do(ZREVRANGE)")
// LikeRandomCount .
func (dao *Dao) LikeRandomCount(c context.Context, sid int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListRandomKey(sid)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("ZCARD", key)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeRandomCount conn.Do(ZCARD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
// SetLikeRandom .
func (dao *Dao) SetLikeRandom(c context.Context, sid int64, ids []int64) (err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListRandomKey(sid)
defer conn.Close()
if len(ids) == 0 {
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for k, v := range ids {
args = args.Add(k + 1).Add(v)
if err = conn.Send("ZADD", args...); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Send(ZADD)")
if err = conn.Send("EXPIRE", key, dao.randomExpire); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Send(EXPIRE)")
if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Flush()")
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "conn.Receive(%d)", i)
// LikeCount .
func (dao *Dao) LikeCount(c context.Context, sid int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListCtimeKey(sid)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("ZCARD", key)); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeCount conn.Do(ZCARD, %s) error(%v)", key, err)
// LikeListCtime set like list by ctime.
func (dao *Dao) LikeListCtime(c context.Context, sid int64, items []*like.Item) (err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListCtimeKey(sid)
max = 0
defer conn.Close()
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for _, v := range items {
args = args.Add(v.Ctime).Add(v.ID)
if v.Type != 0 {
typeKey := likeListTypeCtimeKey(v.Type, sid)
typeArgs := redis.Args{}.Add(typeKey).Add(v.Ctime).Add(v.ID)
if err = conn.Send("ZADD", typeArgs...); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeListCtime:conn.Send(%v) error(%v)", v, err)
if err = conn.Send("ZADD", args...); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeListCtime:conn.Send(%v) error(%v)", items, err)
if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeListCtime:conn.Flush error(%v)", err)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil {
log.Error("LikeListCtime:conn.Receive(%d) error(%v)", i, err)
//DelLikeListCtime delete likeList Ctime cache .
func (dao *Dao) DelLikeListCtime(c context.Context, sid int64, items []*like.Item) (err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
key = likeListCtimeKey(sid)
max = 0
defer conn.Close()
args := redis.Args{}.Add(key)
for _, v := range items {
args = args.Add(v.ID)
if v.Type != 0 {
typeKey := likeListTypeCtimeKey(v.Type, sid)
if err = conn.Send("ZREM", typeKey, v.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("DelLikeListCtime:conn.Send(%v) error(%v)", v, err)
if err = conn.Send("ZREM", args...); err != nil {
log.Error("DelLikeListCtime:conn.Send(%v) error(%v)", args, err)
if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Error("DelLikeListCtime:conn.Flush error(%v)", err)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil {
log.Error("DelLikeListCtime:conn.Receive(%d) error(%v)", i, err)
// LikeMaxID get likes last id .
func (dao *Dao) LikeMaxID(c context.Context) (res *like.Item, err error) {
res = new(like.Item)
rows := dao.db.QueryRow(c, _likeMaxIDSQL)
if err = rows.Scan(&res.ID); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "LikeMaxID:QueryRow")
// GroupItemData like data.
func (dao *Dao) GroupItemData(c context.Context, sid int64, ck string) (data []*like.GroupItem, err error) {
var req *http.Request
if req, err = dao.client.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf(dao.likeItemURL, sid), metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP), url.Values{}); err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Cookie", ck)
var res struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data struct {
List []*like.GroupItem `json:"list"`
} `json:"data"`
if err = dao.client.Do(c, req, &res, dao.likeItemURL); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "LikeData dao.client.Do sid(%d)", sid)
if res.Code != ecode.OK.Code() {
err = errors.Wrapf(ecode.Int(res.Code), "LikeData sid(%d)", sid)
data = res.Data.List
// RawSourceItemData get source data.
func (dao *Dao) RawSourceItemData(c context.Context, sid int64) (sids []int64, err error) {
var res struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data struct {
List []*struct {
Data struct {
Sid string `json:"sid"`
} `json:"data"`
} `json:"list"`
} `json:"data"`
if err = dao.client.RESTfulGet(c, dao.sourceItemURL, metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP), url.Values{}, &res, sid); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "LikeData dao.client.RESTfulGet sid(%d)", sid)
if res.Code != ecode.OK.Code() {
err = errors.Wrapf(ecode.Int(res.Code), "LikeData sid(%d)", sid)
for _, v := range res.Data.List {
if sid, e := strconv.ParseInt(v.Data.Sid, 10, 64); e != nil {
} else {
sids = append(sids, sid)
// SourceItem get source data json raw message.
func (dao *Dao) SourceItem(c context.Context, sid int64) (source json.RawMessage, err error) {
var res struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
if err = dao.client.RESTfulGet(c, dao.sourceItemURL, metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP), url.Values{}, &res, sid); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "LikeData dao.client.RESTfulGet sid(%d)", sid)
if res.Code != ecode.OK.Code() {
err = errors.Wrapf(ecode.Int(res.Code), "LikeData sid(%d)", sid)
source = res.Data
// StoryLikeSum .
func (dao *Dao) StoryLikeSum(c context.Context, sid, mid int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryLikeKey(sid, mid, now)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("GET", key)); err != nil {
if err == redis.ErrNil {
err = nil
res = -1
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Do(get)")
// IncrStoryLikeSum .
func (dao *Dao) IncrStoryLikeSum(c context.Context, sid, mid int64, score int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryLikeKey(sid, mid, now)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("INCRBY", key, score)); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Do(get)")
// SetLikeSum .
func (dao *Dao) SetLikeSum(c context.Context, sid, mid int64, sum int64) (err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryLikeKey(sid, mid, now)
res bool
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Bool(conn.Do("SETNX", key, sum)); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Bool(SETNX)")
if res {
conn.Do("EXPIRE", key, 86400)
} else {
err = errors.New("redis.Bool(SETNX) res false")
// StoryEachLikeSum .
func (dao *Dao) StoryEachLikeSum(c context.Context, sid, mid, lid int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryEachLike(sid, mid, lid, now)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("GET", key)); err != nil {
if err == redis.ErrNil {
err = nil
res = -1
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Do(get)")
// IncrStoryEachLikeAct .
func (dao *Dao) IncrStoryEachLikeAct(c context.Context, sid, mid, lid int64, score int64) (res int64, err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryEachLike(sid, mid, lid, now)
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Int64(conn.Do("INCRBY", key, score)); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Do(get)")
// SetEachLikeSum .
func (dao *Dao) SetEachLikeSum(c context.Context, sid, mid, lid int64, sum int64) (err error) {
var (
conn = dao.redis.Get(c)
now = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
key = keyStoryEachLike(sid, mid, lid, now)
res bool
defer conn.Close()
if res, err = redis.Bool(conn.Do("SETNX", key, sum)); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "redis.Bool(SETNX)")
if res {
conn.Do("EXPIRE", key, 86400)
} else {
err = errors.New("redis.Bool(SETNX) res false")
// ListFromES .
func (dao *Dao) ListFromES(c context.Context, sid int64, order string, ps, pn int, seed int64) (res *like.ListInfo, err error) {
actResult := new(struct {
Result []struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Wid int64 `json:"wid"`
Ctime xtime.Time `json:"ctime"`
Sid int64 `json:"sid"`
Type int `json:"type"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
State int `json:"state"`
Mtime xtime.Time `json:"mtime"`
Likes int64 `json:"likes"`
Click int64 `json:"click"`
Coin int64 `json:"coin"`
Share int64 `json:"share"`
Reply int64 `json:"reply"`
Dm int64 `json:"dm"`
Fav int64 `json:"fav"`
} `json:"result"`
Page *like.Page `json:"page"`
req :="sid", sid).WhereEq("state", 1).Ps(ps).Pn(pn)
if order != "" {
req.Order(order, elastic.OrderDesc)
if seed > 0 {
req.OrderRandomSeed(time.Unix(seed, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
req.Fields("id", "sid", "wid", "mid", "type", "ctime", "mtime", "state", "click", "likes", "coin", "share", "reply", "dm", "fav")
if err = req.Scan(c, &actResult); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "req.Scan")
if len(actResult.Result) == 0 {
res = &like.ListInfo{Page: actResult.Page, List: make([]*like.List, 0, len(actResult.Result))}
for _, v := range actResult.Result {
a := &like.List{
Likes: v.Likes,
Click: v.Click,
Coin: v.Coin,
Share: v.Share,
Reply: v.Reply,
Dm: v.Dm,
Fav: v.Fav,
Item: &like.Item{
ID: v.ID,
Wid: v.Wid,
Ctime: v.Ctime,
Sid: v.Sid,
Type: v.Type,
Mid: v.Mid,
State: v.State,
Mtime: v.Mtime,
res.List = append(res.List, a)
// MultiTags .
func (dao *Dao) MultiTags(c context.Context, wids []int64) (tagList map[int64][]string, err error) {
if len(wids) == 0 {
var res struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data map[int64][]*like.Tag `json:"data"`
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("aids", xstr.JoinInts(wids))
if err = dao.client.Get(c, dao.tagURL, "", params, &res); err != nil {
log.Error("MultiTags:dao.client.Get(%s) error(%+v)", dao.tagURL, err)
if res.Code != ecode.OK.Code() {
err = ecode.Int(res.Code)
tagList = make(map[int64][]string, len(res.Data))
for k, v := range res.Data {
if len(v) == 0 {
tagList[k] = make([]string, 0, len(v))
for _, val := range v {
tagList[k] = append(tagList[k], val.Name)
// OidInfoFromES .
func (dao *Dao) OidInfoFromES(c context.Context, oids []int64, sType int) (res map[int64]*like.Item, err error) {
actResult := new(struct {
Result []struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Wid int64 `json:"wid"`
Ctime xtime.Time `json:"ctime"`
Sid int64 `json:"sid"`
Type int `json:"type"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
State int `json:"state"`
Mtime xtime.Time `json:"mtime"`
Likes int64 `json:"likes"`
Click int64 `json:"click"`
Coin int64 `json:"coin"`
Share int64 `json:"share"`
Reply int64 `json:"reply"`
Dm int64 `json:"dm"`
Fav int64 `json:"fav"`
} `json:"result"`
Page *like.Page `json:"page"`
req :="wid", oids).WhereEq("type", sType)
req.Fields("id", "sid", "wid", "mid", "type", "ctime", "mtime", "state")
if err = req.Scan(c, &actResult); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "req.Scan")
if len(actResult.Result) == 0 {
res = make(map[int64]*like.Item, len(actResult.Result))
for _, v := range actResult.Result {
res[v.Wid] = &like.Item{
ID: v.ID,
Wid: v.Wid,
Ctime: v.Ctime,
Sid: v.Sid,
Type: v.Type,
Mid: v.Mid,
State: v.State,
Mtime: v.Mtime,