2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

195 lines
5.2 KiB

package http
import (
appsrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/app"
auditsrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/audit"
gobsrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/goblin"
hissrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/history"
secsrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/search"
viewsrv "go-common/app/interface/main/tv/service/view"
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
var (
favSvc *favorite.Service
tvSvc *appsrv.Service
viewSvc *viewsrv.Service
auditSvc *auditsrv.Service
gobSvc *gobsrv.Service
secSvc *secsrv.Service
thirdpSvc *thirdp.Service
tvVipSvc *tvvip.Service
authSvc *auth.Auth
vfySvc *verify.Verify
hisSvc *hissrv.Service
pgcSvc *pgc.Service
signCfg *conf.AuditSign
// Init init http sever instance.
func Init(c *conf.Config) {
signCfg = c.Cfg.AuditSign
// init outer router
engineOut := bm.NewServer(c.HTTPServer)
engineOut.Use(bm.Recovery(), bm.Trace(), bm.Logger(), bm.Mobile())
if err := engineOut.Start(); err != nil {
log.Error("engineOut.Start error(%v)", err)
func parseInt(value string) int64 {
intval, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
intval = 0
return intval
func takeBuild(req url.Values) {
buildStr := req.Get("build")
if buildStr != "" {
if tvSvc.TVAppInfo.Build != buildStr {
tvSvc.TVAppInfo.Build = buildStr
platStr := req.Get("platform")
if platStr != "" {
if tvSvc.TVAppInfo.Platform != platStr {
tvSvc.TVAppInfo.Platform = buildStr
mobiStr := req.Get("mobi_app")
if mobiStr != "" {
if tvSvc.TVAppInfo.MobiApp != mobiStr {
tvSvc.TVAppInfo.MobiApp = mobiStr
func outerRouter(e *bm.Engine) {
tv := e.Group("/x/tv", bm.CORS(), bm.CSRF())
e.GET("/x/tv/vip/order/guest_create", authSvc.User, createGuestOrder)
app := tv.Group("", authSvc.Guest) // the public group
// app pages
app.GET("/homepage", homepage)
app.GET("/zonepage", zonePage)
app.GET("/zone_index", zoneIdx)
app.GET("/media_detail", mediaDetail)
app.GET("/modpage", modpage)
// app functions
app.GET("/upgrade", upgrade)
app.GET("/splash", splash)
app.GET("/recommend", recommend)
app.GET("/suggest", searchSug)
app.GET("/hotword", hotword)
app.GET("/history", history)
// dangbei page
app.GET("/dangbei", dbeiPage)
// video audit status check
app.GET("/loadep", loadEP)
app.GET("/labels", labels)
aud := e.Group("/x/tv/audit", bm.CSRF()) // license owner audit related functions
aud.POST("", audit)
aud.POST("/transcode", vfySvc.Verify, transcode)
aud.POST("/apply/pgc", vfySvc.Verify, applyPGC)
pgc := e.Group("/x/tv/pgc", bm.CSRF(), authSvc.Guest)
pgc.GET("/view", mDetailV2)
ugc := e.Group("/x/tv/ugc", bm.CSRF(), authSvc.Guest) // the APIs dedicated for ugc
ugc.GET("/view", view)
ugc.GET("/load_video", loadVideo)
ugc.GET("/playurl", ugcPlayurl)
search := e.Group("/x/tv/search", bm.CSRF(), authSvc.Guest) // the APIs for search
search.GET("/types", searchTypes)
search.GET("", searchResult)
wild := search.Group("/wild")
wild.GET("", searchAll) // 综合搜索
wild.GET("user", userSearch) // 按用户搜索
wild.GET("pgc", pgcSearch) // pgc番剧影视
fav := e.Group("/x/tv/favorites", bm.CSRF(), authSvc.Guest)
fav.GET("", favorites)
fav.POST("/act", favAct)
mango := e.Group("/x/tv/mango", bm.CSRF())
mango.GET("/recom", mangoRecom)
third := e.Group("/x/tv/third", bm.CSRF())
third.GET("/pgc/season", mangoSnPage)
third.GET("/pgc/ep", mangoEpPage)
third.GET("/ugc/archive", mangoArcPage)
third.GET("/ugc/video", mangoVideoPage)
idx := e.Group("/x/tv/index", bm.CSRF(), authSvc.Guest)
idx.GET("/pgc", pgcIdx)
idx.GET("/ugc", ugcIdx)
tv.GET("/region", region) // all region info
vip := e.Group("/x/tv/vip", bm.CSRF())
vip.GET("/user/info", authSvc.UserMobile, vipInfo)
vip.GET("/user/yst_info", ystVipInfo)
vip.GET("/panel/user", authSvc.UserMobile, panelInfo)
vip.GET("/panel/guest", authSvc.Guest, guestPanelInfo)
vip.POST("/order/qr", authSvc.UserMobile, createQr)
vip.POST("/order/guest_qr", authSvc.Guest, createGuestQr)
vip.GET("/order/create", authSvc.Guest, createOrder)
vip.GET("/token/info", authSvc.UserMobile, tokenStatus)
vip.POST("/callback/pay", payCallback)
vip.POST("/callback/wx_contract", wxContractCallback)
// ping check db server ok.
func ping(c *bm.Context) {}
func initService(c *conf.Config) {
tvSvc = appsrv.New(c)
viewSvc = viewsrv.New(c)
favSvc = favorite.New(c)
auditSvc = auditsrv.New(c)
gobSvc = gobsrv.New(c)
secSvc = secsrv.New(c)
authSvc = auth.New(c.Auth)
vfySvc = verify.New(c.Verify)
hisSvc = hissrv.New(c)
thirdpSvc = thirdp.New(c)
pgcSvc = pgc.New(c)
tvVipSvc = tvvip.New(c)