Add missing translations

This commit is contained in:
Gizmo 2023-01-11 22:49:39 +08:00 committed by bd_
parent acdcaa991e
commit 51f7c5936d

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@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"boneproxy.foldout.advanced": "高级设置",
"": "目标",
"": "This prefab will be installed to the root menu of your avatar by default. Select a different menu or uncheck the component's enabled checkbox to prevent this.",
"": "Selected menu asset is not part of your avatar.",
"": "此预制体的菜单默认会安装Avatar的顶部菜单中. 如果不需要, 可以选择其他菜单或取消勾选启用复选框.",
"": "选择的菜单不属于当前Avatar.",
"menuinstall.installto": "安装到",
"menuinstall.installto.tooltip": "The controls for this prefab will be appended to this menu",
"menuinstall.installto.tooltip": "此预制体的的菜单将会安装到此菜单",
"menuinstall.selectmenu": "选择菜单",
"menuinstall.showcontents": "显示菜单内容",
"menuinstall.showcontents.notselected": "未选择菜单",
"menuinstall.showcontents.notselected": "未选择安装的菜单",
"menuinstall.devoptions": "预制体开发者选项",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_too_large" : "The icon set in the menu is too large than 256 pixels.",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_uncompressed" : "The icon set in the menu is not set for compression.",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_too_large" : "菜单图标过大, 图标应小于256像素.",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_uncompressed" : "菜单图标未设置压缩.",
"menuinstall.srcmenu": "安装的菜单",
"params.autodetect_header": " Autodetected Parameters ",
"params.autodetect_header": " 自动检测参数 ",
"params.internal": "内部",
"params.pb_prefix": "PhysBones前缀",
"params.syncmode": "同步模式",
@ -20,32 +20,32 @@
"params.default": "默认值",
"params.fieldname": "字段名",
"params.remapto": "映射到...",
"params.remapto.tooltip": "Enter a new name for this parameter here to resolve name conflicts",
"params.remapto.tooltip": "输入新的字段名以防止参数命名冲突",
"params.devmode": "显示预制体开发者选项",
"merge_armature.merge_target": "合并目标",
"merge_armature.merge_target.tooltip": "The armature (or subtree) to merge this object into",
"merge_armature.merge_target.tooltip": "将当前对象合并到合并目标中",
"merge_armature.prefix": "骨骼前缀",
"merge_armature.prefix.tooltip": "Prefix expected on bones in this merged armature",
"merge_armature.prefix.tooltip": "合并目标的骨骼的前缀",
"merge_armature.suffix": "骨骼后缀",
"merge_armature.suffix.tooltip": "Suffix expected on bones in this merged armature",
"merge_armature.suffix.tooltip": "合并目标的骨骼的后缀",
"merge_armature.locked": "锁定位置",
"merge_armature.locked.tooltip": "Lock the position of this armature's bones to the target armature (and vice versa). Useful for creating animations.",
"merge_armature.locked.tooltip": "将当前对象的骨架与合并目标的骨架锁定, 用于动画的创建.",
"merge_armature.adjust_names": "根据合并目标调整骨骼名称",
"merge_armature.adjust_names.tooltip": "Changes bone names to match the target avatar. Useful for porting outfits from one avatar to another.",
"merge_armature.adjust_names.tooltip": "根据合并目标调整骨骼名称, 通常用于与Avatar不兼容的服装.",
"path_mode.Relative": "对象的相对路径",
"path_mode.Absolute": "绝对路径 (基于Avatar的Root)",
"merge_animator.animator": "合并的目标动画器",
"merge_animator.layer_type": "Layer类型",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator": "删除额外的动画器",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator.tooltip": "Delete the animator attached to this object after merging",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator": "删除额外的Animator",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator.tooltip": "合并后删除当前对象上的Animator",
"merge_animator.path_mode": "路径模式",
"merge_animator.path_mode.tooltip": "How to interpret paths in animations. Using relative mode lets you record animations from an animator on this object.",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults": "匹配Avatar的 Write Defaults设置",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults.tooltip": "Match the write defaults setting used on the avatar's animator. If the avatar's write defaults settings are inconsistent, the settings on the animator will be left alone.",
"fpvisible.normal": "This object will be visible in your first person view.",
"fpvisible.NotUnderHead": "This component has no effect when not placed under the head bone.",
"": "This component is not compatible with the standalone Oculus Quest and will have no effect.",
"fpvisible.InPhysBoneChain": "This object is controlled by a Physics Bone chain and cannot be made visible in first person safely. Select the start of the chain instead.",
"merge_animator.path_mode.tooltip": "在动画中路径的工作模式. 使用相对路径可以让你在对象上录制动画.",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults": "匹配Avatar的WriteDefaults设置",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults.tooltip": "使用与Avatar匹配的WriteDefaults设置. 如果设置存在冲突, 将保持目标动画器的设置.",
"fpvisible.normal": "当前对象在第一人称中可见.",
"fpvisible.NotUnderHead": "组件未生效, 因为此组件需要放置在Head骨骼下才能生效.",
"": "组件未生效, 因为此组件与Oculus Quest不兼容.",
"fpvisible.InPhysBoneChain": "当前对象由PhysicsBone控制, 可能无法在第一人称中可见; 请指定PhysicsBone链的起点.",
"blendshape.mesh": "网格",
"blendshape.source": "源形态键",
"": "目标形态键",
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
"boneproxy.err.MovingTarget": "您不能指定将由其他 Modular Avatar 组件移动的目标对象",
"boneproxy.err.NotInAvatar": "你必须指定一个在Avatar中的对象",
"boneproxy.attachment": "附加模式",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildAtRoot": "作为子物件, 放置于Root",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepWorldPosition": "作为子物件, 保持原有位置",
"": "This object will not be affected by PhysBones attached to parents.",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildAtRoot": "作为子对象, 放置于Root",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepWorldPosition": "作为子对象, 保持原有位置",
"": "当前对象不会受到附加的父对象的PhysBones的影响.",
"hint.bad_vrcsdk": "检测到不兼容的VRCSDK版本.\n\n请尝试升级VRCSDK; 如果这不起作用, 请尝试新版本的Modular Avatar."