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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.armature_lock;
using nadena.dev.ndmf.preview;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Jobs;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class ScaleAdjusterPreview : IRenderFilter
private static TogglablePreviewNode EnableNode = TogglablePreviewNode.Create(
() => "Scale Adjuster",
qualifiedName: "nadena.dev.modular-avatar/ScaleAdjusterPreview",
private static void StaticInit()
public IEnumerable<TogglablePreviewNode> GetPreviewControlNodes()
yield return EnableNode;
public bool IsEnabled(ComputeContext context)
return context.Observe(EnableNode.IsEnabled);
private static GameObject FindAvatarRootObserving(ComputeContext ctx, GameObject ptr)
while (ptr != null)
var xform = ptr.transform;
if (RuntimeUtil.IsAvatarRoot(xform)) return ptr;
ptr = xform.parent?.gameObject;
return null;
public ImmutableList<RenderGroup> GetTargetGroups(ComputeContext ctx)
var scaleAdjusters = ctx.GetComponentsByType<ModularAvatarScaleAdjuster>();
var avatarToRenderer =
new Dictionary<GameObject, HashSet<Renderer>>();
foreach (var root in ctx.GetAvatarRoots())
if (ctx.GetComponentsInChildren<ModularAvatarScaleAdjuster>(root, true).Length == 0)
if (ctx.GetAvatarRoot(root?.transform?.parent?.gameObject) != null)
continue; // nested avatar descriptor
var renderers = new HashSet<Renderer>();
avatarToRenderer.Add(root, renderers);
foreach (var renderer in root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>())
// For now, the preview system only supports MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer
if (renderer is not MeshRenderer and not SkinnedMeshRenderer) continue;
return avatarToRenderer.Select(kvp => RenderGroup.For(kvp.Value).WithData(kvp.Key)).ToImmutableList();
public Task<IRenderFilterNode> Instantiate(RenderGroup group, IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs,
ComputeContext context)
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(new ScaleAdjusterPreviewNode(context, group, proxyPairs));
internal class ScaleAdjusterPreviewNode : IRenderFilterNode
private readonly HashSet<Transform> _knownProxies = new();
private readonly GameObject SourceAvatarRoot;
private readonly GameObject VirtualAvatarRoot;
private TransformAccessArray _srcBones;
private TransformAccessArray _dstBones;
private NativeArray<bool> _boneIsValid;
private NativeArray<TransformState> _boneStates;
// Map from bones found in initial proxy state to shadow bones
private readonly Dictionary<Transform, Transform> _shadowBoneMap;
// Map from bones found in initial proxy state to shadow bones (with scale adjuster bones substituted)
private readonly Dictionary<Transform, Transform> _finalBonesMap = new();
private readonly Dictionary<ModularAvatarScaleAdjuster, Transform> _scaleAdjusters =
private Dictionary<Renderer, Transform[]> _rendererBoneStates = new();
public ScaleAdjusterPreviewNode(ComputeContext context, RenderGroup group,
IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs)
var proxyPairList = proxyPairs.ToList();
var avatarRoot = group.GetData<GameObject>();
SourceAvatarRoot = avatarRoot;
var scene = NDMFPreviewSceneManager.GetPreviewScene();
var priorScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
var bonesSet = GetSourceBonesSet(context, proxyPairList);
var bones = bonesSet.OrderBy(k => k.gameObject.name).ToArray();
Transform[] sourceBones;
Transform[] destinationBones;
VirtualAvatarRoot = new GameObject(avatarRoot.name + " [ScaleAdjuster]");
_shadowBoneMap = CreateShadowBones(bones);
sourceBones = new Transform[_shadowBoneMap.Count];
destinationBones = new Transform[_shadowBoneMap.Count];
var i = 0;
foreach (var (src, dst) in _shadowBoneMap)
sourceBones[i] = src;
destinationBones[i] = dst;
_srcBones = new TransformAccessArray(sourceBones);
_dstBones = new TransformAccessArray(destinationBones);
_boneIsValid = new NativeArray<bool>(sourceBones.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
_boneStates = new NativeArray<TransformState>(sourceBones.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
private HashSet<Transform> GetSourceBonesSet(ComputeContext context, List<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs)
var bonesSet = new HashSet<Transform>();
foreach (var (_, r) in proxyPairs)
if (r == null) continue;
var rootBone = context.Observe(r, r_ => (r_ as SkinnedMeshRenderer)?.rootBone) ?? r.transform;
var smr = r as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (smr == null) continue;
foreach (var b in context.Observe(smr, smr_ => smr_.bones, Enumerable.SequenceEqual))
if (b != null)
return bonesSet;
private void FindScaleAdjusters(ComputeContext context)
foreach (var (sa, proxy) in _scaleAdjusters.ToList())
// Note: We leak the proxy here, as destroying it can cause visual artifacts. They'll eventually get
// cleaned up whenever the pipeline is fully reset, or when the scene is reloaded.
if (sa == null)
foreach (var kvp in _shadowBoneMap) _finalBonesMap[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
foreach (var scaleAdjuster in context.GetComponentsInChildren<ModularAvatarScaleAdjuster>(
SourceAvatarRoot.gameObject, true))
// If we don't find this in the map, we're not actually making use of this bone
if (!_shadowBoneMap.TryGetValue(scaleAdjuster.transform, out var shadowBone)) continue;
var proxyShadow = new GameObject("[Scale Adjuster Proxy]");
proxyShadow.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
proxyShadow.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
proxyShadow.transform.localScale = scaleAdjuster.Scale;
_scaleAdjusters[scaleAdjuster] = proxyShadow.transform;
_finalBonesMap[scaleAdjuster.transform] = proxyShadow.transform;
public Task<IRenderFilterNode> Refresh(IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs, ComputeContext context,
RenderAspects updatedAspects)
if (SourceAvatarRoot == null) return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(null);
// Clean any destroyed objects out of _knownProxies to avoid growing this set indefinitely
_knownProxies.RemoveWhere(p => p == null);
var proxyPairList = proxyPairs.ToList();
if (!GetSourceBonesSet(context, proxyPairList).SetEquals(_shadowBoneMap.Keys))
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(null);
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(this);
private Dictionary<Transform, Transform> CreateShadowBones(Transform[] srcBones)
var srcToDst = new Dictionary<Transform, Transform>();
for (var i = 0; i < srcBones.Length; i++) GetShadowBone(srcBones[i]);
return srcToDst;
Transform GetShadowBone(Transform srcBone)
if (srcBone == null) return null;
if (srcToDst.TryGetValue(srcBone, out var dstBone)) return dstBone;
var newBone = new GameObject(srcBone.name);
newBone.transform.SetParent(GetShadowBone(srcBone.parent) ?? VirtualAvatarRoot.transform);
newBone.transform.localPosition = srcBone.localPosition;
newBone.transform.localRotation = srcBone.localRotation;
newBone.transform.localScale = srcBone.localScale;
srcToDst[srcBone] = newBone.transform;
return newBone.transform;
private void TransferBoneStates()
var readTransforms = new ReadTransformsJob
BoneStates = _boneStates,
BoneIsValid = _boneIsValid
var writeTransforms = new WriteBoneStatesJob
BoneStates = _boneStates,
BoneIsValid = _boneIsValid
}.Schedule(_dstBones, readTransforms);
private struct ReadTransformsJob : IJobParallelForTransform
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> BoneStates;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<bool> BoneIsValid;
public void Execute(int index, TransformAccess transform)
BoneIsValid[index] = transform.isValid;
if (transform.isValid)
BoneStates[index] = new TransformState
localPosition = transform.position,
localRotation = transform.rotation,
localScale = transform.localScale
private struct WriteBoneStatesJob : IJobParallelForTransform
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> BoneStates;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<bool> BoneIsValid;
public void Execute(int index, TransformAccess transform)
if (BoneIsValid[index])
var state = BoneStates[index];
transform.position = state.localPosition;
transform.rotation = state.localRotation;
transform.localScale = state.localScale;
public RenderAspects WhatChanged => RenderAspects.Shapes;
public void OnFrameGroup()
foreach (var (sa, xform) in _scaleAdjusters)
if (sa != null && xform != null)
xform.localScale = sa.Scale;
public void OnFrame(Renderer original, Renderer proxy)
if (proxy == null) return;
var curParent = proxy.transform.parent ?? original.transform.parent;
if (curParent != null && _finalBonesMap.TryGetValue(curParent, out var newRoot))
// We need to remember this proxy so we can avoid destroying it when we destroy VirtualAvatarRoot
// in Dispose
proxy.transform.SetParent(newRoot, false);
var smr = proxy as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (smr == null) return;
var rootBone = _finalBonesMap.TryGetValue(smr.rootBone, out var newRootBone) ? newRootBone : smr.rootBone;
smr.rootBone = rootBone;
smr.bones = smr.bones.Select(b => b == null ? null : _finalBonesMap.GetValueOrDefault(b, b)).ToArray();
public void Dispose()
foreach (var proxy in _knownProxies)
if (proxy != null && proxy.IsChildOf(VirtualAvatarRoot.transform))
proxy.transform.SetParent(null, false);