This new implementation avoids creating any internal objects within the avatar
itself, instead creating them as hidden scene root objects. We also move all update
processing to be driven by camera callbacks as well. These changes help improve
compatibility with tools such as FaceEmo, as well as being less likely to break when
other tools manipulate the avatar's hierarchy directly.
Harmony patches were not being loaded for VRCSDK 3.4.x, causing some issues with component enabled state checkboxes being incorrect.
Additionally, we need to reset component states before assembly reload and scene save.
* fix: untranslated warning generated when multiple parameters remap to the same name
Fixed by allowing this case and applying normal parameter type resolution rules.
Closes: #694
* chore: enable accidentally disabled unit test
Changes in 1.9.0 broke existing avatars that used animators with
different default values than the MA Parameters fields. This change
makes overriding the animator defaults require an explicit configuration;
this is technically a change which would require a minor version bump,
but as this is addressing a major-version-level compatibility break in 1.9.0,
we're going to push this out at a minor version this time.
* opti(armature-lock): parallelize burst jobs for armature lock processing
* feat: continue armature tracking when the MAMA GameObject is disabled
Closes: #500
* feat: add global toggle for armature locking
Closes: #484
* add referenced assembly
* remove unused usings
* MA Merge Blend Tree is VRC specific
because it expects VRC style Animator Layer setup
* PruneParametersPass is VRChat specific
* fix: use FindAvatarTransformInParents() to be more cross platform
* fix MergeArmatureHook: nop logic for PhysBones if we do not dedup PhysBones
* fix AnimatorCombiner: ignore VRC components when non-VRC
btw, is AnimatorCombiner VRC specific?
* conditional compile some VRChat specific tests
* chore: refactor state machine clone logic out as a separate class
* feat: add layer priority and relative path root options to Merge Animator
* feat: add Merge Blend Tree component
* chore: adjust NDMF dependency
* docs: update merge-animator docs
* docs: merge blend tree docs